Was Burke involved?

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Was Burke involved in JB's death?

  • Burke was involved in the death of JBR

    Votes: 377 59.6%
  • Burke was totally uninvolved in her death

    Votes: 256 40.4%

  • Total voters
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BBM. I don't believe you are quite correct. Because of his age, Burke could not be prosecuted but he certainly could be named as a suspect yet LE have refused to include him as being under the same "cloud of suspicion" as his parents. Once the Ramseys were made aware of the fact that Burke could not be charged because of his age, there was no reason to continue with their deception and charade yet they did. It isn't a giant leap to conclude they were covering for each other, not because Burke did anything.

The GJ did NOT indict the Ramseys because of the actions of Burke, they were indicted because of their own behavior.

I do not believe he could have been publicly identified as a suspect. So we'll have to disagree on this. Yes, the parents were indicted on their own behavior, but there is no reason to assume they were only covering for each other. The main thing is- covering for their son can't be ruled out. Even if the parents knew he couldn't be charged, I feel they would not have wanted him to be attached to this crime in any way. Getting him "help" was not on their radar. They wanted this to stay as far away from him as possible. A complete and total blackout as far as BR was concerned.
I'm going to reopen this, but if the bickering continues, I will close it for good.

Be respectful of one another.

I do not believe he could have been publicly identified as a suspect. So we'll have to disagree on this. Yes, the parents were indicted on their own behavior, but there is no reason to assume they were only covering for each other. The main thing is- covering for their son can't be ruled out. Even if the parents knew he couldn't be charged, I feel they would not have wanted him to be attached to this crime in any way. Getting him "help" was not on their radar. They wanted this to stay as far away from him as possible. A complete and total blackout as far as BR was concerned.

The DA mentioned Burke in her 2008 letter that stated the family were no longer suspects. So maybe being a suspect in the court of public opinion was enough to prompt her to make that public statement of exoneration. I don't believe the investigation is focused on Burke for any reason other than he was a witness as to what went on that household when others weren't around. Is there a possibility he was sexually molesting his sister? Absolutely. But I don't believe Burke fashioned the garrote or participated in the murder of his sister.
(snipped for reference)
I can’t be too hard on them because I don’t think either one of them ever thought the situation would get so out of control that something like this would happen. I believe they loved both (all) their children, and like any parent will say (as I have said to my own), I think they would “do anything in the world to protect them.”
BBM. I'm confused by what you said because the Grand Jury didn't believe John or Patsy did all they could have done to prevent the death of JonBenet.

What am I missing?:blowkiss:
I suppose, thinking in light of the GJ decision, what I said is confusing. Parents (as well as husbands, big brothers/sisters, people who accept a responsibility for another’s well-being) react as needed to a perceived threat. While I think the Ramsey parents should have been (and probably were) aware of problems, I don’t think they perceived the problems as enough of a threat that their response wouldn’t be enough to protect JonBenet as much as they felt necessary. But once that threat played itself out in the tragedy that happened, it was their remaining child they had to protect from the obvious threat of being found out. So my reference to “doing anything in the world to protect their children” was supposing the justification in their minds for doing all they did (IMO) to hide what happened. (Of course, I know you don’t agree with me on what that was -- but still, :loveyou:)
For me, the Rs were successful in keeping BR out of the equation. bc before LO even thought to consider him the family was already too well protected.

The Rs used all their considerable resources for the wrong reasons. If it had been IDI, those resources would have helped LO, instead it hindered the entire process.

The interview w/BR was conducted by a psych in coordination with child services. They took care of 2 "problems" at the same time. And once again AH SAID, "ok"

The FBI stated (on TV) very early on in the case that:
1. They have had ransom notes and kidnappings where the child was found dead or alive but not on the premises

2. They have had children found dead in their home

But they have NEVER had a kidnapping and ransom demand where the child was found dead in the home!

Jon Benet was sexually assaulted as evidenced by the autopsy (can't remember his name now).

I will ALWAYS believe that the family did it, particularily John.

It's just my opinion. The family (probably with advice of their lawyer) did the best job of confusing the case, destroying evidence and generally getting away with murder that I've ever seen.

Again, just my opinion.
This is only my opinion:

1. Christmas eve. John was sexually assaulting Jon Benet in the basement using a scarf or ribbon. Patsy had gone to bed.

2. John thought Jon Benet had died due to the pressure on the nerve going through her neck which caused convulsions.

3. John needed Patsy's help to cover up the murder so he woke Patsy up.

4. Knowing Patsy would never knowingly cover up the murder for him alone, he lied to her and told her Burke did it.

5. Together (one or the other or both) hit Jon Benet in the head as part of the cover up.

6. Together (one or the other or both) wrote the ransom note

7. Together (one or the other or both) staged the garrott

I do not believe Burke knew anything about what happened that night mainly because they let him go to school and be interviewed. Children almost NEVER are able to keep a family secret. Eventually they tell and since there is no statute on murder, John and Patsy would be caught.

Just my opinion.
The FBI stated (on TV) very early on in the case that:
1. They have had ransom notes and kidnappings where the child was found dead or alive but not on the premises

2. They have had children found dead in their home

But they have NEVER had a kidnapping and ransom demand where the child was found dead in the home!

Jon Benet was sexually assaulted as evidenced by the autopsy (can't remember his name now).

I will ALWAYS believe that the family did it, particularily John.

It's just my opinion. The family (probably with advice of their lawyer) did the best job of confusing the case, destroying evidence and generally getting away with murder that I've ever seen.

Again, just my opinion.

I agree with everything you said, esp about JR's involvement in the murder itself. Too many RDI's are saying he was innocent of the murder and just discovered it later and helped cover up what his wife had done unbeknownst to him. In no way do I accept that.
This is only my opinion:

1. Christmas eve. John was sexually assaulting Jon Benet in the basement using a scarf or ribbon. Patsy had gone to bed.

2. John thought Jon Benet had died due to the pressure on the nerve going through her neck which caused convulsions.

3. John needed Patsy's help to cover up the murder so he woke Patsy up.

4. Knowing Patsy would never knowingly cover up the murder for him alone, he lied to her and told her Burke did it.

5. Together (one or the other or both) hit Jon Benet in the head as part of the cover up.

6. Together (one or the other or both) wrote the ransom note

7. Together (one or the other or both) staged the garrott

I do not believe Burke knew anything about what happened that night mainly because they let him go to school and be interviewed. Children almost NEVER are able to keep a family secret. Eventually they tell and since there is no statute on murder, John and Patsy would be caught.

Just my opinion.
In addition, Detective Fred Patterson interviewed Burke, independent of his parents, on the 26th.
This is only my opinion:

1. Christmas eve. John was sexually assaulting Jon Benet in the basement using a scarf or ribbon. Patsy had gone to bed.

2. John thought Jon Benet had died due to the pressure on the nerve going through her neck which caused convulsions.

3. John needed Patsy's help to cover up the murder so he woke Patsy up.

4. Knowing Patsy would never knowingly cover up the murder for him alone, he lied to her and told her Burke did it.

5. Together (one or the other or both) hit Jon Benet in the head as part of the cover up.

6. Together (one or the other or both) wrote the ransom note

7. Together (one or the other or both) staged the garrott

I do not believe Burke knew anything about what happened that night mainly because they let him go to school and be interviewed. Children almost NEVER are able to keep a family secret. Eventually they tell and since there is no statute on murder, John and Patsy would be caught.

Just my opinion.

As hard as I try I just can't seem to wrap my head around one of the parents bashing her head in or strangling her.
I really believe that was all done before the parents found out about it.

Just my opinion
As hard as I try I just can't seem to wrap my head around one of the parents bashing her head in or strangling her.
I really believe that was all done before the parents found out about it.

Just my opinion

Nobody wants to believe the parents did it, but once you study the odd behavior of the parents after the murder, most people come to the conclusion that they were involved somehow. If you want to understand better, carefully analyze everything the parents did and said starting on the morning of 12-26. The sheer number of anomalies will hopefully open your eyes. Innocent people just do not act like this.
Nobody wants to believe the parents did it, but once you study the odd behavior of the parents after the murder, most people come to the conclusion that they were involved somehow. If you want to understand better, carefully analyze everything the parents did and said starting on the morning of 12-26. The sheer number of anomalies will hopefully open your eyes. Innocent people just do not act like this.

Odd behavior after however is not evidence. It is just what people think about them.
If you want to understand better, Then you should look into all the evidence and the facts of the case. Not how people behave alone. Lots of people are weird. Lots of people are odd or do not behave like people think they should. That does not make them guilty of anything. IMO
In addition, Detective Fred Patterson interviewed Burke, independent of his parents, on the 26th.

Yes the whole, gee maybe I should ask about my sisters welfare?

Nah, how about where she is?

Nah, or maybe did you hear anything, see anything at all....


&& who the heck was 'grandma?'
Odd behavior after however is not evidence. It is just what people think about them.
If you want to understand better, Then you should look into all the evidence and the facts of the case. Not how people behave alone. Lots of people are weird. Lots of people are odd or do not behave like people think they should. That does not make them guilty of anything. IMO

Actually, how one acts after a crime can be admitted as evidence. The Grand Jury heard Burke as a witness and indicted Patsy. It is the totality of the evidence that matters, not just whether a 9-year-old kid acted "weird." There is no playbook for a nine-year old in how to act after your little sister is found murdered.


Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something). This is sometimes referred to as “consciousness of guilt”. For example, such evidence may include actions the defendant took to “cover up” his alleged crime. Flight, when unexplained, may indicate consciousness of guilt if the facts and the circumstances support it. A person's false statements as to (his/her) whereabouts at the time of the offense may tend to show a consciousness of guilt.

Actually, how one acts after a crime can be admitted as evidence. The Grand Jury heard Burke as a witness and indicted Patsy. It is the totality of the evidence that matters, not just whether a 9-year-old kid acted "weird." There is no playbook for a nine-year old in how to act after your little sister is found murdered.


Evidentiary rules allow a prosecutor to introduce testimony that tends to show that the defendants actions prove he knew he was guilty (at least of something). This is sometimes referred to as “consciousness of guilt”. For example, such evidence may include actions the defendant took to “cover up” his alleged crime. Flight, when unexplained, may indicate consciousness of guilt if the facts and the circumstances support it. A person's false statements as to (his/her) whereabouts at the time of the offense may tend to show a consciousness of guilt.

It only matters if there is real evidence that is backed up by behavior. Not if they act weird. The Gj heard a lot of things and indicted Patsy.. It may have nothing at all to do with Burke. That is just assumption.
The DA mentioned Burke in her 2008 letter that stated the family were no longer suspects. So maybe being a suspect in the court of public opinion was enough to prompt her to make that public statement of exoneration. I don't believe the investigation is focused on Burke for any reason other than he was a witness as to what went on that household when others weren't around. Is there a possibility he was sexually molesting his sister? Absolutely. But I don't believe Burke fashioned the garrote or participated in the murder of his sister.

Actually it was her blatant disregard for the basic tenets of a murder investigation, combined with her blind devotion to the Rs that caused her to give that false "exoneration". As anyone in LE knows, NO ONE is cleared in a murder unless and until the killer is identified by NAME. It was never that they were "no longer suspects". They STILL are suspects. The present DA alluded to that when he took over. He said no one was cleared as far as he was concerned. Especially the people who were in the house at the time.
Re: after learning about the GJ lie. Didn't Beckner say it was difficult to keep quiet bc he knew there could have been a true bill.

& what do you know the GJ did get it right.
Do you have a source for this? I'm unfamiliar with it. TIA!

I know Kolar discusses it. The only thing he makes note of is the "odd behavior"

Still no concern, fear, or sadness that the whole town is at his house bc "his sister was kidnapped."

Not typical behavior.
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