WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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The guy who posted the photos and docs on Reddit says that he has more stuff coming in a few weeks. He'll let me know when it comes in.
Is there any evidence that he had eaten? He looks starved. In my personal opinion his jaw only looks so prominently square because his head is pulled right back.
It is reported he had a shower - i wonder what his condition was when he arrived at the hotel - was he clean / groomed looking or if he had prepared when he arrived.
How did the staff know Lyle had taken a shower in the first room when he said he hadn't - Did he leave anything behind / in the trash?
Were the layouts of the rooms different at all?

It says in the report the hand wounds looked healed, suggesting it may not have been caused at death.
The guy who posted the photos and docs on Reddit says that he has more stuff coming in a few weeks. He'll let me know when it comes in.

What more could he possibly have?! It's definitely welcome but I can't imagine..

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After following this case for so many years it was heartbreaking to see the photos and how very thin he actually was. I also found it very interesting to read the witness at the motel and her memory of him being "spaced" and giving her a "vibe". Since before I already knew that he had been pacing up and down the highway. These things put together with his suicide makes me believe he might have been bipolar or something along those lines. My ex was bipolar and the illness broke out in his early 20's, he would be manic which made him restless, and walking long stretches back and forth, he would almost stop eating and lost a lot of weight in a short period of time. All along he took good care of his appearance but people would get uneasy around him since he appeared to be off and would not look people in the eyes, avoiding contact and speak as little as possible. It took so long for me to get help for him since he did not want any help (he thought nothing was wrong) and he turned his back on his family who had not the stamina (unfortunately....) to help him. He would also suffer from insomnia and cover up the windows (similar to what our Lyle did). When manic episodes slow down they can get very depressed and many commit suicide.
That's a good thought about coming out of a manic phase. To me, he looks like he's been hunted by his own demons for weeks.
Many who suffer from mental illness turn away from their loved ones before anyone realizes how ill they actually are, and let them be. Perhaps this was the case with Lyle and therefore it appears like noone is missing him. Its vital we get this information out about him!! But how??? Although he is known by this large community and other like it we need to get it out in mainstream media somehow....Does anyone know anymore information about the book that is being written??
My ex could easily have been Lyle if the circumstances were different, luckily he got committed to a hospital before anything really bad happened and with medication has been able to live a good life. My heart aches for "our" Lyle
That's a good thought about coming out of a manic phase. To me, he looks like he's been hunted by his own demons for weeks.

Maybe, as previously speculated, the horrific 9- 11 events just 2 weeks prior, sent him in a downward spiral ?
Many who suffer from mental illness turn away from their loved ones before anyone realizes how ill they actually are, and let them be. Perhaps this was the case with Lyle and therefore it appears like noone is missing him. Its vital we get this information out about him!! But how??? Although he is known by this large community and other like it we need to get it out in mainstream media somehow....Does anyone know anymore information about the book that is being written??
My ex could easily have been Lyle if the circumstances were different, luckily he got committed to a hospital before anything really bad happened and with medication has been able to live a good life. My heart aches for "our" Lyle

I tried to search Amazon and Google for the book (from documents dated to 2011) it looks as if it never materialized.
Looking at the documents, his age constantly seems to fluctuate between 20-30, 25, 20 to 35, and finally 30-40. They seem to be sure on his height of 6'2", though they put an approximation of 6'6" on one report (wait, what?).

I agree with the people who say that he looks much younger in the crime scene photos. I think they brought up a lot of new ideas and perceptions about him.
I noticed his legs had infinitely more hair than the rest of his body - is there a specific ethnicity or race where that pattern is more prevalent?

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"According to Ashley Montagu who taught anthropology at Princeton University, the Asian people, San people, and black people are less hairy than white people and Montagu said that the hairless feature is a neotenous trait.[12]

Rodney P.R. Dawber of the Oxford Hair Foundation and Clinical Lecturer in Dermatology said East Asian males have little or no facial or body hair and Dawber also said that Mediterranean males are covered with an exuberant pelage.[13]

Anthropologist Arnold Henry Savage Landor described the Ainu as having hairy bodies.[14]

C.H. Danforth and Mildred Trotter of the Department of Anatomy at Washington University did a study using army soldiers of European origin where they concluded that dark-haired white men are generally more hairy than fair-haired white men.[15]

H. Harris who published in the British Journal of Dermatology said American Indians have the least body hair, Chinese and black people have little body hair, white people have more body hair than blacks and Ainu have the most body hair.[16]"
Looking at the documents, his age constantly seems to fluctuate between 20-30, 25, 20 to 35, and finally 30-40. They seem to be sure on his height of 6'2", though they put an approximation of 6'6" on one report (wait, what?).

In the coroners report it states that he is around 25 years old.
Also he has rather hairy legs & also hair on his abdomen, also he has a bit of a facial hair growing out. His arms could he possible have removed the hair...?
Looking at the documents, his age constantly seems to fluctuate between 20-30, 25, 20 to 35, and finally 30-40. They seem to be sure on his height of 6'2", though they put an approximation of 6'6" on one report (wait, what?).

In the coroners report it states that he is around 25 years old.
Also he has rather hairy legs & also hair on his abdomen, also he has a bit of a facial hair growing out. His arms could he possible have removed the hair...?

Good thought. The youngest carbuff has heavy hair on his forearms. When he was in high school it embarrassed him so much that he shaved them regularly. I don't know whether he still does--I didn't notice last time I saw him. But I can certainly imagine someone else doing it, especially one who appears to be meticulous about his grooming.
Looking at the documents, his age constantly seems to fluctuate between 20-30, 25, 20 to 35, and finally 30-40. They seem to be sure on his height of 6'2", though they put an approximation of 6'6" on one report (wait, what?).

In the coroners report it states that he is around 25 years old.
Also he has rather hairy legs & also hair on his abdomen, also he has a bit of a facial hair growing out. His arms could he possible have removed the hair...?

I think that might be his pubic hair, judging by the growth pattern.
He definitely looks Native American to me. What tribe? No clue. Each Tribe has it's own unique look. Here is some info that you guys might find handy. In the meantime, I will contact some Elders and see if they can point me to a tribe that might fit him.
Though some physical characteristics include Almond shaped almost oriental looking eyes. Lazy eyes in children. Heavy "fat" eyelids where the eyelid appears to have an extra fold. A melanin (pigmentation) in the back of the eye on the retina peculiar to Native Americans. Teeth that have a ledge on the backside. Run your tongue across them, they feel almost like a shovel shape. Large front teeth with a slight or more than slight gap. Lack of the Carrabelli cusp on the maxillary first molars, which is missing in Native Americans. Large heavy earlobes. Crooked fingers particularly the little finger or pinky. An inverted breastbone. Often called a Chicken Breast. The bone actually makes an indentation in the chest. Little toes that lie under the next one. A second toe longer than the big toe. A wider space between the big toe and second one. An extra ridge of bone along the outside of the foot.

^^ this is just a quick reference, but it's correct. I have that long middle toe. My little toe tries to hide on me, and I have that extra ridge along my feet. If you didn't know what you were looking for, you would never see it. It sounds like I am deformed, but these things look as normal as anyone else. It's a very subtle thing, but we notice it. :)

ETA! People are always asking my MIL what nationality I am. She tells them I was here long before they were. It's the almond eyes. Mine are not as noticeable as most. Make up does wonders. :)

According to a genealogy page I found, Mongols can have the shovel teeth too.

So are you wondering what this might have to do with genetic genealogy? Well, if you carry this gene, then you obtained it from some Asian ancestor. If you’re in America and not of Asian ancestry, then there are pretty much only two routes. One would be Native American ancestry and the second would be the population or invasion of Europe by Asian groups, such as the Mongol Hordes and the Huns. Your genealogy will have to be your guide as to which source contributed this gene to your ancestors, and ultimately to you.
Looking at the documents, his age constantly seems to fluctuate between 20-30, 25, 20 to 35, and finally 30-40. They seem to be sure on his height of 6'2", though they put an approximation of 6'6" on one report (wait, what?).

I agree with the people who say that he looks much younger in the crime scene photos. I think they brought up a lot of new ideas and perceptions about him.

I agree he looks younger in the pics.
My thoughts from the FB group. I have the same arm length as Lyle; so does my son. I'm not sure if my dad had it too; I was the only female that had long arms I assume because I'm tall. My mother & 2 siblings were pretty short.

Lyle looks Hungarian to me in a lot of the pics. He looks very similar to my dad when he was younger; minus the eye brows & nose but its possible Lyle's nose was broken. Someone had mentioned Italian which could also be accurate

Interesting and well thought out. I tend to agree about the name, and about the kind of personality he must have had. But I think he could have had any of a wide range of jobs -- most any white-collar job will keep you out of the sun. He could have been an accountant, a software developer, a buyer for a department store, a marketing flunky, a bank loan officer, a used-car salesman, etc. etc. etc.

I have always wondered if this lake is a place where he went on family vacations as a kid.
Like the other commenter, I also thought it might be possible he removed some body hair(I don't think there is an ethnic group that has more hair on the lower body than the upper body, though)...but, wouldn't hair growing in the follicles below the skin still be visible even if he'd shaved or not-too-recently waxed - especially in such a dark-haired person?

Recent waxing would probably mean some shop would remember him. That's a lot of surface area to regularly wax all by yourself.

If he had facial hair, he probably wasn't Native American(or from most Asian groups) unless it's a very minimal amount. If he had excessive body hair anywhere(I can't bring myself to look at the pics that show his suicide, sorry), he's probably at least partially Caucasian.

I think he looks like he's from the Middle East, or far Eastern Europe.

Despite the apparent maturity of his face, I've always believed he was on the younger side of his proposed age range...it's the shape of his nose. If his body type is "younger" than his face and/or less developed in some way, a lot of men do seem to go through a stage like that in their early 20s before they really grow into their bodies(whether they're overweight at that stage or not).
For the body hair, come to think of it, I've dated a lot of Hispanic men who have had hairy legs but little to no chest hair, and not much arm hair (certainly not thick and wiry). My husband is from El Salvador and the only hair on his body is on his head and legs.

Though, Lyle does *not* look Hispanic to me. Possible he'd be Mexican (there are a lot of fair skinned, light eyed Mexicans), but doubtful.

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