Was Burke Involved ? # 3

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Ok I think I need to finish up the transcript of the CBS episode 2. Especially for those who have not been able to watch it in its entirety. I will post in on the proper CBS thread on the forum. (I'm in severe pain from a gallbladder attack so bare with me. Seriously, I've spent several days on it and I still have at least 30 min to go... Good grief there was so much detail in that show! Highly impressed!!!) Funny note. I have literally ran through 4 batteries on my remote, stopping and starting the DVR! lol
Back to the discussion! :seeya:

Get well soon. The crud is going around here also. Take care of yourself
Hi, I am new here so I kind of feel like a fish out of water right now but I have been following the thread through.

I just wondered, I am in England, does anyone know if the Dr Phil show will be aired here? (Or if it already has and I have lost the plot!)

Thanks, my name is Kat by the way!
Hi, I am new here so I kind of feel like a fish out of water right now but I have been following the thread through.

I just wondered, I am in England, does anyone know if the Dr Phil show will be aired here? (Or if it already has and I have lost the plot!)

Thanks, my name is Kat by the way!
Hey Kat!

I'm sure you can find the episodes on youtube. That's how I watched them.
Hi, I am new here so I kind of feel like a fish out of water right now but I have been following the thread through.

I just wondered, I am in England, does anyone know if the Dr Phil show will be aired here? (Or if it already has and I have lost the plot!)

Thanks, my name is Kat by the way!

Hi Kat! I can't help you with the Dr. Phil episodes, but they are available on Youtube although usually in a smaller format due to copyright laws. I hope you are able to watch them on your own channels at some point! Very interesting interviews!
Hi, I am new here so I kind of feel like a fish out of water right now but I have been following the thread through.

I just wondered, I am in England, does anyone know if the Dr Phil show will be aired here? (Or if it already has and I have lost the plot!)

Thanks, my name is Kat by the way!
Hi and welcome Kat! :seeya: I'm not sure if Dr. Phil airs in your area. Maybe someone here has good links to the full interviews. The ones I found were either not full videos or they sounded weird.
After thinking about it for a while I would say NO, he wasn't involved! It all seems too implausible for me to believe he accidentally killed her and then the parents covering up for him. We would have to believe too many crazy things IMO for the family theory to be true. These piece of evidence that Lou Smit brought up are enough for me to trust the intruder theory -

The intruder left no footprints because he went around and avoided the snow - http://i.imgur.com/AzYkumz.png / http://i.imgur.com/7lThNRs.png / http://i.imgur.com/9Azf8FG.png
Foliage trapped underneath the metal grill, which the intruder moved to get inside the basement - http://i.imgur.com/TWtMJep.png
And we see a disturbance when he landed his feet underneath the metal grill - http://i.imgur.com/1aRmDJs.png
The intruder left his fingerprints on the window he used to get inside the basement - http://i.imgur.com/3YmHVpI.png
The intruder left a shoe print on the briefcase he used to escape the house - http://i.imgur.com/UCummhi.png
Left a shoe/sneaker mark on the wall and left the window open - http://i.imgur.com/KowhrYl.png
(WARNING: GRAPHIC) JonBenét's stun gun marks - http://i.imgur.com/U82Ck5H.png
With the electric arch clearly seen here - http://i.imgur.com/E8lQ2E6.png / http://i.imgur.com/YVyNHuW.png
The garrote used to strangle JonBenét was pulled so hard and violently that pieces of her hair were stuck on it, you really think her parents or brother could have done that? - http://i.imgur.com/2Nyxga2.png / http://i.imgur.com/NdwTliI.png
(WARNING: GRAPHIC) JonBenét was strangled so violently you can see red marks around her entire neck - http://i.imgur.com/BuwGhBz.png
(WARNING: GRAPHIC) So it wasn't just "planted" their by her parents to make it look like a strangulation. She really was severely strangled - http://i.imgur.com/solzTQ3.png
(WARNING: GRAPHIC) Her fingernail marks on her neck suggesting she was fighting back against the strangulation proving she was alive first & strangled. Then she was hit over the head that cracked her skull and died shortly after the blow - http://i.imgur.com/P7ydZLV.png

To me this makes more sense then the "family did it" theory. I can't see Burke hitting her so hard to crack her skull then the parents finding out and covering it up by strangling the daughter they loved very much in the basement to cause severe marks around JonBenét's neck, then sexually assaulting her, then breaking the glass window in the basement, leaving footprint marks, writing a note under great emotional stress and saying they would "behead" their own daughter? The language in the note suggests an intruder wrote it because the language used in the note would not come from an intelligent and caring person like Patsy who loved her daughter too much. Patsy or John didn't have that kind of vocabulary, sorry I just don't buy it. Leaving her dead and cold in the basement like that and pretending not to know where she is when the cops came, that's crazy.

Even the phone call makes sense when you accept the intruder theory. Patsy saying "what did you do?" "Help me Jesus" implies her not knowing anything! Why would she say that off the record when she knew nobody was listening to her, if she knew her daughter was dead in the basement she wouldn't have uttered those words. When they woke up in the morning they may have taught Burke did something to her that's why even John said "we're not speaking to you" but Burke was innocent, it was just a false assumption by them. No, these parents would have died for their children, they loved them too much, they had too much invested in them! You can just tell.

Thank you so much.

To me it has never made any logical sense JB was murdered by any of her own family members.

I certainly don't think Burke was some fire eating monster at 9 years old either or now. Killing her because she ate a piece of his pineapple? I do believe that is the most absurd motive I have ever heard.

There is no way anyone in that family wrote the stupid ransom note. Why supposedly go through all of the crafty cover up they are accused of doing and then calmly sit down and write and rewrite a ransom note that only made them look like fools? So which is it? Are they totally crafty enough to cover up or so stupid to write this ransom note knowing their child would be found dead inside of their own home which would make them all look like idiots?

Why are some things missing? If they left to discard some things they had the same opportunity to get rid of other evidence including the body of JB.

And to cover up all of this they are fully capable of doing all of this bizarre twisted cruel things to the child that was the light of their lives???????? I have never believed that for one second. Not Patsy Ramsey. There wouldn't have been any garotte twisted brutally around JBs pretty little neck. There wouldn't be splinters of the paintbrush either. The train track theory makes no sense. Poking her with the train track? Good grief how ridiculous. I will believe the man who was able to access the window when everyone else said it couldn't be done, and the one who had 20 years experience being a detective. The markings look just like she had been tasered just like he said.

I also will never believe that the same male DNA was found in three different places on two different garments. Nope, that is not a coincidence or transference either.

Again thank you for all the images and putting your thoughts together so well.

I agree with everything you have posted.
If the grand jury indicted Patsy and John Ramsey for accessory after the fact to Murder 1 and endangerment leading to her death, then the only possible conclusion is that the Grand Jury believed that Burke killed Jon Benet. Since the law in Colorado would allow the a Grand Jury to indict BOTH parents for murder if they believed only 1 of the 2 did it, and this did not happen. I also think that Hunter could absolutely not try the case - nor could anyone else, because in order to prove the parents guilt, you need to be able to prove Burke's guilt in court, and this he would not have been able to to do. I am not sure what justice would be now, or then for Jon Benet, but I am pretty convinced that there isn't much hope for those of you who want to see a prosecution of some sort. jmo.
Not fingernail marks. Where did this start? Does no one read the autopsy report?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Kat! I can't help you with the Dr. Phil episodes, but they are available on Youtube although usually in a smaller format due to copyright laws. I hope you are able to watch them on your own channels at some point! Very interesting interviews!

Hi thank you! I will keep an eye out for them!
Hi and welcome Kat! :seeya: I'm not sure if Dr. Phil airs in your area. Maybe someone here has good links to the full interviews. The ones I found were either not full videos or they sounded weird.

Hi! Thank you! I will have a look around! Interesting to see others thoughts here first too.
I thought the statute of limitations was up for that charge.

From article: https://www.federalcharges.com/obstruction-of-justice-laws-charges/

"Obstruction of Justice Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for obstruction of justice usually starts from the date that the crime actually started. The exact statute of limitations will vary depending on the type of crime in which the obstruction took place. Usually, the statute is six years in state courts, and five years in federal courts, with the exception of crimes against children, sex offenses, certain violent crimes, and murder. In these cases, no statute of limitations exists. Additionally, the statute can be tolled if the defendant leaves the state.
Welcome Kat!

There are some posters also from England on some of the forums here. I will remember (I hope!) which forums and I would be happy to ask them
how they go about watching shows such as these recent ones on JonBenet. I will get back to you.

Cheers !
From article: https://www.federalcharges.com/obstruction-of-justice-laws-charges/

"Obstruction of Justice Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for obstruction of justice usually starts from the date that the crime actually started. The exact statute of limitations will vary depending on the type of crime in which the obstruction took place. Usually, the statute is six years in state courts, and five years in federal courts, with the exception of crimes against children, sex offenses, certain violent crimes, and murder. In these cases, no statute of limitations exists. Additionally, the statute can be tolled if the defendant leaves the state.

OK, but again, Burke could not then and cannot now be prosecuted for the murder, so how can charges ever be brought against JR? What ultimate good would it do?
Thank you so much.

To me it has never made any logical sense JB was murdered by any of her own family members.

I certainly don't think Burke was some fire eating monster at 9 years old either or now. Killing her because she ate a piece of his pineapple? I do believe that is the most absurd motive I have ever heard.

There is no way anyone in that family wrote the stupid ransom note. Why supposedly go through all of the crafty cover up they are accused of doing and then calmly sit down and write and rewrite a ransom note that only made them look like fools? So which is it? Are they totally crafty enough to cover up or so stupid to write this ransom note knowing their child would be found dead inside of their own home which would make them all look like idiots?

Why are some things missing? If they left to discard some things they had the same opportunity to get rid of other evidence including the body of JB.

And to cover up all of this they are fully capable of doing all of this bizarre twisted cruel things to the child that was the light of their lives???????? I have never believed that for one second. Not Patsy Ramsey. There wouldn't have been any garotte twisted brutally around JBs pretty little neck. There wouldn't be splinters of the paintbrush either. The train track theory makes no sense. Poking her with the train track? Good grief how ridiculous. I will believe the man who was able to access the window when everyone else said it couldn't be done, and the one who had 20 years experience being a detective. The markings look just like she had been tasered just like he said.

I also will never believe that the same male DNA was found in three different places on two different garments. Nope, that is not a coincidence or transference either.

Again thank you for all the images and putting your thoughts together so well.

I agree with everything you have posted.

"Pardon Our Noise, It's the Sound of Denial"
OK, but again, Burke could not then and cannot now be prosecuted for the murder, so how can charges ever be brought against JR? What ultimate good would it do?

I understand what you are saying.

Obstruction of justice is one charge which, in my opinion, is applicable.

As for ultimate good - I would like to see the State of Colorado do the right thing by JonBenet. That is it.

Show this little six year-old citizen who was brutally murdered almost 20 years ago that she "counted". That is it. Sometimes it is only about the principle of doing something -
doing the right thing - no matter how many years have passed.

I would have great respect for someone from the State of Colorado who simply says "JonBenet we failed you."

Not sure if this has already been posted or not.
[h=1]JonBenet Ramsey Murder: Brother Burke Ramsey Revealed Key Detail To Dr. Phil | TODAY[/h]
OK, but again, Burke could not then and cannot now be prosecuted for the murder, so how can charges ever be brought against JR? What ultimate good would it do?

Exactly! If you believe Kolar and the BDI theory then the case is closed. It's done. If you believe this theory then you need to make peace with it
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