weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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Brought over from the last thread (CourtsInSession) using my phone so I can't quote like normal but you asked:

I've been thinking about J5 being in the courtroom. Does any one think there is the possibility that she's taking one for the defense team? They want a mistrial so badly, could she have agreeded to be let go so she can cause some problem with another juror that would cause a mistrial?

My respectful pondering is do you really think the defense would motion to remove her if she was pro-defense? I don't. Do you think if she was pro-prosecution she would do any dealing with the defense? I don't. What possible benefit would she have from causing a mistrial? I can't think of any. It just doesn't make sense. I think she is exercising her rights, she isn't doing anything wrong even if it may seem to be attention seeking to some...
Moo! :)

I may have already responded to this but I do not trust J5. She may think well, if I can't be on this jury, I will disrupt. Not sure how J5 feels about Casarez getting her kicked off either.
Lol tacky too cute

I was hoping David lohr would add those videos of Jodie's parents interrogation (unedited)
Maybe soon.


My tackiness has shown through already with just one day of posting?! LOL

Yeah, I really want to see those unedited and complete interviews of her parents too.

My tackiness has shown through already with just one day of posting?! LOL

Yeah, I really want to see those unedited and complete interviews of her parents too.

Oh I just noticed you are new! Welcome
Brought over from closed thread:

Posted by: SassyMom

It's going to be very tasty and delicious when Juan starts plugging Jodi's abusive/manipulative behavior into AL's little Aggression Continuum chart, especially because I seriously doubt she even analyzed those behaviors, and maybe the defense didn't even clue her in about them.

That is going to be a supremely pleasurable viewing experience.

YES. Thank You. Very well said. :goodpost:And :welcome: to WS.

Did you see how hard she resisted owning any of that silly continuum. She treated it like a freakin hot potato. She wanted nothing to do with it. Which was funny since we saw it pasted on the wall for seven tedious, torturous days already. JW LOVED to plug Travis into it and have seriously discussions about it's importance and relevance, as if it had any.

And then as soon as Juan asked her about it she pretended like she put no stock in it at all. :giggle: :giggle: She knows whats coming and she is trying to postpone the inevitable. Juan's coming for ya, Alyce. :pillowfight:

It will be EXTREMELY enjoyable thank you very much !!! :great:
Can wilmott recross after juan? Please tell me it isn't so. If she doesn't than were into rebuttal?
Sorry .. I tried to bring a quote over from the closed thread. This is my response ... but sorry I can`t provide the original quote

She has a criminal mind and she needs to be taken out of society. She needs to die and, although I have never really been a proponent of the death penalty (we don`t have it in Canada), I just feel so very strongly that the DP should be applied to this defendant. She deserves it. Scott Peterson deserves it. Drew Peterson deserves it (but probably won`t get it, unless they can get more evidence that he also killed Stacy). I`m praying that this jury will come to the correct verdict. I feel confident that they will.

I will try to make more sense in my next post. I wish I knew how to bring posts over from another thread ... duh ... oh well

Nighty night. Over and out :eek:fftobed: and ... :countsheep: I get the WORST sleeps these days ... my head is like all scrambled ... LOL. But, really it is hard to turn it off. I wake up at night thinking about it .. I`m obsessed with it all day to the point that I won`t even go out for groceries or see friends. I truly need an intervention. Night everyone. I think I need a support group ... any advice

We are a support group! My advice (FWIW) is that you have to keep in mind that we don't have any control over how this trial plays out. Put your faith in Juan, and sleep soundly. He is looking out for the victim and the family, and I don't think he'll let us down.

All of the DT theatrics will not negate the evidence against her. She is going to be convicted, and anything Willmott and Nurmi are doing now is out of sheer desperation.

Enjoy your weekend, and spend time with your family. Monday Juan is going to once again rule the courtroom. I have the day off and can watch every minute, and I can't wait! :great:
Can wilmott recross after juan? Please tell me it isn't so. If she doesn't than were into rebuttal?

oh she'll recross, and it will be just like the direct and drone on for days.

dont forget the questions, which i think might go up with juan destroying her on the stand.
oh she'll recross, and it will be just like the direct and drone on for days.

dont forget the questions, which i think might go up with juan destroying her on the stand.

that's pure torture./ traumatizing.

My tackiness has shown through already with just one day of posting?! LOL

Yeah, I really want to see those unedited and complete interviews of her parents too.

You have been posting for awhile haven't you? Just be honest here.
I was two pages behind, but I knew it was coming because I couldn't post anymore! I'm smart like that;)

Can't keep up with all the pages, especially on trial days. The thread moves so fast.
Can wilmott recross after juan? Please tell me it isn't so. If she doesn't than were into rebuttal?

Normally, no. BUT, from what I understand, there is at least 1 jury question (if not more or might be more while Juan is up) THEN Willmott will recross and then Juan again.
I happened to be listening to old testimony and the sex tape is on the one I'm watching. Listening to Travis talking sexy to Jodi, I get some new impressions. The first one is--why should we believe that this tape was made because Jodi was going along with Travis? Why can't it be that Jodi was the one who wanted him to say things to get her off? He's the one doing most of the talking it seems. Is that because he likes his own sexual fantasies or because he is trying to get her off?

Maybe a combination of both, but this whole sexual aggressor thing with Travis is a stretch because, frankly, he sounds like he doesnt know how to have sex talk. He sounds like a novice. And that bit about him never jacking off before Jodi? I think he's just saying that to make her hot, and it's not necessarily asserted as fact in the matter (or whatever JW always says when JM objects.) Some think Jodi had planned to blackmail him with this tape, which is even more reason for him to have the impression that he was doing it for her. She could have told coaxed him into it before she started recording.

I am one who believes that Travis had sex with other women and perhaps before Jodi. I don't really ascribe to a person being 100% moral in their religion even though they strive to be, so I can imagine it was hard for Travis to get sex while living in the ward and being so overly cautious about who saw what going on at his house.

I think that's one of the main reasons he kept Jodi around so long despite how difficult she was. He could get the sex in secret. She was trained to let it stay secret, and he could still appear upstanding as a Mormon. Easy as a pizza delivery. But, he just picked the crazy chick, plain and simple.

I can't be sure because I listened to that recording a while ago, but did she wake him up with her call? While listening, I guess if she realized she woke TA and went right into the phone sex to make answering worth his while I could understand. BUT....

1. She's talking about myspace friends, PPL events, trips, blah, blah, blah They have the phone sex, then discussion travels to singing. TA must not have been annoyed at being awoken for all that small talk.

2. The hushed little girl voice she used with Travis for the pillow talk was VERY close to the way she spoke when Flores interrogated. IMO.
I just watched that video with J5. She is from Bosnia and somehow related the Bosnian war with the photos of Travis's dead body. She made it very clear it was not easy to look at the photos. She spoke pretty good English but I wonder if she really understands how our justice system works. My opinion only.

Well she said she did nothing wrong, but won't talk about why... till trial is over. even indicated that she showed up as some sort of statement that she did nothing wrong.
She seems intelligent and honest.
OK, so I have been working all day and just arrived at my hotel. FB is filled with some hate messages about a Dr Phil interview that is somehow is profiting the Arias family????? Say it isn't so. What is this about?

Also, how was JC responsible for J5 getting the boot?
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