was Deb's brother there that night ?

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I just know that IF he was there and he talked to LE today, that's progress. At least then one of the peeps that were there may be giving info to LE and hopefully it will lead to Lisa.
We have to remember though, brother doesn't fit ANY of the descriptions given by the witnesses who saw the man carrying a baby. Just sayin...

True. But I'm not so sure the baby sightings are of Lisa. All we know is that night some people saw a man carrying a baby. That's it. Nobody knows if it was even Lisa. Those sightings could be total red herrings. Or, the eyewitnesses could be off on their description as well. It was dark out.
I have a feeling this is one of the major gaps or holes that LE was getting cranky with the family over. But...why? Why not just say he was there or he stayed late? That seems really damning to me if they did originally leave that out. A lot about the parents has been excused or explained away by saying "They are uneducated and young and don't know how to act and no parents are perfect in this situation"-I agree, but there is NO REASON to leave out an entire person in an equation like that if you are 100% innocent. Even if she was still hiding how drunk she got I still think the brother would have been mentioned at some point.

I guess I should wait for confirmation/clarification before bringing out my pitchfork though.
the infant's uncle, claims that he was passed out the night the 11-month-old baby was allegedly kidnapped from her own crib


If a reporter was told that the brother was passed out...why didn't they ask where he was drinking?, was it with his sister? Where did he pass out? WHY WHY WHY are these reporters acting like DB when reporting yet another link to the story. Yet another form of sloppy reporting at its best!!!!!!

Seems very fishy that key players in the circus act were all passed out....taking the easy way out of answering questions IMO

Is this a MSM article? It doesn't look like one to me.
At his age, I have a hard time believing he drank for awhile & then went to bed at 10:30.
My husband used to hang out in the garage drinking beer with his buddies after the kids & I went to bed. Maybe he was outside with Jersey & others after DB went to bed and wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. Someone goes in the house to use the bathroom, get some ice or whatever, takes the baby & goes out the back door. Do they have a back door ? If DB had heard anything, she would figure it was her brother.
That also explains (at least to me) why she didn't actually check on Lisa, maybe she told her little brother to. Like--"hey, I bought the booze, go check on your niece for me".
IDK, this just seems to open up a lot more possibilities.
In the other thread about the brother, someone stated that he slept in the trailer at the back of the house.

I'm so sorry...but I HAVE to do this...

When I read your post, my mind read it as that he "lived by a van down by the river." Those who know what I am talking about will get what I mean and I ask for forgiveness on this O/T post...but I need sleep badly! :innocent:
True. But I'm not so sure the baby sightings are of Lisa. All we know is that night some people saw a man carrying a baby. That's it. Nobody knows if it was even Lisa. Those sightings could be total red herrings. Or, the eyewitnesses could be off on their description as well. It was dark out.

I agree. I was just playing Devil's Advocate. I actually think the first couple saw a man carrying a dog dressed in clothing and I think the second witness just wanted his 15 minutes. But, that's just my personal opinion, and what do I know? :)
Is there anything else that can come out?

-we have phones that are stolen along with a baby
-these phones were restricted but someone could call out on them
-conveniently DB was drunk so conveniently she wouldn't remember things
-either both boys were sleeping with DB or just one of them was and a stray kitten
-we have an MW who says she's only been in the neighborhood passing by and doesn't know the Irwins. But, strangely enough, she dated Jersey. Oh, which means that she was the gf that lived in that house just down from the Irwins.
-we have two sightings of men carrying a diaper clad baby around in the wee hours of the morning
-we have a video of a white blob by a gas station somewhat near the dumpster that was set on fire
-now we have the brother sleeping at the house and, lo and behold, he didn't hear a darn thing either while an intruder came in through the window, turned on most of the lights, took Baby Lisa and the three cell phones and walked out through the front door.

Yes, we still don't know what else was supposedly taken by the "kidnapper" who stole the cell phones and Lisa.
Maybe he did tell LE but we just hadn't heard about it yet. BUT, the very initial report said nothing about the brother being there.

Thanks for confirming this. I scratched my head again and read the first reports again and couldn't find any reference to the brother being at the home of DB that night.
True. But I'm not so sure the baby sightings are of Lisa. All we know is that night some people saw a man carrying a baby. That's it. Nobody knows if it was even Lisa. Those sightings could be total red herrings. Or, the eyewitnesses could be off on their description as well. It was dark out.

Perhaps this mystery man with the baby was another party participant splitting the scene before JI came home. I bet when they find who he is, he will state he was passed out as well.
We have to remember though, brother doesn't fit ANY of the descriptions given by the witnesses who saw the man carrying a baby. Just sayin...

IMO: This is very good .. I don't think any man was carrying baby Lisa down the roads...
I agree. I was just playing Devil's Advocate. I actually think the first couple saw a man carrying a dog dressed in clothing and I think the second witness just wanted his 15 minutes. But, that's just my personal opinion, and what do I know? :)

I agree with you.
Well, the ball is starting to roll about what really went on in the house that night.

First, it was just Debbi and the children. She bathed, changed, gave binky, and put baby to bed at 7:30, and then she and the boys went to bed at 10:30 (after checking on the baby). Debbi turns out the lights, locks the doors, and leaves a computer room window open. Ho hum. Daddy comes home at 4 a.m. to find baby missing.

Next, enter the drinking buddy neighbor. No mention of Lisa at all, except she was put in her bed at 6:40, checked on shortly thereafter and found to be standing in her crib, and never tended to or check on again. Mom and neighbor drink on the front stoop for hours; Debbi gets drunk to possibly black out state. At 11:30, the neighbor says the lights were out at Debbi's. So, Debbi knows she turned out the lights based on the neighbor, but she's not sure if she locked the door, but she knows she left the computer room window open. Hmmm... Daddy comes home at 4:00 a.m. (which we now know was about 6 hours later than expected) to find baby missing.

Then, we learn that Debbi somehow acquired the kitten in the time she was supposedly out on the stoop, and somehow a call was made from a restricted phone (one of 3 reported stolen with the baby) to someone living in a communal home at around 8:30 p.m. Debbi knows nothing about nothing related to that call. The person who received the call knows nothing about nothing other than what LE has told her. Very interesting...

Now, we learn that Debbi's brother apparently slept at the house that night and he essentially alibis Debbi and absolves her of any intentional bad actions- saying, "yep, she was passed out". It's also reported that he passed out too ("nope, can't tell you anything more than she was passed out before me", essentially alibying himself and absolving himself of any responsibility in the process - JMO OF WHAT'S TO COME NEXT ABOUT THE BROTHER SLEEPING THERE AND WHY THIS STATEMENT IS BEING MADE.) Transparent and pitiful, imo.

More "visitors" will be heard from soon, imo. It's gonna come out no matter what and the snowball is rolling. People will want to get in front of it when they know the bus is just around the corner. Neighbor lady knows that things were going on that night imo; if she's smart and uninvolved with Lisa being missing, she's spilling. If Jersey knows anything about any goings-on, he's street smart enough to use it to his advantage and he's flapping his gums too (especially since being cleared on any involvement with Lisa).

I'm anxious to see who "comes out" next. Maybe somebody who is actually able and willing to help LE locate Lisa.
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