Was BR involved? #2

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Okay that interview left a lot unknown. But there is one thing I can say without a doubt.....If BR did not have anything to do with the murder of his sister he certainly does not miss her. Not an speck of emotion or a eye filling with tears from a sibling who is talking about his murdered sister. I know people who have lost a sibling and they can't talk after 20+ years without their eyes welling up with tears. Something is not right here!

Could he possibly not really have many memories of her? He was 9, I was 8 when my youngest brother was born and while I have a few random memories from ages 4 to 8, I don't have TOO many. The whole thing is so bizarre I keep trying to figure out innocent reasons he could be so off but not the killer. I can't believe if JR knew he was guilty he'd let him go on tv. I can't believe JR let him go on tv regardless as he looks so guilty.
Do you care to elaborate? Just trying to understand the whole DNA thing-if they were cleared or not...or if the DNA was tampered with. Too many opinions depending on what article you read or show you watch to understand what are facts are what are "opinions".

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IMO, until the DNA is sourced to someone, it really can't clear someone else because it could be there by innocent means. If it was DNA from semen and that didn't match the family but was unsourced, I would concede that pretty much clears the family. If it was blood and not related to the family, that also clears them for me. But it was touch DNA (skin cells?) and possibly saliva. To me, I need more info on those before giving them any weight at all.

If Burke is on the spectrum someplace, I will be flabbergasted if they do not mention it in this interview someplace. I would think it would be first thing, as a disclaimer to dispel all of the inappropriate smiling speculation.
There's no confirmation those marks are a result of any kind of burning.

More likely the train tracks left their mark because of being sharp, not because of being so hot they produced a burn.

I still think it was a stun gun. JMO
I have been on the fence about this case for years. But watching him smile when asked if he killed his baby sister, in such a creepy way----:eek: ----- I think he might have hit her on the head.
Burke didn't get a train set that year. He got a Nintendo and a remote control car.

In the DP interview he said he went downstairs and saw an electric train and a bike and him and JB both received bikes. So, he is remembering another year, they moved the train upstairs, or he got that train in 96.
So I have a new theory:
I think they did come home and put JBR to bed and then went to bed themselves.
I think BR was downstairs playing with his toy train when JBR came down because she had awoke to a wet bed. Maybe she changed her own clothes before going down.
BR had pineapple in a bowl and JBR ate a few pieces.
Then maybe there was some fighting between the siblings or loud playing that woke PR.
Maybe BR was dragging JBR up to bed (to get her away from his toy train) with flashlight in hand (maybe JBR grabbed it and ran to her room and BR chased her while yelling).
PR came flying down to them and grabs the flashlight and screams 'what are you two doing?'.
She grabs JBR and throws her in the bed and JBR cries that it's wet or PR feels it's wet as she tries to pull the covers over JBR. JBR tries to jump back out of bed.
She loses it and hits JBR with flashlight while BR was watching.
I've only seen part 1. I get the impression dr Phil feels Burke definitely has issues - he made mention of him working alone, smiling inappropriately, a - typical behaviour etc. I also felt dr Phil was not impressed by some of Burke's responses, just going by some of DP's own expressions. I actually think it'd do the R camp good to just come out and say if B has issues. I don't imagine they're happy with the publicity this is generating
Could he possibly not really have many memories of her? He was 9, I was 8 when my youngest brother was born and while I have a few random memories from ages 4 to 8, I don't have TOO many. The whole thing is so bizarre I keep trying to figure out innocent reasons he could be so off but not the killer. I can't believe if JR knew he was guilty he'd let him go on tv. I can't believe JR let him go on tv regardless as he looks so guilty.

I agree that it makes little sense to put Burke on TV - now or ever. Burke is a very odd man, and while we've had hints in the past that he was probably a very odd boy even before the murder, this would seem to be confirm he was indeed a strange kid. What possible benefit - beyond money for the appearances - could this have for the Ramseys? I'm stymied.

Burke was 9 years, 11 months when his 3.5 years younger sister died. They may not have been close pals given the age and gender difference, so I'll give him a pass if he doesn't have detailed memories about her. But his coldness about her in those early video tapes coupled with his joyful smile when talking about her horrible death should give any die hard intruder-theory believer pause.

I've been BDI (with a little "maybe PDI" on the side) since 1997 when details about the case began to emerge. The first thing that struck me - and this was long before the "enhanced 911" story - was the Ramsey claim that neither parent thought to shake Burke awake and ask him what he'd seen or heard. His bedroom was down the hall from hers, but he was the ONLY OTHER PERSON ON THE SECOND FLOOR THAT NIGHT! Wouldn't any normal parent go to him first, shake him awake and start interrogating him? Not the Ramseys. They wanted Burke to get his beauty sleep. They lied about this, and when you start contemplating why, the whole Ramsey story starts to fall apart. And just keeps falling apart.
I think Burke and JonBenet, after having a pineapple snack, went down to the basement, perhaps to check out the other Christmas gifts. There was a fight over something, and he slammed her in the head with the flashlight, (not intending to kill her) She screamed, fell, he'd cracked her skull. The parents came running.The nightmare began and the rest unravelled from there. MOO
Also given the contradictions that seem to be coming out, I'm very surprised the R lawyers allowed it to be aired
After 19 YEARS Burke admits to sneaking downstairs after everyone else was in bed- same exact time as the "intruder" - how about that?
Burke identifies the bat as his

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I still think it was a stun gun. JMO

They were abrasions, not burns, and they didn't quite match up with the stun gun Lou Smit insisted must have been used. In forensics, "Almost matched" = did not match.

Besides, as a couple of the investigators have pointed out, the duct tape would have been sufficient to silence a small child. Stun guns cause incredible pain and she likely would have screamed in agony. Twice. So it would have been both unnecessary and very risky for an intruder to use.

Lou Smit will live forever. sigh.
I have not watched episode 2 yet, but from what I understand, both BR and JR are claiming to have used the flashlight that night?
IMO, after following this case closely, although not as closely as many, and seeing the first segment of Dr. Phil's interview and halfway through the second - I see BR looking/acting like the cat that swallowed the canary and daring anyone to doubt it. The look on his face is half smug and half fearful, IMO a dead giveaway.

IMO there was a LOT of disfunction going on, and not the usual disfunction. My opinion of course.

Was it ever put out there that maybe BR accidentally witnessed the murder/assault of his sister and was threatened my his parents to keep quiet?
Also given the contradictions that seem to be coming out, I'm very surprised the R lawyers allowed it to be aired

very strange indeed..considering that lin woods had previously acted as legal counsel for Dr. Phil I believe
I don't get the part where BR is lying in bed and hears his mother run into his room yelling OM Gosh, OM gosh apparently looking for JBR, but BR just lies in bed. He even does nothing when police shine their flashlights into his room. Very strange. I would think the parents would want to wake him up and make sure he was not murdered. And what little boy would not wander down to see what is happening? They were leaving on trip in a few hours, so where was the excitement? I do think PR wrote the note and her early morning performance before 911 was just for John, trying to convince him to go to the bank in the morning while she finished moving the body to some roadside. The note never mentions her and is almost begging John to go get the money. I think John figured it out after the 911 call, probably after taking a closer look at the note.

One other think, I think someone else mentioned. If your daughter had just been kidnapped for ransom, wouldn't you demand police protection for your son, rather than ship him off unguarded with a friend? I think it is clear the Ramsey knew he was not in any danger. In fact he was safer away from his parents.
Reading the Bonita Papers and I can't help but tear up. It's so sad reading about JB. I really don't think she disliked pageants at all, if anything, she liked them a lot. I think the bed wetting by both kids was from abuse. Whether it was strictly JR or not, I'm still undecided. PR seems too high strung and into too much. Too worried about social status and being a busy body. You know those mamas who always seem to do everything perfectly and always be at every function and always have everything together always made me want to puke. For gosh sakes no one is perfect. It sounded to me like JR was always off working for the most part. LPH talked about how their private lives were not good. I just have to wonder if she had another man coming over when JR was away. Or multiple men. That would explain the abuse and a lot of details that bother me. Just reading their day in and day out activities makes me damn exhausted. It might also explain the reason why the RN was directed at JR only. Jealous bf or angry bitter wife? I dunno ..... just a lot of things don't add up.
Other signs of deception: repeating the question to stall for time, going into attack mode against the questioner, trying to butter up the questioner with compliments, invoking religion (“I swear to God I didn’t take the forty dollars”), using qualifiers like “basically” and “usually,” exhibiting selective memory (“not that I recall”), and showing strange emotions while answering questions, like smiling when denying committing a serious crime like homicide.

IMOO, it has always bothered me when people say "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"...........to late for a link, but during the OJ trial, talking heads said it means YES........I'll never forget that because as a business owner at the time, I watched for that phrase when interviewing/talking to people. BR says that repeatedly on Dr Phil.

I've done all of these while telling the truth. :scared: :panic: (Especially the 'Honest to God I didn't do it! part). I say 'Absolutely not' all the time. I even write it on here!! I think it's a regional/cultural thing.

Under stress; marriages can either fall apart or grow stronger. Whenever I see two married people really pull together in the face of tremendous stress or tragedy it's usually because of a child.

So then you have to stop and ask yourself, if one or the other parent suspicioned or knew the other parent had done this; the odds are they would have fallen apart as a couple not come together in a unified fashion. The intense media pressure along with the police would have unraveled even the best of them. I can also only offer my opinion is that as the time went on and the pressure never went away, the resentment would build as well. Resentment between two people trapped in this nightmare.

Go a step further along this path of reasoning and ask yourself WHAT in the world would then cause two people, (who from the outside didn't look like they were all that great of friends) to circle the wagons and protect what? Hmmm?

Really, really difficult to get two people on board the same sinking raft to join hands. They had to have shared a mutual love, a deep love for something...or someone.

They then take the unusual step of having their son's medical records sealed. I don't know of anyone in my life, friend or foe that has done that.
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