Was Burke involved?

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Was Burke involved in JB's death?

  • Burke was involved in the death of JBR

    Votes: 377 59.6%
  • Burke was totally uninvolved in her death

    Votes: 256 40.4%

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I still think P did it all, simply because of what Linda Pugh had to say about her behavior, keeping the kids quiet so not to bother John, and JonBenet screaming in the bathroom, even keeping a nasty house but eventually stripping the wet bed before Linda got to work . Burke probably abused over wetting and pooping when younger as well.
Hi I'm new here also but have been following the case on my own since 96 . Jonbenet was murdèred on my birthday, and not one goes by that I don't think of her. To me one of the most telling clues is the feces that was smeared on her box of chocolates ...that requires a level of hatred that can only come from a very disturbed individual. Had to be Burke...had to be..moo

Feces smearing is very common in highly disturbed children. His parents probably needed to make sure he was constantly monitored while he was around JBR...she would seem to be the object of his rage...jmo moo He never should have been around her without an adult being close by...moojmo
I have not been followed this case at all until just recently I started looking over here. I find it interesting that so many on here think Burke probably had nothing to do with it.

Doesn't it make the most sense that Burke would have done something (with some mental problem he had/has, he lost control that night), and then the parents' would have covered up for him?
It's not criminal negligence to fail to lock up your weird child. I mean, we don't know how weird he was. The golf club thing is bad, but it may have been a total accident, or he just didn't comprehend the seriousness at 6. It doesn't mean that it was the start of several murder attempts. The only way I could see the Ramseys getting indicted on that is if there was evidence Burke repeatedly preyed on JonBenet and injured her or molested her and yet kind of stood by and watched. I don't see that happening. Unfortunately, many kids live with violent or mentally ill siblings, and that's not a crime. Social services may remove them, but it's not considered the parents' fault as long as they are pursuing proper medical care and calling the authorities if behavior is so out of control that hospitalization is needed. Unfortunately, parents with these types of kids don't have many options, and they try to find ways to stabilize them, but chaining them up probably doesn't help.
I just read the latest today and almost feel this really gives us our answer!
Forgive me if this has been discussed many times ; I'm not a regular poster here. Have many posters read the book "My Sister,My Love" by Joyce Carole Oats ? It is a strange and disturbing book,based on the murder of JBR.... the author is very skilled at changing enough of the facts so as to avoid a libel charge. The book can thus be called a work of fiction... Thing about this book is that the author puts in some fascinating speculations about BR,and the high level of dysfunction the children lived with. It is quite a read. The author seems to have a lot of info ; in this "work of fiction " BR didn't do it,but PR and JR led him to believe that he had killed his sister. He was unable to remember much,due to the fact that he was always heavily medicated... a disturbing book, and yet a reader will come away seeing BR as another victim,and his parents as monsters. jmo moo
I never heard of this book. Will have to check it out. It has crossed my mind that parents tried to pin it on BR.
It's not criminal negligence to fail to lock up your weird child. I mean, we don't know how weird he was. The golf club thing is bad, but it may have been a total accident, or he just didn't comprehend the seriousness at 6. It doesn't mean that it was the start of several murder attempts. The only way I could see the Ramseys getting indicted on that is if there was evidence Burke repeatedly preyed on JonBenet and injured her or molested her and yet kind of stood by and watched. I don't see that happening. Unfortunately, many kids live with violent or mentally ill siblings, and that's not a crime. Social services may remove them, but it's not considered the parents' fault as long as they are pursuing proper medical care and calling the authorities if behavior is so out of control that hospitalization is needed. Unfortunately, parents with these types of kids don't have many options, and they try to find ways to stabilize them, but chaining them up probably doesn't help.

Indeed chaining up emotionally disturbed kids up does not help them. The usual avenues for caring for such children are things like bedroom door alarms, line of sight supervision,and as much parental presence as possible. Difficult in that huge house, but they probably should never have had the two kids sleeping near each other,and on a different floor from the parents. moo jmo

I have never read anything about how JBR related to BR. Was she afraid of him ? Never heard that she was. And I think the housekeeper would have noticed,and disclosed that. jmo moo. I think this would have been a known thing,if BR held that much animosity toward his sister.Unless he hid his real feelings,and planned to hurt her at some time. So, if he killed JBR, I wonder if it was premeditated ? jmo moo
I just posted this in another thread, but it seems more fitting here:

I wonder why BR has not ever talked about the case publicly since he has been an adult? You'd think at some point he'd want to talk about it and how he wants the killer of his sister to be caught, how he has coped, etc.. Heck, I couldn't even tell you what BR looks like.

Seems like he moved on pretty easily considering he was front and center for one of the most notorious murders in American history.

Not to defend him or anything but why would he? We, the public, know that he was suspected for a minute but honestly he was never "front and center" of this case. It was always, always PR and JR. And, I'm assuming here, he doesn't realize the amount of people who are convinced he did this unless he lurks the web. I doubt they even mentioned JB in that home ever again. This happened how many years ago? In all honesty, he probably has very few memories of his little sister minus That Night. It doesn't surprise me that he's kept silent on it. JMO!
What I meant by "front and center" is that he was in the house at the time of the murder.

It just seems that, as an adult, he would at some point made a public comment about the case and/or his sister and wanting to find her killer still. Something to that effect. On the other hand, I can see why he hasn't.
What I meant by "front and center" is that he was in the house at the time of the murder.

It just seems that, as an adult, he would at some point made a public comment about the case and/or his sister and wanting to find her killer still. Something to that effect. On the other hand, I can see why he hasn't.

BR has had a lot of counseling over the years. I believe he has learned what must be done, or not done, to protect himself and family.
Not to defend him or anything but why would he? We, the public, know that he was suspected for a minute but honestly he was never "front and center" of this case. It was always, always PR and JR. And, I'm assuming here, he doesn't realize the amount of people who are convinced he did this unless he lurks the web. I doubt they even mentioned JB in that home ever again. This happened how many years ago? In all honesty, he probably has very few memories of his little sister minus That Night. It doesn't surprise me that he's kept silent on it. JMO!

Iirc "Burke did it" was the headline on a few rags at the time. He was front & center of that umbrella of suspicion for a bit.

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Not to defend him or anything but why would he? We, the public, know that he was suspected for a minute but honestly he was never "front and center" of this case. It was always, always PR and JR. And, I'm assuming here, he doesn't realize the amount of people who are convinced he did this unless he lurks the web. I doubt they even mentioned JB in that home ever again. This happened how many years ago? In all honesty, he probably has very few memories of his little sister minus That Night. It doesn't surprise me that he's kept silent on it. JMO!

He was almost 10 when it happened. I would find it extremely weird if he doesn't have any memories of JBR. That would mean he doesn't remember anything before the middle of 4th grade...which isn't normal. Also, it would only take one read of comments under a news article to see that people suspect him. So I feel like if he's completely oblivious, that's kinda off. I'm not saying he needs to be constantly reading about the case, but he's never searched it since he started using the Internet?
Not to defend him or anything but why would he? We, the public, know that he was suspected for a minute but honestly he was never "front and center" of this case. It was always, always PR and JR. And, I'm assuming here, he doesn't realize the amount of people who are convinced he did this unless he lurks the web. I doubt they even mentioned JB in that home ever again. This happened how many years ago? In all honesty, he probably has very few memories of his little sister minus That Night. It doesn't surprise me that he's kept silent on it. JMO!

To the investigators inside the case he WAS "front and center" from DAY ONE. His age at the time prevented him from being named as a suspect under Colorado law.
He very likely remembers everything. He wasn't an infant, after all. No matter how many years ago, you remember the night your sister was murdered in your own home on Christmas night (especially if you were involved).
It doesn't surprise anyone he has kept silent, but not for the reasons you state. Why would he talk?
Why do you think the DA declined to prosecute? This was a case that couldn't be prosecuted, really. If it was BR and considering his age at the time, the parents could have been charged as the indictment stated- accessory to murder. There was also obstruction and tampering with evidence (the coverup). Under Colorado law, IF in doing so the identity of the child under 10 would be revealed, that may have been one good reason why the DA refused to proceed. And that may prevent the present DA from going after JR on those same charges.
To the investigators inside the case he WAS "front and center" from DAY ONE. His age at the time prevented him from being named as a suspect under Colorado law.
He very likely remembers everything. He wasn't an infant, after all. No matter how many years ago, you remember the night your sister was murdered in your own home on Christmas night (especially if you were involved).
It doesn't surprise anyone he has kept silent, but not for the reasons you state. Why would he talk?
Why do you think the DA declined to prosecute? This was a case that couldn't be prosecuted, really. If it was BR and considering his age at the time, the parents could have been charged as the indictment stated- accessory to murder. There was also obstruction and tampering with evidence (the coverup). Under Colorado law, IF in doing so the identity of the child under 10 would be revealed, that may have been one good reason why the DA refused to proceed. And that may prevent the present DA from going after JR on those same charges.

And there it is DeeDee- I couldn't agree more. Why then though, does Kolar think the case still could be prosecutable I wonder?
And there it is DeeDee- I couldn't agree more. Why then though, does Kolar think the case still could be prosecutable I wonder?

He may be aware of things we are not. There is still much we do not know. The entire GJ report was not released. On the brief interview with that twit on CNN, he is asked whether the case will ever be solved and he replied that he didn't think so. In reality, it IS solved. Only he is not permitted to say who did it.
This is another one of those little clues about this case, BR is now an adult and he could have come forward to defend his parents or just to discuss his sisters death but he never did because that would incriminate him.
Or because he fears retribution from his father- the great John Ramsey. Just wait until JR is no longer a threat, maybe then Burke will divulge the truth!!
It doesn't really surprise me that Burke hasn't talked to the media, because he was always described as being quiet. I think that even if it was generally accepted by all that JBR was killed by an intruder, you still wouldn't hear from him. He just seems like the type who has no desire to enter the spotlight. I think that if he wanted the attention, he would do something to get it. It could be as little as sitting in the audience during one of his dad's interviews, and them just pointing him out, or showing him on camera when they go to Charlevoix. I am not sure if John would allow Burke to actually do an interview, but I get the feeling Burke has no desire to do one.
Not defending BR if he was responsible for much--or most-- of what happened to his sister, but every time I hear this song by the late Andrew Gold, he and JBR always come to mind (minus the years of birth, of course):

He was born on a summer day, 1951
And with the slap of a hand
He had landed as an only son
His mother and father said "what a lovely boy"
We'll teach him what we learned
Ah yes, just what we learned
We'll dress him up warmly and
We'll send him to school
It'll teach him how to fight
To be nobody's fool

Oh, oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy

In the summer of '53 his mother
Brought him a sister
But she told him "we must attend to her needs"
"She's so much younger than you"
Well, he ran down the hall and he cried
Oh, how could his parents have lied
When they said he was an only son
He thought he was the only one

Oh, oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Yes, that is clear to most of us familiar with the case. James Kolar mentioned Burke this morning in a CNN interview when asked how he thought the case could be solved. Kolar suggested convening another GJ and calling Burke to testify. When CNN's reporter was unclear who Burke is , Kolar said Burke was the Ramsey son in the home that night.

The reporter didn't know who Burke was? Wow. Someone didn't do any research on the case before doing the interview.
I agree BDI. To me, it's the only scenario that makes sense. The GJ indictment we saw released on Friday only cements my theory. I do think BR was and still is a disturbed being. He hasn't acted out again, but IMO, that's because his family's been watching him closely since the murder. I'm curious as to what will happen once JR is gone. I feel BR will 'go off' when he's gone.

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