Was Joe involved?

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Are you talking about when Tommy called GrannyHollars? On the tape just released? Lisa wasn't at Flora's house. Lindsy wasn't at Flora's house. Lindsy was called on the other telephone by FloraH while Tommy was on the other line. The woman in the background was one of Flora's daughters, not JO's mom, and not Teresa, but the daughter who lives with Flora.[/QUOTE]

BBM RED...Didn't you mean to say Lisa (Misty's mom) instead of Teresa?

Also, I believe the daughter that lives with Flora H is referred to as BB or Lee Lee...Heck, I don't know.. I cant understand half of what they say...
Are you talking about when Tommy called GrannyHollars? On the tape just released? Lisa wasn't at Flora's house. Lindsy wasn't at Flora's house. Lindsy was called on the other telephone by FloraH while Tommy was on the other line. The woman in the background was one of Flora's daughters, not JO's mom, and not Lisa, but the daughter who lives with Flora.

BBM RED...Didn't you mean to say Lisa (Misty's mom) instead of Teresa?

Also, I believe the daughter that lives with Flora H is referred to as BB...

Yes, I meant Lisa. I'll fix my post. Thanks for catching it. Don't want to confuse anyone. We're have enough to be confused about. :crazy:

Fixed quote to say Lisa was not at Flora's house.
Yes, I meant Lisa. I'll fix my post. Thanks for catching it. Don't want to confuse anyone. We're have enough to be confused about. :crazy:

Fixed quote to say Lisa was not at Flora's house.

I had to fix mine too.. I just read that the daughter who lives with Flora is referred to as Lee Lee not BB.. Since I don't really know which it is I included both BB and Lee Lee..LOL

BTW.. I live in Tennessee and can't understand half of what Misty's relatives in Tennessee are saying.....LOL
I had to fix mine too.. I just read that the daughter who lives with Flora is referred to as Lee Lee not BB.. Since I don't really know which it is I included both BB and Lee Lee..LOL

BTW.. I live in Tennessee and can't understand half of what Misty's relatives in Tennessee are saying.....LOL

Now that's odd, someone else said Lisa is LeeLee, pronounced LayLay. :crazy: I need to start drinking. :martini: It may not help my memory but I wouldn't care.

Or I'll just pull out my crystal ball. :crystal ball:
I thought lee-lee was lisa, and the daughter at home was "vicky"? what a mess.....then she mentions somthing about "Peanut", when talking about the kids.......
Of course, if "they" were going to frame JO, "they" certainly knew he was leaving town the following day. Imo, from the very get go it seemed all the players were pointing at the outsider, Joe. This particular insinuation/accusation is nothing new. mo

No, it's not new. The "Joe did it" accusations have been flying around since day one. IF Joe did it, I'd like to know why they didn't have this case solved within the first week. IF Joe did it, I'd like to know why Ron was covering for him instead of taking that assault rifle over to Tennessee and parking his butt on Joe's front door step. Instead, Ron is simply disappointed.

Please, give me one big fat break. OMO
My knowledge doesn't hold a candle to some of the research many of you have done here, but I've lurked and read and lurked and read. What if:

JO, who knows..maybe ToC too..came to the home that night to steal the gun. Maybe money, maybe drugs, along with the gun. When they didn't find what they were looking for, what if Haleigh was taken out of the home and sort of held as hostage to lure RC down to that river. We have your daughter. Bring the gun, bring the drugs, in order to get your daughter back. RC takes the bait. In a rage, he heads down to the river with his gun, something ugly happens, and Haleigh ends up dead. All involved, including RC, would be considered compliciit in her death and the coverup begins.

For what it's worth, this has been a pet theory of mine for a while.

Tommy says Joe Overstreet was in Putnam County the night Haleigh disappeared. He says Overstreet was angry about an earlier fight he had with Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings. Tommy says Overstreet came over to Haleigh’s home to steal a gun. When he couldn’t find it, Tommy says Overstreet demanded Haleigh, and then kidnapped her.

“I'm just scared...I don't want no one to hurt my kids,” said Croslin.

Tommy Croslin’s lawyer, James Werter, sent the following statement out talking about why he decided to release this jailhouse phone call:

Attached to the email of this press release is a copy of Tommy Croslin’s telephone conversation with his grandmother, Flora Hollars, on April 11, 2010. It shows that he did not discuss the Haleigh Cummings matter with her as she describes. It should be listened to and examined carefully for accurate reporting and addresses certain questions posed by the media.

The tape demonstrates how Tommy decided to come forth voluntarily to law enforcement to provide information regarding the evening of February 9, 2009, despite threats made towards Tommy and his wife and three children. It indicates to the public and law enforcement the level of credibility of Tommy’s information.

Tommy has been cooperating with law enforcement since April 11, 2010. We have met with Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and FDLE agents twice for extended periods to review the activities of the evening and early morning of February 9 -10, 2010.

It is this attorney’s position that Tommy Croslin, Jr, has cooperated fully despite his fear for his family. Tommy has no culpability in this crime and wishes justice for Haleigh; again, demonstrated in the aforementioned phone conversation.

Just like in the Anthony case, CA is adamant a fight did not happen June 15, 2009! Revenge killing????

Tommy says Joe Overstreet was in Putnam County the night Haleigh disappeared. He says Overstreet was angry about an earlier fight he had with Haleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings. Tommy says Overstreet came over to Haleigh’s home to steal a gun. When he couldn’t find it, Tommy says Overstreet demanded Haleigh, and then kidnapped her.

RC claims there was no fight over a gun, now we hear this latest account of cousin JO taking HaLeigh in place of this gun he couldn't find. ToC/MC claim they were terrified of JO, he threatened to kill us all. This trio all seem under 100 lbs, you mean to tell me, no one can stand up to this , JO? Seems one could blow him over with a huge breath. What planet do these people come from..If that scenario is what happened, when JO took HaLeigh, one urgent call to 911 and they could have saved her life. Why did they continue to look the other way?

LE claims to have interviewed JO the day after, even as he's seen putting up fliers of HaLeigh, that's no unusual in itself. Many perps go around the crime scene to see what's going on, if any valuable information about THEM is being said. How does one fool LE all this time??? Why now? They come forward now to play lets make a deal? Why wasn't this done 15 months ago??? JMHO

I don't feel anyone deserves a free pass for allowing this to go on for this long. Like ICA, these people have no conscience, they are all too much into themselves and their drugs. How can a father (ToC) allow this to happen to a child? Which is why I also feel Lindsy is divorcing him and rightfully so. How did he keep this in all these months? He should be ashamed of himself...he knows better being a father!

IIRC, LE said early on there was no crime scene at the MH. They felt it wasn't a stranger abduction and the MH was staged...I wonder if they ever located this blanket MC was washing at the time?

I have no use for any one of these players. I hope and pray to learn the truth of what happened to HaLeigh, the depravity of throwing her in a river tied to a cinderblock, if true, is abhorrant, depraved, cruel, dispicable, heinous and any other violent verb you can put here....they deserve to rot in prison if they can't receive the DP...if ever a DP is warranted, I do believe this is it!


Justice for HaLeigh
IF Joe did it, I want to know why Tommy and Misty didn't look like they were beaten all to h3ll the next day from trying to stop Joe from taking Haleigh. Tommy and Misty couldn't have overpowered Joe? Oh yeah, he had a gun. I think I would take the risk of a bullet before anyone would walk out the door with a child that didn't belong to them, especially a child in my care and a child I supposedly loved like my own.

And is it any surprise that Tommy turns out to be the weakest link? It seems like even Ronald knew that when he placed the dead rat in Tommy's mailbox. Now I have to ask myself why.
I agree with a lot of your post, but I have to tell you that I've known some very violent opiate addicts with hugh sex drives. But, they were also using other stuff. Misty called Tommy a crackhead & he admitted to smoking pot that day. IMO, he's an equal opportunity drug user-whatever he can get his hands on.

I mean, he might use whatever he can get his hands, but crackheads and potheads aren't known for violence either. The two drugs most closely associated with violence are crystal meth and alcohol.

I am a long term member of NA, and so I know many addicts. As far as the opiate addiction goes, I also have experience with that I'm not going to go into here. From what I know, the sex drive can be there in the early days, or if there's a dry spell, it can even be heightened during the first week of a relapse. But then it's gone.

As far as violence, Ron is an opiate addict who verbally expresses thoughts of violence. Lots of addicts like to play tough guy, but they're generally punks. I've known a couple of guys who in fact were really bad dudes, and I mean, bad, and these guys never talked. And they weren't drug addicts either. The life of a drug addict is so demoralizing that if he ever was a tough guy, that's history.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy and Ron and Misty didn't take a variety of drugs. But they appear to prefer opiates. And in every video I've seen of Misty, even when shot inside, her pupils are pinpoints--which indicates the opiate user who's eyes are pinpoints, she or he is high as a bird. The eyes dilate big time when the user is coming off opiates or not using opiates. Her eyes are pinpoints in this video:


But I just noticed they appear dilated in the voice stress test video.
I am still convinced that Joe Overstreet is the main perpetrator in this sad case.

We can all ask unanswerable questions to doomsday and never come up with logical answers why these illogical dysfunctional people did what they did. The only way we really could know is to be these people, God forbid, and be there that night or early morning. We would have to have their mentality. (Gag) We would most likely have to be cracked out on drugs ourself to even comprehend.

We, nonviolent people, would always like to believe that someone wouldn't just stand by and let a child be taken out of a home or harmed. We would all like to believe everyone would do the right things and call 911 right away and tell the truth but the reality is it doesn't happen that way sometimes. We see mothers that standby and allow their children to be severely abused and even murdered yet they tell no one and will even cover for the abuser.

I cannot sit here and begin to say what I would do for certain if a gun was pointed at me. It doesn't matter how small or large the person is that is holding the weapon. JO isn't a man like Mr. Rogers who if someone probably said "BOO!" he would drop the gun and run away. Only one finger is needed to pull the trigger and the results are the same. I would like to think if it was my child or any child I would die fighting to save them but Haleigh wasnt their child or even their own kin. They were kin to each other and they tried to protect their family unit, not Haleigh.

I think Misty and Tommy thought more about saving themselves than they did about saving Haleigh. If Joe is capable of doing something like this like people in his own family thinks he is then it isn't hard to believe that Tommy and Misty felt him capable of killing them too. Just because someone leaves the state never means they can't come back undetected and Misty and Tommy feared that imo.

There is something very sinister about Joe Overstreet that we don't know, imo. There has to be something in his background that shows his family he is capable of doing something like this. Most families stick together even if a family member is mean as a snake.

The entire thing from the morning Haleigh went missing was nothing but a sham. They had locked themselves into keeping their secret and had to appear they were "looking" for a missing Haleigh when all along they knew exactly where she was. They had made a decision to make a family pact.

The trip to TN and Misty hanging out with JO doesn't surprise me either. Misty had to keep up the false pretense that everything was just fine between her and her first cousin. If she had immediately cut ties with him when he had just visited her then that would have thrown up suspicion. So they kept it going to deceive others.

They had two things they feared. Being arrested for being involved in Haleigh's disappearance and Ron finding out for sure that they were.

Ron said he was about 75% sure that JO had something to do with this but he really had no proof because the Croslin/Overstreet clan was protecting that secret and it took over a year for it to come to light.

I don't know about ya'll but I never saw those full vid's interesting.
dangit. I'm at work, cant get them to play. Thanks to all who are describing the content.
Joe's attorney states Joe saw Haleigh on February 9th but only because he was visiting with his cousins in the second video.
Joe's lawyer states...he has a good idea of what they are going to do next, I am familiar with the process that they are going to be going through, and I know that they are excited and not in a happy way excited ....they have an excited energy to move forward with this case....so I don't suspect that the time frame is going to be extended before we hear from them again...and they are going to determine what direction this case is going to go in and what to any role and interaction with Joseph is going to develop into.

He would only be able to speculate as to what they found at the river. He also makes a mistake and says that the case has gone on 2 years.

He states that when he met Joe he was finishing up high school, and getting a vocation.

Towards the end of the tape, Tina Joe's mother begins to cry and says she wants to tell Crystal Sheffield and them that she is sorry....Tina is the one that contacted the lawyer for Joe.

Joe states investigators took everything he owned and also the car of the person that he returned to Tenn with.
Joe's attorney states Joe saw Haleigh on February 9th but only because he was visiting with his cousins in the second video.

Thanks for posting those full videos - I had not seen them in their entirety. But I did not hear Mr. Sirgo say Joe saw Haleigh on the 9th of February at all. What I heard him him say was Joe maybe saw her twice and that was around others, she was an ancillary personality, and limited because Haleigh was in school. I never heard the 9th of February mentioned.
Thanks for posting those full videos - I had not seen them in their entirety. But I did not hear Mr. Sirgo say Joe saw Haleigh on the 9th of February at all. What I heard him him say was Joe maybe saw her twice and that was around others, she was an ancillary personality, and limited because Haleigh was in school. I never heard the 9th of February mentioned.

listening again....video 1 The reporter asked if Joe saw Haleigh and lawyer responded that he that he did see Haleigh when he was visiting his cousins but he never interacted with Haleigh or developed any kind of relationship with her.

Lawyer states: Joseph, I believe once , maybe twice saw her...but...to the best of m y knowledge never interacted with her on a personal level where they created a ...some type of a interaction where he became a friend of any degree.

conversation switches to the gun....and the fight and the lawyer refuses to comment because it is directly related to police investigation.

Video 2....this is where I got the impression he saw her.

Reporter: you mentioned that he was placing fliers...I did not know that. We were told by the Croslin family that he left town the same day that she went missing. Is that not true? Was he still in town at that point?

Lawyer: Joseph had traveled to Florida with a friend, long before the incident with Haleigh they had a scheduled day that they were going to return to Tenn. So that was just his scheduled time to leave.

Reporter: When did he place the fliers though?

Lawyer: It was the morning after ...when he left the hospital that he went out and put some fliers up.

Reporter : okay so that would have been within the first couple of days that Haleigh was missing, he was in town that's what your saying?

Lawyer: I can only assume so because I wasn't there.

Reporter: did he see Haleigh on February 9th or 10th..in that time frame of..

Lawyer: he saw her at some point while he was there but because this wasn't the focus of his visit, this was an ancillary personality...he was visiting with his cousins...umm..this was just one of probably several children...to the best of my knowledge...ya know this wasn't a focus of his attention of when he saw her and what happened when he saw her....he just knows that at some point he saw her.

So that is what gave me the impression that he did in fact see her on February 9th. A lot of blundering around when a no he did not see her would have been fine. JMO Sorry it took so long but i wanted to listen again and make sure I heard it exactly right!
I find the statements about when JO actually left town and the bit about the flyers interesting. All this time I had relied on reports that he left the same day as she was reported missing. ie. 2-3 a.m. Haleigh is reported missing. Later that same moring, JO returns to TN. I did not realize that he was in the area a day or two longer and "hung fliers" seeking Haleigh's return.

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