Warren Jeffs to return to Schleicher County TX to face charges

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Warren was silent for the entire 30 minutes allotted for his closing except to say "I am at peace" at about the 26 min. mark.

Jury has been instructed and are now deliberating.

The State gave a dramatic closing including the victims' pictures


my synopsis of tweets
I caught a bit of the coverage on trutv and heard that 80% of the town and all the cops on the force in eldorado are flds. This is repulsive. Does anyone know anything about these cops? I'm wondering how almost the whole town got taken over and if these cops harass the remaining 20% of the population. Some of the people are saying that if a rape victim wants to escape they have to get out of the concentration camp and past those cops. How in God's name does this go on and how did those men get on the job? I'm assuming they're all men. Also, Beth K. was going on about how Texas is sooo serious about preventing further abuse in the camp and the women know how to report and what to do. How do people think these women and children can report anything if they don't have phones and are isolated out there. Texas has magical thinking.
I caught a bit of the coverage on trutv and heard that 80% of the town and all the cops on the force in eldorado are flds. This is repulsive. Does anyone know anything about these cops? I'm wondering how almost the whole town got taken over and if these cops harass the remaining 20% of the population. Some of the people are saying that if a rape victim wants to escape they have to get out of the concentration camp and past those cops. How in God's name does this go on and how did those men get on the job? I'm assuming they're all men. Also, Beth K. was going on about how Texas is sooo serious about preventing further abuse in the camp and the women know how to report and what to do. How do people think these women and children can report anything if they don't have phones and are isolated out there. Texas has magical thinking.

THAT is incorrect. They were talking about the Short Creek area. That is the neighboring towns of Hildale, CO and Colorado City, AZ. That is where a large enclave of flds live. Many of their city officials and LE are flds.

Warren hand picked his elite from there and moved them to Eldorado, TX. That compound does have walls, gates, security and is in an isolated area. It would be very difficult to escape. But the flds there have phones and computers, and shop at Walmart. The men have successful companies and work for the general public.

Leave Texas alone. They have done NOTHING wrong. moo
gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com

"Jury verdict still expected this p.m. but it will take a bit for them to move to other room to hear tape (eat lunch?)"

2 minutes ago
I hope he is found guilty if they prove their case!
It's so sad that anyone would be on this board and hope that children don't receive justice. I think we( most) are here to see that justice is served for those who can't speak out for themselves.
Thanks To the First Amendment!!!
The jurors here actually looked at the evidence, unlike some others we know:)
Christie Paul is crying right now on HLN. I think she's trying to compose herself.
Ha! Someone who disrespects women nailed with a woman judge and 10 women jury!!!!
Where is the outrage towards the Catholic Church which has abused many more children than the FLDS will ever be capable of. Lets raid the Vatican and put the Pope on trial.

Oh I forgot, they are not a 'cult' so its ok...

Did someone here claim the Catholic church was exempt from prosecution? I was raised in the Catholic faith and I can assure you, that there is no doctrine that condones the sort of institutionalized abuse seen in the FLDS. Catholic priests, nuns and other members of the church hierarchy should and have been rightly pursued under criminal and civil statutes.

We're talking about a closed community where women and children are held captive, indoctrinated since birth, and raped in the name of heavenly salvation.

But good luck with that raid on the Vatican! :seeya:
Don't Mess With Texas (Women)! :)

Ita, my husband just said " Well, at least, Texas knows how to take care of business."

He has been almost as upset with the FCA verdict as most of us.

Let ALL the truth be told in the penalty phase.
Whoo hoo! Texas knows how to do it! :great:

Well, they do MOST of the time.

I can remember when the FLDS first set up shop here, and the atmosphere was less than welcoming (Branch Davidians, anyone?). Thank goodness this man seems to have finally gotten the justice he richly deserves here.
Finally! The spotlight needs to continue to shine on this cult so that all the criminal activity is completely exposed and dismantled. It is beyond atrocious what has been allowed to go on within this community.

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