WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 4

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GrahamKIRO7 Graham Johnson
Father of missing boy testifying now in family court. He's seeking custody of his 4 year old daughter, which CPS opposes. #searchforsky
4 minutes ago
Retweeted by KIRO7Seattle

I am going out of town for the next two days to visit my terminally ill brother. I am terribly sad about Sky, and I wish that someone would come clean!! Somebody knows where this little boy is!! I have my suspicions which I have made plain. I will be praying that I am wrong; and I will be praying that Sky is found while I am gone.
To add to BritsKate's post above:

"Last December, a social worker determined that there was a "preponderance of evidence" that Metalwala had struck his daughter hard enough to cause bruising, court records show. The social worker also said Sky had troubling bruises, but because the boy could not talk, it wasn't clear where he got them. However the attorney for Metalwala, Leslie Clay Terry III, said Monday that case worker had only interviewed the mother and that Child Protective Services later conducted an investigation that cleared Metalwala."


She filed a complaint that he assaulted her in December 2009...but there are 200 photos of them at his family Christmas celebration together 2009. Do we know the exact date? Because I am going to be honest if my husband beat me I wouldnt be going to his family party. They looked happy as can be. She even doing those awkward family photo poses by the tree.
I am going out of town for the next two days to visit my terminally ill brother. I am terribly sad about Sky, and I wish that someone would come clean!! Somebody knows where this little boy is!! I have my suspicions which I have made plain. I will be praying that I am wrong; and I will be praying that Sky is found while I am gone.


Thinking of you, too, coco...
Just in police say there was 2.2 gallons of gas left in the car per Kiro tweet just now

What did she drive? A 98 Acura? If so, those get about 25 miles a gallon. :waitasec:
GrahamKIRO7 Graham Johnson
Father of missing boy testifying now in family court. He's seeking custody of his 4 year old daughter, which CPS opposes. #searchforsky
5 minutes ago

GrahamKIRO7 Graham Johnson
Paternal grandmother of missing boy calls her son patient and loving. He's seeking custody of daughter. CPS against it. #searchforsky
15 minutes ago

GrahamKIRO7 Graham Johnson
Grandmother of missing boy testifying at custody hearing regarding his sister. #searchforsky CPS recommends keeping sister in foster care.

After looking at the flicker photos I have some real concerns about Sky. This is just my gut feeling and how I reacted to some of the photos coupled with the information now coming out about the lack of anyone seeing Sky for so long and that the "mother" left both children unattended for long periods of time.

I see a child (Sky) that was an after thought. The daughter is the preferred child to the "mother" but even at times she also is not watched carefully. I feel that both children, but especially the daughter, are used as props to pretend that this "mother" is loving and normal.

The carousel photos of Sky are a concern because there is no adult there with a hand on him to make sure that he does not slide off. Pictures taken of the daughter, who was keeping an eye on Sky at that time? Sky leans over to place his hand on an object near him while on the horse, he is leaning over and still no adult hand seen on him to keep him on top of the horse.

The photos taken in what I assume to be the apartment show numerous toys for the daughter but where are Sky's toys? Was he expected to play with his sisters toys? Did he have anything that was his? I see expensive toys for the daughter to play house with, her dolls, and doll carriage.

In numerous photos the daughter is seen sitting on counter tops, with no adult right there in case she falls. Sky is seen in a store, sitting on the register counter, with the cashier having her hand behind him to keep him in place. Where was Sky when the daughter had her photo taken in the same store with her bag next to the Hello Kitty ride on toy? Was he still sitting on the counter? I see NO saftey precautions taken in the home or the apartment to keep a child from getting injured. The daughter is seen climbing onto a stone fireplace.

Who is the salt and pepper haired man seen in the hotel photos with Sky and sister? Did this man stay with Sky while sister and "mother" went to the concert with who appears to be the "mothers" mom? Why is the "mothers" brother more involved with the daughter than he is with Sky?

When did the "mother" decide to become a recluse? From the photos it appears that she enjoyed being around lots of people.

If the children have been allowed to climb on not only furniture but also countertops and they were left alone for extended periods of time then it is not to far fetched to wonder if something happened during one of those alone times that left Sky injured to the point of dying.

I also have a major problem with the daughter being allowed to operate a piece of kitchen equipment by herself at one point as they would give her the impression that it was allowed when ever she wanted to which could also point to a disaster when left alone.

IMO the "mother" definately did something to Sky. It could have been an accident but I do not believe at this point in time that it was accidental. Sky looks just like his father, the hated person that the "mother" was in a constant battle with. I also do not believe that either parent should have custody of the daughter or Sky, if he is found alive. Both have shown that neither are responsible parents and are vindictive to those they "hate".

How dumb do you have to be to tell police you ran out of gas when you really didn't? Did she really not think that they would check? This makes me think that she didn't have much time to plan, her story is too sloppy.
I am going out of town for the next two days to visit my terminally ill brother. I am terribly sad about Sky, and I wish that someone would come clean!! Somebody knows where this little boy is!! I have my suspicions which I have made plain. I will be praying that I am wrong; and I will be praying that Sky is found while I am gone.

And we'll be praying for you, your family and your brother. Be safe.
Did I read someplace that she did not have her purse with her? Did she have an insurance card, or some other method of obtaining medical care for the baby at the hospital she was allegedly going to?

EXACTLY what I was wondering...also, if the LE found NO stranger's fingerprints on the little boy's car seat to unsnap him....and found NO footprints excepts hers and the little girl's around the car area.....and NO strangers fingerprints on the door handle....and NO other tire/vehicle marks where someone pulled over and parked...Hmmmmmmm......

Wouldn't you need your license/ID at the hospital to receive service???
For identification purposes???...and your medical card for billing ????? and money/credit card for the co-pay????

Sounds like this was not well planned out/thought out ......Sounds like a "spur of the moment" decision to carry out this act...

If this disappearance has happened much earlier, I woul think as much better thought out alibi would be created...like a mall disappearance, break in etc...

I am wondering if this hospital is in the "network" of her insurance plan...Or just a "convenient" story...Interesting if this hospital has treated the kids/family before...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo many questions I have....
IMO and my :twocents:
Dang! Wrote a post and thread was closed. Just a couple thoughts from the presser I didn't see posted before.

While no one has seen Sky in several weeks, someone asked if mom and daughter had been seen w/o Sky and he said yes, he thought so and he'd check on that.

Mom and kids were apparently living a "reclusive" life and it's not strange that they hadn't been seen.

Mom admitted she left kids at home alone for long stretches of time but he would not confirm when those times were.

Mom's lawyer says she's "too distraught" to take a poly.

Interview with 4yo was "frustrating"--they didn't think she'd say he was in the car.

As for the one hour away from the car (which makes me wonder what the heck was she doing all that time), he said the timeline itself didn't bother him, just the choices she made. So perhaps she had an explanation for all that time.

Chevron gas station she ended up at does not seem to have video and while they don't think she was lying about the route she took that morning they have yet to find video along the way to corroborate that.

I guess they talked to friend she called who says she's incredulous about the mom leaving him behind in the car like that.

OK, that's all I think. Next presser at 3:30 PST.


She had to apparently wait for her friend to pick her up....and the friend does not live close by. (+12 miles)

Comments posted today @ 1:36 in the this article states that Chevron was not selling gas too. http://www.king5.com/news/Missing-boys-mom-declines-request-for-polygraph-133499358.html
Unreal, her state of mind must have been so out of control...not looking good
Child Protective Services (CPS) said that Metalwala should not have custody of the 4-year-old and that Biryukova should not have any visitation rights. The agency said that each parent poses a "significant risk of harm" to the young girl. Solomon Metalwala also has relatives living with him and the agency has not conducted a background check on those individuals.

The agency also argued that since Sky is still missing and his whereabouts are unknown, neither parent should have custody of M**** CPS also said that even if Sky was found, Biryukova should not have any visitation rights because of the "strong influence she might have over her daughter" could taint the investigation.

Biryukova has not made an attempt to contact CPS but Freitas said that she would like M**** to be released to Metalwala and that she should be allowed supervised visits since she has not been charged. Freitas also said that CPS has done its due diligence in trying to contact Biryukova or herself, stating that the agency contacted them late Tuesday afternoon. She added that they have also not performed background checks on paternal relatives.

Metalwala argued that since he was not with Sky at the time of his disappearance, he is not at fault and should therefore have custody of his daughter.
I don't think either of these parents need to be anywhere little m**** right now...!
It's reminding me of the case in Tampa, where the mom killed her 2 teenage kids. Just out of her mind

Julie Schenecker
THEORY:: I wonder if poor little daughter M was told by coaching Mommy that if she said anything different about Sky, little daughter might be arrested by the big, bad police. That would scare any child, especially a 4-year-old.

Thank you Magdalyn, I too am pretty sure that I read that the abuse charges against SM were dropped and found to be unsubstantiated. I would love to really understand all of this, but it is just plain too convoluted!

I don't think she'd have to threaten the four year old. They are really incredibly easy to manipulate. Unless she saw her mother actually harm the child there is nothing for the mother to worry about.

If she put her in the back of the car and told her not to wake up the baby because sky was sleeping she could have actually convinced the child that the baby was in the car. Also a dead baby is not going to look like a "dead baby" to a four year old. It will look like a sleeping baby. So even if she saw the baby in the house dead, she could be easily convinced that the baby was sleeping.

Really the saddest part of the whole thing is what this child may or may not have seen without even realizing.
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