We need help identifying this brand of shoes.

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Another thought I had about potential knockoffs of well-known brands -- sometimes fraudulent sellers will post stock photos of the product they're trying to knock off, and then when you receive the product, it's not what's shown on the website. I've seen this happen on Ebay, and I'm sure it happens elsewhere.

I'm in the midst of doing some more tracing of the original image -- and please take this image with a large grain of salt, because I've taken a fair amount of artistic license with bits and pieces -- but I wanted to mention a few other things that've come to mind:

1) There appears to be faint lettering -- maybe "PO" at the top of the image. Interestingly, if it were "PO" it would be reversed from the way we're thinking the other letters are oriented. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's remnants of something that was watermarked as police evidence?

2) I can't decide what to make of the bit down below that sort of looks like an "E." Again, maybe nothing. (I've found if you zoom in and out on the image, different details will pop out; e.g. when I try to look at the tread that goes all the way down the image, I can't make it out at all when zoomed into the picture, but it's clear as day when I zoom out or look at a thumbnail!)

3) The shape of the tread makes me think that the primary block of text might be at an angle on the sole; i.e. perhaps the center line between the two logos is actually the midline from toe to heel.

4) Is it possible that the repeated logo that's barely visible down below may be from a second impression of the same shoe, rather than a repeated image on a single footprint? If so, my point 3 above could be less compelling.

5) What's the deal with the weird white outlined arrow? It almost looks like a flaw in either the concrete, or like something (e.g. a piece of tape?) stuck to the bottom of the shoe, rather than part of the sole design.

More questions than answers, I know, but just thought I'd throw them out there.

more trace.png
What liquid medium would disappear? Water would evaporate much too quickly, I'd think. Blood would memorialize it, seems like.

Since the lower part of the print is fading (the medium is drying and disappearing the image with it), we could be missing quite a bit .... (though the print probably came down strong on the ball pad, less on the heel. Nobody steps full-footed -- that would be a very awkward gait)....

Anyway my point -- perhaps the part were studying is a reduction by evaporation...

What liquid medium would disappear? Water would evaporate much too quickly, I'd think. Blood would memorialize it, seems like.

Since the lower part of the print is fading (the medium is drying and disappearing the image with it), we could be missing quite a bit .... (though the print probably came down strong on the ball pad, less on the heel. Nobody steps full-footed -- that would be a very awkward gait)....

Anyway my point -- perhaps the part were studying is a reduction by evaporation...

Good questions, for sure. And some of the lines are so sharp and clear! Perhaps it's possible that the print was made in dust and the "faded/evaporating" parts are areas that were less dusty. There seems to be an imaginary line from about halfway down the left side of the original (non-reversed) image to the faint logo at the bottom of the image, where there's nothing clear to the left.
Can't find anything related to shoes but this logo looks pretty similar to the lettering, IMO. Probably a dead end but I found it interesting.

source: Facebook
I think this LAOG one merits further investigation. On that LAOG FB page there is this entry on February 7, 2022: LAOG OUTDOORS in which, among other posts, the word KA-LAOG is also used (the phrase in that post means "Hello, fellow LAOs!")
This introduces the possibility that it is a sport sandal which many of the guys pictured in their photos are wearing. The logo on the shoeprint may be a prior corporate image of LAOG, or It may also be of a cheap knockoff of LAOG. Haven't gotten beyond their 2021 posts, need to keep on scrolling....
ETA: posts don't go beyond Sept. 2020
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What liquid medium would disappear? Water would evaporate much too quickly, I'd think. Blood would memorialize it, seems like.

Since the lower part of the print is fading (the medium is drying and disappearing the image with it), we could be missing quite a bit .... (though the print probably came down strong on the ball pad, less on the heel. Nobody steps full-footed -- that would be a very awkward gait)....

Anyway my point -- perhaps the part were studying is a reduction by evaporation...

This is my thing. How was the print still there? Could it be somewhere humid and with moisture in the air it stuck around longer? Was the print made in another substance that lingers? I can ask but… idk. Answers are sparse.

Edited to add: They did say it was early morning. Could be 12am - whenever. Dew is still on the ground. Just a thought.
What liquid medium would disappear? Water would evaporate much too quickly, I'd think. Blood would memorialize it, seems like.

Since the lower part of the print is fading (the medium is drying and disappearing the image with it), we could be missing quite a bit .... (though the print probably came down strong on the ball pad, less on the heel. Nobody steps full-footed -- that would be a very awkward gait)....

Anyway my point -- perhaps the part were studying is a reduction by evaporation...

You know on a sunny day a wet (from water) footprint will dry up super quickly. But in a cool, dark garage in the middle of the night - maybe not so much?
Yes!! I can not believe so many places don't include outsole pics! Gah! What are they thinking? This definitely needs to be a new rule!

I would love some clarification on this. Is it a juvenile person's shoe, or a juvenile shoe?

Imo, the outsole image is somewhat cartoonish, more like an actual kid / teen shoe.

If they can't identify the shoe then I don't know how they can describe it as juvenile. Identifying it as a juvenile shoe may have more to do with the size and scale of the imprint rather than what demographic the shoe was targeting. Adult women can wear size 4 or 5 size shoes and a 12 years old can wear size 8.

I also wonder if the logo is one of those generic logos a manufacturer can buy because they aren't associated with a bona fide company. They just churn out thousands of fast fashion items each season. Like Shein. One of those 'insert company name here' type of logos.
I think it looks like a heart and a club and I think that someone here was spot on with the Air Jordan LADG comment. Michael loves his poker! Why don't you email the company (several different people, giving them the date frame and see what they can tell you? Start with LinkedIn, look for someone in the PR department. And then follow that chain till someone can tell you what you want to know! Or post on a sneakerhead forum.
What are those letters? What do they stand for?
Interpretations considered:
- California LA Design Group
CA LADC - California LA Detention Center
- Croc brand shoes
CA LA DC - California LA DC Comics
CALZADO - Spanish for "footwear"
VULCANIZADO - Spanish for "Vulcanized" (as in Vulcanized rubber)

CA could mean California or Canada or be part of a larger word
Calzado - footwear in Spanish
I think it looks like a heart and a club and I think that someone here was spot on with the Air Jordan LADG comment. Michael loves his poker! Why don't you email the company (several different people, giving them the date frame and see what they can tell you? Start with LinkedIn, look for someone in the PR department. And then follow that chain till someone can tell you what you want to know! Or post on a sneakerhead forum.
Jordan’s have a pretty distinct bottom. They have a small circle with larger open circles around the small circle.
Jordan’s have a pretty distinct bottom. They have a small circle with larger open circles around the small circle.
I still keep running across Jordan's that made me wonder. These are the only shoes I have come across with large letters that don't say the name. I actually have no idea what it is for.
This is my thing. How was the print still there? Could it be somewhere humid and with moisture in the air it stuck around longer? Was the print made in another substance that lingers? I can ask but… idk. Answers are sparse.

Edited to add: They did say it was early morning. Could be 12am - whenever. Dew is still on the ground. Just a thought.

I'm wondering who actually took the photo of the shoe imprint. This link explains the different techniques LE use to preserve evidence like shoe prints and tire impressions at crime scenes. The angle used when taking photos of imprints is crucial.

I'm wondering who actually took the photo of the shoe imprint. This link explains the different techniques LE use to preserve evidence like shoe prints and tire impressions at crime scenes. The angle used when taking photos of imprints is crucial.

Whoever I spoke with said it was their scene. I’m unsure of who I was speaking with though. Maybe Sheryl but there’s no telling who runs their FB. I don’t want to get on their nerves or ask anything too personal. I will try again tomorrow. I was so caught up in figuring out the shoe that I forgot it was a holiday. Lol
I still keep running across Jordan's that made me wonder. These are the only shoes I have come across with large letters that don't say the name. I actually have no idea what it is for.
They actually say:
J --- J
O -- U
R -- M
D -- P
A -- M
N -- A
---- N

(upside down, in the picture you linked) Each letter is wide and very short. At first I thought it was Cyrillic! :D
4) Is it possible that the repeated logo that's barely visible down below may be from a second impression of the same shoe, rather than a repeated image on a single footprint? If so, my point 3 above could be less compelling.
Great thought. If they were walking more on the ball of their foot I can see that being a second step.

I’m wondering if the arrow looking area could be a L with some sort of debris on the shoe that’s giving it that odd shape?
I think it looks like a heart and a club and I think that someone here was spot on with the Air Jordan LADG comment. Michael loves his poker! Why don't you email the company (several different people, giving them the date frame and see what they can tell you? Start with LinkedIn, look for someone in the PR department. And then follow that chain till someone can tell you what you want to know! Or post on a sneakerhead forum.

Unfortunately the Air Jordan LADG comment turned out to be referencing a posting that had a typo. The shoes were actually a model called Air Jordan LADY.
It seems funny to me that the bottom of a pair of shoes would say "CALZADO." It's possible that it had a brand name elsewhere on it, like "Calzado XYZ" and we just can't see the whole thing, but in my mind it's like having a pair of shoes that just said "FOOTWEAR" on the bottom. Or...


:D :D I'm not discounting the theory at all; in fact I think it's one of the stronger ones. I just find it a bit strange and amusing.

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