WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #14

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I think that Solomon could request a full psych exam prior to visitation, in the juvenile court, but they basically already made up their minds. In that jurisdiction, the courts rely on investigations by social workers and CASA's (GAL's) rather than on psych evals, generally. But requests for psych evals are much more common in family court.

Based on Julia's 3 hospitalizations, including involuntary hospitalization along with her previous dxs, it amazes me SM hasn't already requested one or his attorney did not previously suggest one.

Can the bring the psych exam up at the next court hearing to remove the order of protection? I wonder if the stipulations for supervised visitation include a psych exam. IIRC the stipulations were not made public via MSM.
You could have a point there. I know NOTHING about Facebook, and I didn't know you could set up an account in someone else's name. :doh:

Something to think about, hmmm...

I'm going to throw this out there at the risk of - well, whatever. I just looked at JB's viewable Facebook page. Does anyone else find it an odd mix of interests? Also, with the television shows etc - the way her behavior's been described by SM as so extreme - when did she have time to watch all these TV shows she's listed?? Also, notice the main pic is of she and Sky - where's M? :confused:

I say there's some element of public manipulation going on here or she'd make it private also.

This must be her. Same middle initial, same high school. Wow. While we all sweat over the fate of her precious boy, she's trying to yuck it up on facebook. That just defies reason. It evidences an unnatural indifference to her own little son that is simply incomprehensible.

It solidifies my feeling that she is a cold-blooded murderer.

She had that FB account very early on - I saw it within the first day or two of Sky's disappearance, if not the day of. I've seen this several times with people...
Who knows what kind of things Julia will say to M during their visits...
M's behavior will be so erratic between living with Solomon and having visits with Julia. That's definitely not healthy for her!

I hope she says something idiotic and gets the visitation rescinded.
Gitana1..I bet the brother has 2 bathrooms so maybe he is getting to use one. Not sure if he will be able to stand up to julia..she has been manipulating him longer than she did Solomon.

However..how long can he take the control? He was somewhat free from it for a little while..so he may not put up with her for long. Also dont know if there is another roommate involved... if so nothing is predictable.

I am shocked that the media has not hounded the brother more.

Not exactly a roommate but her brother may have a dog (his FB pic, as seen on her page, shows him with a dog on a leash). On the one hand I love the idea of a dog shedding fur and kicking up dust, making JB miserable. On the other hand, given how she treated her own children, I fear for the puppy.
I hope she's in full blown manic mode right now and that the court will see right through it. I stand firm in my thought that little M needs to have zero contact with her. I don't care if there is a supervised party involved, I'm sure Julia will figure out a way to manipulate her. Little M deserves a chance to get to know Solomon as the parent who will love and protect her no matter what without any interference whatsoever from Julia. If that happens, then it's very possible that little M is young enough to overcome some of the terrible memories she has from the first 4 years of her life. I do pray, however, that once she is with Solomon that she will start to share with him things that happened in the days or weeks leading to Sky's disappearance and that maybe Sky can be found.

ChrisDaniels5 Chris Daniels
DSHS: "In the Custody hearing, the wrong parent may have won".

26 seconds ago

So glad to hear DSHS make this statement!! It is obvious to everyone else, I hope that the commissioner is finally seeing the light as well as everyone else in the world!

"In the custody, the wrong parent might have won, and I'm not sure based on the record I've seen, we can't establish domestic violence in the relationship. The mother has very profound mental health issues," said Tony Masco, assistant state attorney.
This is comming from the ASA - not SM. Finally, in print, we have a person in authority agreeing with what we have been discussing all along.

And what is with these judges and commissioners giving visitation and custody when the appointed child's advocate opines differently, i.e. Dale Smith and JB?

What's the damn point in having one if they won't listen to their recommendations?


Nothing. But if she continues to miss them, the order can be amended to eliminate them because having M waiting for a mother who doesn't show would be highly detrimental. But remember, Julia would be scheduling them for a time she can show up.

I agree. 100%. However, visitation and custody are never decided based on what the parents deserve, but rather, on what is in the best interest of the child.

Apparently, here they felt it was in M's best interest to see her mother in a safe setting. I disagree. I believe M seeing her mother will spark what I suspect was some very unhealthy attitudes and emotions in M, like about killing herself, about her father, about "germs", etc. That's all speculation but it is how I am reading between the lines.

People like her manipulate and emotionally abuse their kids for so long. The kids improve once out of their custody, but when they see that parent again, old feelings resurface. Hence, Susan Powell's boys act up after visiting their father, I believe.

I have a feeling that foster care was heaven compared to life with mama, no matter what smiling pictures reveal. That's because it is obvious how sick Julia is. And M had to live with that - the manipulation, the restrictions that having to follow her mother's severe and full blown OCD behaviors likely required.

That was all M really knew, though, as her mother made sure to ruin her chances of knowing any different sort of life, by alienating her so completely from her father.

But, in my experience, judges/commissioners, they don't usually like to admit their mistakes. Well, if she doesn't, here, she will look like an even bigger you know what than she already does. The nation is watching.

It solidifies my feeling that she is a cold-blooded murderer.

I love your posts. BBM points I have also thought about. I think it may take time for M to open up because the crazy mom living style is all that her little life has known. She did have her daddy taking her to eat at times, but that was still NOT normal life. I hope that once she gets into a comfortable regular normal schedule in her life with daddy, she may open up on her very own. She may start with, well mommy used to ... She WILL get it. Kids are much smarter than we give them credit for.

During Monday's dependency hearing, Gallaher also granted Biryukova supervised visitation with M to begin one week after the girl is returned to her father. But Biryukova's visits can be limited or terminated based on the recommendation of the child's therapist, Gallaher said.
Outside the courtroom, Metalwala said he has plans to take M to Bellevue Square and do "Christmas things I haven't gotten to do with my daughter."
This made me tear up. I sincerely believe this man has suffered greatly this past year. I am SO happy he will have little M soon.

I think that this will play out very interestingly soon. I wonder if JB will go to visitations, but she likely will. She also likely will have a hard time stopping herself from her manipulative behaviors with little M. I would love to be a fly on the wall. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE for her visitations to end quickly because of her double edged tongue.

I also wonder if the reason she told her attorney to allow SM to have custody of little M was because internally she thought she could manipulate him again. She may have thought that once he had custody, she could sugar her way up to him and get visitation rights with little M. She may have gone so far as to try to reunite with him. I can see her trying any way to get her way. She is delusional enough to believe she could still talk him into things. Remember, he stated very recently that she was the love of his life.
According to the link that Rosemary so kindly provided to us . . . JB will begin supervised visits w/MM the week following her return home to her Father. If the child's therapist feels these visits are detrimental to the child - they can be suspended or restricted.

I agree with the posters that feel JB is not a safe or stable person for MM to care for, but I defend the right of the child (MM) to have contact with both of her parents - as long as her health and safety is ensured. The court must allow contact between parents and children in the most least restrictive environment but still keeping the child safe. Since JB will be supervised (and it appears that LE has been supervising visits w/SM - according to the article) I am certain that LE will be also watching those visits with MM and her Mama.

Whoever is supervising the visits has also been trained in how to stop the visits if the parent in inappropriate with the child (ie: intentially upsetting the child, saying inappropriate things about child's other parent, etc).

With regard to the Psych eval comments upthread, there certainly exist previous evals due to her previous hospitalizations. I think her Atty would argue against it but it would more than likely have to be court ordered to get a new eval.

I have no concerns about JB's supervised visits because I would venture to guess that she will sabotage her chances of this least restrictive alternative and quickly amp up the need for "therapeutic visits" (with a qualified professional therapist) or she will not comply with the restrictions placed upon her and not even fight for MM (like TH gave up visitation rights with her daughter after the disappearance of Kyron).

Furthermore, since the date that CPS placed MM into foster care, time is ticking away for JB as she has exactly one year to completely get her act together to be granted custody of MM in the future. She must comply with all of the services that CPS has offered, one of which will be providing and paying for JB's supervised visits, therapy for MM, psych evals/therapy for JB if recommended, drug and alchol screening and/or treatment - if indicated, etc.

The child support payments were redirected to the State immediately upon placement of MM into fostercare. Also, the child support payments for Sky should be in limbo at this point as no one can determine the whereabouts of this child. I am not sure how the legal courts would handle this but certainly they cannot force SM to pay child support when there is no proof anyone is supporting the child.
I pray Solomon gets a restraining order to keep julia away from his home..dont know where he will be living but julia needs to be kept far away..in event that she may try to kidnap M.

Also she should not be allowed to phone M.
How sad....Terri H., Deb Bradley, Julia, etc. know that if you cause your child to disappear, all you have to do is sit back and keep your mouth shut. Hire an attorney and get on with your life. LE is so timid when dealing with moms. It infuriates me.
Amster, I agree with most of your post but I am not really sure if LE is being so timid when dealing with Mom's. Truly, they can only do what is allowed by law and if she invokes her right to an Attorney, there is nothing LE can do further in questioning her. I am also angered that these people who are in charge of the precious children, ultimately have more knowledge of what actually happened than they are willing to disclose to the police. But we cannot force that information out of the suspects so we sleuth (as does LE), and I feel confident that all of JB's secrets will not be kept hidden for too much longer. I am also infuriated that we can"t do more for the children who are at risk or in danger.
I'm not convinced she's behind it. I think someone who doesn't even know her may have created it (just to stir stuff up). It would be easier for her to set her existing account to private like she did with Flickr.

I agree. I can't see Julia making a new FB account that's private when she already has a public account.
Based on Julia's 3 hospitalizations, including involuntary hospitalization along with her previous dxs, it amazes me SM hasn't already requested one or his attorney did not previously suggest one.

Can the bring the psych exam up at the next court hearing to remove the order of protection? I wonder if the stipulations for supervised visitation include a psych exam. IIRC the stipulations were not made public via MSM.

It appears there was a child custody evaluation and Julia's mental health was explored based on medical reports and reports from her counselors, psychiatrists, etc.

However, it does not appear that Julia underwent an individual psych eval. Solomon may have asked for one but with her mental health history and then current participation in counseling (with the guy who Solomon states deemed her able to effectively parent, yet he never talked to Solomon or discussed her suicidal ideation nor her thoughts of killing her kids), the court may have felt one was not necessary.

Of course (and quite tragically), a lot has since happened that, IMO, would render a psych eval important at this point, in the context of whether visitation with M is appropriate.

I think Wenwe mentioned M's right to visit with her mother and the security of supervised visits and the training of the monitors. I have a different view of that.

Some of the monitors at these places are college students with six units of child psychology and participation in a short program about supervised visits and the role of the monitor.

I read the reports they issue in cases I have involving monitored visits for the other parent so I get to see the different attitudes and abilities of these monitors.

I have seen monitors who report that the parent reeks of alcohol but who buy their story that someone spilled a drink on them and they allow the visit to continue. I have seen monitors who report what seems like questionable, manipulative behavior on the part of the parent but who couch such behavior in positive terms, not recognizing it for what it is, not having a background on the case.

See, the monitors get very little info about the parents and the child. Just basics. So they don't know the people involved and thus may not recognize subtle things that can hurt that child.

The law starts with the premise that every child has a right to a relationship with his or her parent. But the child also has the right not to be abused. And abuse can happen in discrete ways, even in the context of supervised visitation.

I can only hope that whoever monitors the visits between Julia and M is highly trained and super knowledgeable about everything concerning this case.
From the above article...
Nadia Biryukova said both parents "are equally responsible for destroying their marriage and family, (and) to be fair to Julia, one very important thing needs to be known. Julia started to experience some kind of postpartum depression (which is pretty common) after their first child was born. If she neglected anyone, she totally neglected to take proper care of herself."
According to the article, SM will regain custody by Dec 18. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO WAIT???
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