Was Burke involved?

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Was Burke involved in JB's death?

  • Burke was involved in the death of JBR

    Votes: 377 59.6%
  • Burke was totally uninvolved in her death

    Votes: 256 40.4%

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It was stated way back in 98 or so that the hang up on prosecution from AH's POV was WHICH parent actually killed her, with the head wound and the ligature strangulation each being lethal injuries.

The Ramseys knew this. That's why they stayed together. Not out of love, not to protect Burke from juvenile charges, but because together, they were formidable for a DA to challenge.

I personally think the True Bills refer to the OTHER Ramsey parent in each bill. Patsy's refers to John as " allowed a person" and John's refers to Patsy as " Allowed another person".
The GJ did not have to separate out who did what to issue 2 true bills, but Alex Hunter would have had to and he didn't, couldn't or wouldn't.

Burke could have been the other person referenced but I do not think this was the intent of the wording.
I think" Other person" meant " the other parent".

Thanks for reading. My intent is NOT to protect Burke if he's guilty but because I believe the force required for the skull fracture and the method used for manual strangulation was beyond his capabilities at the age of 9 years old. I also do not think he ever displayed any signs that he had knowledge of guilt at the time.
It was stated way back in 98 or so that the hang up on prosecution from AH's POV was WHICH parent actually killed her, with the head wound and the ligature strangulation each being lethal injuries.

The Ramseys knew this. That's why they stayed together. Not out of love, not to protect Burke from juvenile charges, but because together, they were formidable for a DA to challenge.

I personally think the True Bills refer to the OTHER Ramsey parent in each bill. Patsy's refers to John as " allowed a person" and John's refers to Patsy as " Allowed another person".
The GJ did not have to separate out who did what to issue 2 true bills, but Alex Hunter would have had to and he didn't, couldn't or wouldn't.

Burke could have been the other person referenced but I do not think this was the intent of the wording.
I think" Other person" meant " the other parent".

Thanks for reading. My intent is NOT to protect Burke if he's guilty but because I believe the force required for the skull fracture and the method used for manual strangulation was beyond his capabilities at the age of 9 years old. I also do not think he ever displayed any signs that he had knowledge of guilt at the time.

I do not believe that this was a loving couple and had either parent suspected the other then the outcome would have been drastically different because they would turned on each other, what parent wouldn't want the murder of their child solved or more disturbing why would you stay married to a child molesting killer?
Also bear in mind that they took the heat as suspects for over a decade, Patsy went to her grave knowing that the world suspected her as having been capable of molesting and killing her little beauty queen, none of that makes any logical sense unless the parents were only interested in protecting their son, for that they needed a unified front.
Burke sent his sister to the ER at age 6 by bashing her over the head with a golf club, if he could do that much damage at only 6 years old then imagine what he could do at almost 10.
Forgive me if this has been discussed many times ; I'm not a regular poster here. Have many posters read the book "My Sister,My Love" by Joyce Carole Oats ? It is a strange and disturbing book,based on the murder of JBR.... the author is very skilled at changing enough of the facts so as to avoid a libel charge. The book can thus be called a work of fiction... Thing about this book is that the author puts in some fascinating speculations about BR,and the high level of dysfunction the children lived with. It is quite a read. The author seems to have a lot of info ; in this "work of fiction " BR didn't do it,but PR and JR led him to believe that he had killed his sister. He was unable to remember much,due to the fact that he was always heavily medicated... a disturbing book, and yet a reader will come away seeing BR as another victim,and his parents as monsters. jmo moo
I have always suspected BR, from day one.

So have I. I believe that John and Patsy conspired to stage the cover-up, but that is all.

I don't think JonBenet's death was intentional. I think it was a sexual exploration game that went horribly wrong.
I do not believe that this was a loving couple and had either parent suspected the other then the outcome would have been drastically different because they would turned on each other, what parent wouldn't want the murder of their child solved or more disturbing why would you stay married to a child molesting killer?
Also bear in mind that they took the heat as suspects for over a decade, Patsy went to her grave knowing that the world suspected her as having been capable of molesting and killing her little beauty queen, none of that makes any logical sense unless the parents were only interested in protecting their son, for that they needed a unified front.
Burke sent his sister to the ER at age 6 by bashing her over the head with a golf club, if he could do that much damage at only 6 years old then imagine what he could do at almost 10.
I've wondered about that other incident with the golf club. Where did this story come from and was it ever verified that it was BR who hit JB? I've wondered what the odds were that JB would be bashed in the head at least twice in her short life, because most people make it to adulthood without being bashed in the head even once, kwim?
I've wondered about that other incident with the golf club. Where did this story come from and was it ever verified that it was BR who hit JB? I've wondered what the odds were that JB would be bashed in the head at least twice in her short life, because most people make it to adulthood without being bashed in the head even once, kwim?

Various web sources report that Burke hit JonBenet on the left cheek with a golf club in the summer of 1994 and that in October 1994 JonBenet had plastic surgery in Denver to repair the scar. The blow with the golf club was said to be accidental.

I don't think anyone, including John and Patsy, have ever disputed that Burke had hit JonBenet with a golf club.
I do not believe that this was a loving couple and had either parent suspected the other then the outcome would have been drastically different because they would turned on each other, what parent wouldn't want the murder of their child solved or more disturbing why would you stay married to a child molesting killer?
Also bear in mind that they took the heat as suspects for over a decade, Patsy went to her grave knowing that the world suspected her as having been capable of molesting and killing her little beauty queen, none of that makes any logical sense unless the parents were only interested in protecting their son, for that they needed a unified front.
Burke sent his sister to the ER at age 6 by bashing her over the head with a golf club, if he could do that much damage at only 6 years old then imagine what he could do at almost 10.

I guess in for a penny, in for a pound.

I suppose they sacrificed themselves to protect him out of guilt for not being able to protect her.

It worked out the way they hoped it would, I suppose.
They took the heat... Burke must have gotten the best help money could buy. As far as we know, he hasn't raped or killed anyone else or even battered another female.
Personally, I think his life improved greatly with his little sister out of the way.... in his view. He hated her. With her gone, John & Patsy's lives now revolved around him and they finally proved their love to him.

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Burke had nothing to do with this. It was only about the Perfectionist Narcissistic Personality Disordered Ativan Klonipined Mom, Patsy, in her delusional psychotic quest to have her perfect doppleganger Twin Doll child Jon Benet be in heaven when she ultimately arrived. Which was soon, if you've ever had Stage 4 ovarian cancer. Saved By The Cross. Victory! That's it.
Burke sent his sister to the ER at age 6 by bashing her over the head with a golf club, if he could do that much damage at only 6 years old then imagine what he could do at almost 10.

WOW, I never knew about that whole issue! Reading this gave me chills.....you are so right, he could have been capable of much worse! I found his fb page and was really surprised to not see any "In memory of my sister" photo's...Of course some of his stuff is private so he might have something on there but it still made me wonder....then come on this site and I see that he hurt her before.....interesting and tragic. :(
Forgive me if this has been discussed many times ; I'm not a regular poster here. Have many posters read the book "My Sister,My Love" by Joyce Carole Oats ? It is a strange and disturbing book,based on the murder of JBR.... the author is very skilled at changing enough of the facts so as to avoid a libel charge.

Yes, I read-- and was fascinated by -- that book. I mentioned it once on here a year or two ago, but got the impression few others had real it. The author definitely had an interesting point of view. (Her book "Black Water" deals with a Chappaquiddicklike incident and is equally fascinating.)
WOW, I never knew about that whole issue! Reading this gave me chills.....you are so right, he could have been capable of much worse! I found his fb page and was really surprised to not see any "In memory of my sister" photo's...Of course some of his stuff is private so he might have something on there but it still made me wonder....then come on this site and I see that he hurt her before.....interesting and tragic. :(

If BR was involved :
Strange that PR and JR allowed him to sleep so close to JBR's room...moo Strange also that they did not put an alarm on his bedroom door. A standard thing to do for a predatory child. jmo
Yes, I read-- and was fascinated by -- that book. I mentioned it once on here a year or two ago, but got the impression few others had real it. The author definitely had an interesting point of view. (Her book "Black Water" deals with a Chappaquiddicklike incident and is equally fascinating.)

IDK, but I swear it read as though she had been given some inside info...jmo moo
Well... If ya pay attention, I'm a tryin to make them fit! lol

Everyone knew the threat was over once JonBenet was dead! Burke was done molesting and murdering...she'd been his only target for a long time. they knew it was bad, but never thought it could escalate to murder... Just "a little bit molested" ....like Patsy. And Patsy thought she, herself, had turned out just fine....

Wouldn't John fear Patsy would/could kill Burke?

Wouldn't Patsy fear John if he killed her?

I still don't, after all these years, have a favorite theory. I go back and forth...

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If BR was involved :
Strange that PR and JR allowed him to sleep so close to JBR's room...moo Strange also that they did not put an alarm on his bedroom door. A standard thing to do for a predatory child. jmo
Probably why the GJ indicted them both for criminal negligence resulting in JBR's murder.
I'm still not convinced as to which one of them was sexually abusing her ...or murdered her.
I'm only sure Patsy was there in that basement manipulating that rope at some point & she wrote that note.

That's the problem with the case. LE solved it ,.. It's just not able to be prosecuted because no one knows who did what exactly. It's the PERFECT cross finger pointing defense.

I agree with the prosecutors decision not to file.

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I'm still not convinced as to which one of them was sexually abusing her ...or murdered her.
I'm only sure Patsy was there in that basement manipulating that rope at some point & she wrote that note.

That's the problem with the case. LE solved it ,.. It's just not able to be prosecuted because no one knows who did what exactly. It's the PERFECT cross finger pointing defense.

I agree with the prosecutors decision not to file.

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Only, IMO, this case was not prosecuted NOT because AH had a conundrum, but because he was corrupt and influenced by the Ramseys.

Again, JMO.

But I agree with your point about why a DA may decline to prosecute an obviously unprovable case.
Only, IMO, this case was not prosecuted NOT because AH had a conundrum, but because he was corrupt and influenced by the Ramseys.

Again, JMO.

But I agree with your point about why a DA may decline to prosecute an obviously unprovable case.

Oh I agree with you there too! He was too busy wearing those kidskin gloves and tying the hands of law enforcement investigators... and handing over every shred of evidence to team Ramsey,

The McCanns are attempting to accomplish the same thing. IMO

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We have our answer, don't we. BDI. Parents staged the crime.

Yes, that is clear to most of us familiar with the case. James Kolar mentioned Burke this morning in a CNN interview when asked how he thought the case could be solved. Kolar suggested convening another GJ and calling Burke to testify. When CNN's reporter was unclear who Burke is , Kolar said Burke was the Ramsey son in the home that night.
Hi I'm new here also but have been following the case on my own since 96 . Jonbenet was murdèred on my birthday, and not one goes by that I don't think of her. To me one of the most telling clues is the feces that was smeared on her box of chocolates ...that requires a level of hatred that can only come from a very disturbed individual. Had to be Burke...had to be..moo
Hi I'm new here also but have been following the case on my own since 96 . Jonbenet was murdèred on my birthday, and not one goes by that I don't think of her. To me one of the most telling clues is the feces that was smeared on her box of chocolates ...that requires a level of hatred that can only come from a very disturbed individual. Had to be Burke...had to be..moo

Welcome to Websleuths!!

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