weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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In 1998 ALV published an article for the Women's Studies Encyclopedia called

The Battered Husband Syndrome and Other Myths


Holy Moly! Do we know what she said?
Mine was "Well, we can't subpoena God, can we?"

Maybe we should have a dedicated thread?

My very favorite line/statement so far....has to be.....( drumroll)

That was a third gas can wasn't it!?!

Mine was "Were you crying while you were shooting him?...Were you crying when you were stabbing him?...How about when you cut his throat, were you crying then?

Mine too wake-me. Then he says, you did this to him right? And then says, WELL TAKE A LOOK AT IT THEN.

I also liked "Well God's not here to testify now is he?"
BBM. I feel the same way. One thing I notice is that she seems to be very much of an "academic," an absentminded professor type. That seems a little weird, though, for somebody who works with abused women and must hear a lot about real life.

I just see her as an old fashioned, still lost in the 60's, radical feminist who detests the DP.
I Am Not Sure Where To Post This.....

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Thanks Schnorkies! Can you use this on a tablet?
Guess this is how one looks after a week of death threats and complete strangers threatening to destroy you.

Psychological abuse in action.

Remember the teenager who killed herself because of bullying on the social media?

But, let's all laugh. This is so much fun. [sarcasm]


I don't wish any harm on ALV. Having said that I am laughing. It is hilarious for JA to think she can get away with premeditated murder. It is ludicrous for people to try and stand in the way of truth and Justice for Travis. I will watch with complete GLEE as good triumphs over evil in this case. I will smile and smirk on Verdict Day as I listen to the GUILTY of murder one verdict being read out.
:rocker: Yes, that is going to be good. The state defining "stalking". I hope they cut right to the chase though!

Question: Is there a "test/questionnaire" to test stalking, how is it defined? tia

DeMarte is going to have a field day with this! I am so very much looking forward to the rebuttal Witnesses! thank you for posting this! :screwy:

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exactly! especially someone so cash strapped..leave work to confront the O.W. when you could just call the man who CHEATED ON YOU instead. The guy who was with her was so afraid of Jodi's reaction that he gave her the wrong apartment # and went to Bianca's apartment to warn her 1st! She describes him of acting like that because he's gay/dramatic...I think he was seriously concerned.

And IIRC JA and MM were not 'officially' dating or anything, just hanging out from time to time. JA thought they were a couple MM didn't.

Its hard to keep up with all of it. But, I agree with you. Just the act of driving 90 miles out of your way to confront the OW is a hostile act IMHO.

I can only think what I would do were I in either of those positions, and can only say no way am I confronting some girl ever. And if I was the OW there is not a chance I would even reply or say a word to someone knocking on my door if I didn't even know she existed. I would be letting MM handle her and not seeing him ever again either.

So, its really hard to know what someone would do and then say because she didn't argue or fight it wasn't hostile.

Guess this is how one looks after a week of death threats and complete strangers threatening to destroy you.

Psychological abuse in action.

Remember the teenager who killed herself because of bullying on the social media?

But, let's all laugh. This is so much fun. [sarcasm]


I think it's more a case of what a weeks' worth of lying under oath will do to you.
I tried to work it out when she was on the stand and gave her 25/30 Mr Martinez's a minute, which is $5.

Two stats I'd like to know are the number of times ALV said Mr. Martinez, and how many times JA's own DT referred to JA as a 3 Hole Wonder. Travis only said it once.
One thing that really bothers me is not really understanding the reactions Travis must have had to her weird (and illegal) entries into his house. I know that JA tried to make all of this sound innocuous on the stand with her "frathouse atmosphere" nonsense regarding how Travis' house worked, but we know that his roommates did not simply come and go as they wished from his living area. I know others had the garage code, for example -- but he must have been surprised, certainly puzzled at least, the first time he found her in the house in some odd way (in his bed, closet, etc.) After that, he had to have begun to worry that she might be a little unstable. No normal people creep into people's houses through dog doors, hide in closets for hours, or sleep in your bed or couch without your knowing they are in your home. That's something I think paints a clear picture of a stalker. Unfortunately, Travis mentioned some occasions of this kind, but I think there was a lot more to his anxiety and it is not showing up in the limited evidence we have.

I guess it bothers me because I am so private by nature. Even in younger years when I did have a more "open" house with people coming and going, they never did anything like that and it would have been instantly odd to me if it happened -- especially if it was an ex-girlfriend. It just feels sooooo creepy knowing she was hanging around -- and I suspect a lot more often than we actually know about -- lurking in closets or hiding somewhere. I can't see how ALV can fail to see the stalker there -- but I know that's just :deadhorse:

There is a BIG difference in the circumstances. The teen who sadly took her life did not put herself out there in a media circus. To lie. For cash. MAJOR difference.


That poor girl was gang raped by boys she knew while she was incapacitated and those boys photographed themselves having sex with her (AGAINST HER WILL AND KNOWLEDGE) and posted those photographs all over the internet.

The police did not move to arrest any of those boys so of course people took that as some kind of sick endorsement of the CRIME and that somehow this RAPE was her fault. This poor girl was victimized again online by her rapists and her peers. She was a crime victim who felt the only escape option from her living hell was death. DEATH.

I so agree with you. To compare these two is an abomination.

Jeesh, sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up ... :(
I cannot wait for Demarte's testimony. I hope she is respectful to the Defense and answers all questions in an honest and straightforward manner. I want the jury to see the difference between the State and Defense's expert witnesses.
Cheerio, pip-pip, and a smashingly Good Morning to all! I say, chaps, if you feel you can spare the time, I suggest a perusal of Steely's buttons. Hilarity, music, and even magic! Not to be missed.

Where is he! I have not seen him in the threads and some time.

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That poor girl was gang raped by boys she knew while she was incapacitated and those boys photographed themselves having sex with her (AGAINST HER WILL AND KNOWLEDGE) and posted those photographs all over the internet.

The police did not move to arrest any of those boys so of course people took that as some kind of sick endorsement of the CRIME and that somehow this RAPE was her fault. This poor girl was victimized again online by her rapists and her peers. She was a crime victim who felt the only escape option from her living hell was death. DEATH.

I so agree with you. To compare these two is an abomination.

Jeesh, sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up ... :(

Sometimes we have to get worked up. Thank you for stating so much more eloquently than I did. Coffee has not kicked in.
Another thing that I wanted to see. Jodi took pics of herself driving to mesa on her premeditated murder trip and she had "bruises" on her neck. JM asked her about this on the stand and was about to show the pictures until an Objection from the defense and then the subject was dropped..Can someone find it for me? Where did she get these "bruises" from. She hadn't seen travis since April.. and yet Matt said he saw bruises on JA's neck. If travis was her abuser (which i dont believe) and she hadn't seen him since April..how did she get these "bruises" I wish JM could've shown that pic.

i thought this whole thing with bruises on her neck was earlier. like when she was driving back to yreka from mesa. not on the murder trip? wrong? right?
All I keep thinking sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never harm you. That sentiment was constantly quoted growing up. Guess it doesn't apply anymore

It never applied back then, either. It's a form of bullying - was then, is now.
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