We the jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

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We the Websleuth Jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

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Okay never mind, I've typed out the same post 4 times and it won't take, I'll take that as a sign it wasn't meant to be. :p
Grr my iPad is annoying. Can't wait to get my computer fixed. Sorry for the double post.
I was never on the fence on if she did it.. I was always a little on the fence as to WHY DID SHE DO IT.

I have disliked ICA. I have felt sorry for her parents.. however I have never ever cried over this case.. not until today.. it was crystal clear to me.. the ending statement and seeing ICA with the tat and dancing.. ICA was TRURLY happy in that picture.

I got it.. I saw the light of exactly why the state has charged her as they did. I have replayed that part of the closing and looked at ICA with a new light.. even worse than before beacuse I never knew why.. I always asked myself why why why why... and now to see exactly why..If a picture paints a thousand words then that picture today most certainly will be etched in my vison forever.

I am so sickened more NOW than ever before. I am so worried that she wont get what is due. I use to think well as long as she is put away.. it will be ok.. now no way.. she needs the death penalty.. anything less i feel is a let down.

My emtions tonight are very, very frail due to all of this.. it finally hit me like a ton of bricks as it hasnt before in this way.
I am so afraid she is going to get off. Its mostly your common sense that shows she murdered Caylee on purpose but the evidence is pretty iffy. non proven air tests and 1 banded hair. Its mostly your common sense that convicts her and the jury may have a difficult time convicting her with this evidence. Maybe not all of them but some of them. Then Baez will get a do over and will leave some of the crap out. I am praying so hard the jury does the right thing.
How on EARTH do they find another jury if there is a mistrial? I don't believe anyone can honestly say by now that they are unaware or do not have an opinion about this case...it could be a disaster if they can't reach a verdict, IMO...
I think the duct tape will seal the deal. IMO, if I knew nothing about this case before, I could not get passed that FACT. The state might not have the cause of death without a reasonable doubt, on the other hand the defense can't prove the drowning either but the tape being present speaks volumes.
How on EARTH do they find another jury if there is a mistrial? I don't believe anyone can honestly say by now that they are unaware or do not have an opinion about this case...it could be a disaster if they can't reach a verdict, IMO...

i agree. i live in a town of 3000 people in southern ontario, canada & heard a group next to me talking about this case while i was out eating dinner. crazy.
I am so afraid she is going to get off. Its mostly your common sense that shows she murdered Caylee on purpose but the evidence is pretty iffy. non proven air tests and 1 banded hair. Its mostly your common sense that convicts her and the jury may have a difficult time convicting her with this evidence. Maybe not all of them but some of them. Then Baez will get a do over and will leave some of the crap out. I am praying so hard the jury does the right thing.
She won't get off as in acquitted, but a hung jury might be possible. I personally don't think it is likely because this is too much of a common sense case. If anything I see the jury agreeing to a lesser charge.

How on EARTH do they find another jury if there is a mistrial? I don't believe anyone can honestly say by now that they are unaware or do not have an opinion about this case...it could be a disaster if they can't reach a verdict, IMO...
They will find another jury. All but 2 of the jurors claimed to be aware of this case and at least one even admitted they thought she was guilty. As long as they can find 12 people who can say they can set their opinions aside and vote based on the evidence they'll be fine. It may take a while, but they would get 12.

Not that it is right, but I bet some people would lie just to get on the jury if there was a retrial.
I do not think Casey will be acquitted. There is just too much evidence for a not guilty verdict. I believe the jury will debate not over whether she did the deed, but over whether it was premeditated. The jurors could agree on first-degree murder even without premeditation, but I think if there is any lengthy debate where they all cannot agree, they will go with guilty of murder in the second degree.

I believe that verdict would not require a penalty phase as it is not a DP verdict. Second degree murder could get Casey up to life in prison, but the sentence would be solely up to the judge without input from the jury (if I am understanding Florida sentencing laws correctly).

ETA: I just read the jury instructions posted above and now that I know that premeditation does not have to be unanimous, I believe Casey could be found guilty of first degree murder by this jury. Some jurors might believe premeditation while others believe felony murder, and it will not matter that they cannot agree on the premeditation issue.
I can't help thinking of the MJ trial...I was shocked he was not convicted on anything at all...but of course he was beloved, maybe that is the difference. I believe emotions play a huge role in verdicts, no matter what the law says...

Still, I wish I felt like the jury will agree on first-degree murder, but I think they will end up with second-degree...and not tomorrow, IMO. (But I will be up and glued to the TV just in case.

No way will 12 people agree to acquit. And a hung jury wouldn't happen for a while, at least a week or more, as the judge would want them to try and try again...so if they do come out tomorrow, I am guessing 2nd-degree...
She won't be acquitted. I don't think a hung jury is totally out of the question but I think they will compromise in order to get a verdict and not have that happen.
I don't think Casey with get the DP. I feel because of her age and instability, her issues the jury will not vote for the DP. I do pray she gets LWOP though because I believe Casey will kill again if set free. I keep hearing that text to Tony or was it an IM. Casey said in 3 more days you can come over any time you want to. How was she going to accomplish that?
I don't think Casey with get the DP. I feel because of her age and instability, her issues the jury will not vote for the DP. I do pray she gets LWOP though because I believe Casey will kill again if set free.

I do too.

I just read about the Hawthorne case where Judge Perry sentenced him to 48 years in prison on a second degree murder conviction. I believe he was 20 years old.

Is that enough time for Casey? I wonder.
When OJ was being tried there was a female radio jockey by the name of Darian O'Toole. She used to rail on every day about her belief in OJ's guilt. Her catch phrase was "guilty, guilty, GUILTY!" She yelled it every day several times a day.

This poll reminded me of her, except in this case it's guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, GUILTY!
I wish I could be as could be as sure, but I'm just not. The state almost completely avoided the chloroform in their closing and IMO the jury will notice that and wonder why. You don't spend days on forensic evidence to prove chloroform was involved and then barely mention in it closing unless there's a problem with. I think the duct tape is their strongest shot at getting a first degree conviction, premeditated. MOO

I find it interesting that you think that, because I thought JA spent a good amount of time on chloroform during his rebuttal. He talked about Vass and the other experts, how they all agreed chloroform was there, how chloroform is volatile, how the amount in the trunk in June would have been much higher than it was in July when the car was taken by police, how the chloroform couldn't have come from bleach, how the chloroform couldn't have come from cleaning products, etc.


ETA: I would agree that the state did seem to ignore the chloroform searches. I just saw your other post on the subject, so if that's what you were referring to, then I would agree. I think the state knows there is a discrepancy with the site being visited 84 times (though I do think it was unintentional).
Felony murder, because of the aggravated child abuse.

Personally, I believe it was premeditated but I didn't see enough evidence for that. Since felony murder is a capital offense, it won't make a difference in terms of the penalty phase. Of course, she will be guilty of the lying to LE charge.
The "mock juror" believes Casey Anthony is guilty on all counts. And the mock juror would recommend life without parole. HOWEVER, if the real jurors should decide to put Casey Anthony to death for her crimes, the mock juror won't lose any sleep over that. Not. A. Wink.
The "mock juror" believes Casey Anthony is guilty on all counts. And the mock juror would recommend life without parole. HOWEVER, if the real jurors should decide to put Casey Anthony to death for her crimes, the mock juror won't lose any sleep over that. Not. A. Wink.

Well, I know I feel better knowing how the Mock Juror feels! :wink:
In Pittsburgh, we just had a man who ambushed and killed three police officers get the death penalty. One of our best newspaper columnists pointed out that he'll sit on death row and cost taxpayers much more as we go through all the appeals and so on. He will continue to have his face in the media and his remorseless face in front of the families and the rest of us. We will have to listen to his mother whine about how unfair the system is when SHE is the one who called 911 and aske LE to remove her son from the house and failed to mention that he was armed with automatic weapons. So I am all for LWOP and Casey spending the rest of her life in total obscurity--unlike Charlie Manson, who gets trotted out every 4 or 5 years to be denied parole. She can sit in there and make friends with her own kind and once they exhaust the "my trial wasn't fair appeals" we are all done with her.
The "mock juror" believes Casey Anthony is guilty on all counts. And the mock juror would recommend life without parole. HOWEVER, if the real jurors should decide to put Casey Anthony to death for her crimes, the mock juror won't lose any sleep over that. Not. A. Wink.

I hadn't seen any of your posts the past few days because I have been super busy and the threads have been moving so fast, but I actually thought about you when I was reading this thread and was really wondering what your answer would be. Thank you so much for all of your input through this! It has been really interesting to read your POV.
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