WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #18

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Up UP UP the slide you go . . . . one of us will take you up and one will be there at the bottom to make sure you don't fall! Sky Crew stands United! We will not give up on you little man!

OT . . . If Elizabeth Johnson can be tried for crimes while reporting someone took her child (gave her child away/smothered her child) and no one has seen Baby Gabriel . . . why is it we cannot bring JB to trial for at the very least . .. lack of supervision, child neglect, child abandonment, failure to provide appropriate food and nutrition and medical for both of her children? Let alone what she has done to Sky . . . (or lacked doing) there is still enough evidence to convict her for crimes against Maile. Please . . . LE if you are reading/listening . . . do not let her get away with these horrendous crimes. Something terrible happened to Sky enough that JB was willing to give up visits/care/custody and control of her precious Maile . . . her favored child so as to not answer questions about Sky - that speaks volumes to me.
Catching you, Sky and sending you back up to the top of the slide. Never will we stop sending you back up baby until we find you. One day closer...

Imagine my surprise to be able to get back on and find some of these posts! Interesting comment from Terry. Now if only we knew what he was referring to.

It as well appears to me to be a different photo, but will admit I could be wrong.

As well Happy Birthday to all that I missed during my absence!
Thanks for the well wishes! We seem to get sick this time of year every year... We are feeling a bit better, although the cold has now settled into our chests. Lots of coughing here. But, we did feel well enough to do some apple picking today! Great fall day with Mr. Maedlamsmom and our little girl. :) But, just like every family experience, my thoughts wandered to Sky and the life he is missing. And to Solomon and Miss M...

Happy birthday to ChelaCat! Hope your birthday wishes come true this year!

Up the ladder you go, Sky! You do not belong halfway down the second page.
Up, up, up you go Sky. One day closer...

:heartbeat: Sky :heartbeat:
Bump and up you go, Sky. One day closer sweet boy. We will get news soon, I can feel it.
Well, folks....

Julia has been playing around on Facebook again. She's changed her profile name to "Julia JB" and has altered her privacy settings to make her page more private. This woman infuriates me to no end. If my child were missing I would be spending every waking hour looking under every single bush and bramble I could until I found them. And she's going on dating websites and updating Facebook. Figures.
Well, folks....

Julia has been playing around on Facebook again. She's changed her profile name to "Julia JB" and has altered her privacy settings to make her page more private. This woman infuriates me to no end. If my child were missing I would be spending every waking hour looking under every single bush and bramble I could until I found them. And she's going on dating websites and updating Facebook. Figures.

Interesting. Maybe someone is feeling some heat.

I find myself going back to what Mr. Terry stated. How I would love to know what he does.

Hoping Sky finds his way home soon...
Interesting. Maybe someone is feeling some heat.

I find myself going back to what Mr. Terry stated. How I would love to know what he does.

Hoping Sky finds his way home soon...

BBM. That was my first thought when I saw the updates. I had speculated in an earlier thread that Julia starts playing around online (as a form of self-modulation) when her stress levels increase and I synced up certain dates in which she posted on Facebook with dates and events that were stressful in her life. It's been months that she's been allowed to just rest easy while nobody disturbs her and her Facebook page has been mostly silent....but I suspect something has come to the surface now and she's aware of it. Fate is coming for you, Julia!! WATCH OUT!!
BBM. That was my first thought when I saw the updates. I had speculated in an earlier thread that Julia starts playing around online (as a form of self-modulation) when her stress levels increase and I synced up certain dates in which she posted on Facebook with dates and events that were stressful in her life. It's been months that she's been allowed to just rest easy while nobody disturbs her and her Facebook page has been mostly silent....but I suspect something has come to the surface now and she's aware of it. Fate is coming for you, Julia!! WATCH OUT!!
I agree Rouge.
Julia is gonna break...I can feel it!!!
Its comin up on a year since our little man "disappeared",and I dont see how she can keep this crap up much longer.

TELL US WHERE SKY IS JULIA!!! Stop being so damn selfish!! :banghead:
BBM. That was my first thought when I saw the updates. I had speculated in an earlier thread that Julia starts playing around online (as a form of self-modulation) when her stress levels increase and I synced up certain dates in which she posted on Facebook with dates and events that were stressful in her life. It's been months that she's been allowed to just rest easy while nobody disturbs her and her Facebook page has been mostly silent....but I suspect something has come to the surface now and she's aware of it. Fate is coming for you, Julia!! WATCH OUT!!

I as well agree with this.

There is a definate correlation between the times of greater stress and her internet activity.
Well, folks....

Julia has been playing around on Facebook again. She's changed her profile name to "Julia JB" and has altered her privacy settings to make her page more private. This woman infuriates me to no end. If my child were missing I would be spending every waking hour looking under every single bush and bramble I could until I found them. And she's going on dating websites and updating Facebook. Figures.

Rouge, I poked around FB. I don't think the Julia JB page is new, it is referenced back in November on the Julia Biryukova is Guilty FB page (there are some pretty nasty posts on there!) On her page she still lists herself as "full time mommy" and "married" (gag). Simon also has a page, he updated his photo in August (it is of Sky) and wrote on Sky's birthday. The fact that she has done nothing to find her son speaks volumes.

I agree with the other posters as well, Julia's time is a 'coming!

Sky baby, one day closer. We will find you!!! And we won't stop until we do.
Rouge, I remember when you postulated this quite some time ago (she gets on line or facebook during times of stress). We saw a flurry of activity with her on dating sites, uploads of pictures of MM, and other evidence of this sort of "self stim". I think when there is nothing left to clean, when she cannot touch another thing because "it's perfect" she then begins to make things "more perfect" with her dating/personal life. We know that OCD is often amp'd up when people feel more anxious . . .an attempt to take control over things they can control. I think JB is feeling more "out of control" and knows the other shoe is about to drop.
Rouge, I poked around FB. I don't think the Julia JB page is new, it is referenced back in November on the Julia Biryukova is Guilty FB page (there are some pretty nasty posts on there!) On her page she still lists herself as "full time mommy" and "married" (gag). Simon also has a page, he updated his photo in August (it is of Sky) and wrote on Sky's birthday. The fact that she has done nothing to find her son speaks volumes.

The FB page itself is not new -- but it WAS altered recently. Julia gave herself an updated name (the page used to be under "Julia Biryukova" and now it is under "Julia JB"). She also changed the privacy settings so that information that used to be visible is now not visible (I won't go into how I know this -- just know that I have had access to Julia's FB page for some time now and I am aware she made changes). I hope that clarifies -- it's not a new page, but changes to her old profile were definitely made.
I just remembered something from my past that may or may not have any bearing on JB's mental state.

Many years ago when I was active in animal rescue, I met a man who lived out in the country who was what would now be called an animal collector (this was so long ago, it was before the internet and before anyone had coined that term). In an effort to help his animals, I would take him dog food every other week. He was clearly not mentally healthy and he was very suspicious of me. After about 7 or 8 months of visits every other week bearing 40 or 80 pounds of dog food each time, he finally relaxed enough to invite me into his house.

I have never before or since been in such a filthy building (and that includes pig barns). There was animal excrement over most of the horizontal surfaces and there was mould growing all over most of the vertical surfaces. In a sort of horrified fascination, I realised that the mould was different colours (reddish, greenish, black, brownish, etc).

A few months later, he was evicted from the house by the absentee landlord.

Tangential note: the house was in such bad condition that the insurance company actually paid for it to be bulldozed and a new house built to replace it.

Needless to say, the guy was in crisis and all his animals were at risk. By asking around a little, I got into contact with his ex-wife. It turned out that she left him because he was obsessively cleaning house. At the end of their marriage, it got so bad that when she would come home, he would follow her around with disinfectant spray and paper towels to wipe down anything she touched. There was no food in the house because that would make a mess.

She loved him but she finally got to where she could not live with him.

I am not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist but I believe he had OCD when he was married and then, at some point, switched his focus to collecting animals. He couldn't feed the number of animals he had (something like 25 dogs and over 70 cats) but he would not stop acquiring them.

How common is it for someone with OCD to switch the focus of their obsession(s) like that? Is it possible that JB may have switched the focus of her OCD?
From personal experience with family members, I can tell you there is a correlation between OCD and hoarding behaviors. In fact, I think it may actually be termed a "sub-type" of the disorder, if I recall correctly from my college psych courses... I think it is very likely that Julia has some form of hoarding, most OCD sufferers do. And, I can definitely see a person who has obsessive cleaning behaviors eventually becoming physically or emotionally unable to continue their rituals and go to the other end of the spectrum.
GrainneDhu . . .your story of the man who went from obsessive cleaning to hoarding animals sounds like a "reaction formation" type defense mechanism. For instance, someone who is actually secretly Gay may put on an affront where they appear to be "Gay-bashing" and outwardly express disdain for someone who is gay. There is another defense mechanism called "sublimation" where the person tries to deflect their instinctual drives toward a more socially acceptable means - for instance someone who has Trichtotillomania (ie: hair pulling) may become a hairdresser. This man may have attempted to control his obsessive cleaning instincts (which ruined his marriage) by living with more and more "filth" - where it got so out of control = he could no longer repair the problem. Also, I suspect he was highly anxious and attempted to control everything in his life prior . . . when that didn't work out - he may have gone through a significant depression that chronically overcame his ability to function. So sad that both sides of this coin (problem) could have been dramatically helped by medications and learning some coping skills through therapy.

The OCD rituals of JB are indicative of an anxiety disorder and an attempt to control her enviornment. I would imagine that she also has some eating disorder issues (given the food was not allowed in the house, she favored eating raw foods, she was quite thin, her daughter was malnourished, and regular meals for the children were the responsiblity of Solomon - usually in the evening/night hours). Again - another attempt to control everything she had power and control over. I seriously wonder if JB was abused as a child. I also wonder if she has ever had any issues of cutting herself or attempting to hurt herself in some way. We do know she had at least one psychiatric hospitalization previously (if not 2) and would have had to be a danger to herself or others for an involuntary commitment. (not sure if she checked herself in or was detained). Her children were the ultimate thing she could control (unless they threw a tantrum) as Solomon had moved out and was no longer going to be manipuilated by her. Just some thoughts to consider.

Again, I believe Rouge that she is at some sort of stress again in her life with the activity on the internet. At least we know she is still alive and holed up somewhere - where LE can one day access her, arrest her, and bring her before a Court of Law to answer for her behaviors and where her son might be.

Sky - we remain ever hopeful we can find you!
You do not belong on the second page, our dear little man!

Up Up Up You Go!!!

Referencing the September 12th article: http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/lawyer-sky-metalwalas-father-says-its-time-mothers/nR9MJ/

Clay Terry, the lawyer for Sky’s father, Solomon Metalwala, said he wanted to release what he called “interesting information” but because the investigation was ongoing, police preferred he not release any sensitive details.

I wonder what kind of "interesting information" they have? Inquiring minds want to know. :blushing:

Terry and Solomon Metalwala expressed frustration that people who are closest to Biryukova haven’t helped the Solomon Metalwala’s family in their own investigation as to what happened to the boy.

“Every effort we’ve made, they’re conspicuously absent and we don’t know why and we’re asking them to come forward,” said Terry.

Terry said he believed that Biryukova, her friends and family have more information than what they have given.

This case just tugs at my heart. Why isn't more being done to find Sky? How can Julia (and even moreso her family and close friends) live with themselves? Why aren't they speaking out? Why haven't they gone on a search? Unless they all know the truth. And, if they do know the truth, then they are as guilty as she is. JMHO :tears:

Well, folks....

Julia has been playing around on Facebook again. She's changed her profile name to "Julia JB" and has altered her privacy settings to make her page more private. This woman infuriates me to no end. If my child were missing I would be spending every waking hour looking under every single bush and bramble I could until I found them. And she's going on dating websites and updating Facebook. Figures.

I hadn't checked her page in a while. Unbelievable! She has always been too upset about Sky's disappearance to meet with LE to answer their questions, but she feels well enough to play online with her FB account?? :banghead:

LOCK HER BUTT UP!!! :jail:
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