Watching Motions Hearing Live on Friday 10-10-08

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I do not feel that most of Baez's motions were unreasonable. I'm glad that the judge granted 7 of the 9. In regards to requesting Casey have the ability to search for her daughter: I think there was a two-fold purpose for this motion. One- the public has been asking "Why isn't Casey helping in the search for Caylee?" I think that this motion makes it clear to the public that she can not physically go and search for her daughter at this time. Just making the motion in itself speaks volumes. Two-if the motion is granted, then it will allow Casey (In Baez's eyes) to assist with the search of her daughter with the information that she and Baez have (the info that she has withheld from the police). If the motion is denied- she can't be judged for not searching because of the physical restraints of her bond agreement. JMO

It doesn't seem like it would be a good idea to have someone suspected in the disappearance (let's face it-- murder) of a child go around secretly "looking" for the child, especially if the suspect made no effort to "look" for the child when she had the opportunity. I just don't think this could work out well for Casey or for the community. She could either tamper with evidence or be wrongly accused of tampering with evidence.

Plus, searching for Caylee or even just pretending to search for Caylee NOW just reminds everybody that she's done nothing to locate her child (In fact, she's actually impeded the search by not reporting, lying, and not cooperating) for almost four months. :furious:
If someone took your child and threatened to kill them if you contacted LE would you take THAT risk. I don't think any of us can really know what we would do unless we had to make that choice for real. it is easy to say what you would do when your child is safe and secure with you. jmo

IMO, there is more risk in NOT contacting LE. The alternative would serve to give the perp more time. More time to take the child further and further away, more time to do harm to the child, increasing the odds that that child will never be seen alive again. That is a terrible risk to take as well.
It sounded to me as though most of the things that the judge "gave" him today; he was already entitled to and just hasn't acted on.

Jeez...that's why I'm so not impressed. The potentially impressive scores that have yet to be ruled upon were taken under advisement...
IF "you don't know how KC is feeling", then how do you "KNOW" there's a reason she's not telling the truth??? That is like other things you said basically along the same lines....that people don't know all the illegal dealings behind the disappearance...about the crowd she hung out with....about her other motivations, etc. Sorry...I didn't know I was on the "Defend KC and Make Up Assinine Excuses For Her" thread. :furious:

I apologize to everyone else for my outburst, just keep noticing a pattern with most of karenc333's posts.

WOW , you are a mind reader!
Casey does not need to be going out on "secret missions" with Baez. It serves no purpose. He has her original statement. She is free to tell him anything else for him to check out while she is at home on house arrest. If she were in jail, would they be allowing her visits outside to do this? Not unless it was a trip to lead them directly to the body!

I think Baez is pushing the envelope and the Judge should shut him down.
That is a very rational answer. But sometimes people think irrationally in times of stress or fear.

No, not rational. If my tiny child was not at my side, and I knew they were in danger it's an automatic reaction to get help from LE to rescue that child. I don't (and would never) trust kidnappers and murders over LE.

I believe 100% of kidnappers and murders are bad guys, and aren't exactly trustworthy.
In some cases they were arguing that the information Baez was requesting didn't have anything to do with the neglect case. In other instances, the prosecution wasn't so much arguing as it was pointing out that information was available but that Baez had not taken the appropriate procedures to secure it.

MOO Baez in reality did end up winning motions to gather information that the prosecution wouldn't let him have contending that information was not part of the neglect case? Is that correct? Or am I still confused? LOL
I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to you, Themis and OHW (and any other legal eagles who've graced these 40+ pages) for providing us with the benefit of your expertise. I believe that we are all so much better informed because you've taken the time to share and explain.


But none of us know for sure what she did during those 31 days 100% of the time. And maybe at that point, she wasn't searching. Who knows for sure? In regards to her fears, I'm just saying that IF, IF, IF, Caylee is alive, that has to be a reason Casey is lying. The only thing I can come up with is that she is afraid to tell LE the truth for whatever reason.

You mean besides partying and purchasing things with stolen checks? That's true, there may have been 5 minutes that she pretended to search for Caylee even though she knew that she was dead, but I sincerely doubt it.

As for not telling Law Enforcement the truth because she is afraid, please. I hope that there is no one like you on the jury.
It doesn't seem like it would be a good idea to have someone suspected in the disappearance (let's face it-- murder) of a child go around secretly "looking" for the child, especially if the suspect made no effort to "look" for the child when she had the opportunity. I just don't think this could work out well for Casey or for the community. She could either tamper with evidence or be wrongly accused of tampering with evidence.

Plus, searching for Caylee or even just pretending to search for Caylee NOW just reminds everybody that she's done nothing to locate her child (In fact, she's actually impeded the search by not reporting, lying, and not cooperating) for almost four months. :furious:

Well said! :clap:
I wish I could recall a thought that Blink34 posted about bait, something that her grandfather told her....basically....don't take the bait. Wish Blink were here to help me out so i don't have to dig through threads. But, it was good advice.
That is a very rational answer. But sometimes people think irrationally in times of stress or fear.

But then you come back to the lack of any evidence of stress or fear while Casey was free to search for Caylee. Then she got arrested "on a whim" by LE and lost her ability to search. Who could forget her immortal words that evening, when she must have been beside herself with fear and frustration at not being able to search. Something angry about how all anyone cared about was Caylee, finding Caylee. Those words and attitude can never be unspoken persuasively now.
IF "you don't know how KC is feeling", then how do you "KNOW" there's a reason she's not telling the truth??? That is like other things you said basically along the same lines....that people don't know all the illegal dealings behind the disappearance...about the crowd she hung out with....about her other motivations, etc. Sorry...I didn't know I was on the "Defend KC and Make Up Assinine Excuses For Her" thread. :furious:

I apologize to everyone else for my outburst, just keep noticing a pattern with most of karenc333's posts.

yes, this type of DEBATE should be on the that thread....(sheese)!
Do you think the Judge gave him a few things today so when he doesn't give them Casey's "secret missions" on Monday they can't scream and yell?

I doubt very seriously the judge cares. He is not going to seal the documents because the court then would have to fight the FOIA laws and the Florida laws. The court does not want anymore lawsuits and the press will have them ready to file just in case at the ruling.

He is not going to let her go around in secret either, because of the cost to the the taxpayers. Not that this is going to be an issue most likely by the time he rules. I doubt he will rule until maybe Wednesday. It appears he is "taking it under advisement" for a reason.
She can't be judged? Casey had 31 days to search for Caylee! Do you really believe that a "reasonable" person would wait to notify anyone that their daughter was missing? Also, just so I don't get the response that there must be some compelling reason for Casey not cooperating, let me say that if would be easier to believe if it weren't for the fact that Casey had a history of lying and stealing LONG before Caylee went missing. There is NO possible scenario that can excuse Casey's words or actions.

You're absolutely 100% right about that.
Do you think the Judge gave him a few things today so when he doesn't give them Casey's "secret missions" on Monday they can't scream and yell?
This doesn't seem like the kind of judge to be worried about appeasing them both so they won't appeal. Motions are not generally appealable. I think he gave them the discovery motions because the law liberally handles defense discovery rights. So they got them early. If the prosecution had said it would damage the investigation because ... blah blah blah, then they might not yet have gotten them. What Baez asked for isn't going to go anywhere for defense (the tips) or he would have gotten anyway in a week or so. So what. Give them to him now and keep the case moving. I agree with the judges that show little patience for the prosecution holding evidence back from defense. Trial by ambush doesn't help anybody and can greatly harm the public's perceptions of the courts, the trials and the justice system. The greater good is done by giving it to them. The rules on discovery and when are open to significant amounts of interpretation. Besides, the prosecution won't appeal such an order. Just isn't done. They would have to show grave and immediate harm to a pending investigation. Won't happen. So, that was the right call for all the right reasons.
Lets say hypothetically that Casey knew a Nanny or someone else took Casey. For whatever reason, she was in fear that Caylee would be in danger if she went to LE.

Have you seen the shopping videos? How do you explain Casey's "care-free" demeanor right after she finds that someone abducted her daughter? The young women I saw in that video was focused on forging her best friend's checks to buy for herself and her friends.Those videos convinced me that Casey had no remorse whatsoever that her child was no longer with her. The videos also convinced me that Caylee's death was not an accident.

I'm not convinced. I think that IF Caylee is alive...and that is IF, there has to be a reason that Casey is lying.
Bravo for our Legal Eagles here!! I do applaud them, too!! Glad they are part of our "team" and we have them to explain things. Kudos and Thank You All!!!
That's what I'm saying... if Caylee is alive, maybe Casey is afraid that Caylee's life would be endanger.

You've said you have kids. God forbid, let's say your 3 yr old turns up missing. You get a ransom note for a million dollars, and a threat to not call the police. Since you're not a billionaire, you can't come up with a million dollars. Also, you can't afford to hire a bunch of PIs to do the work for you. Are you going to just SIT THERE and hope you can maybe work out a deal with the kidnappers? Are you going to think that if you just wait long enough...just do what they say...pray enough...SOMEDAY you'll get to hold your youngest child again?

OR, are you gonna make some noise? Call the cops, chase people in your car, live on TV, yelling at the *advertiser censored* to give your child back? As we say around home, are you gonna step up to the plate, or just let that one pass you by?

I honestly can think of no one parent that I know personally who would do as KC had done. Are you saying you'd do as she has?
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