WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #13

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I think it`s interesting that some believe everything SM says about her but now that we`re finally getting to know a little more about him, it`s considered ``hogwash``.

Not true. If you go back to the beginning of the thread, many of us speculated that Julia was telling the truth about the abuse. When more information came out, however, many of us backed off that view.

But she was not in an orphanage. I don't believe anyone would do electroshock for "punitive reasons" in either Russia or Ukraine.

Yes. That's kind of what I was inferring. I was saying that western Europe frowns on many forms of treatment we think is okay and that electroshock therapy is strictly limited in many western European countries.

In fact, upon looking further, it appears the U.S. and the U.K. lead in such therapy.

I then said, however, based on corruption, post-communist principles, poverty and the attitude toward those thought to have "defects" in Eastern Europe, perhaps such a scenario could be plausible there. It is much more plausible there then, say, in Germany.

But what I linked to was an article about electro shock therapy being used specifically as a punishment. And that was HERE, in the U.S. just a few years ago, according to the link.

Thanks for the link but sounds like an opinionated piece by the blogger. It includes other political motivated issues and it`s clear to me that the writer has an agenda.

I`d like to see the real court documents.

You know what, you are right. I looked back at the link and it is from a site that is all about anti-false dv allegations, or whatever.

However, somewhere on one of our earlier threads, I heard of a similar report. That there were concerns about commissioners in WA, Jeske being one, IIRC. And please don't ask me to search for it! Hopefully, the poster will recall and bring it up.

I also notice that there are others who have complained about this commissioner being anti-male. I can't say that it is true, or not. But men are often not believed in such situations, especially when they are dark-skinned and from a Muslim country. We are in a post-911 world.

Whatever his faults may be, it just doesn't make any sense to me that he'd have snatched Sky from the car, and Julia had coincidentally, independently but conveniently for him, arranged it so that no one had seen Sky for ages before that.

Thank you. It's just not logical at all. And it's why, IMO, the focus of LE is on her , not him.


<modsnip>. First of all, the diagnosis was not just OCD according to what Solomon reported the custody evaluator found, but severe OCD. Also, she was diagnosed with bi- polar disorder and depression, according to the reports.

Respectfully, I feel pretty confident that, from the beginning of this thread, most sleuthers on this board held open all possibilities, tossing out various scenarios, and, as more and more facts began to present themselves, started to lean in one direction more than another.

I truly believe that everyone on this board wholeheartedly wants to help with this case and bring some resolution to Sky's family....whatever form that might take.

True, SM has an affect that is unfamiliar to some people and might make them uneasy (and I DO think, btw, some of that is gender-based with his soft voice and passive demeanor). But there is simply no indication that he has anything to do with Sky's disappearance. With JB, it's the complete opposite.

The only thing that might point to SM as a perpetrator is that he was involved in a heated divorce and custody battle and now the child in the middle of that has gone missing. Those factors also point to JB, though, and she has much, much more going against her than SM does. That said, I get the impression that most people on this board feel SM is the victim of abuse and a smear campaign at the hands of JB. And, I'm not comfortable sanctioning that.

Great post.

If you don`t mind, I`d like to add that M is still in foster care and he`s only allowed supervised visitation resulting from a restraining order by CPS.

If this guy was cleared and there was nothing to suggest he had anything to do with this case and he was totally innocent from harming his children, I would think he would have custody by now.

Like I said, when LE says he`s ruled out, I`ll feel more comfortable but right now, I`m left with this suspicion about him. Whether it has anything to do with Sky, I do not know but there is something bothering me.

Several people have explained this. First of all, there is still a dv restraining order against him. That must be cleared before the juvenile dependency court grants him custody. That is the law. And that is unrelated to the disappearance of Sky or whether Solomon is connected to it. That occurred long before Sky went missing.

Second, it has been reported that since Solomon has not seen his child for 10 months, a period of re-establishing the parental relationship is warranted. That is very typical and is in the best interest of children according to most courts.

Third, and again (I have clarified this before), CPS did not issue the restraining order. They do not have the power to. The family law court did. CPS is unconnected to family court. They are connected to juvenile dependency court. ETA: In fact, according to Solomon, LE and CPS cleared him of abuse of the children. But it was family court that decided he should not have custody, not CPS.

Fourth, and importantly, according to Solomon and his attorney, he was not to have visitation until he completed a variety of time-consuming, costly and lengthy programs, mostly dv programs. He has not been able to afford to do those yet.

The decision not to grant him immediate custody of M has zilch to do with the disappearance of his son at this stage and I believe he will have custody within a few months, based on my analysis of the case as a family law attorney.
I have a brother-in-law that had severe depression. He tried EST here in the good ole USA about 13 years ago. He volunteered because they had tried every known depression medication, and none were working for him. The EST gave him short-term memory loss, and he eventually gave up trying that form of therapy. He finally found a medication that worked for him; and we were all thrilled. However, 8 years ago, we found out the hard way that the medication was no longer working.

Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear that.
You can have your suspicion, that's fine. I just don't share it. LE can't rule anyone out right now when they don't know what happened, when Sky disappeared, or where he is. They can't even rule me out! You can't give a rock-solid alibi for what may be 2+ months' time. They can't rule him out, but they're not really looking at him either.

He doesn't have full custody right now because it would be completely ridiculous to return ANY child to ANY parent who hasn't seen her in almost a year, especially when her sibling is missing and goodness only knows what the perpetrator might do if they know where she is. They're trying to reunite SM with M. in a way that is the least traumatic for her. Other sleuthers -- wasn't that restraining order tossed out? Or was that a different one?

BBM ~ Had to laugh, that is exactly what I was thinking.:crazy:
The decision not to grant him immediate custody of M has zilch to do with the disappearance of his son at this stage and I believe he will have custody within a few months, based on my analysis of the case as a family law attorney.

Ca-Ching! You're awesome. Thanks for this great post (respectfully edited -- that last part was just so delicious).
Oh I know LE hasn`t ruled out any theories but Solomon has never been looked at as a possible perpetrator by many here on this board.

I realize he`s not the one who left Sky in the car and he hadn`t seen his children in 10 months but custody issues can be brutal.

I`ve always felt an uneasiness when watching him on tv. Gut feeling, I guess.

And no it has nothing to do with his gender nor his nationality.

Posters don't have to look at SM as a possible perp if the evidence doesn't lead them there. Each poster has the right and the opportunity to look at the evidence, MSM discussion, LE discussion, etc. and determine FOR THEMSELVES who they might think could be a possible perp.

If you think SM is, that's fine. That's how things are working out for you. BUT you don't get to tell others that they are wrong, because they don't agree with you or see it your way. They get to see it their own way - and obviously you don't agree with them. That's okay.

Everyone - please remember that SM is considered a victim in this case as a family member of Sky. You may discuss his interviews, his public appearances and MSM articles and LE discussion about him, but it needs to remain respectful.

If anyone has any questions, you may send myself or any of the mods a pm to discuss them.


Please explain to me how all this name discussion relates to Sky missing. It is beginning to sound racist and bigoted and I'm about to remove all those posts.


Does he still own his business? Is it still operating?

I can't find it now but I just read something the other day that confirmed he still owns and runs the store. :waitasec:

This isn't the article I was thinking of but it'll have to do for now...

A man who answered the phone at King Street Kafe and Market, a shop Metalwala owns in Seattle's Pioneer Square neighborhood, referred calls to a Leslie Clay Terry III, a lawyer who represented the couple in the reckless endangerment case.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...aves-unlocked-car-Bellevue.html#ixzz1eafQ5Yok
What matters to me with this case is that Sky is missing and may have been missing since October 1, 2011. Although I don't want to think it could be that long, but it seems there is a larger time-frame that this precious child has been gone. I want to shorten it perhaps to mid October, but even that is a long time because it would then reflect a MONTH.

What Solomon did when he met Julia, is not going to solve this case and will only point fingers when it is now, IMO, "water under the bridge."

In so many cases of divorce and child custody, the ugly of the ugliest comes out and the only way anyone is going to know the truth, is if at the mediation, everyone was set up with a polygraph or perhaps injected with truth serum to get the true facts.

Clearly Julia has problems, to whatever degree she has them, and Solomon has his own issues by putting up with Julia until he could no longer put up with them.

All their problems is not bringing Sky home. This child is out there somewhere and it is going to take an army plus to walk the land across this community and outskirts to find this child.

Although Miss M maybe able to help at some point, but I feel this child has been emotionally abused and it just may take a lot of time to see what she may say.

It is very clear Miss M, was a big caregiver for Sky, and perhaps had no choice but to help him along the way when they were alone. Miss M must be feeling the loss of her little brother and so very confused.

Sometimes I could hear her saying: "I not use to playing all over the house, or sleeping in a bed that is not on the floor, or not having to take so many showers, or having to stay in bed all the time." Her little voice haunts me and I never heard her speak a word.

Where is SKY????

You have said just what I have been thinking. While the past plays some into what happened, going back and forth over it does not locate Sky. Big thanks for this post!
Question: When LE says they suspect "foul play" -- can that mean any number of things such as kidnapping, parental kidnapping, etc. Or does that only mean murder?
Please explain to me how all this name discussion relates to Sky missing. It is beginning to sound racist and bigoted and I'm about to remove all those posts.



Thank you! Thank You! Thank you! I can now enter in to the day of Thanks.:rocker:
Please explain to me how all this name discussion relates to Sky missing. It is beginning to sound racist and bigoted and I'm about to remove all those posts.



<modsnip> Its not racist. Its common for people to change their names. My best friends husband is from Vietnam. His birth name is Quoc. He goes by Tony. Many people adopt "American" names. Hes not lying or conspiring, hes just got more than one name! That is my point.
The name Julia is not russian either. The russian equivalent of Juila would be Yulia. So I don't think the author of that article is correct in that the name belonged to the brother. I think it's the same name spelled differently.
Yeah, okay. If that makes a difference. In that article you are taking for the gospel (no pun intended) it also states that his Christianity was a problem with HER. Did I read that wrong?

It says Julia felt SM's family resented her for his becoming a born-again Christian. If his family was unhappy with his decision, I can see how that could cause stress on their marriage.
We are discussing the article which used that spelling of a name but claimed it belonged to his brother.

JJenny - this is not directed at you. I'm just quoting this post because it links to the article.

No where in the article does it say that SM lied. It says the name reported was the name of SM's brother. BUT no where does it say that it was confirmed to be SM or his brother. It could have been his brother. Until something comes out that says he lied and that it was confirmed that SM gave his bother's name, the discussion is off the table.


<modsnip> Its not racist. Its common for people to change their names. My best friends husband is from Vietnam. His birth name is Quoc. He goes by Tony. Many people adopt "American" names. Hes not lying or conspiring, hes just got more than one name! That is my point.

I am sure he changed his name when he converted to Christianity. ENd of discussion from my end.
A few things:

1.On the radio show it was stated that Julia took respiridol for psychosis, someone had questioned that further back, I forget who, sorry.

2. After reading Julia's mother's email, I think it may have been possible that IF she did have ECT, her mother could have told her it was a punishment. When I worked in the ICU, many times I was in the recovery room where ECT was done every day.

3. About Borderline Personality Disorder. I was heavily involved in a forum for families living with a family member with BPD for some years. It was run by Randi Kreger, who is an internationally well known expert on Personality disorders. I do not see where it is no longer considered a personality disorder-and while it is true that a large number of those who suffer from BPD have experienced significant trauma in their lives, it is also true that some have not.

Here are symptoms of BPD (click on the DSM tab, and the 'revision' tab for proposed revisions of the disorder.
Other Personality Disorders include Antisocial, Avoidant, Narcissistic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Schizotypal, and Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
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