WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 6

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After reading dad's declaration and giving things a little more thought I have somewhat revised my opinion (not that anyone would care).

I think now what we are looking at is a tragedy more than a crime (which is not to say that no charges should or will be filed of course). I think we are looking at a mom who suffered from a handful of extreme mental illnesses. She was probably expert in hiding these from her friends, and in manipulating the people around her. The one person who really knew and understood the problem, well, he was the dad, so mom's friends are certainly not going to listen to HIM.

I think the courts and caseworkers dropped the ball here. They didn't look closely enough at mom's history, and they didn't realize what and who they were dealing with.

Mom needed HELP. What she got, instead, was enabling.

In any case, the police have damn near everything they need to convict this woman already.

I thought the exact same thing. The demise of a marriage, health of children and now the possible death of on spun off from an untreated illness. But I think she couldnt accept it and decided money was the issue. It evolved into a game of money and child exploitation. I think she got so focused on winning that it was to be obtained at all cost.

I dont understand how the system missed it. I guess its so common to do on the offensive they thought it was your run of the mill custody mud slinging. So sad.
And why is it so darned common to allege abuse when one is on the losing end of the fight? It makes me furious.

don't know a middle name there

The m is most often reserved for memorable occasions. It is known to many as the “lei of royalty,” given to signify respect and honor.
:waitasec:naw! I'm over thinking!


I know there are businesses under these apartments... Maybe LE has checked their security cams?
I also have wondered why MONDAY was stated by police... :maddening:
I'm trying to make a point and I can't word it right!! grr... I wonder if Friday 11-11-11 being Veteran's day and a holiday for some has caused a delay that can't be resolved until open of business Monday morning. 11-14-11
did that make sense?:seeya:
I personally would love to hear from her side of the family. Mainly her brother, mom and dad. They had to have known what was going on. March 13, 2011 mom and brother were with her and the kids at Salty's in Seattle. March 31, 2011 dad and brother were with her and the kids at the hotel were the photos of M and Sky in the pool were taken. They had to have some idea as to what was going on with her at that time.

Maile~ did I spell it right?

don't know a middle name there

The m is most often reserved for memorable occasions. It is known to many as the “lei of royalty,” given to signify respect and honor.
:waitasec:naw! I'm over thinking!


I know there are businesses under these apartments... Maybe LE has checked their security cams?
I also have wondered why MONDAY was stated by police... :maddening:
I'm trying to make a point and I can't word it right!! grr... I wonder if Friday 11-11-11 being Veteran's day and a holiday for some has caused a delay that can't be resolved until open of business Monday morning. 11-14-11
did that make sense?:seeya:

City hall was closed on Friday, iirc. I think Johnson mentioned it on Thursday's 3:30PM briefing...saying it was the beginning of the holiday.

Not sure you should be using her full name Gngr. Not a mod.....just a heads up.:)
Did they say if there would be a second presser today, or will the next presser be tomorrow morning?

Don't hold me to it, but I think the anchor on KIRO after the PC gave a reminder about a 3:30 PC. :innocent:
After reading dad's declaration and giving things a little more thought I have somewhat revised my opinion (not that anyone would care).

I think now what we are looking at is a tragedy more than a crime (which is not to say that no charges should or will be filed of course). I think we are looking at a mom who suffered from a handful of extreme mental illnesses. She was probably expert in hiding these from her friends, and in manipulating the people around her. The one person who really knew and understood the problem, well, he was the dad, so mom's friends are certainly not going to listen to HIM.

I think the courts and caseworkers dropped the ball here. They didn't look closely enough at mom's history, and they didn't realize what and who they were dealing with.

Mom needed HELP. What she got, instead, was enabling.

In any case, the police have damn near everything they need to convict this woman already.

Excellent analysis and I fully agree. Sadly, most non professionals have no idea how to deal with mental illness in family and friends. It's sad, as these people probably did what they believed best. Who better than Dad to know about Julia, especially after living with her for so many years? After reading that declaration, I am convinced he did everything he possibly could to get Julia the help she needed. Sadly, those on the outside helped mom avoid getting herself help. ....And poor little Sky paid the ultimate consequences. :(
City hall was closed on Friday, iirc. I think Johnson mentioned it on Thursday's 3:30PM briefing...saying it was the beginning of the holiday.

Not sure you should be using her full name Gngr. Not a mod.....just a heads up.:)

I thought about that and edited FWIW but did leave it in the quoted portion. Mods feel free to delete if need be!:innocent:

I broke down some of the stuff in the doc. for those that can't read it:

She was not eating right (SM would bring her food so she would eat after he got home) One time she even passed out and neighbor called medic's.

She was not sleeping right.

She was depressed, bi-polar and Severe OCD per 2 doctors.

She would not keep food in the house and would call her husband to come get M. because M. was hungry.

She made M. sleep until 2pm.

She would not leave the house often or allow company to come over.

She made them moved from house to house because she was not comfortable. which caused them to loose the condo because it was intended for a rental.

She wanted pill's not any other alternatives. Later saying she never needed those pills and he forced her to take them.

She got severally worse after Sky was born.

She would not take M. to preschool forcing the husband too.

She made them all wear the same clothes everyday washing them each night not to upset the closet's.

Would not allow them to sleep in bed because it was a "perfect place" forcing them all to sleep on the floor in the living room.

Would not allow dad to say goodnight to M. for fear of dirt traveling around, he was only allowed in the bathroom and living room (soon after though he was not even allowed to go into the bathroom)

She started having dreams of strangling the youngest Sky.

She developed a unusual bond with her daughter.

She would make statements that M. would repeat back like a parrot. Most famous one was " I am going to kill myself"

She would bribe the daughter with toys ect. to get her to do what she wanted. bribed her with a dollhouse and let her play on her bike knowing she would not choice dad over those things.

after they lost the house he moved in with his mom and brother with the kids, mom moved in with her friend SO.

They were granted shared custody in sep. 2010, she became very angry
She retaliated against him frequently after this falsely (I say this because it was proven he did not do those things) pointing the finger at him 5 times each getting worse then the other.

M. started saying things like "the car belongs to mom, the store belongs to mom you took it away" and she stated he "took the condo away"

He thought she might be suffering from Munchhausen hurting the kids to draw attention to herself and blaming it on the dad. He passed the Poly regarding this abuse.

His greatest fear is that she will hurt herself and/or the kids.

She wanted more money ($500) a month. Even filed contempt of court on him when he missed 1 payment, which he has since payed.

She wanted stuff from the house he believes he does not have. He offers to take her attorney through the house to check.

Hope this helps some...MOO
BBM That leads me to believe she knows too and the crime she is facing is far lighter than the one that will come by her talking. One can infer as much.

Yep, it worked for Casey and I'll bet Julia is hoping it works for her too.
:( :banghead: :furious:
Just wondering why mom isn't charged with child endangerment or neglect for leaving
baby in car seat and going away, leaving the car unlocked.
At 2 yrs old my grandchildren could get themselves out of a car seat!
and out of the car.
Why didn't she take him also, he could walk...........
IMO, he was never in the car.

My guess is that they COULD charge her but they are choosing not to at this time because it is more important to them to try and keep the lines of communication open with JB in the hopes that, at some point, she'll come around and start cooperating -- at least enough to bring them somewhere new in the investigation.

I believe they also have a little more (incriminating) information than they are sharing with the public and are holding that close to the vest until they feel they have enough to successfully prosecute JB for a worser crime. I do get the sense that there's something they know that we don't but that they aren't sure it's enough to get a conviction and are hoping for just a little more. I think they also desperately want to find this little boy -- no matter what condition he is in -- and believe JB is the only link to that unless they get lucky. So, more reason to keep her appeased in hopes she'll cooperate.
I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.

TBH, I can't see him gaining full custody for quite a while. Poor kid has been traumatized something terrible against him and she's now staying with people she's unfamiliar with....and that's just what we know went on in her world. She'll need heavy guidance and counseling involving SM, imo.
Anyone know off hand when the last time was that mom and dad went to court about the kids?

The reason I ask is that I went back to look at the flicker photos and noticed something. If the dates are correct on there as to when they were taken, it appears that the kids and mom were staying with Grandma around November 3, 2010. It also appears that they are then in the apartment around November 29, 2010. I'm wondering if mom had Grandma say in court that they would be staying with her so that another adult would be there for the kids.

That's entirely possible. In most court orders parents are supposed to give the other parent their current address, but all too often it's easy not too. All one has to do is use someone else's address as their mailing address for proof. Julia could have used her moms address for her mail and that's all that would have been needed for 'proof'.
I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.

The reason the judge gave was that at this time since that dad has not seen her since dec 2010 it would be best to keep her in foster care and give him supervised visits. MOO
Clearly his attorney wrote that for him. IMO

As he should. I want to also mention here that if the things that he claims to the court are true and verifiable through other court documents, police reports and medical records are incorrect and done in order to mislead the court, the attorney could face sanctions for the attempt at doing so. Of all of the attorneys that I know (and there are a bunch) I don't believe that any of them would risk their careers or reputations by deliberately misleading the courts (by omission or outright lies) for a client. Not being snarky at all, just stating what I know through my experiences.
I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.

IMO, dad won't regain custody until the proper authorities have exhausted all options of assistance with necessary interviews with M in the hopes of solving Sky's disappearance. They need to deprogram her of the alienation her mother instilled in her as well. I think they are considering the best interests of the child, not based on whether her father is a fit parent, but based on the circumstances which exist in this case.

Unless they believe this child was in the car they can't very well charge her with leaving the child in the car. I agree, the child is adorable, but since he looks exactly like his father, he might have reminded JB of her husband, and it seems unlikely she felt fondly toward the husband considering their family dynamics.

I agree that most people, including LE, doubt that Sky was in the car at all that day. But, couldn't they still prosecute JB as, per her own report, she "admits" to leaving Sky alone in a car (really, really sick -- hospital-bound sick!) for 1 hour? I'm hoping that, even if they don't enough to charge her with something more serious, they could at least prosecute her on the abandonment, as she claims she abandoned him and they can't prove she didn't. Just a thought.
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