WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #18

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I wish Solomon or Terry would talk to one of Kyron's parents. Their plight is so similar.
It is cold tonight. I've got roast and potatos, veggies and milk for you for dinner sweet child. There is a warm bubble bath, snuggly jammies, and a cuddly teddy bear with a very soft blanket to wrap up in. Lets read a book when your tummy is full, you are squeaky clean, and all snuggled in. All of us here at Sky Crew would love to take their turns in care and keeping you safe until we can get you home to your big Sister and Loving Daddy. I've got lots for Kyron too - until we can get him home to his Mom.

Please let there be some closure on these boy's cases soon.
I am sitting in a hotel (out of town for work), but I had to check on our cutest lil guy. I am thinking about Sky and wondering how he could still be missing.

Good-night amazing Sky crew!
Hello Sky Crew! One more day down, a day closer to little Sky being back home where he belongs. Our candles are burning brightly for Sky, to lead him home.

I don't believe Sky was in the car that morning. I still believe it was all a ruse on Julia's part to explain no one seeing Sky anymore as she got someone to whisk him out of the country.

She obviously has a support group within her family and possibly her Russian community that could help her get a passport for little Sky, then have someone take him out of the country to some family member in the Ukraine where he is being raised, away from his loving father and sister.

I truly believe that's why Julia is acting like nothing ever happened, she's acting like her son isn't missing, she's not acting like a concerned parent who is out of her mind, sick to her stomach because she didn't know where he child is. I believe that's because she knows where he is.

I do not feel Sky is dead. I just don't. But I feel he's out of the country. At least I pray that he's alive and well someplace. He still needs to be brought home to his father and sister.
We are talking about an individual that has some serious issues.

This lady scored 15 on the GAF scale which means that not only was she a danger to herself but others. Even when she was discharged, her GAF score was 40, which still indicates impairments in judgment, reality, family relations, to name but a few. It is my belief that LE has consulted with experts in various fields on the best way to handle this situation, focused on the ultimate goal of bringing Sky home.

As Clay Terry stated, there is a small group of enablers which surround her, who are probably privy to some information. The last thing LE wants to do is approach this in a way which could ultimately endanger a resolution, especially if Sky is still alive. Even though I doubt this is the case, she may still do something which will lead them to him. She would be unable to do this from jail or an institution to deal with her specific issues.

I believe that LE is following their advice and keeping close tabs on her activities which otherwise could not be done if arrested, in order to bring Sky home.

I understand the frustration, but I have to trust that LE is taking the route they feel is best, at this moment in time. They can revisit this path at any time, and would think that they have been doing exactly that throughout the past year.
I've been following along, and honestly, can't believe that it's been this long without Sky being found. However, I think that they haven't charged Julia with any related to Sky because in the long run, it limits their legal options. If they charge her for neglect for leaving little man in the car, it's the same as saying they believe she left him in the car. Then, in the future, when/if evidence comes to light that he wasn't in the car, their credibility for all future charges is shot. If they charge her with neglect and it comes to light later that he died of direct abuse, their options are limited. If they charge her with obstruction of justice, they have to be able to pinpoint exactly which parts of the story she's lying about, and if they are wrong, when they do find him, or God forbid, his body, they have to stand by the statements they made when they charged her for obstruction, some of which might actually bite them in the rear and make it nearly impossible to charge her for what really happened.

The worst thing to have in any criminal case is an unflappable suspect. No matter how unikely a story, if the suspect sticks to it and there is no direct hard evidence that proves them to be lying, then it's actually incredibly hard to bring charges. Especially when there are so many unknowns.

This is all MOO. I'm not a professional, but I almost have a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice Admin. (3 more weeks, go me.) We've kicked this around in class a lot...what happens when the suspect insists that the highly unlikely story is the truth and is basically unflappable? It would be so nice if she would just break down and tell the truth, whatever that might be.
I agree with everything Allusonz said. Even if LE can't charge Julia with anything related to Sky's disappearance (for fear of jeopardizing the possibility of future charges and convictions), they could surely charge her for neglect of MM -- and they have chosen not to. There must be some reason behind this and I agree with Allusonz that it is likely because they have a strategy in place that they hope/believe will net them something greater in the end.

I, sadly, believe Sky is deceased. But, I hang on to the hope that there will be justice in his name and that systemic changes will be made so that loving, capable fathers like Solomon will be allowed custody of their children and not deprived of that right simply because their abuser happens to be a female. That will be Sky's legacy and I hope we see those changes one day soon.
Sweet baby boy, where are you tonight? Please, come home sweetheart!!
I am sitting in a hotel (out of town for work), but I had to check on our cutest lil guy. I am thinking about Sky and wondering how he could still be missing.

Good-night amazing Sky crew!

Cocomod, I am also hoteling it this week. Sadly, due to being out of town for work, I will miss the vigil tomorrow (but my SO will be there with bells on).

One day closer, Sky...
Jash, thank you for the picture. What a sweet, precious, innocent little person. My heart aches for him.

Wenwe4, your thoughts just about brought me to tears. I so wish I could have a turn snuggling with him. Thinking about my feelings, I absolutely can not imagine what Solomon is going through!

I also don't think he was in the car that morning, it was "mom's" fabricated story. How can she live with herself?

My prayers are with LE, I hope they find the missing link and find this sweet boy and charge the person responsible for Sky's disappearance. MOO.
I agree with everything Allusonz said. Even if LE can't charge Julia with anything related to Sky's disappearance (for fear of jeopardizing the possibility of future charges and convictions), they could surely charge her for neglect of MM -- and they have chosen not to. There must be some reason behind this and I agree with Allusonz that it is likely because they have a strategy in place that they hope/believe will net them something greater in the end.

I, sadly, believe Sky is deceased. But, I hang on to the hope that there will be justice in his name and that systemic changes will be made so that loving, capable fathers like Solomon will be allowed custody of their children and not deprived of that right simply because their abuser happens to be a female. That will be Sky's legacy and I hope we see those changes one day soon.

I agree. If they really wanted to charge her there could be ones related to MM, as well as charges related for false statement to LE re: Solomon. I am sure there are others but my brain is tired.

Hope the lights are bright enough for Sky to find his way home and soon!
Im not going to be able to travel to Sky's vigil today. You cant imagine how terrible I feel...Im SO sorry. I wanted to go and represent all of us.
There are issues here at home that require me to stay close.My DD is having a difficult time....and needs her Mama.
Im sorry Sky Crew.

Baby Boy...my heart is with you today.
Gate - I hope things are better with your DD.

I've said for a while that they can't charge Julia for anything related to Sky - just like NMK said above I was a CJ major also.

However, I don't feel it should or could stop them for filing charges of neglect against her for MM. At this rate, Julia may go to her grave without ever telling anything. She's a mentally ill woman who should have NEVER had sole custody of both children. In the very least, she should have had CPS visits - regularly - given her mental health history

I'm on the fence regarding alive vs the other choice. I want to hold out hope that he's alive and she isn't sick enough to "disappear" her precious child, but then I think in the very least if she wanted to act concerned, she would be shouting from the rooftops. No pleas for his return? No meeting with LE to see what is going on? No poly to clear herself? NOTHING! I'm on the fence, but leaning towards our little man no longer being with us. There is no record, IIRC, of Sky ever leaving the country. I wonder if anyone checked in Russia with her dad.

I'm also out of WA this weekend and will be for a while. But, Solomon, MM and Sky are always in my thoughts

Where are you little man????
Hello Sky Crew-

My SO attended the vigil this afternoon/evening, while we stayed connected through our iPhones. He was able to speak with many that were there--friends, family, a S&R group, and Solomon. Sounds like Solomon is really holding out hope that Sky is alive, somewhere. It didn't sound like Clay Terry was there this time. Several news stations were present.

Apparently, the vigil was at a park that is within a block of Julia's apartment, where she has been 'holed up' for some time. They released 369 balloons, as many days as Sky has been reported missing. I hope Julia saw the crowd and balloons from her apartment.

Here are some news stories covering the vigil:



One day closer dear boy. We are here for you.
I'm on the fence, but leaning towards our little man no longer being with us. There is no record, IIRC, of Sky ever leaving the country. I wonder if anyone checked in Russia with her dad.

Absolutely--some of the early posts discussed this and, as I recall, a LE briefing discussed their global search for Sky. The police do not believe he ever left the country.
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