Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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When I first read the blanket was orange I freaked until I read later it was the paramedic blanket. Orange seemed to have been DM's colour--wore orange to pick up TB and CN carried an orange binder to trial. And now I guess he wears an orange prison jumpsuit.
I was watching some of the interview again and noticed that he said he didn’t know Mark’s street name even though he drove there all the and stayed over. That in itself is not necessarily all that significant to me because i’m not very good at those kinds of details either. I couldn’t tell you the names of my friends’ streets either, I just know how to get there. However, he gave the main intersection as Old Abbey Lane near Third Line. I live close by and it just occurred to me that Old Abbey Lane doesn’t go to Third Line. It stops at what is basically 4th line but 4th line has a different name at that point. I guess you could say it is in the general neighbourhood of third line, but it definitely isn’t the major intersection. Someone previously mentioned that maybe he was trying not to give away where MS lives, or maybe he just has no clue where he is going half the time. It’s probably not important but just thought I’d mention it.
I don't buy the story that he didn't know MS's address. IMHO, he's had way too much training as a pilot not to retain street addresses and furthermore, he had been to MS's address tons of times. Where they at MS's place or MM's sister's place? Either way, DM knew the address. The reason he didn't give the address to LE at that time is that he wanted to stay one step ahead of them. He wasn't sure what was going to go down that night. IIRC, DM had some history with crime before that, even though he was never charged. If he was good with his acting, they'd buy it hook, line and sinker, but just in case, he certainly wouldn't want them going to MS's house before he could get to MS & MM first. With MS having a rap sheet already, DM was taking a big risk giving his full name, but I'm thinking it was a calculated risk he had to take. MOO
I was watching some of the interview again and noticed that he said he didn’t know Mark’s street name even though he drove there all the and stayed over. That in itself is not necessarily all that significant to me because i’m not very good at those kinds of details either. I couldn’t tell you the names of my friends’ streets either, I just know how to get there. However, he gave the main intersection as Old Abbey Lane near Third Line. I live close by and it just occurred to me that Old Abbey Lane doesn’t go to Third Line. It stops at what is basically 4th line but 4th line has a different name at that point. I guess you could say it is in the general neighbourhood of third line, but it definitely isn’t the major intersection. Someone previously mentioned that maybe he was trying not to give away where MS lives, or maybe he just has no clue where he is going half the time. It’s probably not important but just thought I’d mention it.
He could have been deliberately misleading or he does not know Oakville very well.
Air Canada tried to fire him because they thought his hair was too long ..... so he took it to court and won. We have to agree he was right , in modern day nobody can discriminate against long hair , short hair , no hair etc ,
At that time Air Canada was run by stodgy oldtimers who thought all pilots should look like military (short hair)

Wayne was passionate about stopping the seal hunt , maybe too much so , one time he had a helicopter near the hunt taking videos . This was back before anyone else had movie cameras. Police knocked him over and confiscated the film. They charged him with something about obstructing a legitimate business (the seal hunt) but he pleaded not guilty .

Cops were smug at the trial until Wayne revealed he had another camera running in the helicopter that captured the whole thing .... Wayne was not obstructing anyone , he was simply running a camera , it was the police who accosted him and started the whole encounter. I think some cops got into deep trouble over that (false) charge.

We must remember in all this talk about Wayne he was after all an accomplished Air Canada Pilot at one time .... which was perceived as "the pinnacle" in Canadian aviation

You dont get there by being rich or poor . You get there by being a top pilot and responsible. And Wayne did it on his own .

In my opinion it was his passionate hatred of the seal hunt that changed (ruined) his direction in life. Maybe even turned him to drink a bit extra. The Seals themselves could give a crap about Wayne. They are the ugly fat rats of the ocean , except when they are born , they are kinda cute for a short time.

best wishes
Of course I don't know WM, but I always and from point one had friendly compassionate thoughts on him. I think he was a very good guy. :)
The rest of the family incl. separated parts - CM, MB, DM - would sell their own grandmother, IMO. :(
With that thought in mind, could MS not be subpoenaed to testify? And I can't imagine there is ANYWAY possible that MS doesn't have good knowledge, maybe second hand of course through DM, of exactly what led up to WM's murder.


I feel the same way. At the time of WM's death, MS was actively involved in planning the 3500 heist and murder with DM, and MS was involved in the murder of LB just months prior. Hard to believe he'd be totally in the dark about WM, even if it was a "solo mission" for DM.

I think both MS and DM 'got off' on the planning/plotting and discussion of their would-be victims. FWIW, 4 days before WM was killed...

Adam Carter 12:41 PM [May 24, 2016]
Now a text from Nov 25, 2012 from Smich to Millard. "Did u order those things yet. I got a way better idea. Talk to me tomorrow. For that one. And we can run 35 tomorrow." Millard says "I like new ideas." Smich responds. "Dog. Simple. Remember these things." Smich also says "Maybe my idea isn't that good. I thought further. We lose to much. Lol."

Link: Bosma Murder Trial 05.24.16 - Day 54

BBM -- sounds like MS is talking about two different things. *shrug*

I also recall from the TB and LB trial mention made of DM moving into his dad's bedroom - that the photos we see from that Mob Reporter video of the light blue room and the ghetto mattress were Wayne's room... but I might be wrong?


I, too, was under the impression that DM moved into WM's room! But after some analysis, I think they are different rooms (it looks like DM may have had the larger/master bedroom).

Below is a photo taken by police responding to WM's death. In DM's interview, he talked about the enclosure/fenced in area off WM's room which permitted the cats to be outside.

Link: Dellen Millard faces photos of his dead father, Wayne, as 3rd murder trial begins | CBC News

Below is DM's room, taken during the Bosma investigation. Note: there is no enclosure off the sliding doors.

Link: MANDEL: Inside the home of accused killer Dellen Millard

There's another photo at 0:25 in the below video that shows the enclosure remained even after WM's death.
I, too, was under the impression that DM moved into WM's room! But after some analysis, I think they are different rooms (it looks like DM may have had the larger/master bedroom).

Unless he changed the carpet, they're not the same room. Pics entered into evidence show the carpet in both the Lululemon bag pic and the one with the gun laying on a paper evidence bag. It's a very light beige color, as opposed to the darker brown carpet in the other room.
Can someone please help me find that pic of WM's bedroom where it shows him actually on the bed (totally blurred out). There were a few things in that pic that bothered me but I didn't save it and now I can't seem to find it.
Can someone please help me find that pic of WM's bedroom where it shows him actually on the bed (totally blurred out). There were a few things in that pic that bothered me but I didn't save it and now I can't seem to find it.

I found it just the other day when I was comparing the bedroom pics. I'll try to dig it up again!
Here's something that bugs me. So far, everyone has testified that they didn't pick up the gun, just that the bag was pulled out from in between the bed and the dresser. However, if you look at the pic with WM blurred, you can see that the bag is standing upright. The other pic shows the bag sort of crumpled with the gun laying on the side of the bag - but it's been said that pic of the gun on the bag is exactly how it was found.

Something is clearly off here.


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Perhaps my imagination but the pink blanket on the rolling office chair seems to have indent from someone sitting on it. Photo is not clear enough to show if wheel indents are apparent on carpet in a path towards the bed. Seems to me to be a convenient perch for a murderer. Unfortunately that pink blanket was apparently never tested for gsr.
Perhaps my imagination but the pink blanket on the rolling office chair seems to have indent from someone sitting on it. Photo is not clear enough to show if wheel indents are apparent on carpet in a path towards the bed. Seems to me to be a convenient perch for a murderer. Unfortunately that pink blanket was apparently never tested for gsr.

I noticed that as well, but I think it's a bath towel. It definitely looks like someone was sitting on it, but more than that, what stood out to me was seeing a pink bath towel in an elderly, single man's house. It just seems out of place. Like the Lululemon shopping bag(s).
Here's something that bugs me. So far, everyone has testified that they didn't pick up the gun, just that the bag was pulled out from in between the bed and the dresser. However, if you look at the pic with WM blurred, you can see that the bag is standing upright. The other pic shows the bag sort of crumpled with the gun laying on the side of the bag - but it's been said that pic of the gun on the bag is exactly how it was found.

Something is clearly off here.
My guess, is that the first person to move the bag slide it out and that is what the first (blurred) picture shows. The blood on the bag likely originally lined up with the spot on the floor. The second picture, based on the V on the right of the bag, is someone pulled the bag open to get a clear picture of the gun.
I have a random thought and question....when you refer to the time 6:30pm, do you not refer to it as evening, rather than afternoon? Do any of you say it was 6:30 in the afternoon? Or would you say that it was odd that Dellen referred in the interview that "it was odd, that his dad would be in bed in the afternoon" (paraphrased) It made it sound to me in my mind he had been there earlier in the day, "afternoon" and did not actually find him as he says at 6:30 in the evening.... I usually use 5pm and after as evening, where 4pm is still considered afternoon......
Perhaps my imagination but the pink blanket on the rolling office chair seems to have indent from someone sitting on it. Photo is not clear enough to show if wheel indents are apparent on carpet in a path towards the bed. Seems to me to be a convenient perch for a murderer. Unfortunately that pink blanket was apparently never tested for gsr.
I noticed the chair facing the bed. I feel like the towel is there because the seat of the chair is ripped/worn out. And yes, it looks like someone sat and watched him bleed out. Did that person snack on a bowl of cereal while watching? Below the other chair is what looks like a tiny stuffed animal?
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