weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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What are everyone's thoughts on sentencing... if Arias doesn't get death, will you be disappointed? Will that be seen as a loss for Juan?

I just want her to get murder 1. And to never walk among society again. If she wants the death penalty then I hope she gets LWOP. If she wants LOWP then I hope she gets the death penalty. Whatever gives her the most fear and pain. Actually, if I had my way she would get what Travis got but we don't work that way, which is why she needs to be punished to the fullest extent possible.
She's not entitled to "clarity" from Matt's next girlfriend who she doesn't even know. Can you imagine how scared you would be if your new boyfriend's ex girlfriend somehow tracked down where you live and showed up at night, without warning demanding answers about your relationship with your boyfriend.

I would not have let her in, and I would have called the police. For realz.

Yet, Alyce did not see this as jealousy of "stalking -type behavior" because the confrontation wasn't hostil or violent. I got news for Alyce, impulsive acts driven by jealousy and a sense of ownership and entitlement over an ex boyfriend do not necessarily have to be violent or hostile -- there's no other emotion or purpose that would explain this behavior on Jodi's part.

I do wonder why Juan did not ask her about Jodi hacking into Bobby's and Travis' personal email accounts and text messages - then confronting them.

BBM. Well, we can assume it wasn't violent since Bianca didn't end up in the ER. But hostile? ALV has no way of knowing whether it was hostile or not. Other than Jodi's word, of course.
I was annoyed at ALV for making it seems like travis sat down and wrote jodi a 16 pg tirade putting her down and assassinating her character. The jurors asked her could the message appear as a long tirade because they were text messages or something to that fact. Some text messages only let you use 160 characters at a time. I'm no math whiz but if someone hurt me to a point where I had to let it alllll out 16 pages of text wouldn't bother me..just saying. But then again she knows nothing about texts. Also ALV never considered why travis wrote those things to her. He says you scammed me, you are a liar, worse than hitler, something about being a carcass...I would want to know what happened before this text. I saw Travis telling no lies when he told jodi off. Was it mean? Yes. Did she deserve it?? Most likely Was it character assassination? NO. Everything he said was true about Jodi. especially when he told her YOU ARE THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME.

Agreed. Of those 16 pages - how much is JA talking??? This wasn't a 16 page letter, and the format that I saw squeezed the text into a small section. 8/10 of the page is BLANK.
Didn't ALV mention yesterday that Arias had threatened to reveal Travis' alleged pedophilia via a telephone call?

If I'm correct:

1. do we know such a phone call was made?
2. when was it made?
3. how would ALV know it was made - Arias' word?

Yep all arias' word. Arias' word= the gospel. Nothing but truths and if she's lying its not a pattern.
She seems to looked at this case through a very narrow, old fashioned perspective. She was only interested in domestic abuse as it relates to Jodi. Otherwise I believe she would have been more interested in the most brutal act of domestic abuse that occurred on June 4th. She openly admitted to facts she did not know, and that she had a basic idea of what happened that day. What a joke.

By the way, the 70's called and they want _____ __________ back :giggle:
The closest thing we have to TA's side of the story of what got him so upset with her is when TA's friend Taylor Searle said TA told him "around the first of June" that JA had hacked into his MySpace. He said TA read him some of what he wrote her in response.

Searle said he told Travis, "Aren't you afraid she's going to hurt you?"

I also thought she may have shared the sex tape with someone to hurt him, and that might be why he said she scammed him. But TA told his friend only that she hacked into his MySpace. Which may be true as well.


Just jumping off from your post, how would folks here define "scammed"? I wouldn't use it in the same context (?!) you are. Not criticizing you -- I just suspect we use the word differently, and maybe Travis was using it in a different way than I would have as well.
Yes...I agree. lol can be an embarrassed laugh as well depending on the statement or context of the conversation.

The written word doesn't show the 'context' of the conversation because it can only show what the reader takes from it. If you don't know the whole conversation or people behind it, you have no clue what it really means other than what the words are saying. IMHO

I don't know if that makes a bit of sense, but I agree with you


You should see some of our conversations downstairs in Websleuths chat! if someone came in and did not know each other and our personalities over the months we have been chatting, they would think that my slapping someone on the head with a trout actually meant abuse!
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Just jumping off from your post, how would folks here define "scammed"? I wouldn't use it in the same context (?!) you are. Not criticizing you -- I just suspect we use the word differently, and maybe Travis was using it in a different way than I would have as well.

Good thought.

For me scamming would be, in this case, pretending to be someone she wasn't so that she could trap TA into something. Maybe one of those girls he was text/emailing whatever was JA or a friend or something.

But basically it isn't lying but going further and putting the lie into action?

Hope that makes sense.

My understanding is that JA left work basically immediately and drove 90 miles for this unexpected friendly chat. Is ALV aware of this?

I found it interesting that MM who wasn't there and JA who was, agree it was a really amicable confrontation with Bianca who is silent.
You'd think a feminist like ALV would understand that JA was entitled to her confrontation with a cheating BF but she was not entitled to confront the other woman who probably didn't know JA even existed. Hello, the other woman didn't make a commitment or whatever with JA, MM did. Had TA done such a thing it would have been called control. :furious:
Good thought.

For me scamming would be, in this case, pretending to be someone she wasn't so that she could trap TA into something. Maybe one of those girls he was text/emailing whatever was JA or a friend or something.

But basically it isn't lying but going further and putting the lie into action?

Hope that makes sense.


I imagine JA was the type to fake pregnancy scares and other health issues to keep TA feeling guilty. That would be a scam IMO.
I could see the DT thinking maybe jurors will be afraid to give this poor witness a heart attack on the stand and go easy with the questions.

That plan worked wonders, lol.

If TA was my brother, I wouldn't want anyone but JM as prosecutor. I like to think TA pulled some strings wherever he is to get Juan on his case.

And somehow whatever higher power/spirit/angel protected the camera and images (through an entire wash and spin cycle!) that blew her "I wasn't there" story wide. open.

The article would also be true if it were entitled How Living in Denial Affects Your Health
As I watch the trial, I notice that JM has no assistants with him other than Det. Flores :)great:) sitting beside him.

He is always prepared, paperwork in order.
When I look at DT, I see 2 attorneys (one taking many notes and one relaxing) and Mitigation Lady (what exactly is her role?)

I find it curious that with all the $$$$$ being spent on this trial that JM is handling this so well by himself.

Is this usual and customary for the Prosecution?
I'm surprised he has no one there assisting him with all the paperwork, evidence and documents.

I don't think JM is doing this all by himself. I suspect he's got at least a paralegal and maybe many more people to assist him. OTOH, he does work for the state, so it's hard to know how much money they're willing to shell out. I would also suspect that nobody can sit at the tables in court unless they are attorneys, LE personnel, or (our favorite) a mitigation specialist.
Yep all arias' word. Arias' word= the gospel. Nothing but truths and if she's lying its not a pattern.

Remember the 'Nothing of note happened', yet she claimed verbally in the previous 24 hours Travis was engaged in looking at child *advertiser censored*?

By default, at least one of these statements are a lie. So, is it the journal or her verbal version?

Arias went with the 'verbal' version on the stand and conceded the entry n the journal was down to the law of attraction and therefore a miss-truth, ergo a lie.

LAV skipped by 'the nothing of note' entry in the journal at this very crucial time ( yet she had to have made notes on the child *advertiser censored* incident, so would have had dates and times to cross ref), but selected many tit-bits from the same journal as fact.
Juan correctly called this as LAV being a human lie, ah, human lie detector.
Another thing that I wanted to see. Jodi took pics of herself driving to mesa on her premeditated murder trip and she had "bruises" on her neck. JM asked her about this on the stand and was about to show the pictures until an Objection from the defense and then the subject was dropped..Can someone find it for me? Where did she get these "bruises" from. She hadn't seen travis since April.. and yet Matt said he saw bruises on JA's neck. If travis was her abuser (which i dont believe) and she hadn't seen him since April..how did she get these "bruises" I wish JM could've shown that pic.
I found it interesting that MM who wasn't there and JA who was, agree it was a really amicable confrontation with Bianca who is silent.
You'd think a feminist like ALV would understand that JA was entitled to her confrontation with a cheating BF but she was not entitled to confront the other woman who probably didn't know JA even existed. Hello, the other woman didn't make a commitment or whatever with JA, MM did. Had TA done such a thing it would have been called control. :furious:

Just to add also, sometimes I think there are people who thrive on drama in their lives. They see nothing wrong with it. Like it. Can't live without it. Or the drama somehow proves how much you love or care for each other.

Maybe Bianca wasn't into drama and thats why she didn't react. Not that it wasn't a hostile conversation. I mean really, how could it NOT be hostile? Just the act itself was hostile. I am different in that I would never drive 90 miles to confront the OW. In this case she wasn't even the OW to confront. Only JA thought she and MM were still 'dating' or 'courting' whatever word she uses for sex on the sly with friends.


Yesterday on HLN some lady said that what was weird about the whole (barrier/Plexiglas) thing with whether or not there was any physical touching was the fact that she had to think about it as if she may have or would have except she was barred from doing so. Instead of just saying, No.

When JM got her to admit she had not testified in a criminal trial AT ALL even though an hour earlier she said she had testified in one or two and then argued with him about semantics and the definition of a "lie", I realized she will make things up before she will give an answer that hurts the defense. I wonder if the jury will discount all of her testimony because of this?
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