WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #13

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I have to say I'm disgusted with Grandma S and disgusted with SO. These are two people who clearly have a close relationship with JB and I see zero effort, outside of a stinking FB page, to excert any effort on JB to cooperate with LE and find this child.

Have they passed out fliers?

Have they spoken with LE?

Have they encouraged JB to participate in the search for her child? A child THEY clearly helped push away from their dad and into the dangerous situation with JB?

Have they encouraged JB to get help for her illness? Or did they/do they continue to help enable her denial turning their back to the dangers these children faced while in the custody and care of Julia?

Who in their right mind would ignore the advise and diagnoses of medical professionals? Seriously, these children were in danger and an entire group of people chose to ignore that. Not just the courts, but friends and family who chose to believe Julia over medical professionals.

Someone needs to get the courage and backbone to insist, no demand, Julia start cooperating and stop coddling and enabling her!

My heart breaks for Sky, M and their daddy.
I am really concerned. I sincerely believe Julia has done something to/with Sky. I honestly don't think this adorable little man is still alive. I hope that Julia is being monitored closely right now. I have a feeling she is going to try to kill herself and then we may never find this child.

It sounds as if her family is not much of a support system and with her tendency to isolate herself, suicide is real concern I would think.

Sadly (Julia) dead or alive may not make a hoot of difference if she is planning on using the FCA approach. I'm appalled by these women who can disappear their child then sit back and infer "prove it". It surely worked for the Anthony's.

Not only that, why no pressure from her family?

If my child were missing, and I was not cooperating with LE and my family knew I had an attorney to protect my rights, I think, no, I know they'd really put a lot of pressure on me for answers. There is not a chance in he77 my family, and my sons godmother would not push me- even if it meant getting ugly- to work with LE.

I KNOW for a fact my family would be like, to he77 with protecting her - where is my grandson, my nephew, my godson?

Why is this family so quiet, and why are they coddling and protecting JB when someones nephew, someones grandchild, and likely someones godchild is missing?

Does ANY of Skys family and close friends besides SM care about Sky?

Why are they allowing JB to isolate herself and not pushing her to help find her son?


Cubby when my granddaughter was born last year I had a little heart to heart with my DD. I told her point blank I would turn on her or her DH in a heartbeat for the sake of that baby, if I ever needed to.

I can imagine that JB's family feels like they're stuck between a rock and a hard place with JB's particular brand of crazy* and her ridiculous account of Sky's last day but IMO they owe it to Sky and little M to step up and hold Julia accountable. Does their silence give us a glimpse of how someone becomes a JB?

*I'm not referring to her mental illness, I'm referring to the way she has treated the courts, her children, SM and supposedly her own mother that has nothing to do with MI and everything to do with a carpy attitude and bad disposition. I see her being selfish and hateful and I wish there was a law against it!

She reminds me of Stacey Barker. Breaks my heart for these babies.
FWIW..Dogs did not pick up any scent of Sky outside the car. If there was evidence Sky died in the car, I doubt they would have returned it to her brother.

This is an older article and some of the details may have changed. It says Julia didn't have her wallet with her but I believe it was later reported she did.


ETA: There is no proof she joined that dating site to sell herself. We later discovered she joined a Christian dating site as well and for all we know she's probably a member on others. The only possible connection I see with her membership to dating sites is someone taking advantage of her single mom status. Considering she's finger pointing the dad, I doubt it was someone she met online but who knows.

Well, it is a sugar daddy site where women can find a man to enter into an "arrangement" with. Julia's preferred "arrangement" was to be paid $3,000 to $5,000 per month.

If that's not selling herself, I don't know what is.
Well, it is a sugar daddy site where women can find a man to enter into an "arrangement" with. Julia's preferred "arrangement" was to be paid $3,000 to $5,000 per month.

If that's not selling herself, I don't know what is.

Pimping oneself out on Sugar Daddy's to an unknown man for a monthly sum is tantamount to prostitution IMO. It is also very dangerous as a Mother of two young children. VERY
sugardaddy site clearly shows JB listing an expected financial contribution from whoever she settled upon.

It is a more couth way to sell yourself than on the corner, but it is companionship for a price no matter how you pretty it up. MOO
No one in her family has requested M be placed with them either. They all seem content to either leave her in foster care or relinquish custody to SM.

I wonder if they believe the kids belong with SM? By not offering to take in lil M they are also keeping her away from JB. :waitasec:

Way back when LE said some of JB's family was working with them but didn't want to be named. Does she have family in the area other than her mother and her brother?
Sadly (Julia) dead or alive may not make a hoot of difference if she is planning on using the FCA approach. I'm appalled by these women who can disappear their child then sit back and infer "prove it". It surely worked for the Anthony's.

Cubby when my granddaughter was born last year I had a little heart to heart with my DD. I told her point blank I would turn on her or her DH in a heartbeat for the sake of that baby, if I ever needed to.

I can imagine that JB's family feels like they're stuck between a rock and a hard place with JB's particular brand of crazy* and her ridiculous account of Sky's last day but IMO they owe it to Sky and little M to step up and hold Julia accountable. Does their silence give us a glimpse of how someone becomes a JB?

*I'm not referring to her mental illness, I'm referring to the way she has treated the courts, her children, SM and supposedly her own mother that has nothing to do with MI and everything to do with a carpy attitude and bad disposition. I see her being selfish and hateful and I wish there was a law against it!

She reminds me of Stacey Barker. Breaks my heart for these babies.

Your granddaughter is lucky Lcoastmom. On one hand I can understand JB's family not having the knowledge to know how to help, but for crying out loud, umpteen doctors came to the same dx for Julia. This wasn't pretend. It wasn't make believe. It wasn't some consipiracy concocted by SM, despite Julia's cries that 'everyone was against' her.

There were children involved here. There is NO excuse in my book for someone who has no knowledge, to not go and SEEK that knowledge, especially when children are involved.

I can even understand family being far too emotionally involved to have the clarity to see beyond the easiest and softest way to approach this/JB's problems, but that is where people like Grandma S and SO come into play, in my book. Those who are NOT family and not as emotionally involved need to step up to the plate and demand answers be sought into what happened to Sky and ensure whomever is responsible for harming him, face justice, friend or not!

What's the saying:

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing- Edmund Burke.

Now it is time for the good people in Sky's life to DO SOMETHING to ensure evil does not triumph, even if that source of evil came directly from Sky's mother.

It certainly does make me wonder about Grandma S (now that we know where the relationship started and why). She advocated for the kids, albeit on Julia's behalf, for quite some time. I hope she's just doing it quietly and supporting SM at church.
Did she advocate for them though or for Julia? I think its possible she believes her daughter is the complete innocent and her SIL is a monster if JB is as manipulative as I believe she is.

sugardaddy site clearly shows JB listing an expected financial contribution from whoever she settled upon.

It is a more couth way to sell yourself than on the corner, but it is companionship for a price no matter how you pretty it up. MOO

My thoughts exactly!
some of the posters over at the FB page are trying to register and having trouble getting the site to accept their email accounts.

I will try to find out what the issue is and help them find their way.

They are having trouble registering here at WS?

If so, WS only accepts IP email addresses. WS does not allow members to register with free email addresses such as yahoo, hotmail.... they should have no problem getting registered if they do so with their IP provided email addy.

Did she advocate for them though or for Julia? I think its possible she believes her daughter is the complete innocent and her SIL is a monster if JB is as manipulative as I believe she is.


Grandma S is not Julia's mother. She is an older friend whom Julia met through the church she and SM belonged to. Court docs? or msm indicate this friend at one time tried to act as a 3rd party during exchanges, or had tried to counsel them at some point but it got to be too much so she discontinued that 'role'. According to court docs she spoke on behalf of JB being a fit parent who should have primary custody of her children.

The above is from memory, if any of the above is inaccurate, someone please correct.

Grandma S is not Julia's mother. She is an older friend whom Julia met through the church she and SM belonged to. Court docs? or msm indicate this friend at one time tried to act as a 3rd party during exchanges, or had tried to counsel them at some point but it got to be too much so she discontinued that 'role'. According to court docs she spoke on behalf of JB being a fit parent who should have primary custody of her children.

The above is from memory, if any of the above is inaccurate, someone please correct.

Thanks Cubby - the initials are losing me. For the longest time every time I saw 'JB' I kept thinking Baez! :furious:

So...SO and Grandma S are basically friends of the family? SB is the brother? What are her mother's initials so I don't make the same mistake again. TIA!
Happy Saturday everyone. This is kind of O/T but related to this situation. Yesterday while out shopping (I SWEAR I only bought a Sonicare toothbrush and TP -got a good deal on both!), I was in the parking lot in my car and looking up stuff on my Smartphone. Then a car nearby started up with the security BEEP BEEP that went on and on. After a few minutes, I looked around, and saw that security was near the car in question, and that alas there was a little girl in the front seat -alone. She looked to be in my best guestimation about 7 or 8 -no older. So she is sitting in the honking beeping car just looking around like she didn't know what to do. I observed the male security guy to approach the car, but the girl did NOT open window or door. She just looked a bit scared. I did not involve myself, but was watching the situation closely...just to make sure the girl was, "ok."

So the car kept on beeping loudly (my dogs were annoyed!!!!), with child inside for 12 minutes. Believe me, it was a long 12 minutes. I saw the security guy on the walkie, perhaps they did an overheard alert in the store. So then the Mom comes out with a couple of shopping bags and acted like "no biggy" and hopped in her car and left. Who knows how long the girl was in there...I know it was at least 14 minutes from the time the car started alarming.

the whole thing bothered me -no police were called, no consequences to the mother -and I guarantee you she will leave her kid in the car the next time too. Leaving a little girl when thousands of people are in "Black Friday" mode (take that how you want....lol)

I was curious as to what ya'll think, tho don't want to hijack the thread. At what age is it perfectly fine to leave your kid in the car alone?
I meant at what age of the child... not like, "well, once you turn 30, then it's okay to leave your kid..."lol
Did she advocate for them though or for Julia? I think its possible she believes her daughter is the complete innocent and her SIL is a monster if JB is as manipulative as I believe she is.


If that email was from JB's mother she said that Julia had been killing her for years. (Very melodramatic but probably true if everything in SM's court docs are to be believed.)

The "friend" who was acting as a facilitator in the exchange from hell tapes did nothing to help the kids and kept telling SM she couldn't do it anymore because it was too emotional. Yeah, Julia whipping little M into hysterics was very emotional but that wasn't SM's fault! IMO that was all JB, yet I never heard her telling JB to knock it the he77 off like I wanted to!
I think it is 12 or 13 but I don't know if it varies from area to area.
Thanks Cubby - the initials are losing me. For the longest time every time I saw 'JB' I kept thinking Baez! :furious:

So...SO and Grandma S are basically friends of the family? SB is the brother? What are her mother's initials so I don't make the same mistake again. TIA!

LOL on JB equating to Baez.

You have the above second paragraph accurate. Julia's brother is SB. SO and Grandma S are friends of the family. Julia's mothers initials are NB.

I have to say I'm disgusted with Grandma S and disgusted with SO. These are two people who clearly have a close relationship with JB and I see zero effort, outside of a stinking FB page, to excert any effort on JB to cooperate with LE and find this child.

Have they passed out fliers?

Have they spoken with LE?

Have they encouraged JB to participate in the search for her child? A child THEY clearly helped push away from their dad and into the dangerous situation with JB?

Have they encouraged JB to get help for her illness? Or did they/do they continue to help enable her denial turning their back to the dangers these children faced while in the custody and care of Julia?

Who in their right mind would ignore the advise and diagnoses of medical professionals? Seriously, these children were in danger and an entire group of people chose to ignore that. Not just the courts, but friends and family who chose to believe Julia over medical professionals.

Someone needs to get the courage and backbone to insist, no demand, Julia start cooperating and stop coddling and enabling her!

My heart breaks for Sky, M and their daddy.


Given that I don't know SO, I don't know what she has done. Maybe she has spoken with JB - which would probably fall on deaf ears. She has, IIRC, spoken with LE and took a polygraph. I don't understand the disgust for her, currently. She may not be doing things the way we would, but that's on her. She has to live what she has or has not done in the search for Sky.

No one, unfortunately, can make Julia start cooperating with LE. Does it make her look guilty to hide behind her constitutional right? Absolutely! Look at what "demanding cooperation" did for Casey Anthony -- she said not one word, well, other than lies.
some of the posters over at the FB page are trying to register and having trouble getting the site to accept their email accounts.

I will try to find out what the issue is and help them find their way.

Interesting...I thought about joining myself to see if there is a Scottsdale connection, but scrapped the idea. What would I put on my profile, "SWF seeks the Truth! And a new toothbrush would be swell:) ..."
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