weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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ALV really seemed to take TA to task for flirting/sexually texting other women. Apparently it is infidelity, even if you're just friends with benefits with someone.

I know TA had been called a flirt by his friends. This is hardly a crime. My question is this. As far as some of the more sexual texts to other women, had this escalated post-JA? Or was he 'sexting' with numerous women before Jodi?

There seems to be an under-lying notion that he was corrupted by Jodi, and as a result wanted to talk to his Bishop and get things in order. If the sexting with other women increased after he met Jodi, it would seem to give credence to that notion.

my guess, Narcissistic Jodi thought if the camera was missing that of course, everyone would immediately look to her, the cough professional cough photographer. Who else would steal a camera from a crime scene but the professional? (junkies or meth heads or regular thief/murderers never steal from a crime scene, do they?)

And too funny that everyone was looking at her well before they even knew anything about a camera. And ironic if she HAD stolen the camera she wouldn't have been caught. But her ego, her vision of herself as the one everyone associates "camera" with, got her.

("Professional photographer" my behind. She was a self-absorbed narcissist who took hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures of herself. Because the world was all about her.)

I think she mistakenly threw the camera in with the bedding and clothes. My theory...she had the camera in hand (via strap) and as she is throwing the bedding and bloody clothes in there, she stuffs all that in there and forgets she had the camera and closes the lid and sets the washer on. I think she realizes she does not have the camera when she disposes of the gun but by now its too late. Her deletion of the pics was taking too long and she needed to get outta there, I think her intent was to delete the pics later and dispose of the camera but she effed up. Then thought "Meh, the Clorox and wash cycle will take care of the pics for me." Just my thoughts on the camera.
Good point. I'd have to say, however, that I for one would have been very happy to see likable ALV. If she had decided to be a solid DV expert and testified as such, straightforward and no waffling with either side, it would have been fine by me to have honest differences of opinion between experts. Of course, had that been her approach, I'm not entirely convinced she would have come to the conclusions she had, and I'm not sure she would have agreed to testify for the defense, either.


Following links yesterday posted by others re the cancellation of ALV's speaking engagement, it seemed like she would be speaking before her own homies in her own CA town where she is the head/prez/chairperson of said group: Association of Batterers Intervention P-something, i.e. she cancelled the gig herself as she's the one in charge there. I think her organization might be tax-exempt and likely receives gov grants which may be drying up fast in this economy, especially in California. This trial won't help her future $$$ prospects imo.
Good point. I'd have to say, however, that I for one would have been very happy to see likable ALV. If she had decided to be a solid DV expert and testified as such, straightforward and no waffling with either side, it would have been fine by me to have honest differences of opinion between experts. Of course, had that been her approach, I'm not entirely convinced she would have come to the conclusions she had, and I'm not sure she would have agreed to testify for the defense, either.


Funny, I had just the opposite reaction. I found JM to be boorish and silly looking and purposely trying to mischaracterize her work in an effort to convince us that she is not the expert she is. I understand that is his style, but I hope that for this witness he can pull something else out of the hat because it will not work on her, and, especially if someone on this Jury is one of the 30 percent of women who have been abused or one of the 30 percent of people who have known an abuse victim.

You have to be very careful when you are trying to badmouth the competition that you don't offend the most important people in the room.

I'm with Mark on this one.

For some reason it bugs me when ALV says "Mr. Martinez" .. in all her answers..with that smug look on her face..

Grrr.. My Grandfathers name was Mr. Martinez..but still.. It just sounds offensive...or is it just me?

I got the same impression. Totally unnecessary for her to add his name to her sentences with, "Mr. Martinez". GMFB. We all know who she is talking to. It's just her very condescending, scolding tone to try and make him look like a fool. JMO.
The continuum is an expansion on the cycle of violence, which, although it was groundbreaking in its time, is too simplistic. It's a way to identify abusive behaviors so that you can count their frequency, and identify the relative dangerousness of such behaviors so you can identify escalation. Otherwise, there is no way to quantify and qualify the behavior.

She said she had changed it. That's good. This whole field is a work in progress, but not happening fast enough. People might not like what she is doing with JA, but her work in general is spot on and very desperately needed. Trying to minimize and ridicule her work is not helping anyone.

"One out of every three women will be abused at some point in her life.

Battering is the single major cause of injury to women, exceeding rapes, muggings and auto accidents combined.
A woman is more likely to be killed by a male partner (or former partner) than any other person.
About 4,000 women die each year due to domestic violence.
Of the total domestic violence homicides, about 75% of the victims were killed as they attempted to leave the relationship or after the relationship had ended.
Seventy-three percent of male abusers were abused as children.
Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband in the past year.
Women of all races are equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate partner.
On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or partners in this country every day.
Intimate partner violence a crime that largely affects women. In 1999, women accounted for 85% of the victims of intimate partner violence.
On average, a woman will leave an abusive relationship seven times before she leaves for good.
Approximately 75% of women who are killed by their batterers are murdered when they attempt to leave or after they have left an abusive relationship."


I don't recall minimizing or ridiculing her work. You may read my earlier posts if you have doubts. I have made my own feelings about the seriousness of the field abundantly clear. My criticisms are leveled at her testimony in this particular instance.

ALV really seemed to take TA to task for flirting/sexually texting other women. Apparently it is infidelity, even if you're just friends with benefits with someone.

I know TA had been called a flirt by his friends. This is hardly a crime. My question is this. As far as some of the more sexual texts to other women, had this escalated post-JA? Or was he 'sexting' with numerous women before Jodi?

There seems to be an under-lying notion that he was corrupted by Jodi, and as a result wanted to talk to his Bishop and get things in order. If the sexting with other women increased after he met Jodi, it would seem to give credence to that notion.


Great post...

I totally think Jodi used sex and ideas of kinky sex and offering to fulfill fantasies as a way to control men and I think she had been doing that a long, long, time!
That was also someone else's fault huh? If she had actually spent half she time she spent snooping on actually studying/working properly she could have gone to college.

Or or half the time driving around....:book:
The J5 letter wasn't a letter it was a message left on the answering machine and then typed to form a hard copy of it. Just thought I'd add that =D
Thank you for correcting me that it was a phone message. A phone message makes it even more believable to me that it came from a Jodi supporter.
And, what? You disagree with her? How?

You think it's easy to get a woman out of a DV relationship?

You think it can be done quickly and easily by the right professional, someone like you?

You think that men are not the batterers in the majority of DV relationships? How many men are killed each year by their female domestic partner versus women?

What ratio of abused men to abused women do you see in your practice? How does that compare to the norm?

IIRC mods rules are that we respond to posts, not to posters. Probably wise so that things don't get personal. Just my opinion.
Don't laugh, but I figured out how to get a snip of a youtube video during the cross examination of AL that I thought was pretty interesting because of the expressions of JA and JW.
Thanks to David Lohr for the original video.
Besides Jodi's word, there is not one single piece of evidence that shows Travis physically hurt her. ALV was relying solely on her word for that. You couldn't look at the emails/texts and deduce he ever hit her. She based it on Jodi's word when we know it should be doubted. ALV expressed no doubts about it, the same as RS. That makes them blatantly non-objective and non-scientific.
ALV really seemed to take TA to task for flirting/sexually texting other women. Apparently it is infidelity, even if you're just friends with benefits with someone.

I know TA had been called a flirt by his friends. This is hardly a crime. My question is this. As far as some of the more sexual texts to other women, had this escalated post-JA? Or was he 'sexting' with numerous women before Jodi?

There seems to be an under-lying notion that he was corrupted by Jodi, and as a result wanted to talk to his Bishop and get things in order. If the sexting with other women increased after he met Jodi, it would seem to give credence to that notion.

I think I remember JW asking LaV about texts/sexting between TA and other women during the time period of sometime in '07 (I want to say December, but I'm not sure) to June '08. So that is definitely after the Jodi sex instruction.
Molly, I know you are quoting AL and these aren't your words, but I gotta say....part of what she's putting out there is complete carp! I'm 53 years old and NOBODY told me to be passive or long-suffering. Not my single Mom, not the nuns who taught me in high school, not my professors at college NOBODY. And I can tell you nobody is telling my 15 year old daughter to be passive and long-suffering either. This is really dated, out-of-sych-with-today information she's putting out there, IMO.

I bet ALV has been using the Snow White script for many years, which is so odd because in Disney's Snow White there are no "bad" males at all. Her loving father dies at the beginning, the huntsman risks his life saving hers, all the dwarfs love and help her, and even the male Magic Mirror seems reluctant to serve the evil Queen - an all-powerful female. If ALV wants an impotent father who fails to protect his children, someone needs to hand her a copy of Hansel and Gretel.
Besides Jodi's word, there is not one single piece of evidence that shows Travis physically hurt her.

I find her entire testimony so insulting. Many here have gone through some form of domestic abuse and are highly offended that JA would portray herself as a victim. Many here know the stats, the reasons for staying or going back, the control, the brainwashing. We know it already. We've lived it. And its insulting to claim she even has a inkling of what true abuse is like. It is also highly insulting that many still think that men cannot be abused or be victims of socio/psychopaths who use emotional or mental tactics as a form of abuse. JA is not the victim here and never ever will be-except in her own mind.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Funny, I had just the opposite reaction. I found JM to be boorish and silly looking and purposely trying to mischaracterize her work in an effort to convince us that she is not the expert she is. I understand that is his style, but I hope that for this witness he can pull something else out of the hat because it will not work on her, and, especially if someone on this Jury is one of the 30 percent of women who have been abused or one of the 30 percent of people who have known an abuse victim.

You have to be very careful when you are trying to badmouth the competition that you don't offend the most important people in the room.

I'm with Mark on this one.


I disagree. I think he knew he had at most about 35 min to start his cross before the long weekend. I think all he was doing was "establishing a rapport" so,to speak. Meaning that when you are on the witness stand its the questioner in control not the witness.

I think he demonstrated brilliantly to the jurors that she will be evasive and combative with a male questioning her. He's just begun and I'll be there to see how he dismantles her testimony. Let her be the expert I say. Then let's let her show how Jodi fits in to her own prescribed continuum. On the Terrorism level.

Let's not forget he started questioning her after discovering shed requested a premature break then proceeded to use that time by stepping off the stand and walking directly up to a victims sister, violating her boundaries and get in her face with a one sided monologue. Was this the reason she wanted that immediate break?

ALV is throwing her hard earned reputation under the bus all on her own with no assistance from Juan Martinez.
Domestic violence against men is more common than what may be perceived. Similar to women, there is a large under-reporting of domestic violence against men as evidenced when comparing police reports relative to what was reported in a Stats Canada survey. For men, there is a strong stigma socially, which isn't to say women don't face their own obstacles in such issues.

It does seem that more fatal cases of domestic abuse come at the hands of men unto women. I know this site is primarily populated by women, so I don't say anything with intentions to offend. However, I think men may be more prone to extreme forms of violence, and women more prone to extreme forms of 'psychological warfare', or manipulation as a means to 'attack' an enemy. Most likely as a result of men being physically stronger and women being stronger socially/with language, generally speaking. IMO

http://www.fims.uwo.ca/olr/apr809/Higgins feature.html

"A 2008 Statistics Canada study revealed that in 2006, men accounted for 17 per cent of victims in cases of spousal violence reported to the police – that translates to 158,656 men. Spousal violence refers to physical assaults, threats or criminal harassment involving common-law or married couples.

However, a 2005 Statistics Canada study reported that seven per cent of women and six per cent of men involved in a relationship over a five-year period had experienced violence at the hands of a common-law partner. That adds up to more than half a million men. This study was based not on police data but on information from Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey."

I'm not denying that men are abused by women, and even killed by them, but it is still way outweighted by the percentage of women abused by men. The study you cited seems to pretty much agree with the 85 percent men on women figure.

my guess, Narcissistic Jodi thought if the camera was missing that of course, everyone would immediately look to her, the cough professional cough photographer. Who else would steal a camera from a crime scene but the professional? (junkies or meth heads or regular thief/murderers never steal from a crime scene, do they?)

And too funny that everyone was looking at her well before they even knew anything about a camera. And ironic if she HAD stolen the camera she wouldn't have been caught. But her ego, her vision of herself as the one everyone associates "camera" with, got her.

("Professional photographer" my behind. She was a self-absorbed narcissist who took hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures of herself. Because the world was all about her.)

Wow, I loved this. Good post! Makes perfect sense given her behavioral patterns.
I bet ALV has been using the Snow White script for many years, which is so odd because in Disney's Snow White there are no "bad" males at all. Her loving father dies at the beginning, the huntsman risks his life saving hers, all the dwarfs love and help her, and even the male Magic Mirror seems reluctant to serve the evil Queen - an all-powerful female. If ALV wants an impotent father who fails to protect his children, someone needs to hand her a copy of Hansel and Gretel.

So who was supposed to abuse her? The Queen?
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