WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #14

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Thanks Surfie & Adrienne! In the meantime, I'll look to my trusty sleuthers for updates and brainstorming!

I really hope we learn something new and I hope this generates lots of memories for people in that area that may have seen something. I'm sick of knowing that Julia is sitting around on her duff all day while Sky is out there somewhere.
Where is Sky, Julia?

About 45 minutes until Sky's case airs on
America's Most Wanted for those of us in the Eastern and Central time zones.
Oh wow, I just had flashbacks! Me too. I was the youngest and my parents did the same thing. I practically lived in the car with my siblings. No car seats either! I don't want to get too OT, as I know times have most definitely changed. But I wonder if leaving sky in the car at Target was a cultural thing. You know, like the Swedish woman who left her baby outside a restaurant because it's common to leave children unattended in Sweden.


I know it's a stretch, but there are cultures out there that think and act differently than most of us. When I was in the UK years back I was shocked at how many parents took their kids to bars and smoked ciggies with them on their lap.

Just a thought - thanks.


I definitely think there is a cultural element to this, for those of you that brought this up. I used to live in Sweden, and it is a little different -but not really for babies but there is not the fear like there is here in US. The Swedish population can essentially fit in Manhattan, whereas US has all kinds of wanderers and documented serial killer...and more...and over 250mill people, so...it's just a different consciousness, imo. The examples I see in the cultural difference is more like the Swedish Mamma will stroll the baby in freezing temps, snowstorms...and walk/sled everywhere with them in the winter, whereas many Americans may think this is cruel and unusual...and would never take their baby out in a snow storm. Also, I spent what seems like half my childhood with my many siblings in the car waiting on Mom...lol...and we were sent out alone to the car for punishment too! Ha ha... you can imagine ole madilu spent plenty of time in the car alone:great: my infant brothers version of car seat laying them always in the front on the bench seat of the Station Wagon. Can't believe we are all still alive, actually:rolleyes:
It’s actually supposed to be sunny in Seattle this weekend. I already have a bit of cabin fever, I think I’m going to do some trekking around the eastside and see if there are other possible locations that haven’t been discussed yet. As a local, I too wake up every morning hoping there will be an update on the news. Maybe it’s just me, but Seattle seems to quickly forget about missing people in our area, we can’t let that happen to Sky!

I hear that! Up to 5 more months of this gray, cold weather. Sigh.
I'm wondering if LE has searched in the Eastgate area. There were pics of her with the kids at Eastgate park on her flikr, and there are several woodsy areas around there, as well as a lake. On the other hand, State Patrol offices are also right there...
Just a thought.
Oh wow, I just had flashbacks! Me too. I was the youngest and my parents did the same thing. I practically lived in the car with my siblings. No car seats either! I don't want to get too OT, as I know times have most definitely changed. But I wonder if leaving sky in the car at Target was a cultural thing. You know, like the Swedish woman who left her baby outside a restaurant because it's common to leave children unattended in Sweden.


I know it's a stretch, but there are cultures out there that think and act differently than most of us. When I was in the UK years back I was shocked at how many parents took their kids to bars and smoked ciggies with them on their lap.

Just a thought - thanks.


It is not common to leave children unattended or in other parts of Europe. The way it is reported is not reality. It makes it seem that Europeans just let their toddlers and babies loose or leave them alone at home or something. That is not true.

It used to be common in Northern Europe to leave sleeping infants tightly wrapped in their prams, outside small shops or cafes, while mom and/or dad went inside. That was because they lack sun in those countries and believe the baby needs vitamin D. Also, it was relatively safe. People did not snatch children there in the past very often.

Further, it wasn't like parents left their kids outside in a giant Walmart while they shopped for hours. Usually, it was right oustide near a window where the parents and everyone else could check on the kids.

There would be rows of prams lined up and everyone looked out for each other's children.

This practice is, I believe, fading, as Northern European countries become less homogenetic, with the influx of people from other cultures, the increase in crime as a result of poorer immigrants who can't find enough work, etc.

It has also lessened as those countries have begun to become more aware of how things are in other countries.

In 2010, I visited my family in Spain. There, kids can still play outside without an adult. Kind of like how it used to be in the 50's, 60's and 70's here. But babies and toddlers are well watched, usually by a stream of doting aunts and grandparents. There are so many relatives around a kid at all times, the parents barely get any time with the kids.

Child abduction is also still extremely rare there and the few cases they have, the perp is usually a British visitor or other foreigner. The cases they do have, like of little Mari-Luz, the little girl in my avatar who is a Gypsy like my family, become national tragedies of epic proportions. It just does not happen enough for the utter shock to wear off.

But me, being from the U.S., well, I have a different mindset. Out walking in broad daylight one day among holiday crowds, I kept looking back at a friend's two kids, ages about 5 and 7, who who were running along behind and running around. I explained that I;m not used to having kids behind me in public, I always want them where I can see them.

They asked why and I replied because I fear they will be kidnapped. They asked, "Does that happen a lot there?" When I said yes, they asked me, "Why? What do they take the kids for? What do they do with them" I said, "Sometimes for sexual purposes, and they kill them."

The look of horror was almost comical. But the way the mother whipped around and shrieked at their kids to get over there near her after that was very sad, cause' I just ruined their sense of peace and innocence.

I'm inclined to believe that Julia had a LOT of control over SM and that he pretty much did what she said -- including her rationalizing that a sleeping infant left for a "short period of time" (that turned into an hour) would be fine. I think she controlled him -- I mean, look, she controlled when and where he could eat, go to the bathroom, sleep -- this was serious control. She pretty much got him to do anything. Once LE got on their case and sent them parenting classes (which JB dragged her feet in attending), SM NEVER left a child unattended again. JB did. He learned his lesson and he also, eventually, broke away from her incessant control. At least, that's how I see it. Abusers can get you to do stuff you never would do in your right mind or by your own free will. It might not make sense to outsiders, but it is part of the DV dynamic.

That was my sense. I remember watching a program about people with such severe cases of OCD that they couldn't leave the home. One young man stayed in the bathroom for fear of germs (ironic) and his mother had to smash food between plastic and squeeze it under the door for him because he would not open the door (also quite ironic. How is that clean?)

Anyhow, the mother and father seemed to really go out of their way to placate the son. He really annoyed me as he kept yelling commands at them from behind the door in this sing-songy, whiny almost threatening manner: "Mooooommmmmm? Are you sure you cleaned your shoes before and after coming in the hoooooouuuuuuuusssssseeee? I need to know? Moooommmmmm? You have to go wash you shoes! Do it! Tell me you'll do it!"

I thought, hello no! No way would I allow my sick kid to make me follow his OCD patterns. I thought there was no way I would accommodate him with food under the door or anything else. But I guess after years of trying to prevent him from breaking down, they sort of did fall into his illness in a way.

Is this common with the family of people suffering severe OCD or other illnesses, Rougelatete?

Not being snarky, just trying to see all sides and get an idea how others are thinking. For those that think SM may be involved, why do you think that someone who hasn't seen their children in 10 months and had finally gotten visitation would do something like this now and not before when all the fighting was going on? This is assuming that Sky is unharmed and just being hidden from Julia. I would think, also, that this way he gets to see him even less than he would have been able to see him before. I just don't get any of it. I also don't understand why her family is saying that SM is hiding Sky, but M would be okay to go with him.

Let me add another. Why would Julia allow M to go with her father when she claimed he molested her?

Exactly. And if SM were involved why hasn't Julia spoken to the police ever, once, at all, for one minute since the initial interview. She would use every means necessary to pin this on SM if there were any possible way that she could. If SM had done anything, or if Julia even suspected that SM had done anything, she'd be (secretly recording him, posting staged pictures of him) telling LE and the media any and everything she could think of to bring SM down.
Instead, she says nothing. If Julia were not guilty she would be talking. imo

Bingo. With all due respect to those who think otherwise, I see no logical reason to think that Solomon could have had anything to do with this. Julia's behavior refutes her accusations that he did something. Besides the fact that even without such behavior, it would be a miracle if he could have taken Sky at just that time, under just those circumstances and show no trace of it up to this point, in any way - no witnesses, no reports of people traveling to other countries with small children - nothing.

And you know the FBI has checked all the airlines, buses and security footage at border crossings, etc.

But I think the fact that some suspect him or continue to entertain the possibility that he is involved, despite slim odds, makes the case for LE all the more harder. Can you imagine what they talk about?: "Well, we don't have a body. And you just know the minute we haul her in here for murder, her defense attorneys are going to be planting the scary, dark-skinned Muslim wife abuser defense in the minds of potential jurors, and then we might have another casey anthony on our hands. Let's keep looking."
Well that was disappointing on both cases. I was hoping for more than a 30 second spot.
:( Maybe that will be enough to encourage a few leads anyway. I guess a little coverage is better than no coverage at all. :(
Does anyone know a way I could watch AMW online? I know you won't believe this -- but I only have 5 channels on my TV, and Lifetime isn't one of them, lol. Thanks!

Good for you. I swear I am "this close" to getting rid of DVR... Usually things only come on line a few days later. Rest assured tho, your friends here will let you know what they learned! MY 'guide' features two other stories, so odds are it will be a brief segment. But glad he's on there at all!
I was expecting a full blown 10 or 15 minutes devoted to Sky's case but it appears all we got was a 30 second plea for anyone with information to contact LE. The same was true for Baby Lisa as well.
I really hope we learn something new and I hope this generates lots of memories for people in that area that may have seen something. I'm sick of knowing that Julia is sitting around on her duff all day while Sky is out there somewhere.

It would be nice to learn something new, however, I sense that most of us will know more details than the show is able to present. And yes - the cool thing about the feature is that it could jog someone's memory, and help to develop leads. That's what I am hopeful.

On another note, do ya'all remember last week on some show that SM said that he wanted last Sunday to be a prayer day for his son, and ALL missing kids? Seems nothing really became of it tho... I didn't hear a peep about it, but it's been a hellendous week with work, so perhaps I missed it. Sad that even the City Church has not featured Sky, at least online...perhaps they mention him at services -I hope so. And I hope LE has thoroughly researched church appearances and/or lack thereof. I wonder locally within the parish what is said, is all. Anyone in the area in the mood to attend church in Kirkland this weekend?
I hear that! Up to 5 more months of this gray, cold weather. Sigh.
I'm wondering if LE has searched in the Eastgate area. There were pics of her with the kids at Eastgate park on her flikr, and there are several woodsy areas around there, as well as a lake. On the other hand, State Patrol offices are also right there...
Just a thought.

And this is to Sassy too -I had a theory that if you were going to stage a "show" like [she allegedly did], then you are going to keep as close to the, "story" as possible, in the event that you are captured on camera, and in the event that they find him nearby, then...you can try to explain it away as a kidnapping/molestation/dump or the like. I scoped out on Google a couple of possibilities as you head west on 520, and right after the big loops at 405... she took the 108th NE exit, apparently turned 90 degrees to left instead of right. Just off 108th taking the RIGHT, you would take another quick right onto Nortrup Way, head back down southeast towards the hospital. it seems to be a business type district that would be desolate on Sunday mornings... a Dept. of Transpo building, a Bright Horizon's place, and I think a community college type place. And woods back behind all of them. My theory was to come of 520, go right, dump, head back up to 108th NE, and over down to 112th to a "prior location scouted spot". On maps, it seems like just a tiny strip of woods, but I wonder... could there be something behind the community college or Bright Horizons? Also, I wonder if LE has been able to ping her whereabouts over the 2 weeks leading up to the disappearance, and able to determine if in fact she was in that area at any time, if she had in fact scoped out the spot...? Juz thinkin' here...
I am glad that AMW showed the more recent picture of julia. It may be hard for her to see how bad she looks. Also that pic being out more will hopefully help to jog someones memory.
Does anyone know a way I could watch AMW online? I know you won't believe this -- but I only have 5 channels on my TV, and Lifetime isn't one of them, lol. Thanks!

Hah! Same here. If it wasn't for WS, I wouldn't know what was going on out there. :crazy:
I am glad that AMW showed the more recent picture of julia. It may be hard for her to see how bad she looks. Also that pic being out more will hopefully help to jog someones memory.

Did they show those surveillance photos of her?
I really hope that some new tips will surface because of Sky being featured tonight :)
Ilovepierre..yes they showed a pic from the bank..kinda closeup of her. Her hair is up and she doesnt look at all like her sugar daddies pics. They showed more pics of Sky...but we have seen all the ones they showed.

I am so hoping that LE or AMW gets the call. I think some may call AMW because it is anonymous. Lots of folks dont want to get fully involved.

Although it was a short clip..AMW has remarkable luck solving stuff.
I really hope this doesn't end up like the Casey Anthony case. Hopefully Sky is found soon...even if it is just his remains. The longer it takes LE to find him, the harder it will be to determine a COD/TOD.
Also AMW did Not mention anything about M being with julia...just that julia said that she had run out of gas and left Sky in the car and when she returned Sky was gone.

I find that one of the things that John Walsh does brilliantly is to constantly remind his viewers that it is the viewers that solve these crimes..he said it was 1100 to date that the viewers have solved.

To me that is incredible. He has done so much good because of the senseless crime against Adam.

I hope this little 30 second spot plays over and over.
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