Was Burke Involved? # 4

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I've always found it extremely telling that PR called friends to the house that morning. The word "odd" doesn't even cover it. Never mind the cautions of the RN, we all know that was a ruse. But for her to need anyone there other than JR is telling. And then, that JR quite obviously distanced himself from PR - is another tell, imo. These two were not there for each other that morning. They were not a pair or a team. It was her friends and the victim advocates who were consoling PR, not her husband. In fact, even after Det Patterson ordered everyone who was allowed to remain in the house to stay in the rear study (and he declared the rest of the house off limits), JR wandered off for approx 80 mins.
Agreed. It just makes it more obvious that all of those photos they took after her death were just as fake. They were bound together by a horrid secret and faked it all the way to the end.

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It was pitiful the poor child didn't have good clothes. They were rich. there was no excuse. :(Oh yes Ted sure was an interesting case study! She stayed in contact with him until his execution. She worked beside him a crisis call line for suicide prevention. You should definitely read it! She was his friend from the beginning and all the way to the chair.

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I can see how Patsy couldn't get out to buy clothes when JonBenet was 3-4. She was traveling for cancer treatments, then in the hospital for a few days after each return, then sick and pretty isolated so as not to catch any extra illnesses. But surely someone could have arranged for the nanny or a friend to take JonBenet to get some clothes.
IMO once she was in remission she went overboard via pagents trying to make it up to her. And Burke seems to have been left to his own devices. Poor kid, dad working all the time and mom finally felt better but she spends most of her time with dress fittings, photo shoots, dance lessons and pagents with his little sister.
I can see how Patsy couldn't get out to buy clothes when JonBenet was 3-4. She was traveling for cancer treatments, then in the hospital for a few days after each return, then sick and pretty isolated so as not to catch any extra illnesses. But surely someone could have arranged for the nanny or a friend to take JonBenet to get some clothes.
IMO once she was in remission she went overboard via pagents trying to make it up to her. And Burke seems to have been left to his own devices. Poor kid, dad working all the time and mom finally felt better but she spends most of her time with dress fittings, photo shoots, dance lessons and pagents with his little sister.
Yes I totally agree. Even Patsy's mom could have taken her to get some clothes. Or ordered from a catalog.

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I can see how Patsy couldn't get out to buy clothes when JonBenet was 3-4. She was traveling for cancer treatments, then in the hospital for a few days after each return, then sick and pretty isolated so as not to catch any extra illnesses. But surely someone could have arranged for the nanny or a friend to take JonBenet to get some clothes.
IMO once she was in remission she went overboard via pagents trying to make it up to her. And Burke seems to have been left to his own devices. Poor kid, dad working all the time and mom finally felt better but she spends most of her time with dress fittings, photo shoots, dance lessons and pagents with his little sister.

Yes very sad that the children didn't get attention unless they were performing. Says a lot about the parents.

The clothes issue is why I don't care much for John. Sure he worked all the time but it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to go into KMart and find some little girl clothes.
Agreed. It just makes it more obvious that all of those photos they took after her death were just as fake. They were bound together by a horrid secret and faked it all the way to the end.

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Right. Exactly. And in my theory, I'd even take it one step further. If JR wasn't directly involved, and he recognized PR's handwriting on the RN; I can envision him briefly confronting her immediately after the 911 call, and then stewing about it throughout the morning until he found the body. If he confronted her, PR would have wanted her friends around her.
Yes very sad that the children didn't get attention unless they were performing. Says a lot about the parents.

The clothes issue is why I don't care much for John. Sure he worked all the time but it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to go into KMart and find some little girl clothes.
Agreed. Completely. Especially when his wife had cancer. I guess it was beneath him to actually go buy her clothes? Maybe he expected the help to do that?
Right. Exactly. And in my theory, I'd even take it one step further. If JR wasn't directly involved, and he recognized PR's handwriting on the RN; I can envision him briefly confronting her immediately after the 911 call, and then stewing about it throughout the morning until he found the body. If he confronted her, PR would have wanted her friends around her.
Oh yes exactly! Whether the friends that were called over that morning realised it or not, they were actors in this broadway spectical. They were Patsy's audience she performed for, a buffer between Patsy and John and witnesses to the horror to come later that day. They were used. All of them. I wish they could actually SEE that. I think FW and JR had their falling out over FW calling JR out on the whole thing. I think he confronted him after the funeral. FW was thrown under the bus to show him that JR could make things happen if FW didn't keep his mouth shut. I wonder if they ever truly had a actual true relationship with anyone that wasn't partly faked. They seemed to only surround themselves with people they needed at any given time. Then just to be tossed away without regard or reason. I really think everyone to them was disposable. Not the kind of friends I'd want. That's for dang sure.
Oh yes exactly! Whether the friends that were called over that morning realised it or not, they were actors in this broadway spectical. They were Patsy's audience she performed for, a buffer between Patsy and John and witnesses to the horror to come later that day. They were used. All of them. I wish they could actually SEE that. I think FW and JR had their falling out over FW calling JR out on the whole thing. I think he confronted him after the funeral. FW was thrown under the bus to show him that JR could make things happen if FW didn't keep his mouth shut. I wonder if they ever truly had a actual true relationship with anyone that wasn't partly faked. They seemed to only surround themselves with people they needed at any given time. Then just to be tossed away without regard or reason. I really think everyone to them was disposable. Not the kind of friends I'd want. That's for dang sure.

I wish Beth Holloway would speak out about the relationship she and JR had after PR's death.
I can't believe he said it didn't work out because she was behind him in terms of grief. What a colossal prick. Why not just say something along the lines of being incompatible?


I've always found it extremely telling that PR called friends to the house that morning. The word "odd" doesn't even cover it. Never mind the cautions of the RN, we all know that was a ruse. But for her to need anyone there other than JR is telling. And then, that JR quite obviously distanced himself from PR - is another tell, imo. These two were not there for each other that morning. They were not a pair or a team. It was her friends and the victim advocates who were consoling PR, not her husband. In fact, even after Det Patterson ordered everyone who was allowed to remain in the house to stay in the rear study (and he declared the rest of the house off limits), JR wandered off for approx 80 mins.

Good points. Also JR lawyer-ed up that morning with separate legal representation for Patsy and himself. I've always had weakness for PDI, with Patsy's behavior that morning, the clothes, the friends, and possibly her drugs.

Yet the GJ saw all the evidence and did not cite PR on a First Degree Murder charge, that was left for the person they were alleged to have assisted?

I reckon it was Patsy who ligature asphyxiated JonBenet the evidence is not 100% conclusive but is good enough for me. There must be compelling evidence that we know nothing about for the GJ to indict the anonymous person?

kanzz,Good points. Also JR lawyer-ed up that morning with separate legal representation for Patsy and himself. I've always had weakness for PDI, with Patsy's behavior that morning, the clothes, the friends, and possibly her drugs. Yet the GJ saw all the evidence and did not cite PR on a First Degree Murder charge, that was left for the person they were alleged to have assisted?I reckon it was Patsy who ligature asphyxiated JonBenet the evidence is not 100% conclusive but is good enough for me. There must be compelling evidence that we know nothing about for the GJ to indict the anonymous person?.
Because JB obtained separate legal reps for each of them that morning is another reason I've leaned toward BDI, especially in light of the GJ recommendation.. But I know you lean PDI, and don't respect you any less for your opinion. That's part of what makes discussing this so interesting. I was convinced PDI for a very long time and only changed my mind over time. I do believe she was up to her ears in the staging and undoing, and of course the RN. I just have this hunch that JR might not have known anything until he saw the RN, and then he started piecing it together in his own mind.. putting him and PR at distinct odds that morning, but later making him an accessory.
Yes very sad that the children didn't get attention unless they were performing. Says a lot about the parents.

The clothes issue is why I don't care much for John. Sure he worked all the time but it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to go into KMart and find some little girl clothes.

Not to excuse either JR or PR, but remember, this was his 2nd family. His first kids were all grown by then, and Beth had died in a car accident. I can imagine that for him, he'd already been through this before and wasn't as involved with Patsy's kids as he was his first set. He might not have even wanted kids but since it was Paty's first go-round, he went along with it. He was older than Patsy and had a demanding career going. Like I said, not excusing him, because once the kids are in the world, you gotta man up and take care of them, but who knows what kind of father he was even with his first set of kids?
I just wonder why JR just didn't give the nanny a thousand dollars and tell her to go buy "that child" a wardrobe. He could've asked for receipts even. We are talking about millionaires here. Not average Joe's. There was no reason that JonBenet shouldn't have had her own clothes. Her wardrobe should have been stocked full with beautiful things and play clothes too.
Us average Joe's have to sometimes use hand me downs which is fine.
But the Ramsey's?? There was no excuse. It hurts my heart and I just want to slap JR. JMOO

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Because JB obtained separate legal reps for each of them that morning is another reason I've leaned toward BDI, especially in light of the GJ recommendation.. But I know you lean PDI, and don't respect you any less for your opinion. That's part of what makes discussing this so interesting. I was convinced PDI for a very long time and only changed my mind over time. I do believe she was up to her ears in the staging and undoing, and of course the RN. I just have this hunch that JR might not have known anything until he saw the RN, and then he started piecing it together in his own mind.. putting him and PR at distinct odds that morning, but later making him an accessory.

I'm inclined towards BDI rather than PDI. I think the evidence is on the BDI side. Curious as to why JR would not know? He was heard talking to BR during the 911 call. So did he know then, why would the parents be at a distance, did PR asphyxiate JonBenet without JR's knowledge? So much going on in this case, I hope one day the True Bills are unsealed in their entirety.

I do not buy the CBS theory, I reckon it was crafted for a TV audience, what actually took place was likely totally different.

Not to excuse either JR or PR, but remember, this was his 2nd family. His first kids were all grown by then, and Beth had died in a car accident. I can imagine that for him, he'd already been through this before and wasn't as involved with Patsy's kids as he was his first set. He might not have even wanted kids but since it was Paty's first go-round, he went along with it. He was older than Patsy and had a demanding career going. Like I said, not excusing him, because once the kids are in the world, you gotta man up and take care of them, but who knows what kind of father he was even with his first set of kids?
About 25 years ago Kathie Lee Gifford, sat on national television and told the world she was going to have a baby. She also called her husband out in an extremely passive aggressive way, by telling the world, that Frank Gifford wanted none of the responsibility. He had already raised a family and felt he was of an age where he did not want to be raising children and all that it required. Or something along those lines. He understood her need to have children so he agreed to give her two. Not saying that he didn't love his children or that he didn't change his mind later. I can see what you mean about John in your post. He could be one of those been there, done that kinda guys.Also, we've read over and over how lazy he was. Parenting as you know is a never ending ton of work, something he already knew a thing or two about. Oh and don't forget he was already paying child support, college tuition, and probably medical. He might even have seen his children as the glue that forever bound him to Patsy and not in a good way, if you know what I mean. Mommies little dividends. Cheaper too keep her! (but that's another post) :giggle:
s(he) be(lie)ve(d)
Is that B in your avatar?what a creepy photo ..can't even look at that face..:gaah:
s(he) be(lie)ve(d)
Is that B in your avatar?what a creepy photo ..can't even look at that face..:gaah:

It is indeed. I almost feel bad for using it, as I really don't know the context of its taking. It could be a college kid playing around. I was feeling a certain way about BR when I chose it for avatar and it suited those feelings. :gasp:
Because JB obtained separate legal reps for each of them that morning is another reason I've leaned toward BDI, especially in light of the GJ recommendation.. But I know you lean PDI, and don't respect you any less for your opinion. That's part of what makes discussing this so interesting. I was convinced PDI for a very long time and only changed my mind over time. I do believe she was up to her ears in the staging and undoing, and of course the RN. I just have this hunch that JR might not have known anything until he saw the RN, and then he started piecing it together in his own mind.. putting him and PR at distinct odds that morning, but later making him an accessory.

This makes so much sense.

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I do not buy the CBS theory, I reckon it was crafted for a TV audience, what actually took place was likely totally different.


Yep. An extremely simplistic theory that doesn't even bother to take most of the evidence into consideration. It was created for mass consumption and to stir up attention/controversy. Now the attention is gone and there's nothing left.....no meat on its bones to sustain it. The average person who watched that show who wishes to dig any deeper need spend only a few seconds through google to start seeing more of the picture and that it doesn't fall in line with what they had just seen on TV.

Like I've said before, I've seen you and otg make a better, more believable case for BDI than CBS did.
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