WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #5

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I agree, I am particularly one that can't handle PM at times. I really appreciate when sites have warnings and 'click here for PM' options. The one's I can't deal with are eyes open ones, or orange socks and beloved doe.

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I'm the complete opposite.
I don't know why, but I don't get creeped out by PM photos.
Sometimes it's the only way to see what that person looked like while alive.
It gives me a picture in my mind and it's easier to sleuth/read threads when I have an image in my head.

No problem at all either, closest to how the person looked during life. Some reconstructions though are horrifying.
I'm the complete opposite.
I don't know why, but I don't get creeped out by PM photos.
Sometimes it's the only way to see what that person looked like while alive.
It gives me a picture in my mind and it's easier to sleuth/read threads when I have an image in my head.


PM's don't creep me out, but I don't necessarily find them that useful, either...I've had a couple of experiences where the PM didn't really look anything like the living person due to swelling, facial damage, discoloration, etc.
[FONT=&quot]Colleen and I have just launched our new Facebook page “DNA Doe Project” so that we can centralize any further updates on Lyle's DNA testing.[/FONT]
I have a feeling we might find out who Lyle really was. Would be great. I'm haunted by (all of it, of course) the orthodontia work and the appendectomy scar. Someone loved Lyle, and I wonder if that person is still alive...wondering what happened to their young man...
I am adopted… And although I had already found out who my biological family was, I had my DNA tested through ancestry—And I did find genetic relatives who would’ve led me to my biological family… So I am very hopeful that this will work for Lyle!

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I am also hopeful that there finally might be a way to find out who Lyle was and give his memory/legacy closure and peace. If there is someone out there who knew Lyle & loved him, that person deserves to have closure. If not, I think we all do. I think that over time Lyle has become someone we care about even though we didn't know him, and I think every person deserves to be remembered in a humane way...
Lyle wouldn't committed suicide if someone loves him or care for him, and that's why he hasn't been identified. He must feel unloved and unwanted or being abandoned. Apart the message on his suicide note, he actually had unwritten message there as well, which was "You must remember this", that's why he took the name from that fiction and knew that once he died, the investigators would find out that his name is from that fiction. He just wanted the world to remember him, to notice him, to acknowledge his exsitance by did what he did. He grabbed attention from worldwide successfully and indeed got millions of people care for him and put lots of time and energy, trying to give him his name back.

Lyle wouldn't committed suicide if someone loves him or care for him, and that's why he hasn't been identified. He must feel unloved and unwanted or being abandoned. Apart the message on his suicide note, he actually had unwritten message there as well, which was "You must remember this", that's why he took the name from that fiction and knew that once he died, the investigators would find out that his name is from that fiction. He just wanted the world to remember him, to notice him, to acknowledge his exsitance by did what he did. He grabbed attention from worldwide successfully and indeed got millions of people care for him and put lots of time and energy, trying to give him his name back.

Your entire post is ridiculous and irritating!!! "Millions of people" don't know about him at all.
Your entire post is ridiculous and irritating!!! "Millions of people" don't know about him at all.
I think they meant it with good will and intentions.

Regarding that post- I do have to disagree though with the notion no one cared about him in life, since we don't know that. He could have been miles away from home and his family is still looking.

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It's simply not true that if someone commits suicide, that means no one loves them.

There are as many reasons for ending one's life as there are people who make that choice.

Feeling unloved doesn't necessarily mean nobody loves you. Depression can make you blind to love, support, and all the warm things of family and friends. It can make you unable to reach out. It lies to you, makes you think you don't deserve the love that's there. Or you might be ill, physically or mentally. You might be tired of fighting it. You might be afraid of what you're going to do if you lose control, or maybe afraid or ashamed of what you have done.

I don't know why Lyle chose to end his life. But I've stood there with the same decision, and while I decided differently, I'm never going to judge somebody who chose the other path. I just hope he's at peace now, wherever he is.

Feeling unloved doesn't necessarily mean nobody loves you. Depression can make you blind to love, support, and all the warm things of family and friends. It can make you unable to reach out. It lies to you, makes you think you don't deserve the love that's there. Or you might be ill, physically or mentally. You might be tired of fighting it. You might be afraid of what you're going to do if you lose control, or maybe afraid or ashamed of what you have done.

Thank you. I recently lost someone important to me. It's still raw mostly because I could understand the"why" more than I should. I'm not suicidal but I do suffer from sometimes debilitating major depressive disorder. Even at my worst I've had a life line within reach (thanks to my husband)...but those exact words ring so true!

(Sorry to be OT a bit)

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[FONT="]Colleen and I have just launched our new Facebook page &#8220;DNA Doe Project&#8221; so that we can centralize any further updates on Lyle's DNA testing.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

Here is the link [URL="https://www.facebook.com/DNADoeProject/"]DNA Doe Project FB[/URL]
Not sure where to put this link, but thought it was interesting given Lyle's dark hair and light eyes.
Also want to welcome all new members and guests to the forum!
Feb 07, 2018
[h=1]DNA suggests 10,000-year-old Brit had dark skin, blue eyes[/h][h=2]'Cheddar Man' found in Cheddar Gorge in southwest England in 1903[/h]


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I could be off a bit, but looking at his eyes- I see a little bit of Russian. He also looks part Mediterranean to me as well.
I could be off a bit, but looking at his eyes- I see a little bit of Russian. He also looks part Mediterranean to me as well.

We are a melting pot as well....and the mixes are the most beautiful IMO. Diversity is our strength!
We are a melting pot as well....and the mixes are the most beautiful IMO. Diversity is our strength!

You got that right. I knew most of my heritage before taking a DNA test, but there was a couple of surprises mixed in, which made it fun. I love it!
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