Was Anyone Next on KC's Murder Agenda???

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My thoughts might be OT, but I have wondered what happened to Casey back in May or June....seems like she went over some ? edge. Now, we do not know what her behaviors were before we met her.........but something went wrong when little Caylee disappeared.

What do we know for sure about Casey's misdeeds before May '08?

We do know she has been lying about having a job for about 2 years, emailing herself for a while etc.
As I've posted before, I've been working in the justice system for decades. I think I am somewhat qualified to render an educated opinion on the subject of this post. It is in no way insane or far reaching. In fact, when I read Amy's statement that's the first thought that came to my mind. These types of things happen all the time. Not only do they happen all the time, these types of crimes are often committed or planned out by children, yes, children. Right now in San Diego we are beginning a trial of two teenagers (15 and 17 at the time the crime was committed) who killed the father so that they could have the house all to themselves to party. Not the first case of its type, won't be the last.

Well, I'm not really qualified, graduated from the school of hard knocks but I do remember the Menedez Brothers and I do not think this theory is so far reaching and I stated this before the chloroform info. I would have a deadbolt and some heavy duty locks on my door while KC is sleeping under that roof...and a spare hammer under my pillow if I were CA and GA.
KC would "off" anybody who stood in the way of her lifestyle IMO. Wouldn't surprise me if GA and CA would have been next on the list. I wouldn't want to be sleeping in the same house with KC. The first thought that crossed my mind when I read that KC told AH that she was getting her parents house was that she planned to make sure they weren't around to get in the way. KC is cold, calculating and not the naive little gal that some try to get us to believe. This thought is not off the mark IMO.
I totally think she had "plans" for CA and GA. I am not sure how she was going to handle LA however, maybe an "accident" when he was staying over? But I am sure she would have told all her friends that Caylee was with her parents and that they had all moved out of state. I doubt she would have been thinking of disposing of all of them but who knows, she had a trial run with Caylee and that seemed to be working out until CA contacted the LE...
I guess I'm really insane, because I've wondered if there weren't several plans involving different people after hearing about the chloroform. Could Amy have been chloroformed in order to get to her money that night, could the elderly grandparents be at risk in order to get more money from them, or even men just met in some bar...
I really think she planned to leave town, but her mother found her first. She could just leave and nobody would find out about Caylee. When she got to where she was going, she would never mention her child or family.

But I would not doubt she could have caused harm to her parents. KC is just evil and cares for nobody but herself.

I think she was leaving.....that is why she wanted her mother to give her another day. I think she did not get her money together fast enough to get out of town and her mother caught her first.

I agree she was most likely going to tell the Marine that she left Caylee with her mother in Florida and let her parents think she had her in California. How she was going to avoid them ever wanting to talk to her, she had not figured out yet.
On second thought could it be there was to be a little chloroform and both parents could be out of the way and not asking anymore pesky questions about Caylee?

Then leave for California, and be there when they were found. Hmmmmmmm almost worked too.
I guess I'm really insane, because I've wondered if there weren't several plans involving different people after hearing about the chloroform. Could Amy have been chloroformed in order to get to her money that night, could the elderly grandparents be at risk in order to get more money from them, or even men just met in some bar...

I looked for that About AH that night she was "sleepwalking" that was weird when we first heard about that and then add the chloroform into the mix and then it becomes more clear or at least less fuzzy.
Well, I'm not really qualified, graduated from the school of hard knocks but I do remember the Menedez Brothers and I do not think this theory is so far reaching and I stated this before the chloroform info. I would have a deadbolt and some heavy duty locks on my door while KC is sleeping under that roof...and a spare hammer under my pillow if I were CA and GA.

Maybe that is why they both always have a hammer with them and why GA had a gun in his car.

They do know her best, you know.
On second thought could it be there was to be a little chloroform and both parents could be out of the way and not asking anymore pesky questions about Caylee?

Then leave for California, and be there when they were found. Hmmmmmmm almost worked too.

She was working on a "backup"plan for something according to TonE.
I've thought this ever since I heard the "mom is gonna give me the house" story.

me too! I thought that was odd. then again, I think the purpose of that story may have been to string Amy along as her friend/new victim for a while until she could come up with an excuse - which turned out to be that her parents were "getting back together" and keeping the house. I also think she was trying to make her friends think that her family had money - like that there was an inheritance or something. It could also explain to them all the free time she had, like "how can that afford to work only part time?" "she has family money".

I don't think this theory is off the wall at all. If she hadn't killed her kid, who knows, she might have ended up as one of those gold-digging murderesses you hear about once in a while that marry like 4 guys and each one of them dies suspiciously - like a female Clark Rockefeller. there was this CRAZY case I heard about on 20/20 last year, I wish I could remember this woman's name, but I swear Casey is this woman at 20 - she got married like 3 times, each husband died mysteriously, she inherited the money and moved to a new, moneyed community (usually in California), succeeded in basically ripping off a seriies of lovers/"friends" and assuming new identities...the police caught up with her living with this old woman whom she had conned into co-signing a million dollar house with her and taking out an insurance policy on, when the woman's kids became concerned and did a background check on her, and all this stuff about her and her dead husbands came out. if I can remember who this woman was I will post it! (if this rings a bell with anyone, please let me know! next to this case, it was probably the most insane thing I'd ever heard)
I have wondered if KC was really planning on using the chloroform on her parents...hence getting the house.....maybe the chloroform had nothing to do with Caylee....

Reaching......but nothing would surprise me anymore.
If KC has any plan beyond what has gone on so far I would think it would be all about attaining power. She has been chained by family to do things that she would rather not do. Her Mother has the power in that house. KC has tried to assert her own power but she never won for long. Now she has found a way to make everyone pay. She is aware that she holds all the cards. She believes that if she keeps her mouth shut she will get away with it. Her family can't make her talk and her friends are probably afraid to get tangled into her mess. They all know that KC is willing to throw anyone under the bus if it serves her purpose. The men she gravitates to (cops) give her not sexual gratification as much as the satisfaction of calling the sexual shots. She holds her head up alright since she sees herself as the ultimate winner in all of this. Everyone is paying attention to HER (not Caylee). Everyone is tiptoeing about hoping that she will tell them something that will find the baby. She knows that she is safe from someone making her tell anything. I hope that they have the scientific goods on this little honey since she will go to the chair screaming she is innocent and making up more and more lies to avoid taking the punishment she so deserves. All she needs is a lawyer who will say he believes her or someone in the media. Better yet, a family member.
If KC has any plan beyond what has gone on so far I would think it would be all about attaining power. She has been chained by family to do things that she would rather not do. Her Mother has the power in that house. KC has tried to assert her own power but she never won for long. Now she has found a way to make everyone pay. She is aware that she holds all the cards. She believes that if she keeps her mouth shut she will get away with it. Her family can't make her talk and her friends are probably afraid to get tangled into her mess. They all know that KC is willing to throw anyone under the bus if it serves her purpose. The men she gravitates to (cops) give her not sexual gratification as much as the satisfaction of calling the sexual shots. She holds her head up alright since she sees herself as the ultimate winner in all of this. Everyone is paying attention to HER (not Caylee). Everyone is tiptoeing about hoping that she will tell them something that will find the baby. She knows that she is safe from someone making her tell anything. I hope that they have the scientific goods on this little honey since she will go to the chair screaming she is innocent and making up more and more lies to avoid taking the punishment she so deserves. All she needs is a lawyer who will say he believes her or someone in the media. Better yet, a family member.

That is exactly why 90 percent of me wishes the media would just turn and run from KC and her family. Keep everything focused on LE and Caylee.
If stealing the $25,000 from the parents is true, there'd have to be some sort of plan to get away with it where no one would tell or turn her in for theft.
I agree w/ you somewhat txsvicki in theory - still doesn't explain though how she'd [kc]stolen all the monies & checks from AH - then went to the airport & picked her up.... AH could have used a laptop or anyones laptop for that matter during her trip to PR in order to check or verify or even transfer funds - any number of things - even checked her email & gotten an email update from bank that she was overdrafted - someone at home checking mail at home AH talks to on the phone going, "ummmm... hows your trip - hope your having fun - btw - u got one of them *thin* envelopes from the bank..." ya know? So why would she go pick AH up from the airport &drop her off & go about her business & then later that same day not be TOTALLY freaking out when Amy showed up at the door?!! If I'd just stolen close to $1K from my bf, I'd sorta be afraid she'd find out & be slightly ticked off.....?
I agree w/ you somewhat txsvicki in theory - still doesn't explain though how she'd [kc]stolen all the monies & checks from AH - then went to the airport & picked her up.... AH could have used a laptop or anyones laptop for that matter during her trip to PR in order to check or verify or even transfer funds - any number of things - even checked her email & gotten an email update from bank that she was overdrafted - someone at home checking mail at home AH talks to on the phone going, "ummmm... hows your trip - hope your having fun - btw - u got one of them *thin* envelopes from the bank..." ya know? So why would she go pick AH up from the airport &drop her off & go about her business & then later that same day not be TOTALLY freaking out when Amy showed up at the door?!! If I'd just stolen close to $1K from my bf, I'd sorta be afraid she'd find out & be slightly ticked off.....?

Because she was planning on skipping town. Amy got back from P. Rico on July 15th around 2:30, drive back from the airport, return to the airport to pick up the rest of the gang. Amy would not have had time to have gone to any bank the same day. If CA had not snatched her up that night Casey would have never had to face Amy again. I don't think the banks would have any interest in pushing LE to put out an APB on her for that amount of money. Go out to CA give MH some song and dance, she had her passport if I remember hearing correctly, which the GA & CA did not known about and after pulling a con job on the Marine and goodness knows who else it is only a hop, skip and jump to Hawaii and then from there who knows. GA & CA would not have been able to do a thing about it her taking off. As an adult you have the right to disapear and they would also think that Caylee was with her and they could not have done a thing about making any claims on the grand daughter either. Casey plans things out so there is premidation to what she does but it is not long term plans as in months or years. That is why she got caught out with the stolen money from the grandparents and did not get away. Bascially she couldn't keep her ankles crossed long enough to carry out a major con. JMO:takeoff:
yeah - no i see what your saying... but if I were her, & knew what I'd just done, & there was a slim chance that after I'd took her home [or vice versa] & all of a sudden she's knockin' on my door [if Amy had time to go to the mall w/ JP she definately had time to go to the bank?] so I'm like I woulda been *Scared* to open the door thinking she's gonna kick my butt cos' I stole from her? LOL
I dunno... I'm just like not getting that part cos' if it was me, & she knocked on the door & I stole from her, I'd be like *Nobody's Home*.... ;)
I looked for that About AH that night she was "sleepwalking" that was weird when we first heard about that and then add the chloroform into the mix and then it becomes more clear or at least less fuzzy.

and amy said in her statement about one night when Casey was staying there, Amy had switched from "incomfy pants into comfy pants" while she was asleep, so sleepwalking and misplacing her money didnt seem out of the realm, and that they had kind of laughed it off.....
Who knows who else Casey might have been using chloroform on....
Casey seems truly without any modicum of humanity. She's only concerned with herself, what she wants, and how she will get it. Heaven help you, if you happen to be in her way!
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