Identified! WA - Spokane, WhtFem 16-30, UP489, AKA "Millie", skull found in '98, Jun'84 - Ruth Belle Waymire

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Was Lynn Ruth Connes ever considered for "Millie"?

The Doe Network: Case File 827DFCA

She went already missing in 1976 when she was 20 yrs old. So she would have been 28 in 1984 when the decapitated body was found. I'm not sure if the story is realistic. She must have been abducted, kept captured, have a baby in captivity......She has blond hair, green eyes, a gap and seems to have a jotted shin. I couldn't find any clear picture where moles can be seen.

It's within the realms of possibility.
The ruleouts as of 8 August 2017 Unidentified Person Case

The following people have been ruled out as being this decedent:

First Name Last Name Year of Birth State LKA

Mary Ann Bagenstose 1958 Pennsylvania
Andria Bailey 1963 Washington
Carol Donn 1963 Florida
Carol Edwards 1955 Washington
single severed hand found in Spokane County o 1900 Washington
Sharon Giusti 1943 Washington
Kathryn Gregory 1957 Washington
Joan Hall 1966 Oregon
Wendy Huggy 1965 Florida
Marcia Joyce 1950 Washington
Julia Kanol (Cannell) 1947 Washington
Kase Lee 1966 Washington
Kelly McGinniss 1965 Washington
Helen Morgan 1957 Georgia
Elaine Robertson 1955 Washington
Gayla Schaper 1951 Idaho
Darlene Tucker 1966
Verla Winter 1939 Washington

New link: Unidentified Person Case


Anna Anderson
Evelyn McDowell
Sheila Pauley
Sally Schneider
Was Lynn Ruth Connes ever considered for "Millie"?

The Doe Network: Case File 827DFCA

She went already missing in 1976 when she was 20 yrs old. So she would have been 28 in 1984 when the decapitated body was found. I'm not sure if the story is realistic. She must have been abducted, kept captured, have a baby in captivity......She has blond hair, green eyes, a gap and seems to have a jotted shin. I couldn't find any clear picture where moles can be seen.

She wouldn't have had to be held captive. She could have just left, maybe with a guy or maybe not.

Side by side looks promising. The teeth are especially intriguing. But she has DNA in the system and ought to have been a ruleout by default. The dentals ought to have been flagged as a potential match as well.


  • lynn connes and millie.png
    lynn connes and millie.png
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She wouldn't have had to be held captive. She could have just left, maybe with a guy or maybe not.

Side by side looks promising. The teeth are especially intriguing. But she has DNA in the system and ought to have been a ruleout by default. The dentals ought to have been flagged as a potential match as well.
Did you submit this yet or has she been ruled out by DNA?
Did you submit this yet or has she been ruled out by DNA?

Connes was Bit of Hope's find; I don't know whether she wants to submit her. I think I probably wouldn't because of the DNA and dentals, at least not without further investigation to see whether there's any likelihood of a mistake.
Did you submit this yet or has she been ruled out by DNA?

I didn't submit Connes. Besides the DNA and a possible rule out on default, I have the feeling that her story has far from a logical fit with this UID. Also Lynn is smaller then the estimated height of "Millie" (5'4 and 5'7). But who am I....

Feel free to submit if you believe she could be it.
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No I have already submitted two possible matches for two cases to the doe network and I am still waiting for results on them so maybe in the future but if anyone else would Like to do so then feel free to.
I found another picture of Lynn Ruth Connes. Seeing this I have more doubts. She has a kind of hooked chin where Millie's chin is more pointy/round. Thoughts?


And I believe the other picture besides the one we know already is her to. I can't get access to the site, to check the story. High Point, North Carolina High School Sports | High Point Enterprise

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This could be a hard case to solve considering the amount of women that disappeared during the 20th century.
I never was able to find any current information online for the girl in the yearbook.

I located another girl in the 1985 book with the same surname and who looked similar enough to be possibly related. I've been trying to contact her for quite a while. My calls have always gone to voicemail.

I finally left a voicemail to confirm if she is related to this girl, and if so, whether she has seen her since 1984.

I hate to go to this extent because people usually get the creeps when they get a a call like that. LOL. But this girl's facial shape is quite unusual, and so spot on to the skull recon that I did that I had to follow-up.
I hope this lady gets identified, her poor family out there so worried about her,and not knowing where she is or what's happened to her...x
Not noted, but I can see two moles on her neck in the photo.
Long-shot but you never know.

Hmm personally not too sure if it's her because she's on the lower end of the range with regards to height. Also, she has a tattoo on her shoulder but there was none noted for Millie, just moles, scars and stretch marks. But I think you should submit her just in case.

Karen could be possible, but her height is at the lower end of the height range and I can't see her teeth properly given that there's only one photo available.

I'm really not sure with Elizabeth Lamotte given that she has a tattoo. Then again it just says that the tattoo is located on the left arm, so if the tattoo was on the the left wrist it could have been dismembered. Also, I can't really make out the gap between her front teeth.

With Terrie it mentions that her nose 'has a bump', but this was not noted in the information about Millie.

Furthermore, none of the information with regards to the 3 people mention that they have given birth before, and Millie 'had bore at least one child.'

But again I think that you should submit them as possible matches just in case.
Karen could be possible, but her height is at the lower end of the height range and I can't see her teeth properly given that there's only one photo available.

I'm really not sure with Elizabeth Lamotte given that she has a tattoo. Then again it just says that the tattoo is located on the left arm, so if the tattoo was on the the left wrist it could have been dismembered. Also, I can't really make out the gap between her front teeth.

With Terrie it mentions that her nose 'has a bump', but this was not noted in the information about Millie.

Furthermore, none of the information with regards to the 3 people mention that they have given birth before, and Millie 'had bore at least one child.'

But again I think that you should submit them as possible matches just in case.
I'm continuing to look and will post more possibilities on here, however, judging off of her face, she doesn't appear to be American. I may be wrong, but spending time in French as an exchange student, I had the "ability' to distinguish people who were American and "non-american". I wonder if they have done testing to see where she's from.

Another point in which i'm not sure has already been discussed is she's suffered from Spina Bifida. Usually people with SB are wheelchair bound, at least from my quick research and view in images. She would have troubles walking, perhaps she used a cane, or specialized shoes? Trouble walking should've been listen in the "Distinguishing marks" area. I know someone with back issues that uses "lifts" in their sneakers to help with posture and pain: not saying they're related, but it makes me wonder. Certainly she would've needed extra care with that condition. Check hospitals or specialist centers maybe?

I know it's been established by LE, that the hand found nearby isn't hers, but were the clothes found near the hand identified as hers or not? The articles of clothing appear consistent with the spring weather: t-shirt and sandal.

It's also worth noting that moles can sometimes form during pregnancy, I wonder how long ago they've estimated she's given birth. If it were a matter of only a few weeks or a month, I don't think she'd have any photographs with moles in them, I could be wrong. This also leads into a question of her perhaps running away prior to being pregnant? This would also explains stretch marks near her abdomen and breasts.

Perhaps this woman ran prior to giving birth or ran away because she was pregnant. It's hard to tell but I do recall a case in the late 80's where a girl runaway I think 13 or 14, and was found years later with a husband and children. If anyone knows please feel free to say.

I do apologize for the long abstract reply, but these were things ive thought about yesterday when viewing this case for the first time! So far, the majority of the ruleouts are from woman missing from Washington. Serial Killers such as Bundy have driven states away to get rid of bodies. Not too sure if the hitch-hiking culture was still relevant in '84; wasn't born then; but runaways come from all over. If we're going to look, id look everywhere including BC Canada which sits "on top" of Washington.
Perhaps this woman ran prior to giving birth or ran away because she was pregnant. It's hard to tell but I do recall a case in the late 80's where a girl runaway I think 13 or 14, and was found years later with a husband and children. If anyone knows please feel free to say.

Louann Emma Bowers ran away from Berlin Twp, York County, PA in '93 and turned up alive in 2009. Could she be the one your thinking of?
Louann Bowers, Pennsylvania Runaway in 1993, Faces Charges

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