Was Anyone Next on KC's Murder Agenda???

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I am just wondering who here thinks she may have at one point or another intended to harm her entire family, except LA of course.

if you don't mind my asking, what makes you exclude LA?

simply being her brother and the two being close doesn't count...seeing as her daughter didn't mean all that much to her.
I have never, EVER had a single thought that Casey had plans to harm anyone else in her family.

do you think she planned to kill Caylee? I am asking because she seemed to pre-meditate everything and so I like to hear peoples opinions on the accident vs pre-meditation theories. :)
Does anyone know anything about a passport KC supposedly got that her parents didnt know anything about??? I am hearing this but have never read anything about a passport before.

I've heard this also, don't remember where. That would be interesting if she got one, and when.
if you don't mind my asking, what makes you exclude LA?

simply being her brother and the two being close doesn't count...seeing as her daughter didn't mean all that much to her.

To be honest I exclude him because I think he is the only person KC has any attachment to. She trusts him and he is her pillar, not her mother, not her father, but her brother. Further, she never bonded with Caylee I still stick to the notion that Caylee was more like a kid sister than a daughter because GA and CA were her primary caretakers.
Ok I would like someone to help me out with this... if KC doesnt have a criminal mind and she is completely innocent why would she wait 31 days. And lets not forget that she DID NOT call LE her mother did and her mother dragged her out of Tony's apt and back to her house. People say "why did KC go with her" well since when was she ever an adult, she was still a child and felt obligated to do what her parents said a so long as they were right there. Casey tried to leave and said that if CA would give her just ONE more day.... So.... is it safe to assume that if CA had given her one more day that she would have vanished herself? I think it is. Either Caylee was taken by people KC doesnt think will harm her, or she is truely and completely mental. JMHO

I just got done reading all the responses to your post Rasgirl and this was the first thought that I had when she went back on the 24th and George was there and found his "gas cans" I had heard somewhere (sorry don't remember where) that in one of the MS messages, it said KC had told someone that she almost killed someone that night? (it was in a document statement I think to one of her friends?) maybe JG? well anyway I had an ex boyfriend that had killed his own brother over jealousy and it ended up that he stalked and abused me for over 7 years! ( He is still looking for me) I am really hoping this site is safe?
Anyway I had to move 3 times and change my whole life (basically disappear) as I went to a psychiatrist to find out what to do in my situation as I had NEVER seen this type of person in my life and I was terrified.
This DOCTOR told me that he was a pychopathic, sociopath and that I had two options #1 run and hide # or GET LOUD!. He also told me that since he had killed a family member, that he would have NO PROBLEM killing another.
Now, I moved and could not even have friends as I didn't want them in danger etc etc and thank god I am still alive (rare) but I did move out of state etc.
These people do not have a conscious and it is way beyond what a normal person could ever think of doing. We cannot figure it all out as it is not possible to get into their minds. It is really scary and maybe George was not living at the house and then moved back in is what ruined Caseys plans to continue to walk all over her mom?
This may be what messed up her whole plan and maybe GA was instrumental in asking Casey to leave the house? This could have been the whole trigger?
I don't have an opinion as of yet wether I think she had any other plans for the members of the family, yet..with more evidence I would likely lean more to the thought.

However, nothing would really surprise me at this point. I have seen many crazy things play out in court rooms and would have sworn to complete innocents of young kids Casey's age and younger only to be completely devastated at what they proved in court of doing.. It is heart wrenching either way, the things that people do now, don't surprise me.
Some people can have the best of upbringings and the best of lives at home and commit the most awful crimes imaginable..Pictures, videos, or anything of such will never sway my opinion as to if I think someone committed a murder, to me the most unsuspected always turns out the actual one to do it..
I just got done reading all the responses to your post Rasgirl and this was the first thought that I had when she went back on the 24th and George was there and found his "gas cans" I had heard somewhere (sorry don't remember where) that in one of the MS messages, it said KC had told someone that she almost killed someone that night? (it was in a document statement I think to one of her friends?) maybe JG? well anyway I had an ex boyfriend that had killed his own brother over jealousy and it ended up that he stalked and abused me for over 7 years! ( He is still looking for me) I am really hoping this site is safe?
Anyway I had to move 3 times and change my whole life (basically disappear) as I went to a psychiatrist to find out what to do in my situation as I had NEVER seen this type of person in my life and I was terrified.
This DOCTOR told me that he was a pychopathic, sociopath and that I had two options #1 run and hide # or GET LOUD!. He also told me that since he had killed a family member, that he would have NO PROBLEM killing another.
Now, I moved and could not even have friends as I didn't want them in danger etc etc and thank god I am still alive (rare) but I did move out of state etc.
These people do not have a conscious and it is way beyond what a normal person could ever think of doing. We cannot figure it all out as it is not possible to get into their minds. It is really scary and maybe George was not living at the house and then moved back in is what ruined Caseys plans to continue to walk all over her mom?
This may be what messed up her whole plan and maybe GA was instrumental in asking Casey to leave the house? This could have been the whole trigger?

Thank-you for sharing, what a horrible way for you to have to live. Yes, she did make that comment to someone on MS, I've been wondering about that comment.
Honestly that is so far beyond reaching it's almost by far the silliest thing I've seen on here.
No offense but that is reaching insanity there...

I don't think it's any sillier than some posters trying to blame Casey's friends or ZG.

Some posters are even suggesting that Casey is protecting Caylee - Thats why she's not talking to LE

Now that is the silliest thing I ever heard!
I know that this sounds beyond sick and inhuman but as I learn more about the case I can't help but wonder. You see things like this in the news on a regular basis (so and so killed their mother and father) and with KC's sociopathic behaviors and lies it wouldnt suprise me to find out that she had thought about it. No one would need chloroform to subdue a child, but what do we see in the movies that is used to subdue adults? KC had lied to friends and told them that she would be getting her parents home and she had made up these elaborate emails, and made up phone calls, she was a premeditator of everything. I am just wondering who here thinks she may have at one point or another intended to harm her entire family, except LA of course.

I am not making an accusation or saying she did or didnt have a plan but since the beginning this idea has crept into my train of thought. I dont think I am the only person who has had this nagging at my brain and I would like to see what all of you are thinking. KC was very angry with her parents and felt like they owed her something and taking Caylee away is looking more and more like a deliberate attempt to punish them. She is oviously continuing to gain a certain amount of satisfaction from all of this and I really cant hekp but wonder if it inst because it is at the expense of her own parents.

I believe that there was more to Casey's plan but when her mother called 911 it screwed everything up for her.

She knew that she had to account for Caylee's whereabouts sooner or later so who knows what she was planning.

Anyway, the thought has entered my mind as well. With the chloroform find & her statements about "getting the house" I think this theory definitly deserves to be eximined further
do you think she planned to kill Caylee? I am asking because she seemed to pre-meditate everything and so I like to hear peoples opinions on the accident vs pre-meditation theories. :)

No, I don't believe Casey planned on harming Caylee, if Casey actually was the one to harm Caylee.
I really think she planned to leave town, but her mother found her first. She could just leave and nobody would find out about Caylee. When she got to where she was going, she would never mention her child or family.

But I would not doubt she could have caused harm to her parents. KC is just evil and cares for nobody but herself.
Does anyone know if she had any cash or credit cards in her possession that would help her to leave town? Was TL or whoever she was staying with or communicating with at the time leaving anywhere?

Because I am beginning to agree she was going to leave town as well. I don't think she planned to many things. Other than who her next victim of theft would be, but this may be her next move.
I know that this sounds beyond sick and inhuman but as I learn more about the case I can't help but wonder. You see things like this in the news on a regular basis (so and so killed their mother and father) and with KC's sociopathic behaviors and lies it wouldnt suprise me to find out that she had thought about it. No one would need chloroform to subdue a child, but what do we see in the movies that is used to subdue adults? KC had lied to friends and told them that she would be getting her parents home and she had made up these elaborate emails, and made up phone calls, she was a premeditator of everything. I am just wondering who here thinks she may have at one point or another intended to harm her entire family, except LA of course.

I am not making an accusation or saying she did or didnt have a plan but since the beginning this idea has crept into my train of thought. I dont think I am the only person who has had this nagging at my brain and I would like to see what all of you are thinking. KC was very angry with her parents and felt like they owed her something and taking Caylee away is looking more and more like a deliberate attempt to punish them. She is oviously continuing to gain a certain amount of satisfaction from all of this and I really cant hekp but wonder if it inst because it is at the expense of her own parents.

I don't think this is a stretch at all. I think KC is dangerous and at this point may have done anything she could. She was already stealing thousands from mom/pop and her GP's. I would not be surprised of KC intended on disposing of the entire family. I think KC is a sociopath who after disposing of Caylee may have intended on focusing on her parents next
I see what your saying, but you say your an open minded thinker, what about this isnt insane? What about KC's behavior is normal at this point? She has not cried, she has not made any pleas to the public, she has not been the least bit helpful. What about this isnt insane? And what explains her tendencty to be a clepto, she has irratic sexual behaviors, she has never been who she appears to be to friends, or extended family. I realize this would be huge but at the same time what isnt huge about all of this to begin with?

My thoughts might be OT, but I have wondered what happened to Casey back in May or June....seems like she went over some ? edge. Now, we do not know what her behaviors were before we met her.........but something went wrong when little Caylee disappeared.

What do we know for sure about Casey's misdeeds before May '08?
Honestly that is so far beyond reaching it's almost by far the silliest thing I've seen on here.
No offense but that is reaching insanity there...

Wow I guess alot of us are insane then, because it seems many of us have thought this very thing. I agree with other posters who said that alot of the "Caylee is alive" theories are what is insane. Let alone the actions of Casey over the past 3 months.
I have to admit it occurred to me when it was disclosed she told others she was getting her parents' house. It's so difficult to imagine what someone like this is capable of, but if she is found to have killed Caylee I would assume she is capable of anything. Since she has shown no emotion whatsoever over Caylee, it really wouldn't surprise me.
Quite honestly, I think Casey would off anyone who got in her way.

She has a cold empty heart.
From the minute I heard that Casey was moving someone into her parents home, I thought OH NO, they were next...to much true crime reading I guess!
I guess all these theories that someone else killed Caylee or that Casey did it accidentally get harder and harder for me to believe because of her callousness. It wouldnt matter if my child was dead or kidnapped, either way I would be totally devastated. Actually if someone else did take my child and killed him or her, or they just kidnapped him or her I woud be in even more anguish than if I knew for certain they were deceased. Lets just say she didnt do it, how do you explain her behavior? She is still insane and abnormal to my standards.
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