Was Kaine at home or work the day that Kyron disappeared?

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As far has Kyron’s dad being home for the bus stop the above link is about Intel in Oregon and what they do to help the community – one of the items listed is alternate start times.
Kyron’s dad may work a shift that is not “typical” business hours and allows him to be home for the bus.

Taken from above link:

Intel is doing its part to decrease cars on local streets by providing a variety of traffic reduction programs to employees. Intel encourages the use of public transportation, shuttles, carpools and vanpools, and support bike clubs, on-site services and alternate start times. Tri-Met, the Association for Commuter Transportation, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have all praised Intel's commute reduction program with specific recognition.

I know people who work for Intel who have no set schedule. They basically work when they want to work, as long as whatever needs to be done, gets done by whenever it it supposed to be. They basically come and go as they please.

At least this is what I have been told.
I agree! Even if for some reason LE asked that I not speak to the media, I think I would feel as though I HAD to make a plea for information and keep the case in front of people for as long as I possibly could. Something about all the silence definitely seems off.....

If my child was missing and LE even hinted I should stay out of the media, I'd do it. There was no issue with kyron being front and center in the news. Additionally, stepdad being a police detective may well play into how we're seeing the family react. Then again, after seeing the sharks circle every time they have appeared or spoken out, perhaps it is best they stay in the background.
The email has been modified. I recall discussing with member Seeking Truth and others about how it said they'd called 911 'in concert' with the school. Now it has indeed been changed to 'in participation' with.

Here's my post about 'in concert'. On that page you'll see people discussing it:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

I would like to know who has editing access to that page, who is changing it, and why. It disturbs me tremendously to see something published as an email sent on a specific date and time, and then later changed, because that is very much misleading about what the email said.

I don't care if someone adds on a section and says "Here are some changes" and gives them. But never, never, never publish an email and then change it. It shoots down the person's credibility big time in my book.

I was on line the moment Ruby Red brought us this article and couldn't get a screen shot but yelled around for folks to do so. I'm pretty someone must have taken a screen shot. What I did do was to copy the letter in it's entirety into a word file - June 9th per my computer properties.

Here's a clip of that file:

The bus driver immediately called the school which responded that his teacher had not seen him all day in class, at which point we notified police in partnership with the school. It is still unknown whether he left school grounds on his own or was abducted.
Furthermore, it's through this letter, and the tape rewind from our scanners, that I have always understood that 911 was never ever called. The school personnel simply called the non-emergency number they use for the police.

FWIW. IMO plus my digital records here. FWIW.
I was on line the moment Ruby Red brought us this article and couldn't get a screen shot but yelled around for folks to do so. I'm pretty someone must have taken a screen shot. What I did do was to copy the letter in it's entirety into a word file - June 9th per my computer properties.

Here's a clip of that file:

Furthermore, it's through this letter, and the tape rewind from our scanners, that I have always understood that 911 was never ever called. The school personnel simply called the non-emergency number they use for the police.

FWIW. IMO plus my digital records here. FWIW.
thank you for verifying that the non emergency number was called... I was trying to cooroborate that in another thread
I was on line the moment Ruby Red brought us this article and couldn't get a screen shot but yelled around for folks to do so. I'm pretty someone must have taken a screen shot. What I did do was to copy the letter in it's entirety into a word file - June 9th per my computer properties.

Here's a clip of that file:

Furthermore, it's through this letter, and the tape rewind from our scanners, that I have always understood that 911 was never ever called. The school personnel simply called the non-emergency number they use for the police.

FWIW. IMO plus my digital records here. FWIW.
That's how I remember it, but I didn't save it. Thanks.


The scanner was noted to have been on another channel or phone, IIRC.


BOEC is their area 911 call center.
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Let me preface this by saying I am not convinced Kyron’s parents are not involved, but I not convinced they are involved either.
I am not sure if it has been suggested, but another alternative to the Dad’s email and reactions of the family could be guidance from Kyron’s step –dad. He is part of LE – not local.
I am sure he has a good understanding of missing person cases and has learned over the years what works best and what does not work best. He could be the one advising the family not to speak to the media. He could be suggesting a “quiet united front.”

Also, I just want to put out there a different view of the whole idea of what is a normal and whether or not SM and Dad are reacting “normal”. I lost my baby brother to cancer when we were both in our twenties. I didn’t cry when I showed up at the hospital too late to say good bye. I didn’t cry at calling hours when I was in the receiving line, and I didn’t cry at the funeral. I am an introvert by nature and a very private person. My heart was broken, and I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe in private, but not one tear did I shed in public. Additionally, at the calling hours and funeral I was too worried about my parents to be concerned about anything else. I know that people in our small community thought my reaction was inappropriate ect, ect. All I am saying is people process stress and grief differently. Additionally, if SM and Dad truly did not know where Kyron was it is unfair to expect, a few days later, for the email to account for what happened when they realized he wasn’t on the bus to be completely accurate. Stress does strange things to your mind. Many years later I still distinctively remember my thought pattern at my brother’s funeral, and I thought I was losing my mind. I was not thinking “normal”. I remember staring at his friends in the front row of the funeral home crying, and my mind couldn’t process it. I went on auto pilot. If my child was missing, I am confident my mind would go on auto pilot. I would go into survival mode, and I can tell you that my survival mode would not appear “normal” to those witnessing it.

Again, I am not saying the parents are or are not involved, I just wanted to give everyone a different perspective/view on their behaviors.
In spite of LE's denial (and the wording of the denial leaves much to interpretation), I'm finding too much evidence that they have asked people they've interviewed to stay out of the media. The letter from Kyron's aunt (on behalf of the family), the *slip* by the principal during the press conference, statement made by the rep from Portland Public Schools, Kyron's friend's grandmother, and even [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5325744&postcount=535]anonymous comments on message boards.[/ame] The near total silence from locals regarding that day tells me LE has certainly suggested they keep quiet. (the only break I'm aware of is grandmother allowing Kyron's friend to speak to a reporter, and even then she admits the FBI told her NOT to speak out) What little has come from the family seems scripted, and no chance has been given for media to question them. If LE is telling all these people who are only peripherally connected to Kyron's disappearance to stay away from the media, it's reasonable to assume they'd give that same advice to those closest to Kyron.
You are right- I am pretty sure of how I would act if one of my children went missing and I had no way of figuring out how to get them back.

I wouldn't go to the gym. I am pretty sure I would drink myself under the table and try to numb myself. I would hope that when I woke up the next day it was all a bad dream. I can only imagine how well THAT would go over with the press. I don't normally drink, and I don't use drugs, but I am going to guess that if I thought my child was dead (and there is really nothing in this case to suggest otherwise), I would deaden myself silly any way I could until their perp was identified or their body was found.

Of course, that's just my guess. My children aren't missing, thankfully, and I really would not have any way of knowing what would be 'normal' if they were.

My experience in life has shown me that it isn't prudent to assume that everyone will react the way I do to problems or situations.

Don't feel bad -- you're just using COMMON SENSE to realize that things don't add up in this case (If you believe a certain theory in this case)

The one comment I'm sick of seeing is, "You don't know how you would act if your child was missing."

Really? I can take a WILD guess that I wouldn't be playing Facebook games, talking about clean sheets, "working out" -- or in other words -- acting is if a burden had been lifted off your shoulders.

It amazes me in cases like these . . . a "perfect" plan is made up -- but the one part they can never rehearse is how to act "after" the crime is committed. It's really hard to make yourself "pretend" you are concerned -- when you already know the outcome.
I agree. My younger brother committed suicide by hanging himself on Thanksgiving. I never once cried in public. I think I actually cried weeks later about something completely different, and it just took over and I realized it was about him. It has been a couple of years, and I do cry sporadically about him, but only in private. Sometimes in front of my kids.

I also was not able to understand how people that I did not consider to be as close to him were able to turn the tears on. Honestly, it made me mad. It made me feel like they were just doing it in public to look sympathetic. I know that is probably not realistic, but that's how I felt.

As bad as that sounds, it's probably why I think the family knows he is not coming back. It would be understandable for them to plead for his return if they thought he could come back.

Just my thoughts.

Let me preface this by saying I am not convinced Kyron’s parents are not involved, but I not convinced they are involved either.
I am not sure if it has been suggested, but another alternative to the Dad’s email and reactions of the family could be guidance from Kyron’s step –dad. He is part of LE – not local.
I am sure he has a good understanding of missing person cases and has learned over the years what works best and what does not work best. He could be the one advising the family not to speak to the media. He could be suggesting a “quiet united front.”

Also, I just want to put out there a different view of the whole idea of what is a normal and whether or not SM and Dad are reacting “normal”. I lost my baby brother to cancer when we were both in our twenties. I didn’t cry when I showed up at the hospital too late to say good bye. I didn’t cry at calling hours when I was in the receiving line, and I didn’t cry at the funeral. I am an introvert by nature and a very private person. My heart was broken, and I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe in private, but not one tear did I shed in public. Additionally, at the calling hours and funeral I was too worried about my parents to be concerned about anything else. I know that people in our small community thought my reaction was inappropriate ect, ect. All I am saying is people process stress and grief differently. Additionally, if SM and Dad truly did not know where Kyron was it is unfair to expect, a few days later, for the email to account for what happened when they realized he wasn’t on the bus to be completely accurate. Stress does strange things to your mind. Many years later I still distinctively remember my thought pattern at my brother’s funeral, and I thought I was losing my mind. I was not thinking “normal”. I remember staring at his friends in the front row of the funeral home crying, and my mind couldn’t process it. I went on auto pilot. If my child was missing, I am confident my mind would go on auto pilot. I would go into survival mode, and I can tell you that my survival mode would not appear “normal” to those witnessing it.

Again, I am not saying the parents are or are not involved, I just wanted to give everyone a different perspective/view on their behaviors.
In spite of LE's denial (and the wording of the denial leaves much to interpretation), I'm finding too much evidence that they have asked people they've interviewed to stay out of the media. The letter from Kyron's aunt (on behalf of the family), the *slip* by the principal during the press conference, statement made by the rep from Portland Public Schools, Kyron's friend's grandmother, and even anonymous comments on message boards. The near total silence from locals regarding that day tells me LE has certainly suggested they keep quiet. (the only break I'm aware of is grandmother allowing Kyron's friend to speak to a reporter, and even then she admits the FBI told her NOT to speak out) What little has come from the family seems scripted, and no chance has been given for media to question them. If LE is telling all these people who are only peripherally connected to Kyron's disappearance to stay away from the media, it's reasonable to assume they'd give that same advice to those closest to Kyron.

According to the Skyline community newsletter, LE "does not discourage anyone" from talking to the press. I guess the question is: is that true, or is LE not telling the truth? (LE has also stated that they have not told the family not to speak to the press.)

I remember that from early on which is why I find it so telling that the family has not spoken to the media, nor made any public pleas for Kyron's safe return.
This thread is about whether Kaine was home the day Kyron went missing or not.

Last call for getting on topic with this thread.
According to the Skyline community newsletter, LE "does not discourage anyone" from talking to the press. I guess the question is: is that true, or is LE not telling the truth? (LE has also stated that they have not told the family not to speak to the press.)


I am just going by what more than one person has stated, and all peripherally involved in this case, and in different ways. I don't think all of these people are lying or misunderstood what they were told. I also don't think the police are necessarily lying. It is perhaps true that LE never came right out and said, "do not speak to the press". But they well could have said something along the lines of "keeping this information to yourself and not discussing it in public will maintain the integrity of our investigation and help us find kyron" (and from what has been said, I suspect this to be the case). That way they can deny instructing people to keep quiet and at the same time get their message across. And I DO believe that is a message they made clear to those they've interviewed.
This thread is about whether Kaine was home the day Kyron went missing or not.

Last call for getting on topic with this thread.

whoops just saw this.

ok. no more about witnesses, etc. :)
why has no one come out and said whether he was at work or not? I don't see how that could really hinder anything they may have...IDK...seems odd to me.
Kaine may have taken only part of the day off from work, or he may have had an off-site meeting for part of the day and then gone home, or he may at times telecommute.

We know directly from him that, for some reason, he was at the bus stop during what for most, are normal working hours.

It could well be that he telecommutes a certain few days a week and that on those days his routine is to go to the bus stop, either with or without Terri, to pick up Kyron.

Lots of possibilities.

I will have to say JMO on this, because I can't find a link or the post I originally read it from. But I do remember reading it somewhere, so I post this again as a possibility since I can't prove it.
I read (again, JMO) that Kaine worked either every Friday or some Fridays from home. Maybe he was home that day but actually doing WORK from home, hence Terri having to take the baby to a babysitters that morn ing so she could go to science fair. Maybe he really was working so didn't attend science fair. Or talent show. Some people work from home and use the privilege liberally, and don't spend the whole day working, and would attend a child's science fair or talent show. Others really do work all day at home. If he was working from home that day it would explain why he was able to go to the bus stop with Terri that afternoon.

This is JMO and I wish I could find that darn LINK!!!!!!!!

The email has been modified. I recall discussing with member Seeking Truth and others about how it said they'd called 911 'in concert' with the school. Now it has indeed been changed to 'in participation' with.

Here's my post about 'in concert'. On that page you'll see people discussing it:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

I would like to know who has editing access to that page, who is changing it, and why. It disturbs me tremendously to see something published as an email sent on a specific date and time, and then later changed, because that is very much misleading about what the email said.

I don't care if someone adds on a section and says "Here are some changes" and gives them. But never, never, never publish an email and then change it. It shoots down the person's credibility big time in my book.

I'm just catching up on this thread topic so hopefully someone else already corrected this line of thinking. Sorry Bean, but the email has not changed.

What is on the law site today is the exact same as it was when they posted it there. One of our sleuthers here, RubyRed, transcribed it exactly just a couple of days after it was posted on the law site.


a few things bother me about his email:

1) he tells people not to talk to the media if contacted
2) he says Kyron was "dropped off at 0845" not, "my wife last saw him at 0845" etc. Could this be what he was "told" by his wife????? Did he KNOW what time she actually went to the school that morning???
3) he sent the email 48 hours after Kyron went missing (may not be of a concern to some but for some reason it is odd to me jmhoo)

How "high up" in the company was he, in his office? Seems to me it would have been more appropriate for his superior to write a email to all employees, notifying them that Kaine Horman's son was missing, and ask they they not speak to the media. I can see Intel not wanting media to descend on their office to hopefully catch someone coming in or going out for a "comment", "did you know Kaine Horman?", etc.... you know how media is when they get ahold of something....like a dog w/ a bone.


I know people who work for Intel who have no set schedule. They basically work when they want to work, as long as whatever needs to be done, gets done by whenever it it supposed to be. They basically come and go as they please.

At least this is what I have been told.

And you would be exactly right!
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