WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 6

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Too upset to talk with police about your missing child?
Exactly. After reading the declaration, I find myself wondering if the children had a GAL and if not, why?

Since I'm going through a GAL locally I can tell you what I do know.

We'd see an appointment for GAL in the court documents. There is a specific order including the scope of the investigation. I didn't see that document listed, and quite frankly, I'm shocked. On that document the court generates three names, each side crosses off a name and you're left with the third.

I'm frankly shocked that, even if neither side requested one, that it wasn't ordered just the same. It would have been useful getting to the bottom of things. My GAL is talking to therapists, doctors, schools, police, prosecutors, CPS, you name it in my case. She has the legal right to consider listening to my audio recording, even though the same court has barred it's use--I'm not sure why, but it's an investigative right CPS and GALs have locally. This is a tool these children desperately needed, given the nature of the accusations back and forth.
She knows they aren't true. According to that declaration, he passed a polygraph.

Yes, and I doubt dad would lie about passing a poly in the declaration, because it is easily verifiable.

Additionally, the declaration exemplifies the same level of cooperation from dad during the divorce and custody proceedings as it does now with Sky's disappearance.

I also find myself wondering about JB's two friends which were named in the declaration. I wonder what they are thinking now regaring Sky's disappearance. Have they had an uh oh moment realizing exactly how ill their friend JB is and that perhaps dad was right regarding the childrens well being? Of course JB is the one ultimately responsible, just saying.
I fixed the link in my original post - here is another...


Wow! That's a bombshell document there.

Even if you assume that dad is putting the most positive spin on things (from his perspective), it is still a chilling read. And to be honest, from my read on it, it sounds more like he is trying to be as exact as he can be, rather than trying to score points. Nor does anything he writes conflict with what we see in mom's facebook or flicker accounts, or the things we have learned since.

Sadly, it seems he was correct. Mom never got the help she needed. Her friends, not understanding just how crazy she was, helped her keep him away. And even though he was telling the truth, no one listened.

As I have been saying for some time, I think it is only LUCK that we are looking for only one child.
I'll be the first to admit that I've come in at the tail end of this, and just recently had a chance to go through the FLICKR photos. Really really creepy. In going through the family fun photos, it looked like the daughter was photographed literally every couple of seconds (a fast slide show could be pretty telling). But mommy taking a photo in the bathroom outside the stall....WTF? Not 1 photo, but 2. And mom most certainly had to follow her daughter into the play area (usually reserved for children) to get all those photos.

My son went to many a Chuck E' Cheeses in his early days, but I never snapped more than 5-10 photos. Was Sky even there?

To say she was obsessive on that day (picture taking) is an understatement!



Julia is much too devastated to speak to LE. That's the info. he has been told by her "camp."

Hogwash. His father hasnt seen him in a year and may never have a chance again, he has been warning of this for over a year now and has to live with the fact that he did what he could to help them and failed....he took the time to speak. He took the test. He pleaded for his child. He passed out flyers.

How does she get to be more devastated. She wasnt too devastated to "like" some bar and grill or accept facebook friends. Who does that? Have the doctor give you a fliipin' Xanax and get to the station. Take your attorney. Take a team of attorneys. Get Jose Baez, Ben Matlock and Judge Judy! I am pretty sure you could pull up in a clown car. No excuse.
Julia is much too devastated to speak to LE. That's the info. he has been told by her "camp."

GMAB, she is much too devastated for her self, likely suffering from OCD regarding the repercussions she is soon to face. :boohoo:
Yes, and I doubt dad would like about passing a poly in the declaration, because it is easily verifiable.

Additionally, the declaration exemplifies the same level of cooperation from dad during the divorce and custody proceedings as it does now with Sky's disappearance.

I also find myself wondering about JB's two friends which were named in the declaration. I wonder what they are thinking now regaring Sky's disappearance. Have they had an uh oh moment realizing exactly how ill their friend JB is and that perhaps dad was right regarding the childrens well being? Of course JB is the one ultimately responsible, just saying.

I think SO had her "oh, s***" moment when she came to pick up JB and M and found out Sky was left in the car alone. I believe even Maj. Mike said she was "flabbergasted or shocked" or some such word.
Too upset to talk with police about your missing child?

Exactly. I look back at what happened in my home back in May. It was unbearable. No, my child wasn't missing, but it was awful. So awful I kept literally falling on the floor with grief and horror. But still, I got up, I caught my breath, I spoke with police. And CPS. And hospitals. And forensic specialists. I was out of my head, honestly, but I did what I had to do to try and not just help my child, but the authorities sorting out this nightmare.

I just don't see a parent being able to sit still. I would have to search that area myself. I'd be with the police until they removed me, out of my head, wanting my baby. This makes zero sense.

ETA: I would NOT want a lawyer or anyone else filtering the info on the search from LE. I'd need to hear it and ask questions constantly.
Since I'm going through a GAL locally I can tell you what I do know.

We'd see an appointment for GAL in the court documents. There is a specific order including the scope of the investigation. I didn't see that document listed, and quite frankly, I'm shocked. On that document the court generates three names, each side crosses off a name and you're left with the third.

I'm frankly shocked that, even if neither side requested one, that it wasn't ordered just the same. It would have been useful getting to the bottom of things. My GAL is talking to therapists, doctors, schools, police, prosecutors, CPS, you name it in my case. She has the legal right to consider listening to my audio recording, even though the same court has barred it's use--I'm not sure why, but it's an investigative right CPS and GALs have locally. This is a tool these children desperately needed, given the nature of the accusations back and forth.

I asked the same thing yesterday. I dont know why the judge didnt see the crap and demand it. We had one in my case. He was a god sent. Its impossible in a heated case like that to not see things one sided. Im guilty myself. We found every single reason to attack each other. I learned a lot in that experience.

I am very proud of the relationship I have developed with my former husband and how positive it is on my son. It was a looooong road to get there. I feel for anyone in that situation.
Wow! That's a bombshell document there.

Even if you assume that dad is putting the most positive spin on things (from his perspective), it is still a chilling read. And to be honest, from my read on it, it sounds more like he is trying to be as exact as he can be, rather than trying to score points. Nor does anything he writes conflict with what we see in mom's facebook or flicker accounts, or the things we have learned since.

Sadly, it seems he was correct. Mom never got the help she needed. Her friends, not understanding just how crazy she was, helped her keep him away. And even though he was telling the truth, no one listened.

As I have been saying for some time, I think it is only LUCK that we are looking for only one child.

My opinion only, however I believe JB may see the girl as an extension of herself, since her appearance does favor the mother. Sky, on the other hand, so closely resembles his father that he is the one who was expendable especially since he hasn't already been conditioned to disdain Solomon. Also, in her mind, taking Sky away from his father is the best form of revenge against him.

Did they say if there would be a second presser today, or will the next presser be tomorrow morning?
Did they say if there would be a second presser today, or will the next presser be tomorrow morning?

He briefly quipped that he would have more info. in "the morning," but didn't specifically say whether he would be back at 3:30 or not.
I'm really interested to see what pans out tomorrow. It seems to me that will be the day they decide whether to charge Julia with a neglect related offense, to force her to talk to them, and get her in custody.

So her lawyer appears willing to allow LE to charge her with a CRIME (which I don't believe they would be considering at this point, if she were cooperating) rather than have her submit, in his presence, to police questioning.

Crazy like a fox. : (
After reading dad's declaration and giving things a little more thought I have somewhat revised my opinion (not that anyone would care).

I think now what we are looking at is a tragedy more than a crime (which is not to say that no charges should or will be filed of course). I think we are looking at a mom who suffered from a handful of extreme mental illnesses. She was probably expert in hiding these from her friends, and in manipulating the people around her. The one person who really knew and understood the problem, well, he was the dad, so mom's friends are certainly not going to listen to HIM.

I think the courts and caseworkers dropped the ball here. They didn't look closely enough at mom's history, and they didn't realize what and who they were dealing with.

Mom needed HELP. What she got, instead, was enabling.

In any case, the police have damn near everything they need to convict this woman already.
I'm really interested to see what pans out tomorrow. It seems to me that will be the day they decide whether to charge Julia with a neglect related offense, to force her to talk to them, and get her in custody.

So her lawyer appears willing to allow LE to charge her with a CRIME (which I don't believe they would be considering at this point, if she were cooperating) rather than have her submit, in his presence, to police questioning.

Crazy like a fox. : (

BBM That leads me to believe she knows too and the crime she is facing is far lighter than the one that will come by her talking. One can infer as much.
Anyone know off hand when the last time was that mom and dad went to court about the kids?

The reason I ask is that I went back to look at the flicker photos and noticed something. If the dates are correct on there as to when they were taken, it appears that the kids and mom were staying with Grandma around November 3, 2010. It also appears that they are then in the apartment around November 29, 2010. I'm wondering if mom had Grandma say in court that they would be staying with her so that another adult would be there for the kids.
His middle name was Elijah?

Sky Elijah?

Elijah was a Hebrew prophet of the 9th century BC, during the reign of King Ahab and his queen, Jezebel. The two Books of Kings in the Old Testament tell of his exploits, which culminate with him being carried to heaven (Sky)in a chariot of fire.

What's in a name anyway? I wonder if this is significant?
After reading dad's declaration and giving things a little more thought I have somewhat revised my opinion (not that anyone would care).

I think now what we are looking at is a tragedy more than a crime (which is not to say that no charges should or will be filed of course). I think we are looking at a mom who suffered from a handful of extreme mental illnesses. She was probably expert in hiding these from her friends, and in manipulating the people around her. The one person who really knew and understood the problem, well, he was the dad, so mom's friends are certainly not going to listen to HIM.

I think the courts and caseworkers dropped the ball here. They didn't look closely enough at mom's history, and they didn't realize what and who they were dealing with.

Mom needed HELP. What she got, instead, was enabling.

In any case, the police have damn near everything they need to convict this woman already.

I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.
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