weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Im 90% sure JAs camera is in evidence. Didn't one side request the camera for examination at the very beginning of the trial (the other side had been in possession of it)? This is going back to the first week of trial. Maybe JAs camera is even the one JM dropped. Someone else please tell me they remember JAs camera in evidence or am I losing it?!
Wasn't she talking with Flores about wedding photos on it and pic of her sister that she wanted her Mom to give her brother. He said they weren't ready to turn it over probably not until after trial.???
I found the video where Alyce is talking about Jodi's story of cutting herself while slicing apples.

It's Day 43, April 9 ...

Either this video or the one after it

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 43 - Part 1 - YouTube

I missed this whole entire day of testimony - how did that happen??

A screen cap of the apple incident:

Problem was there was nothing to indicate Travis was violent or abusive in the past. It just wouldn't be rational to think that a person who wasn't violent would suddenly lunge out of a shower dripping wet and naked so he could kill the person who accidentally fumbled his camera (as opposed to a normal person lunging out of the shower so he could try to catch the camera).

Her two experts were unable to bring their respective puzzle pieces together because they were made of sand, lol.

She totaled his BMW and he was "fine" with it..just call the insurance co. and he's going to react like that over a camera??? I think not.
Problem was there was nothing to indicate Travis was violent or abusive in the past. It just wouldn't be rational to think that a person who wasn't violent would suddenly lunge out of a shower dripping wet and naked so he could kill the person who accidentally fumbled his camera (as opposed to a normal person lunging out of the shower so he could try to catch the camera).

Her two experts were unable to bring their respective puzzle pieces together because they were made of sand, lol.

But it's about the level of intimacy!!! Didn't you listen to alyce at all?

Because it has become snooze inducing. However she tells this and then later she admits she got this from other sources and JA did not really tell her it was an apple.

Didn't ALV use this same excuse of 'other sources' when correcting her 'mis-spoke' about JA shooting TA in the closet?
She totaled his BMW and he was "fine" with it..just call the insurance co. and he's going to react like that over a camera??? I think not.

Well... That just proves a pattern of escalation... If ya drink the koolaide;)

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Problem was there was nothing to indicate Travis was violent or abusive in the past. It just wouldn't be rational to think that a person who wasn't violent would suddenly lunge out of a shower dripping wet and naked so he could kill the person who accidentally fumbled his camera (as opposed to a normal person lunging out of the shower so he could try to catch the camera).

Her two experts were unable to bring their respective puzzle pieces together because they were made of sand, lol.

They both testilied about previous abuse incidents, her being choked by Travis, her being knocked to the ground by him, her being slapped across the face by him, culminating in his body slamming her onto the floor on the day she slaughtered him.

None of that is true, mind you, but they testilied about it anyway.

Hearing the questions the jury has been asking it's clear they aren't dummies and don't buy the bs that JA's experts have said.
Yes and thanks to ALV we now know she also had anal sex with Bobby too.
Based on my wild days living in Las Vegas and working as a cocktail waitress, dateing alot of guys (alot), I have only had two ask for that. So that had to be her idea too.

That does make you wonder. Supposedly she has only had 4 boyfriends, BJ, DB, MM and Travis. And they all wanted that? What are the odds? I couldn't even begin to count how many boyfriends and husbands I've had (back in my younger days) and I only had one that wanted it. And there was something off about him. Most guys get grossed out even talking about it, like almost all of the women I know. I can almost understand Travis maybe thinking it was a way around the Mormon chastity rule but the others?
Maybe I'm a little slow to this part of the game, but tonight I just realized that Jodi's art is something I am very familiar with since I travel in some art circles online and have for 12 year or so. Just put the two together right now with the help of a link found on
The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial Facebook Page. I believe she used to just sign her pieces "Arias" but it is definitely the same work. Mostly just reading WS everyday so I don't post much, but interesting find for me today.

Also with the link mentioned above, it's mentioned that possibly Jodi and her jailhouse buds may have worked at an inmate calling center. Strange job opportunity for the incarcerated, processing credit cards from people to set up a calling account for someone who is in jail. Weird.
I wish we could see Alyce's notes. I'm watching part of the video where Juan is having her read her notes to refresh her recollection. I also did not realize that the video was played for Alyce of Jodi's father's interview where he said she hasn't been truthful since she was 14
I have a feeling she didn't file tax returns and Juan has that information

or could it be one of her articles(papers) titled something like :abused men and other tall tales or something like that, wher she says its NOT possible for a man to be a victim of DV. "
Didn't ALV use this same excuse of 'other sources' when correcting her 'mis-spoke' about JA shooting TA in the closet?

I have listened to so much nonesence that it all gets confused sometimes and I have to go back and relisten..poor jury...
am I thinking of something else that she blamed on it coming from Dr.Samuels?
I have a feeling she didn't file tax returns and Juan has that information

I have this vague memory that all the receipts from the trip...Walmart, Tesoro (sp??), etc were saved by JA because she was going to use them to deduct as business expenses when she filed taxes for that year.
So, let me see if I can get this straight -

The various versions of finger injury:

1. Ninja lady cut it while murdering Travis

2. Cut it on a broken glass at Travis' house on June 4

3. Travis kicked it and broke it on Jan 22, 2008

4. Cut it at nonexistent job at nonexistent Margaritaville

5. Cut it on a metal jamb at Casa Ramos -- took a picture, did/didn't report it for worker's comp

6. Cut it slicing apples

Is that it?

Also, I missed when Alyce testified about cutting her finger slicing apples. When did she tell Alice she cut it? And she also told Alyce she broke her jacked finger when Travis kicked her - so what is the purpose of telling Alyce she cut her finger slicing apples?

Let's not forget that little Einstein also "attempted suicide" while in lockup. I'm sure you'll all recall that her attempt failed when she realized that "ow, it stung so bad."

Still, we are expected to believe that Jodi, who apparently has a pain tolerance at the bottom of the scale, is going to wander around with a home-made splint on a "broken" finger, merrily going about her various service-related duties.

Nope, the only reason that "ow, it stung!" didn't get that finger looked at is because she didn't want any record of the knife injury she had suffered. She could have made a story up about glass, etc., but she knew it would reflect an injury occurring near the date of his death.

If there were really any doubters among us (probably not), I would simply point them to the lack of medical testimony regarding her finger. You'll note that the defense never brought x-rays forward, put a doctor on the stand to testify that it was an untreated break, etc. That's because they know it isn't and they aren't going to open the door to any prosecutorial challenge.

Hey, I could be wrong, but being wrong would mean that I woud have to accept everything she has said as true! I am really not sure my mind could stand the shock of that much contradiction at once.

Didn't ALV use this same excuse of 'other sources' when correcting her 'mis-spoke' about JA shooting TA in the closet?

I really don't understand why we are angry with the DV expert??? She was fan-friggin-tastic for the prosecution! We should send her flowers and a thank you note!

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Troubles with truth-telling notwithstanding, I think the "slashed his throat" is always going to be the bottom line for me. Who even thinks of doing something like that? In my book, only someone who likes the idea of doing it. That's the kind of thing someone like that has thought about before, and maybe often. That doesn't spell self-defense in any language.



Exactly, who would think of that? It probably isn't a very easy thing to do in the first place, he// I need to use an electric knife to slice a rib roast! :floorlaugh:

I don't think that's the first time she's slashed a throat with a knife either. I think she killed that dog....
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