weekend break: discuss the latest here #125

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Evenin all...I feel like such a stranger on this thread as I'm always finding myself on the courtroom thread.
The radio show with Wendy Murphy tonite was really really interesting..she's so smart and interesting perspectives. You can listen here:


I'll be there tomorrow afternoon session but I'll see you all here watching on the feed in the am. :seeya:

I have always loved Wendy ! Such a straight shooter ! After tonight I am even more enamored of her...such a class act !
Well, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that come Monday under Juan's thumb that ALV won't be a happy camper....or happy campus...or hippocampus...whatevs.

She gets caught at the border or anywhere in Canada with a handgun and she goes to jail in a nanosecond and her gun is confiscated too. Too bad, so sad, her license means nothing here. She does not have the constitutional right to bare arms in my country.
Lol. And she can forget about that "over the limit" sweater she forgot to declare too!

I enjoyed it! You were all great and interesting! :beats:

Alyce better show up tomorrow - why do I feel nervous? I'm afraid the DT will pull a fast one. I hope I'm wrong...:(

She better show up! I start a new job on Tuesday and tomorrow is my last day of watching live.

This trial has consumed me. I think I need an intervention.
She better show up! I start a new job on Tuesday and tomorrow is my last day of watching live.

This trial has consumed me. I think I need an intervention.

I have started a new one too and this week is orientation....i will miss all of juan's cross *pout*

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I have always loved Wendy ! Such a straight shooter ! After tonight I am even more enamored of her...such a class act !

I really enjoyed listening tonight. She's smart, she knows what she's talking about and she is direct and to the point. I respect her opinion.

I'm not enamoured.

I feel the same way about JM. I respect him.

When Jodi hears - Guilty of first degree murder, I want a full on freak out. For everything she has put everyone through in this trial, it's the least she could do. You just know she will speak during the penalty phase. That should be fun

To quote her, "There's a morbid curiosity" to which I will add - There is a morbid curiosity to see how her stun belt works.
For all you Juan Martinez Lovers! New "Best of Juan Martinez" in Court. LOVE THIS!


Evenin all...I feel like such a stranger on this thread as I'm always finding myself on the courtroom thread.
The radio show with Wendy Murphy tonite was really really interesting..she's so smart and interesting perspectives. You can listen here:


I'll be there tomorrow afternoon session but I'll see you all here watching on the feed in the am. :seeya:

Tricia, Wendy Murphy and KCL all on the radio tonight ... Shut the front door!!!

I know I must be in Jodi's fog when I write this. If ALV wants to salvage any bit of reputation she has left, I would love to see her flip and be honest with Juan. She was duped by Jodi and her lies. After further investigation she doesn't believe Jodi was abused

LOL like I said, I am clouded by the fog :)
Are you talking about the 9mm? That was found hidden inside the engine part of the car and found by the rental company and then turned over to the police.

ETA: she was licensed to carry that 9mm. When Juan had JA on the stand, she told him that she bought it at IIRC, Bob's Sporting Goods and had to wait 3 weeks for the permit.

Do you mean she had a concealed carry permit when you say "licensed to carry," or do you mean she had bought it legally?

I missed that part of the trial and have wondered about that gun. I have read it was a Glock. They are not cheap. JA seemed to be getting funds from somewhere, unless she had a great restaurant job.
SORRRRY......but LAV ruined her career. She may be a "lovely person", but she is also a "sellllll out". I love to hear this from experts on this radio show!
She gets caught at the border or anywhere in Canada with a handgun and she goes to jail in a nanosecond and her gun is confiscated too. Too bad, so sad, her license means nothing here. She does not have the constitutional right to bare arms in my country.

If I am not mistaken, didn't she have a valid passport?
I know I must be in Jodi's fog when I write this. If ALV wants to salvage any bit of reputation she has left, I would love to see her flip and be honest with Juan. She was duped by Jodi and her lies. After further investigation she doesn't believe Jodi was abused

LOL like I said, I am clouded by the fog :)

LOL I don't believe she was duped for one second. Nobody could be that dumb, not even a profe$$ional.
Watching Play Misty for Me for the first time. Holy moley what a psycho the girl is! Wonder if Jodi watched this movie?

LOL, watching it too. Crazy murderous female stalker movie released in 1971, ALv favorite era!
tygomuk said:
A number of us have joined the coverage of this trial in the setting sun of that other one in FLA that left a bad feeling with many about justice and the system that pursues it. While we highly value our rights we have helplessly stood by, appalled by the specter that has played out as an irresponsible defendant and jury have had their 'day in court'. And won. My opinion, unsolicited I admit, is that this will be different. There will be a penalty phase here. And when we get there, everything, and I do mean everything, that is happening now and recently and in the near future will be Very miniscule. For those who have attended or watched a trial wherein there is a deceased victim as a result of whatever means, you know that when we get to impact statements that this trial will finally, totally get turned on it's head as we hear from those that loved Travis. Then, once again this jury gets their say. And history will be made as JSKS sentences her first defendant to DR. My opinion, belief, experience and fog.

Good points. Everything about this case feels different, even though the murders of Travis and Caylee were less than 2 weeks apart, June 4 vs. ~June 15-16, 2008.
OK - So I just found out that we have to run errands tomorrow afternoon. Help an old friend out here, please. What live online stream can I watch and put on "Pause" and then when we get back from errands, hit "Start" and get the entire trial online? I will NOT go thru HLN hitting pause and start missing a lot of Juan Martinez.....Thank You.
AGGGHHH. The "snow white stuff" was to buy time for REAL testimony on Monday.

Sorry, I am listening to the radio show.
Well? Speaking of rental cars and guns and other facts in evidence, I wonder how well the original rental car was searched and what was recovered in terms of evidence? We never heard much about that in the State's case ... another cliff hanger maybe? Maybe there will be something more come out about that in the rebuttal case.

Or perhaps it is just that there simply is nothing else in that respect :sheesh:
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