WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #18

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I was hoping the little bit of press activity would have stirred something here on his thread. :(
Always in my heart and on my mind, Sky!


Real life does have a way of interfering, and I head back out of town for a conference but this little man stays in my thoughts.

I am in awe of Soloman. What a special man he is.

"Although some in the community are frustrated police have not made an arrest in the case, Metalwala said he believes investigators are doing all that they can and asked that others remain supportive of their efforts.

"It's teamwork—we all need each other," he said"

Every time I drive by the spot where he supposedly disappeared I am filled with sadness. Where is this precious little boy???
Good day Sky Crew, stopping by to give our little guy a bump up.
Thanks for sharing that link No Stone! Man, where on earth is this little boy?? What is the general consensus on him still being alive? I hope and pray she has him stashed away. IMO, if this is true, how could she go SO long with out seeing him? I am just going to assume that LE is watching her like a hawk. I would hope anyway. Don't you agree, that IF she does indeed have this boy in hiding somewhere, that she would somehow try to make contact with whoever has him? Or go see him? SOMETHING?? I haven't seen anything change about her having no contact with M. As a mother of 3, I just couldn't even begin to imagine having my child/ren out there and not being able to see/talk/touch them! It would drive me nuts. Where is this baby boy!!??? I just want him home, safe and sound, with his big sissy. That is where he belongs! I will be lighting a candle for this sweetheart tonight. :star::praying:
Thanks for sharing that link No Stone! Man, where on earth is this little boy?? What is the general consensus on him still being alive? I hope and pray she has him stashed away. IMO, if this is true, how could she go SO long with out seeing him? I am just going to assume that LE is watching her like a hawk. I would hope anyway. Don't you agree, that IF she does indeed have this boy in hiding somewhere, that she would somehow try to make contact with whoever has him? Or go see him? SOMETHING?? I haven't seen anything change about her having no contact with M. As a mother of 3, I just couldn't even begin to imagine having my child/ren out there and not being able to see/talk/touch them! It would drive me nuts. Where is this baby boy!!??? I just want him home, safe and sound, with his big sissy. That is where he belongs! I will be lighting a candle for this sweetheart tonight. :star::praying:
Even if Julia does miss M, I doubt that it's an incentive for her to divulge what really happened to Sky. Whether she sent him into hiding or he's deceased, she knows that if LE knew the truth, she'd likely go to prison and permanently lose custody of M anyway. If Julia is concerned at all for M, she probably figures M is better off where she is - with her dad. And that is right.
I wonder if her phone or apartment is bugged? Surely LE has to have reason to think she knows of Sky's whereabouts. Wouldn't that allow for her phone lines to be tapped?

I wish I knew someone in her 'circle'. I don't know many people in WA.
Thanks for sharing that link No Stone! Man, where on earth is this little boy?? What is the general consensus on him still being alive? I hope and pray she has him stashed away. IMO, if this is true, how could she go SO long with out seeing him? I am just going to assume that LE is watching her like a hawk. I would hope anyway. Don't you agree, that IF she does indeed have this boy in hiding somewhere, that she would somehow try to make contact with whoever has him? Or go see him? SOMETHING?? I haven't seen anything change about her having no contact with M. As a mother of 3, I just couldn't even begin to imagine having my child/ren out there and not being able to see/talk/touch them! It would drive me nuts. Where is this baby boy!!??? I just want him home, safe and sound, with his big sissy. That is where he belongs! I will be lighting a candle for this sweetheart tonight. :star::praying:


Makes me think of Terry Horman.....grrrrrr.:furious:
Thanks for sharing that link No Stone! Man, where on earth is this little boy?? What is the general consensus on him still being alive?

Respectfully snipped. I do not believe Sky is alive, unfortunately. LE has covered all of their bases in terms of following up on any potential overseas parental kidnapping scenarios. There is really no evidence at all that Julia secreted Sky away to live with family members or anywhere else. Furthermore, members on the WS forum were able to verify through photographs (this was a while back) that Sky was still alive AFTER the grandfather's last visit to the US. MM was clearly Julia's favored child and there just really isn't a sound argument I've heard that explains why she would secret away Sky first and not MM, if she was truly trying to maintain her family. It doesn't make sense. She would have given MM to family or friends before she gave away Sky.

In addition to there being no evidence that Sky is alive and a victim of parental abduction, there IS evidence that he died in Julia's apartment (likely the victim of severe parental neglect, malnutrition, and starvation). As I mentioned in a previous post (take it or leave it, as I can't provide a link to back it up) I spoke on the phone with an insider to the investigation who claimed to be in close contact with LE and said she had read the file on Sky's case. This person said LE is convinced Sky is deceased and that there was a cadaver dog hit in the apartment.

We also have reason to believe LE found meaningful evidence during their search of Watershed Park back in November of last year -- although that fact is now being denied, I chalk that up to an investigative tactic. This evidence (and, I do believe something was recovered) was found the day after photos of a harried and crazy-eyed Julia in a local bank were released to the public. I truly believe someone saw her at Watershed Park around the same time she was in that bank trying to frantically obtain money and recognized Julia from those photos, thus calling in the tip about Watershed Park. It would make sense that Sky was deceased at this time and Julia was trying to make her getaway.

We also have evidence of Julia hiding the children in her apartment for months prior to Sky's disappearance -- with no one seeing or having access to the children -- and, during that time, severely neglecting and starving them (as evidenced by photographs, historical accounts of her obsessional behavior with food and the children, and MM's weight and general health at the time of her rescue).

All of the above is JMO. In addition to that, I'd like to add that, as someone in the field of psychology, I find it very telling that the story Julia relayed to the police was that Sky was SICK and she was taking him to the hospital when she ran out of gas. Mental health professionals often believe there is some grain of truth in every lie. We know that Julia was lying that day about Sky being in the car with her....but maybe the grain of truth is that he really was sick. This also leads me to believe that, unfortunately, Sky is deceased.

WE WANT JUSTICE!!!! :banghead:
Respectfully snipped. I do not believe Sky is alive, unfortunately. LE has covered all of their bases in terms of following up on any potential overseas parental kidnapping scenarios. There is really no evidence at all that Julia secreted Sky away to live with family members or anywhere else. Furthermore, members on the WS forum were able to verify through photographs (this was a while back) that Sky was still alive AFTER the grandfather's last visit to the US. MM was clearly Julia's favored child and there just really isn't a sound argument I've heard that explains why she would secret away Sky first and not MM, if she was truly trying to maintain her family. It doesn't make sense. She would have given MM to family or friends before she gave away Sky.

In addition to there being no evidence that Sky is alive and a victim of parental abduction, there IS evidence that he died in Julia's apartment (likely the victim of severe parental neglect, malnutrition, and starvation). As I mentioned in a previous post (take it or leave it, as I can't provide a link to back it up) I spoke on the phone with an insider to the investigation who claimed to be in close contact with LE and said she had read the file on Sky's case. This person said LE is convinced Sky is deceased and that there was a cadaver dog hit in the apartment.

We also have reason to believe LE found meaningful evidence during their search of Watershed Park back in November of last year -- although that fact is now being denied, I chalk that up to an investigative tactic. This evidence (and, I do believe something was recovered) was found the day after photos of a harried and crazy-eyed Julia in a local bank were released to the public. I truly believe someone saw her at Watershed Park around the same time she was in that bank trying to frantically obtain money and recognized Julia from those photos, thus calling in the tip about Watershed Park. It would make sense that Sky was deceased at this time and Julia was trying to make her getaway.

We also have evidence of Julia hiding the children in her apartment for months prior to Sky's disappearance -- with no one seeing or having access to the children -- and, during that time, severely neglecting and starving them (as evidenced by photographs, historical accounts of her obsessional behavior with food and the children, and MM's weight and general health at the time of her rescue).

All of the above is JMO. In addition to that, I'd like to add that, as someone in the field of psychology, I find it very telling that the story Julia relayed to the police was that Sky was SICK and she was taking him to the hospital when she ran out of gas. Mental health professionals often believe there is some grain of truth in every lie. We know that Julia was lying that day about Sky being in the car with her....but maybe the grain of truth is that he really was sick. This also leads me to believe that, unfortunately, Sky is deceased.

WE WANT JUSTICE!!!! :banghead:

Thank you very much for this. After reading this, it is MOO that he is no longer with us as well. Poor little man. I have read a lot about this story, went back and read all of the threads and news clips about it as well. It is just so sad. I guess the quest is to find this little boy and give him a proper burial. Where is this sweet boy???

Agreed, Justice needs to be served to the responsible person! :furious:
Good Friday Afternoon Sky Crew! I must put in my two cents here as well. I hate to even type it, but I must be honest when I say that I do not believe that Sky is alive. I have to say that it would be a miracle that I would welcome greatly if he were being "stashed" in another country. But we ALL know too well that if Sky was taken out of the country, little M would have been as well. Or - more likely - little M would have been taken out of the country first, then Sky would have followed. I canNOT see her not saving her precious little M. Just doesn't jive with her personality towards little M (given all of the pictures and her seeming preference to little M - especially the coaching on the audios).

Unfortunately, I believe that there is a very great chance that he was gone long before she "reported" him missing. He was likely gone that summer, and NOONE but Solomon seems to give a ****. It is highly likely that during the 12 hour mediation, little Sky might not have even been home then. That may be one of the very reasons that she did not get a "baby-sitter". She didn't want to even alert her friends/family that little Sky was gone.

I fear the worst is that little Sky may be at the landfill. We all know that it is almost impossible to find remains at the landfill - but especially when you do not even know when the remains were put there. I watched intently as they searched for Lori Hacking after Scott confessed. They had a devil of a time finding her even though they knew the exact day/time/location that he put her in a garbage container. I watched with awe, wonder, and extreme reverance as the searchers put in hour-after-hour, day-after-day searching for little Jhessye.

I honestly have little hope that the person responsible will ever gain a conscience and confess. I can only hope that someone within her inner circle will someday realize that she needs help that they cannot give. Someone will turn her in for the good of everyone!

Bless our Sky Crew!! We are all still here, all still hoping, all still wanting justice!
Good Friday Afternoon Sky Crew! I must put in my two cents here as well. I hate to even type it, but I must be honest when I say that I do not believe that Sky is alive. I have to say that it would be a miracle that I would welcome greatly if he were being "stashed" in another country. But we ALL know too well that if Sky was taken out of the country, little M would have been as well. Or - more likely - little M would have been taken out of the country first, then Sky would have followed. I canNOT see her not saving her precious little M. Just doesn't jive with her personality towards little M (given all of the pictures and her seeming preference to little M - especially the coaching on the audios).

Unfortunately, I believe that there is a very great chance that he was gone long before she "reported" him missing. He was likely gone that summer, and NOONE but Solomon seems to give a ****. It is highly likely that during the 12 hour mediation, little Sky might not have even been home then. That may be one of the very reasons that she did not get a "baby-sitter". She didn't want to even alert her friends/family that little Sky was gone.

I fear the worst is that little Sky may be at the landfill. We all know that it is almost impossible to find remains at the landfill - but especially when you do not even know when the remains were put there. I watched intently as they searched for Lori Hacking after Scott confessed. They had a devil of a time finding her even though they knew the exact day/time/location that he put her in a garbage container. I watched with awe, wonder, and extreme reverance as the searchers put in hour-after-hour, day-after-day searching for little Jhessye.

I honestly have little hope that the person responsible will ever gain a conscience and confess. I can only hope that someone within her inner circle will someday realize that she needs help that they cannot give. Someone will turn her in for the good of everyone!

Bless our Sky Crew!! We are all still here, all still hoping, all still wanting justice!

I agree with most of this. I have always thought that something happened to Sky the day she was at mediation. Even before it was said that she had a history of leaving those kids alone, that was always my feeling. I also agree that it seems to be that Solomon is the only one who cares, besides us of course, about bringing Sky home. I am sure LE has done what they can, given what they have to work with. BUT, I wonder why, if LE had a possible hit with the cadaver dogs, why nothing happened with that? I have heard it said that Sky may have been under nourished and suffer from mal-nutrition, I can sadly see him passing away from that and dehydration before M would of. I just can't shake the feeling that something happened to him the day of mediation. I will never give up and stop praying that this little boy will be found given a proper burial. One where is father can go to grieve when he wants. Poor little M and poor Solomon. JB, IMO, is a nut job and I too hope that someone, someday will give up what they know. I don't know why anyone would protect her after what, IMO, she has done to Sky! MOO :moo:
I agree with most of this. I have always thought that something happened to Sky the day she was at mediation. Even before it was said that she had a history of leaving those kids alone, that was always my feeling. I also agree that it seems to be that Solomon is the only one who cares, besides us of course, about bringing Sky home. I am sure LE has done what they can, given what they have to work with. BUT, I wonder why, if LE had a possible hit with the cadaver dogs, why nothing happened with that? I have heard it said that Sky may have been under nourished and suffer from mal-nutrition, I can sadly see him passing away from that and dehydration before M would of. I just can't shake the feeling that something happened to him the day of mediation. I will never give up and stop praying that this little boy will be found given a proper burial. One where is father can go to grieve when he wants. Poor little M and poor Solomon. JB, IMO, is a nut job and I too hope that someone, someday will give up what they know. I don't know why anyone would protect her after what, IMO, she has done to Sky! MOO :moo:
IMO, Sky was already gone the day of mediation. Julia left M home alone that day (MOO) because she didn't want to have to explain to a baby-sitter (family or friend) why Sky wasn't there. When Solomon was awarded visitation with the children in the mediation agreement, Julia knew the ruse was up. I think she found it impossible to disagree with the terms in court without drawing suspicion, but she did try to weasel out of the agreement 2 days later - 2 days before staging the kidnapping.

Solomon seems confident in LE, so I have to believe they're still processing the evidence. But, considering the cadaver dog hit in the apartment, I don't understand why LE still haven't searched the landfills or the garbage transfer stations. Perhaps they have reason to believe Julia buried Sky's body somewhere, or disposed of his body in a lake. I'm inclined to believe the latter because it would be cleaner and, for Julia, maybe even represent a ritualistic cleansing.
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