Was/is Shawn abusive toward Billie?

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This whole protective order story is unbelievable. It's either a lie or ploy, no doubt about it. I think LE accomplished exactly what they wanted with Thursday's arrest; separate Billie and Shawn and start planting seeds of doubt between them. If the PO exists, it was probably LE's idea and they cornered Billie into filing for one after she lied about Shawn being at her house against her will. Good. Now it's going to be harder for the two to have contact and compare notes, change stories to fit LE revelations, and possibly harm anybody else.

P.s. Billie's all alone in that house, for now (until her mom or her brother or her boyfriend come to stay again).. Bet she's kinda lonely. Wonder if she'll call Bee Herz and try to rekindle their relationship. Now that Billie has proof that she's asked Shawn to stay away, maybe Bee can start to heal and Billie can regain a strong supporter :innocent:...Is there another BTHN interview in their future?
:eek::eek: :eek::eek:

When I saw your post, I immediately thought of Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin ... so many similarities between the Cummings and Dunn case.

IF, if this were to happen -- the "wedding" -- then neither would be able to throw the other "under the bus."


Sure they could. They could not be compelled to testify against one another if married, but could do so voluntarily. I think that Clint would choose to testify against her if charges were filed against her for harming Hailey, even though he wouldn't HAVE to.
The thing about her and Shawn marrying is the fact that she can't marry him because she isn't divorced from Clint unless she pulls an Elisa Baker and commits bigamy.

Sure they could. They could not be compelled to testify against one another if married, but could do so voluntarily. I think that Clint would choose to testify against her if charges were filed against her for harming Hailey, even though he wouldn't HAVE to.

When it concerns a child..........they have to testify. We have been over this before and the links are here, let me see if I can find them.
So a PO has to state what you are being protected against.
I am dying to see, if there is one, what she will state the cause is for her filing one.
Will it state that he has threatened her within the last 3 mo?
Will it state that he is a named suspect in the disappearance of her daughter? Will her children also be included in it?
I believe you have to state in the order why you are filing one.
You can't just state, because it makes me look guilty, in my daughters disappearance, everybody is talking bad about me, so I don't want him around.
So a PO has to state what you are being protected against.
I am dying to see, if there is one, what she will state the cause is for her filing one.
Will it state that he has threatened her within the last 3 mo?
Will it state that he is a named suspect in the disappearance of her daughter? Will her children also be included in it?
I believe you have to state in the order why you are filing one.
You can't just state, because it makes me look guilty, in my daughters disappearance, everybody is talking bad about me, so I don't want him around.

I think Billie just painted herself in a corner with this PO thing. I think she told LE a batch of lies about Shawn scaring her, coming over to threaten her, bla bla bla....so they called her bluff and said she should swear out a Protection Order IF she is telling the truth.

That forced her hand so she had to do it to cover her own arse with LE. I am sure they stressed to her the abundance of illegal *advertiser censored* charges coming down the pike too. So she is trying to separate herself from Shawn all of a sudden. Let's see what his reaction will be. Hopefully he will push back and share some of his own stories with LE now, in response.
Yeah I guess so but part of me wonders if she was just blinded by love. I honestly don't know what to think. I mean she lied for him when police came to her house the other night and that speaks a lot of volumes. I hope she didn't do anything to Hailey.

I think you have a kind heart and I understand where you're coming from. Being blinded by love is no excuse for harming, allowing harm, or covering for someone who harmed your child. But, I don't think Billie is blinded by love. To me, Billie has clearly demonstrated that she has no capacity for love, as we know it. Instead, she lies, manipulates and controls those who are close to her (her ex, her children, her boyfriend...). Sex for Billie doesn't appear to be about love and intimacy; it's an event to be recorded and pushed to the limits. Billie's cold as ice and covering for herself. Billie isn't concerned about Shawn's participation in harming Hailey; Billie's concerned about keeping Shawn from harming Billie by exposing her involvement. JMO...
Regarding spousal privilege in regards to harming a child, it does not apply. A spouse or partner can not exert exemption from testifying about confidential communication if a minor child is involved.

According to Rule 504 of the Texas Rules of Criminal Evidence a confidential communication, that is a communication made privately and not intended for disclosure to any other person, made between two spouses is privileged. It means the spouse can refuse to disclose this communication. The privilege also extends to the privilege not to be called as a witness for the state. ("Adverse testimony" privilege and "confidential communications" privilege).

There are two important exceptions, one being cases in which one of the spouses is being charged with a crime against a minor child or any person living in the same household except the spouse. In other words: if the charge would be sexual abuse of the own child, the spouse would not have the privilege to refuse to testify against the other spouse.

The rules give this privilege only to spouses, not to children or other relatives. A son or a daughter therefore cannot refuse to testify against their parents under this rule.

I'm bbaaaccckkkkk lol. Just snooped a bit further while closing all my million open tabs and came across this report. Sorry if it's already been linked.

In the video BC is carrying some papers, keys with dangly stuff (maybe memory stick?), and her cell phone (red). Wonder if those papers are the PO???? Then further into the video she seems to be leaving an LE's red pick up truck and has a paper or maybe tissue in her hand.

When she was released, she'd have been given copies of her booking papers and release documents, IMO.
This whole protective order story is unbelievable. It's either a lie or ploy, no doubt about it. I think LE accomplished exactly what they wanted with Thursday's arrest; separate Billie and Shawn and start planting seeds of doubt between them. If the PO exists, it was probably LE's idea and they cornered Billie into filing for one after she lied about Shawn being at her house against her will. Good. Now it's going to be harder for the two to have contact and compare notes, change stories to fit LE revelations, and possibly harm anybody else.

P.s. Billie's all alone in that house, for now (until her mom or her brother or her boyfriend come to stay again).. Bet she's kinda lonely. Wonder if she'll call Bee Herz and try to rekindle their relationship. Now that Billie has proof that she's asked Shawn to stay away, maybe Bee can start to heal and Billie can regain a strong supporter :innocent:...Is there another BTHN interview in their future?

BBM - Not really. The PO will only be enforced if BD calls the PD if SA comes around, right?

10 bucks says they are still talking and will be sneaking around. IMO the PO is only a manipulative ploy to substantiate any comments BD may have made to LE that SA threatened her which is why she lied about his whereabouts...
BBM - Not really. The PO will only be enforced if BD calls the PD if SA comes around, right?

10 bucks says they are still talking and will be sneaking around. IMO the PO is only a manipulative ploy to substantiate any comments BD may have made to LE that SA threatened her which is why she lied about his whereabouts...

I think LE WANTS them to have to communicate by phone and text for now. I think they are able to see and hear those communications and that is why they wanted to force them to use the cells for now, imo.

I don't think she will be able to sneak him into her house for awhile now. I bet Hailey's angels are watching closely. I hope so anyway.
a backyard wedding and a quickie divorce?


Remember..... the wedding has to be at "Grama's House"...then it would be more creditable???? Yeah Sure!

I think this is a way to gain sympathy...Poor little "tanned" me...I am so afraid of the big bad wolf...(SA)

I think LE WANTS them to have to communicate by phone and text for now. I think they are able to see and hear those communications and that is why they wanted to force them to use the cells for now, imo.

I don't think she will be able to sneak him into her house for awhile now. I bet Hailey's angels are watching closely. I hope so anyway.

If Billie is truly serious about this, all communication will be included in the PO.
That's why I cant wait to see it.
I think LE WANTS them to have to communicate by phone and text for now. I think they are able to see and hear those communications and that is why they wanted to force them to use the cells for now, imo.

I don't think she will be able to sneak him into her house for awhile now. I bet Hailey's angels are watching closely. I hope so anyway.

Gotta love those texts! Last forrrreverrrr!!! :rocker:
BBM - Not really. The PO will only be enforced if BD calls the PD if SA comes around, right?

10 bucks says they are still talking and will be sneaking around. IMO the PO is only a manipulative ploy to substantiate any comments BD may have made to LE that SA threatened her which is why she lied about his whereabouts...

I agree with you Sheik; it's not a genuine gesture on Billie's part. Still, I think it will make it harder for she and Shawn to have in-person contact only because Billie has made a very public and legal declaration that she has banned Shawn from her property. I think all of the fed up locals are justified in viewing that as invitation to keep their eyes even more closely glued on Billie's activities, to call her out on Facebook (or call reporters or LE if they see Shawn in her presence)... I mean, if Shawn shows up again and any one of the watchful eyes sees him, they might call LE for Billie's own protection:rolleyes:. We all no know that she considers him a threat and wants nothing to do with him...

They can still sneak, but, imo, it will be harder to do so without consequences (bigger consequences than just "idiot opinions" and gossip being shared) . I agree with Katy; Billie backed herself into a corner with this PO...
My 2 cents about the protection order...not only are there different laws for different states/counties, there are sometimes different terms. My brother has one against his "ex" girlfriend, but it allows for them to meet in a public place because of their child...I know they have no children together, but my point is that protection orders don't necessarily cut off all contact all the time...

I kind of believe BD about getting the PO, she wouldn't lie about something that is so very easily verifiable IMO...Maybe SA came over aggressively and threatened her to tell the police he was not there...once out of the situation, maybe she told LE that, and they let her know how dangerous that is...
I am sorry but..IF and i say IF that was true then telling the police that YES he was home ( which is funny she said he wasnt home when he wasnt meant to be living there even..)and that he was threatening to blackmail her would have been the more sane option and would have stopped her being arrested and taken to the police station and being charged. Personally i dont believe they was arguing anyhow when the pollice got there..hes too " awesome" to argue after all!

"Sure, he's here. And he's trying to blackmail me with a DVD of me doing abc."

And then the police seize the material with which he was threatening blackmailing you and you end up in trouble for sure, whereas keeping quiet could prevent the evidence of your having engaged in abc (illegal activities - drugs, certain deviant acts?) being turned over to police.
"Sure, he's here. And he's trying to blackmail me with a DVD of me doing abc."

And then the police seize the material with which he was threatening blackmailing you and you end up in trouble for sure, whereas keeping quiet could prevent the evidence of your having engaged in abc (illegal activities - drugs, certain deviant acts?) being turned over to police.

But Billie doesn't do drugs, never has.
Billie is innocent in the child *advertiser censored*, didn't even know the thumb drive was in her house.
She doesn't need a lawyer, she hasn't done anything wrong.
Why in the hell didn't she just tell LE, yes he's here.
But Billie doesn't do drugs, never has.
Billie is innocent in the child *advertiser censored*, didn't even know the thumb drive was in her house.
She doesn't need a lawyer, she hasn't done anything wrong.
Why in the hell didn't she just tell LE, yes he's here.

That I think is the question of the day...it is like if she denies everything then she thinks she will be believed.............NOT. I have never seen anyone like her....deflection, deflection...if you want an answer from her you dang sure better ask her a direct question.........if not she will deflect.IMO.

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