WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 6

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I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.

I think that CPS and the family courts have a very good idea just how spectacularly they blew it here and might be compensating through potentially excess caution.

They might also feel that it is best to take it slow, and it might well be that dad agrees with them. We don't know what kind of psychological landmines mom might have planted in her daughter's mind.

Finally, I suspect that dad is working WITH them and has probably not tried terribly hard for custody just yet. He has a LOT on his plate at the moment. He might just be thrilled that his daughter is safe, and content to leave it at that for the time being.
My guess is that they COULD charge her but they are choosing not to at this time because it is more important to them to try and keep the lines of communication open with JB in the hopes that, at some point, she'll come around and start cooperating -- at least enough to bring them somewhere new in the investigation.

I believe they also have a little more (incriminating) information than they are sharing with the public and are holding that close to the vest until they feel they have enough to successfully prosecute JB for a worser crime. I do get the sense that there's something they know that we don't but that they aren't sure it's enough to get a conviction and are hoping for just a little more. I think they also desperately want to find this little boy -- no matter what condition he is in -- and believe JB is the only link to that unless they get lucky. So, more reason to keep her appeased in hopes she'll cooperate.

In this thread #355 I quoted one of your posts I had bookmarked. Thanks for your insight especially on the effect of disorganized cognitive thought I bookmarked that too.:smile:
I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.


Here in VA, it would be very difficult for my daughter's father to get her for overnights after not having been around her for so long. In addition to that, under the circumstances, they obviously see that they have dropped the ball once and being overly cautious is most likely in order here now.
I haven't seen anyone here either defend or ignore SM's actions. I think the majority of us were shocked and outraged. Sky could so easily have died then. There is a difference though in how the instances are weighed in my opinion.

You have two parents who make a horrible, stupid, selfish and neglectful decision. They are ordered to parenting classes and punished for breaking the law. One parent seemingly has learned from this experience and has openly expressed remorse and regret while the other parent continues, despite past history, leaving her children unattended.

We never know everything that goes on in any marriage but in my opinion women can most assuredly be controlling and abusive as well. I personally do not believe the abuse allegations made by JB...I want to give her the benefit of the doubt due to my own experiences but I just can't.

1. According to JB the battering did not begin until December of 2009. At this point they had been together for approximately 14 years. It is highly unusual for abuse to start this late into a relationship. Not impossible but definitely unusual.

2. This incident was not reported until Mom requested a protective order months later at the commencement of divorce proceedings.

3. Dad was cleared of all abuse allegations per his attorney.

4. I believe the overwhelming majority of spouses married to an abuser would move hell and high water to attempt to limit access of the abuser to the child. Yet JB requested through her attorney that SM regain custody of M rather than the state retain custody.


Thank you for this excellent post. It sums up all that I think.

I fixed the link in my original post - here is another...


Where did you find this? In early threads, a few people discussed having read it and then I never heard anything again. In any case, everyone needs to read this nightmarish declaration. Horribly prophetic.

SM said in his declaration JB for a while lived with her mother (not her parents). I don't know where her father is, but I don't get the impression JB's parents are still together.

According to court records that someone found, her parents divorced when she was a teen, it appears. IIRC, in 1997. And she filed a declaration as a juvenile respondent. I'm sensing her parents' divorce might have been intense.

ITA. She'd be demanding her daughter not be placed with the husband if she believed those abuse stories.

That's right. And now that we read SM's dec., not only was she accusing the dad pf physical abuse, but of sexually abusing the daughter. And now she wants that same daughter to go with the dad? Clearly, she is a liar.

Clearly his attorney wrote that for him. IMO

Yes. So what? I write all of my client's declarations. That's why they hire attorneys. The process is this. They sit down with me and I have a pad. They vomit up a rambling, emotional mess of facts, thoughts, dates, etc. I ask them a ton of questions about anything significant. I then spend a few hours putting together everything they said in a chronological, readable manner, so the court will understand the facts and opinions of the client. Most clients do not have the ability to write a factual legal declaration and/or to step outside their own emotional chaos at the moment and make what they need to tell the court coherent, due to the overwhelmingly emotional nature of the proceedings. This is their life and they are often so flabbergasted, upset, scared that they cannot put it all together.

I have men and women in my office crying through these sessions, shaking hard, etc. It takes a long time to get the important facts together and keep them calm. Especially when it is a case as intense as Sky's parents. When my clients review their declarations before signing, they correct any facts I have wrong or any opinion that I understood incorrectly. They then sign it under oath, declaring that it is their testimony. They are often surprised that I am able to express what they wanted to say in a logical, powerful manner. People emotionally vested to a case usually cannot.

In any event, I would never make stories up to put into a declaration. I actually do not know an attorney that would. That's a major ethical violation and would be easily found out it a family law case.


My opinion only, however I believe JB may see the girl as an extension of herself, since her appearance does favor the mother. Sky, on the other hand, so closely resembles his father that he is the one who was expendable especially since he hasn't already been conditioned to disdain Solomon. Also, in her mind, taking Sky away from his father is the best form of revenge against him.



I agree with you. It's pretty obvious to me that he loved her very much, and probably still does to an extent; however, he KNEW she was spiraling out of control and needed to protect his children. It's a disgrace that NO ONE listened to him.

Having said that, I am left to wonder why he is not in custody of his daughter after a week.

Mom has had ten months to condition her daughter to fear and hate this man. And, he has not seen her for 10 months. I thought I read that CPS did not immediately give him custody as a result of him not having been in her life and were starting with supervised visitation. Poor kids.
I thought the exact same thing. The demise of a marriage, health of children and now the possible death of on spun off from an untreated illness. But I think she couldnt accept it and decided money was the issue. It evolved into a game of money and child exploitation. I think she got so focused on winning that it was to be obtained at all cost.

I dont understand how the system missed it. I guess its so common to do on the offensive they thought it was your run of the mill custody mud slinging. So sad.

You could be exactly right. They probably hear "I am afraid for my children" every day. In this case it wasn't hyperbole.

Further, he had a few things stacked against him.

1. He is a male. If dad is a cop and mom a convicted crack dealer the courts look at them as being about equal in terms of child rearing ability.

2. He is of Middle Eastern heritage. All kinds of baggage there.

3. She is an "attractive" blonde-haired middle-class woman. That alone is enough to pre-qualify her for the mother of the year awards.
I personally would love to hear from her side of the family. Mainly her brother, mom and dad. They had to have known what was going on. March 13, 2011 mom and brother were with her and the kids at Salty's in Seattle. March 31, 2011 dad and brother were with her and the kids at the hotel were the photos of M and Sky in the pool were taken. They had to have some idea as to what was going on with her at that time.


I'd like to hear from them too, but sadly, imo, they were nothing more than pawns to her in this vicious (sp?) cycle of venom towards her childrens father. She may have been well enough to spend small periods of time in front of her family and friends and hide the severity of her illness. She was clearly unable to 24/7 while living with her stbx.
The reason the judge gave was that at this time since that dad has not seen her since dec 2010 it would be best to keep her in foster care and give him supervised visits. MOO

I agree with the Judge. Too much has been put in the girl's mind that needs to be deprogrammed first. This is in the best interest of both the child and Solomon.

If any of you have not read the document I highly suggest you do. I'm sick after reading this. I think LE knows what happen to Sky just not how and where. MOO


Read paragraph 54 :(

not sure I'm allowed to link but I googled the store from the above document.
Yelp customer reviews...

comment from 08-02-2006 about the store...
"All the merchandise in the store is impeccably displayed... I can't fault the guy for making a living... I try to avoid this place like the plague just so you guy's know though.
* (this woman had "odd vibes" 5 years ago!):waitasec:
I just got the goose bumps!

comment 08-05-2008
"Oh come on people, it's not that bad!... And the guy is really, really

:twocents:Customer statements seem to back up what was said on the documents
I took the comments with a grain of salt though...
Is it possible Sky starved to death?

I believe it is quite possible she deprived him of enough food and he may have become physically ill as a result. However, I do not think this was the COD (I am assuming he is no longer alive). It would appear more likely she intentionally killed him, in the least "messy" way possible.

I agree that most people, including LE, doubt that Sky was in the car at all that day. But, couldn't they still prosecute JB as, per her own report, she "admits" to leaving Sky alone in a car (really, really sick -- hospital-bound sick!) for 1 hour? I'm hoping that, even if they don't enough to charge her with something more serious, they could at least prosecute her on the abandonment, as she claims she abandoned him and they can't prove she didn't. Just a thought.

I think they could make a list of charges against her at this point, but are waiting. How many counts of lying to LE? Remember CA? Probably why her attorney had her zip it up.

***Speculation: She did "it" Thursday after signing the agreement. She got her hair done and bought new shoes on Friday. Dead ringer, imo.

ETA: I hope that 2-3 hour conversation with other agencies wasn't with Orlando PD!!!!!
And why is it so darned common to allege abuse when one is on the losing end of the fight? It makes me furious.

Women allege abuse all the time, not just in custody fights. It's an EASY allegation to make. It automatically allows the woman to claim victim status, it offers a blanket excuse for anything she might have done herself, it is accepted as fact -- without evidence -- by a good percentage of people, and she knows that 99% of the time it cannot be disproven anyway.
Thank you for this excellent post. It sums up all that I think.

Where did you find this? In early threads, a few people discussed having read it and then I never heard anything again. In any case, everyone needs to read this nightmarish declaration. Horribly prophetic.

According to court records that someone found, her parents divorced when she was a teen, it appears. IIRC, in 1997. And she filed a declaration as a juvenile respondent. I'm sensing her parents' divorce might have been intense.

That's right. And now that we read SM's dec., not only was she accusing the dad pf physical abuse, but of sexually abusing the daughter. And now she wants that same daughter to go with the dad? Clearly, she is a liar.

Yes. So what? I write all of my client's declarations. That's why they hire attorneys. The process is this. They sit down with me and I have a pad. They vomit up a rambling, emotional mess of facts, thoughts, dates, etc. I ask them a ton of questions about anything significant. I then take spend a few hours putting together everything they said in a chronological, readable manner, so the court will understand the facts and opinions of the client. Most clients do not have the ability to write a factual legal declaration and/or to step outside their own emotional chaos at the moment and make what they need to tell the court, coherent, due to the overwhelmingly emotional nature of the proceedings. This is their life and they are often so flabbergasted, upset, scared that they cannot put it all together.

I have men and women in my office crying through these sessions, shaking hard, etc. It takes a long time to get the important facts together and keep them calm. Especially when it is a case as intense as Sky's parents. When my client review their declarations before signing, they correct any facts I have wrong or any opinion that I understood incorrectly. They then sign it under oath, declaring that it is their testimony. They are often surprised that I am able to express what they wanted to say in a logical, powerful manner. People emotionally vested to a case usually cannot.

In any event, I would never make stories up to put into a declaration. I actually do not know an attorney that would. That's a major ethical violation and would be easily found out it an family law case.


Mom has had ten months to condition her daughter to fear and hate this man. And, he has not seen her for 10 months. I thought I read that CPS did not immediately give him custody as a result of him not having been in her life and were starting with supervised visitation. Poor kids.


Amen to all of it gitana1!!!! Especially the parts BBM! Exactly what I was thinking on every point! You :rocker:
:loveyou: :woohoo:
I personally would love to hear from her side of the family. Mainly her brother, mom and dad. They had to have known what was going on. March 13, 2011 mom and brother were with her and the kids at Salty's in Seattle. March 31, 2011 dad and brother were with her and the kids at the hotel were the photos of M and Sky in the pool were taken. They had to have some idea as to what was going on with her at that time.


I would as well. But I know that most people are very good at concealing their crazy from others -- including their own family.
Excellent analysis and I fully agree. Sadly, most non professionals have no idea how to deal with mental illness in family and friends. It's sad, as these people probably did what they believed best. Who better than Dad to know about Julia, especially after living with her for so many years? After reading that declaration, I am convinced he did everything he possibly could to get Julia the help she needed. Sadly, those on the outside helped mom avoid getting herself help. ....And poor little Sky paid the ultimate consequences. :(


I can hate a Casey Anthony. From that declaration I just cannot put Julia into that category. She was crazy. She needed serious help. The system failed here. They listened to Julia and her friends and ignored the one guy who loved her and was in a position to actually know.
My guess is that they COULD charge her but they are choosing not to at this time because it is more important to them to try and keep the lines of communication open with JB in the hopes that, at some point, she'll come around and start cooperating -- at least enough to bring them somewhere new in the investigation.

I believe they also have a little more (incriminating) information than they are sharing with the public and are holding that close to the vest until they feel they have enough to successfully prosecute JB for a worser crime. I do get the sense that there's something they know that we don't but that they aren't sure it's enough to get a conviction and are hoping for just a little more. I think they also desperately want to find this little boy -- no matter what condition he is in -- and believe JB is the only link to that unless they get lucky. So, more reason to keep her appeased in hopes she'll cooperate.

Bellevue Police Spokesperson, Maj. Mike Johnson, said something to this effect earlier today: "We appreciate the cooperation — albeit slight, at this hour — we appreciate the cooperation that we've gotten from mom and her attorney," Johnson said. "We don't want to jeopardize that. We're hoping that that will continue. At this point, I'm not going to say that we're going to rule out that option, of making an arrest for a crime that occurred Sunday morning, but as we stand here today, we're not moving down that road."
I thought the same thing about the pictures. Not only the staging, but the number of photos! There are like a gazillion of the same pose, as if she's trying to find that perfect one.

It's almost as if the children were props in the 'story of her life as she wanted it to be'. Very sad. :(

I agree with you, and since ClassyT pointed that out about the staging, I went and looked -imo she is trying to impress someone with what a good mother she is. Trying to paint a perfect picture for someone's benefit. It was noteworthy to me that one album was on the same day as the audio "exchange from hell" 10/28/10 -she was definitely trying to impress (attorneys? the Dad?) upon someone what a good Mom she is with her picture perfectness.

I broke down some of the stuff in the doc. for those that can't read it:

She was depressed, bi-polar and Severe OCD per 2 doctors.

* Sorry for the edit, Miziree -- I wanted to focus on this one part, if that's okay. Are we sure she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If so, that would bolster my theory that she had some kind of psychotic break. I was having trouble fitting a psychotic break into her diagnosis of OCD, which was the only diagnosis I'd heard until now. But, people diagnosed with bipolar disorder sometimes do have psychotic breaks -- typically during a manic phase (which can also affect sleep, appetite, etc). Please don't get me wrong -- not all people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have psychotic breaks. But, it is known to happen in some so, if what you write is true, then it would fit with my theory. It would also explain how she can appear rational at one point and irrational at another, only to return to rational. Psychotic breaks are temporary. A manic episode might also explain the haircut/shoe buying, etc. People experiencing mania have high energy and low self-restraint so some go on shopping sprees.

If she's been holing herself up in the apartment and isolating, neighbors/friends/family may not have been aware of a manic episode or possible psychotic break. This also would help explain why one child disappeared and the other did not. If she had a psychotic break, she was not reality-based and thinking rationally and she could have experienced hallucinations that might have told her Sky was dangerous/dirty/a threat/had to be done away with, but not M. It's all speculation on my part, but if she's previously been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it would explain a lot more than the OCD diagnosis did, I think.
Yep, it worked for Casey and I'll bet Julia is hoping it works for her too.
:( :banghead: :furious:

I can think of at least 3 children that have gone missing since Casey was acquitted whose mothers are most likely involved. That is one of the reasons I was so upset at the verdict. It sent a message that not only can you get rid of your child and not face any consequences but it can be profitable, too.
I agree with you, and since ClassyT pointed that out about the staging, I went and looked -imo she is trying to impress someone with what a good mother she is. Trying to paint a perfect picture for someone's benefit. It was noteworthy to me that one album was on the same day as the audio "exchange from hell" 10/28/10 -she was definitely trying to impress (attorneys? the Dad?) upon someone what a good Mom she is with her picture perfectness.

Wow! Good catch!!
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