Was Anyone Next on KC's Murder Agenda???

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I agree w/ you somewhat txsvicki in theory - still doesn't explain though how she'd [kc]stolen all the monies & checks from AH - then went to the airport & picked her up.... AH could have used a laptop or anyones laptop for that matter during her trip to PR in order to check or verify or even transfer funds - any number of things - even checked her email & gotten an email update from bank that she was overdrafted - someone at home checking mail at home AH talks to on the phone going, "ummmm... hows your trip - hope your having fun - btw - u got one of them *thin* envelopes from the bank..." ya know? So why would she go pick AH up from the airport &drop her off & go about her business & then later that same day not be TOTALLY freaking out when Amy showed up at the door?!! If I'd just stolen close to $1K from my bf, I'd sorta be afraid she'd find out & be slightly ticked off.....?

(Respectfully bolded by me)
I think some of the answer to that might be seen by how she behaved with LE and on those tapes----the way that she is SO damn comfortable telling lie after lie after lie, and when told that is she caught lying, she simply repeats "No I'm not!", she says that so many times to LE....she is obviously a pathological liar, so many people interviewed in the released documents repeat that, "she's a liar" in their own fashion.....Casey isnt afraid of being caught in a lie, in my opinion.
Because she was planning on skipping town. Amy got back from P. Rico on July 15th around 2:30, drive back from the airport, return to the airport to pick up the rest of the gang. Amy would not have had time to have gone to any bank the same day. If CA had not snatched her up that night Casey would have never had to face Amy again. I don't think the banks would have any interest in pushing LE to put out an APB on her for that amount of money. Go out to CA give MH some song and dance, she had her passport if I remember hearing correctly, which the GA & CA did not known about and after pulling a con job on the Marine and goodness knows who else it is only a hop, skip and jump to Hawaii and then from there who knows. GA & CA would not have been able to do a thing about it her taking off. As an adult you have the right to disapear and they would also think that Caylee was with her and they could not have done a thing about making any claims on the grand daughter either. Casey plans things out so there is premidation to what she does but it is not long term plans as in months or years. That is why she got caught out with the stolen money from the grandparents and did not get away. Bascially she couldn't keep her ankles crossed long enough to carry out a major con. JMO:takeoff:

yeah, I meant say all that too!!
Thanks much!
I have thought about that since I heard the part about KC getting the parents house too, BUT I know that I have said some pretty outlandish things when under the influence (alcohol. not drugs) so it is possible that she was just wishful thiking or drunk talking or whatever....Ya know? From what we know....And NO, I cannot confirm this, but from what we know...she "seemed" like a party kinda gal. Could this just have been some drunk wishful thinking kinda jabber?? I mean...I seriously doubt that she (even in a sick state of mind) would think that she could off her parents and take over the home. Ever heard of a will? An estate??? It isn't like she would just automatically get the house! They (I'm guessing here) would have either left it to LA or left it to a bank in a trust, as my grandfather did when he died.....So, I think, unless she was just that sick in the head, that theory just does not gel with me at all.
Ever heard of a will? An estate??? It isn't like she would just automatically get the house! They (I'm guessing here) would have either left it to LA or left it to a bank in a trust, as my grandfather did when he died.....So, I think, unless she was just that sick in the head, that theory just does not gel with me at all.

My parents had both my brother and I as equal in their wills. Everything was left to both of us, so the house would be ours, not his, not mine, not in a trust. It's left to us to fight over everything.
Stranger things have happened. I'm just not so sure that was the case here.
I am just wondering who here thinks she may have at one point or another intended to harm her entire family, except LA of course.

I am not making an accusation or saying she did or didnt have a plan....

I happen to agree with the spirit of your post. I'm not so sure that Casey's plan involved the elimination of other members of her family. But in thinking about this case, I've often speculated to myself that Casey could one day become a serial killer if given the chance. Under certain circumstances, I envision Casey as some sort of Black Widow serial killer, murdering her boyfriends for economic gain. She has the cold calculating creepiness for the task.
I don't think she planned on killing her parents...but, blaming her parents for Caylee's death, maybe. Then she might seem noble trying to help "them" hide the body with the help of a gullible boyfriend?
I think some of you are missing the part where Casey is a sociopath, I mean no disrespect but look it up. They do not have remorse they do not have fears or doubts like the rest of us. Casey could steal 5,000 from me today and come to my house for dinner tomorrow knowing what she has done and not really care. If I were to confront her she would just confidently say no it wasnt me you fell asleep and withdrew it yourself. This is not a normal human being that operates under the normal moral standard. In order to understand her you have to keep that in mind. This is what accounts for her lack of emotion regarding her own daughter, anytime a sociopath is responsible for an action they respond with virtually no emotion. This is for me the reason I believe she is the cause of caylee's disappearence. As Always This is JMO
I'm not talking about C feeling anything. I'm talking about C possibly feigning emotion, as in:

For example, there was an accident when my parents were arguing with me at the house and Caylee died. I don't want anyone to blame my parents, even though they have been so horrible to me.

Maybe she seemed like an innocent victim in this whole thing and was able to enlist someone's help.
I'm not talking about C feeling anything. I'm talking about C possibly feigning emotion, as in:

For example, there was an accident when my parents were arguing with me at the house and Caylee died. I don't want anyone to blame my parents, even though they have been so horrible to me.

Maybe she seemed like an innocent victim in this whole thing and was able to enlist someone's help.

If it had ever crossed Casey's mind to blame her parents...she's had plenty of chances to do it already.

IMO, she's already killed her daughter to have more options and possibly to spite her mom.

If there was anybody else she could find a way to pin it on, I think she would have. I also think if George and Cindy had threatened to have Casey arrested for stealing their money, she was thinking about ways to eliminate THAT problem.

Obviously Cindy was putting paperwork together for a legal action. She told LE she had it from the bank during the 911 call.

I don't think Casey was limiting herself to a single backup plan. She was definitely going to run if cornered. But, I also think a mother willing to sacrifice her innocent daughter for convenience and/or revenge wouldn't have qualms about taking the lives of the parents she despised who were "out to get her".

A comment on another thread prompted this thought.

If Caylee escaped this incidence, in theory, do you think KC would have eventually killed someone else. Another child? A parent? Someone who seriously got in her way?

Personally, I think she was a time bomb waiting to happen.
Depends on how you see this unfolding... intentional vs unintentional.

Personally, I don't think she was smart enough to do all the things we give her credit for here, or that she was that deep. Jealous, sure, spiteful, you betcha, but enough to do all that we theorize? ... I don't know. I think she was more about self, and self perservation that it's clouded everything else, but for those all about self in this sense, tend to go to the next thing quickly. The better party so speak, and just move on. Does that make sense?

Time bomb maybe, but I don't know enough I suppose to say how much rage she carried daily, I still think she lived in the now and what was more fun.
A comment on another thread prompted this thought.

If Caylee escaped this incidence, in theory, do you think KC would have eventually killed someone else. Another child? A parent? Someone who seriously got in her way?

Personally, I think she was a time bomb waiting to happen.

She probably would have offed any poor bugger that had the misfortune to marry her. Insurance money.
She was/is a rageful, walking, talking, sociopathic, time-bomb with no ability to control herself. I think that pretty much answers the question.
Another child? Possibly. An adult? Probably not. I imagine killing someone (an adult) and disposing of the body is a lot of bother. I can't see KC doing all that work.
I think that if you are capable of killing your child, killing someone else including another family member would not be hard for her. She has no loyalty to anyone. She's already throwing all her friends under the bus. I think yes, she is capable of killing someone else.
Oh brother. We can always tell when it is a slow news day.
The fact that KC was telling AH her mom was giving her the house, has always made me wonder if killing her parents had crossed her mind???
NO, I don't think she would have eventually killed someone else, if you mean someone who already exists.
In fact, I am not certain that she killed Caylee deliberately. Whatever she did to her, I am not positive that she did it with the intention of taking her life. If they have evidence that points to a cold-blooded murder, I haven't seen it. But even so, I don't think she would have gone on to murder anyone else. JMO.
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