Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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The court may order that your abuser pay any attorney fees (if applicable), and all other fees,
charges, or expenses incurred in connection with the protective order.
If this happens, I cant imagine Shawn will be very happy about it.
EXACTLY what I'm thinking! Even IF it's true, it's not like LE knocks on doors to see if a TPO/RO is being violated! Billie Dunn is making a mockery of her daughters memory IMO and she has taken this so far beyond ridiculous that I'm having trouble even justifying listening to any more of her BS. I just can not wait for the day when these 2 are taken out of society for good.

I have now come to the conclusion (in my mind anyway) that if Hailey did ever go to BJD about any concerns about Shawn and/or his inappropriate behavior her words would have fallen on the deafest of ears..you know they would have! Although I believe BJD knew exactly what was going on, she didn't want to hear anything about it. She would have shut Hailey down cold...and that thought just breaks my heart and infuriates the living h@ll out of me..:furious:..

My mind has stood its ground for many, many weeks that Billie Jean knew full well what exactly was going on behind closed doors in her home..My heart on the other hand has attempted to deny and not want to believe that Billie knew..and yet did nothing about it..but as I said my mind has stood firm on this and as much as I do NOT want to come to terms and admit that a "mother", who gave birth to her flesh and blood daughter, who literally is 50% made up genetically of herself{Billie}, I just cannot in my heart of hearts comprehend this mind set.. I cannot get past the engrained, inherit in nature, even animalistic, deep connected bond that I, as a "mother" feel with every fiber of my being for my child.. I cannot get past, nor discount this naturally occurring beyond deep bond that is formed between mother and child.. It is there, it is real, and it is at times indeed animalistic..As a mama bear with her cubs, just the same that you and I as mothers feel when our child is in any way threatened{even in the slightest}..say being teased by other children..even then this animalistic trait that we mom's clearly have shows its self clearly when our mama bear claws come out in anger and protection of our young.. It is very REAL and it is very much present in the overwhelming vast majority of us mom's..

For those natural born and inherit traits that us mom's have I just cannot fathom when becoming aware that there is imminent danger in/and around our child and his/her environment that those claws not only appear but our ears and eyes become stealth in protection mode..heightened awareness to the 100th degree as our eyes and ears are on in listening and watching and most important of all our gutteral intinscts on high alert as well.. Waiting, watching, listening for that predator that we can sense is in the vicinity of our child..waiting to pounce and fight with your life for the protection of your child's life.. Easily giving our own lives in order to spare our child's precious life..

And I have only one conclusion that I can come to everytime I go through this entire process that we as mom's just are and do in preservation of our child's safety and entire life..and that conclusion is that Billie Jean Dunn could not, I mean it just is NOT humanly possible for her to have those common, deep rooted bonds that would not let her do anything BUT TO FIGHT FOR HAILEY AND HAILEY'S RIGHT TO LIVE..


She just cannot..It is not humanly possible to have the bond that at birth tied her to Hailey and to forever stand guard and to do any/all necessary to protect and preserve Hailey's life.. This is completely and totally foreign to me..It's as if BJD is a complete different life form than you and I ..A foreign alien whom we cannot understand, comprehend her mind set, her decision making,,and her complete lack of that mother-child bond that the entire universe{humans..animals..etc}all have in common..that as mother's we have a fierce and devoted love and loyalty to our young..I MEAN ABOVE ALL ELSE..THIS COMES FIRST NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATION FACED..YOUR DEVOTION TO YOUR CHILD AND THEIR SAFETY COMES ABOVE ALL ELSE...

Billie Jean Dunn does not have these natural born instincts..I don't know why?? I don't know how? But my conclusion is that BJD cannot have these instincts..given just what is known thus far..it is not humanly possible that she possess these traits and have done..chosen..said..acted..and reacted thus far in what we have seen unfold in this case..

This is the only conclusion that I reach every single time when I analyze just all what we know thus far.. jmo, tho!
"For those natural born and inherit traits that us mom's have I just cannot fathom when becoming aware that there is imminent danger in/and around our child and his/her environment that those claws not only appear but our ears and eyes become stealth in protection mode..heightened awareness to the 100th degree as our eyes and ears are on in listening and watching and most important of all our gutteral intinscts on high alert as well.. Waiting, watching, listening for that predator that we can sense is in the vicinity of our child..waiting to pounce and fight with your life for the protection of your child's life.. Easily giving our own lives in order to spare our child's precious life.."
Respectively snipped from Smooth Operator's post.
You are soooo right Smooth.
Nana, I was thinking the same thing! It's just so difficult for us to wrap our minds around any circumstance that would make a mother take part or have knowledge of such acts against their child, their baby! Yet it happens time and time again. I suppose we should be very thankful that our brains have so much trouble even accepting that it's even possible...
That's right and if Billie had of been the protective order for her daughter, she would not be needing one for herself.
I've said this a dozen times, but will say it again. A cop told me once that a RO is worth about as much as the paper it's written on. If someone is determined to come after you and do you harm, they will find a way, believe it. They might work if that person doesn't intend to hurt you, it might scare them off, but if they're determined to cause you pain or to kill you, a piece of paper is not going to matter.

~Respectfully bolded and snipped~
SA has already proven he believes to be above law above reproach even.
To him a PO or RO is nothing more than rock,paper,scissors.~ it's all a game. he is toying with Billie. I will not be even a little suprised if he ends up killing her at any time in the near future.

The simple fact that she filed one (if she did) is enough to "dare" him or pizz him off enough to silence the witness/accomplice. IMO he has only kept her around because she has protected him and denied every negative allegation made to or about him.

~ when she is no longer able to fill his need for narcisistic supply, she becomes useless, unnecessary, a burden even...

Yup TxLady you are 100% correct!
Paper does not stop bullets! :put em up:(or knives,chainsaws, psychopaths,ingesting poison...)

:no: Even if she was being watched by police 24/7... I'm sure they have mutual friends, he could easily turn her narcotic craving into a fatal dose, :chillpill: and she'd probably swallow them so fast she'd never even realize it! :yuck:Until it was too late... :panic:

MOO :cow:
If she was going to get a PO against SA, it should have been last year when he was threatening people. You know, back before she move him into her house.


Yeah I guess so but part of me wonders if she was just blinded by love. I honestly don't know what to think. I mean she lied for him when police came to her house the other night and that speaks a lot of volumes. I hope she didn't do anything to Hailey.
IMO, there's not enough 'romantic' love in this world, to blind you against something like this. At some point, the love just stops & turns into hate. No woman is so in love, that she could look past her bf, maybe killing her child. Not if she loves her child. BD IMO, works hard to give off a vulnerable, trusting vibe, but that's not realistic when it comes to your child. Something like this brings out a mother's suspicion & anger. She would feel betrayed & repulsed & turn on the bf almost instantly. I've known some terrible mothers who would pick a man over their children, but it's because they don't really love their kids. MOO.
When she was released, she'd have been given copies of her booking papers and release documents, IMO.

Yes you are right Lisa, that's what they could be, but there could be numerous papers BD is carrying and one "could" be a PO. Make no matter to me though because I don't believe a word BD says. I posted the video because we are wondering as to whether she actually got one or is she lying once again?

I don't believe that she wanted the PO, it was demanded or recommended and I bet BD and SA will be breaking the rules in the PO (if she really got one) and then she will continue her chronic lying to cover up. She will say things like "I thought as long as I was in agreement to have SA around, it was ok", or "he left something really important at my house and I asked him to come and get it", blah, blah, blah. This woman is stupid but not "that" stupid. She's a slimy worm, worming her way through all the loopholes and expecting everyone to buy her lies. Sorry Billie, it has come to the point where no one is believing you anymore or feeling bad for you. At least not me. You've been given too many chances and you're still a weasel. Stupid is as stupid does. Run Billie run!!! Times almost up. JMHO
Wow. I'm behind, but just reading this page, I'm wondering if I am the last one standing.

IMO, SA is the only suspect for a reason, and IMO, if the heat is off him before he is arrested, he will do it again. This, IMO, does not make BD some innocent, naive woman-child, any more than BD lying almost every time she opens her mouth makes SA an honest guy.

Valentine's Day last year. BD calls 911 over SA, worried he is going in her house, then about threats he has made, and apparently she had the texts to back it up. SA, IMO in retaliation and to get himself off the hook, calls 911 claiming he is worried about BD, worried she is going to take pills, oh, he is so concerned...Give me a break. This is Manipulation 101.

BD said there was no CP on the memory stick. I'll believe that when LE says so. SA says BD knew about the CP, that he told BD about it...I'll believe that when LE says so. It's not that I don't think BD is more than capable of lying about it, it is because IMO SA is nowhere near some paragon of virtue and truth, and this seems like a predictable action of SA to take after BD tells the media she got a PO against him. IMO, Manipulation 101.

And just to add, for those who remember I don't think BD is involved in Haleigh's disappearance: It isn't I don't think she is capable, it's if she did, their 'cover-up plan' is so ridiculous and makes no sense to me, as IMO it starts and continues with setting them up against each other, which, IMO, is a really stupid plan to get away with something like this. As it has played out, it only makes sense to me if SA is the perp, and that is pretty much the only reason for now I'm ruling BD out. Just for the record.
:shakehead::maddening: only have one thing to say to BD......

too little too late :maddening:
IMO, there's not enough 'romantic' love in this world, to blind you against something like this. At some point, the love just stops & turns into hate. No woman is so in love, that she could look past her bf, maybe killing her child. Not if she loves her child. BD IMO, works hard to give off a vulnerable, trusting vibe, but that's not realistic when it comes to your child. Something like this brings out a mother's suspicion & anger. She would feel betrayed & repulsed & turn on the bf almost instantly. I've known some terrible mothers who would pick a man over their children, but it's because they don't really love their kids. MOO.
I don't think Billie is "in love" with Shawn, but I think there are many, many other reasons that she can't/won't give up the relationship that she has with him. She might call it love, but it ain't! She does seem to have a real "need" for him, though.
EXACTLY what I'm thinking! Even IF it's true, it's not like LE knocks on doors to see if a TPO/RO is being violated! Billie Dunn is making a mockery of her daughters memory IMO and she has taken this so far beyond ridiculous that I'm having trouble even justifying listening to any more of her BS. I just can not wait for the day when these 2 are taken out of society for good.

I have now come to the conclusion (in my mind anyway) that if Hailey did ever go to BJD about any concerns about Shawn and/or his inappropriate behavior her words would have fallen on the deafest of ears..you know they would have! Although I believe BJD knew exactly what was going on, she didn't want to hear anything about it. She would have shut Hailey down cold...and that thought just breaks my heart and infuriates the living h@ll out of me..:furious:..


Worse than that, worse than falling on deaf ears, IF Hailey had complained about Shawn being inappropriate I think Billie would have been ANGRY and blamed Hailey. I HAVE SEEN THAT HAPPEN.
I think Hailey was wearing baggy clothes and NOT wearing make up as a way to AVOID Shawns attention to her. She did not welcome her new womanly figure and she wanted to keep him away from her, partly because BIllie was angry about that attention, imo.
I truly believe that the P.O. is a condition of release on bond considering that that is part of why she was arrested and LE have stated that they have told her numerous time to stay away from SA.

I bet it will come out that is the courts that have had her get the P.O., not her... thats if there even is one.
Also in my state, a condition of bond from bondsmen is a P.O. on anyone you were involved in committing a crime... EVERY case no matter what.
I don't think Billie is "in love" with Shawn, but I think there are many, many other reasons that she can't/won't give up the relationship that she has with him. She might call it love, but it ain't! She does seem to have a real "need" for him, though.

ITA and I will say that I believe it is the >drugs< they do. I know that look and that rapid decline.

It's not, in my opinion, because her daughter is missing. JMO
I really hope this PO can backfire on Billie.
Even though she might not be involved directly in Hailey's gone missing.
When Shawn is arrested, this PO will show that she knows he posed a danger, along with her 911 calls, last Feb. she should be arrested for child endangerment.
Wow. I'm behind, but just reading this page, I'm wondering if I am the last one standing.

IMO, SA is the only suspect for a reason, and IMO, if the heat is off him before he is arrested, he will do it again. This, IMO, does not make BD some innocent, naive woman-child, any more than BD lying almost every time she opens her mouth makes SA an honest guy.

Valentine's Day last year. BD calls 911 over SA, worried he is going in her house, then about threats he has made, and apparently she had the texts to back it up. SA, IMO in retaliation and to get himself off the hook, calls 911 claiming he is worried about BD, worried she is going to take pills, oh, he is so concerned...Give me a break. This is Manipulation 101.

BD said there was no CP on the memory stick. I'll believe that when LE says so. SA says BD knew about the CP, that he told BD about it...I'll believe that when LE says so. It's not that I don't think BD is more than capable of lying about it, it is because IMO SA is nowhere near some paragon of virtue and truth, and this seems like a predictable action of SA to take after BD tells the media she got a PO against him. IMO, Manipulation 101.

And just to add, for those who remember I don't think BD is involved in Haleigh's disappearance: It isn't I don't think she is capable, it's if she did, their 'cover-up plan' is so ridiculous and makes no sense to me, as IMO it starts and continues with setting them up against each other, which, IMO, is a really stupid plan to get away with something like this. As it has played out, it only makes sense to me if SA is the perp, and that is pretty much the only reason for now I'm ruling BD out. Just for the record.

When LE tried to classify Hailey as a runaway, Billie was vehement that this was not the case. If she was "in on it", wouldn't she have insisted that Hailey would not have run away for "about a minute" before appearing to grudgingly give in to LE that their theory is correct... maybe even arranged for some sort of communication from Hailey "I'm fine, don't look for me" via mail or even myspace to one of her friends to account for her "change of heart".

SA has already proven he believes to be above law above reproach even.
To him a PO or RO is nothing more than rock,paper,scissors.~ it's all a game. he is toying with Billie. I will not be even a little suprised if he ends up killing her at any time in the near future.

The simple fact that she filed one (if she did) is enough to "dare" him or pizz him off enough to silence the witness/accomplice. IMO he has only kept her around because she has protected him and denied every negative allegation made to or about him.

~ when she is no longer able to fill his need for narcisistic supply, she becomes useless, unnecessary, a burden even...

Yup TxLady you are 100% correct!
Paper does not stop bullets! :put em up:(or knives,chainsaws, psychopaths,ingesting poison...)

:no: Even if she was being watched by police 24/7... I'm sure they have mutual friends, he could easily turn her narcotic craving into a fatal dose, :chillpill: and she'd probably swallow them so fast she'd never even realize it! :yuck:Until it was too late... :panic:

MOO :cow:

To be honest that could work either way. Its not known yet which of them killed Hailey ( assuming she is dead :( ) and if this woman has no problems with being involved in the death of her daughter..then why would she have any problems in killing him if it stopped HER from getting into trouble with the cops? I am sorry but from her actions so far....that wouldnt surprise me at all.
Hope this is not considered too off topic since we are discussing how she acts.......have you guys not ever known a woman who simply just always just HAS to have a man? I have known a couple like that and I don't get it.....it is like they just have to have one! All the frigging time....good lord get over yourself.IMO
I truly believe that the P.O. is a condition of release on bond considering that that is part of why she was arrested and LE have stated that they have told her numerous time to stay away from SA.

I bet it will come out that is the courts that have had her get the P.O., not her... thats if there even is one.
Also in my state, a condition of bond from bondsmen is a P.O. on anyone you were involved in committing a crime... EVERY case no matter what.

DId LE statedthat in MSM? I must missed I just remember it was the radio show:waitasec:

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