weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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This case has encompassed almost every aspect of my life. :iamashamed: When I was at the doctor's office, the nurse was reading over my shoulder and said, "That's gruesome reading."

I said, "It's a gruesome case."

The doctor came in as I was saying "Jodi Arias" and they looked up and said at the same time, "Who?"

I said, "Where have you people been?" Duh. Saving lives. lol

I gave them a quick summary as the dr wrapped my knee and they were actually enthralled. And this was weeks ago before some of big fireworks!

Amazing how a case becomes such a part of your every day life that it seems weird when it isn't a part of anyone else's. :p

At least they listened to you, if only for a couple of minutes! Here I spend a big chunk of my day on this trial and my sons get this why-do-you-waste-my-time-with-this-sh&rt look on their faces. I try and condense whatever I want to say into one sentence. :floorlaugh:
Makes you wonder how deserved that reputation was to begin with.

Yeah, I know it's the dawning of the age of Aquarius and all that. Simply rubbish but it was the dawning of a new age. ALV has not moved on from that. She's kind of stuck I would say.

I just don't agree with some that she is just anti man. She has made a mockery of true abuse and classified everything and anything as abuse. Well it's not damn it!

IMO JA is clearly the abuser.
Do you remember which day in the trial this was talked about? I totally missed it.

I believe it was first day cross examination iirc. Not positive though! Witnessed stated .... She didn't believe the apple story!

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I read somewhere that he took a lot of pride in his closet and what he owned, and that's normal when you're raised with almost nothing. As an old broad, I know my guns are loaded because I loaded them (no kids in the house). The cops found no cleaning kits or ammo with that gun or near it. Who owns a gun they can't clean or load? Guns suck as a bookends.


Geraldo thinks the jury will convict Jodi of manslaughter. Mark Geragos thinks she won't get the death penalty-- that she will be convicted of a lesser charge. One of them said that, before this last witness or two, Jodi was probably going to be acquitted. I think she will be convicted of first-degree murder, but I don't think she'll get the death penalty, although that's what she deserves.
Where is his box of bullets?? Unless Homeland Security changed the law I don't think you can buy just one bullet. No other bullets were found.

If Jodi doesn't get charged with 'felony murder' #1 then I hope there's some bi-law to charge her with 'incredulous audacity' #2!! Because I tell ya....her lies deeply insult me and I have nothing to do with this so I can imagine what the Alexander's are feeling!

No, so far, homeland security is only authorizing a pair of scissors :floorlaugh:
Along with that gun should have been a case (he had a camera case, but no gun case??), a cleaning kit and ammo. None, zero nada were found after the murder.

Neither do I understand what possible benefit either of them had for the defense, or to further the self-defense position. If anything, I believe both of them helped the State, though not deliberately.


BBM - It is only fitting as the State is paying their fees and expenses ...
You know I dont listen to the talking heads much, but when I hear them criticize Juan and his stlye I get really defensive, especially with all of the bs lies and ridiculous stuff he has had to listen to lately .
It was toward the end of last week I believe...possibly Wednesday? But I have had a really stressful week so I am sorry I cant be sure...

I do remember laughing out loud when I heard it....

Well she did admit that she didn't care too much about the details of the pesky murder... She was looking at the rage rant of mean words in texts! That's what was really important and troublesome to her...

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Kind of O/T but I was reading this book The Anatomy of Motive: The FBI's Legendary Mindhunter Explores the Key to Understanding and Catching Violent Criminals by John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker and the two ex-profilers were discussing stalkers and mass murderers, serial killers and the danger signs, etc, explaining the difference between MM and SK.

The authors described how a serial killer works and it's alarmingly like stalkers in that they fixate on their target and find out everything there is to know about the target. They get the target's schedule down within the first few days because we're all creatures of habit. They know everything there is to know about you.

The stalker is relentless unless s/he becomes fixated with someone else (Jodi ...) and that's about the only way you're going to get rid of a stalker.

Just about the time I got the chills and was feeling freaked, the next paragraph was something like, "Your chances of being targeted by a serial killer are almost infinitesimal. You shouldn't worry about it or spend a lot of time obsessing about it. The chances of you being targeted are just so small."

Relieved, I turned the page. Then this: "But if by some chance you are targeted by a serial killer, you're dead. They've followed you, they've been in your house, they've touched your things, they've spent countless hours watching you. Once you're targeted, there isn't much that can be done to stop him."

The book went flying across the room and sat in a corner for days. DAYS. I finally creeped over to it, picked it up with my fingertips and dumped the book into the trash bin. Outside.

Totally irrational response but that was the closest I hope I'll ever get to even sort of understanding how a stalking victim feels.

Oooh thanks - I just bought it for my Kindle. I have to admit, after watching the CA trial I got into true crime stories - what a world of whackos we have running around. But after reading quite a few of the stories, my mind was more interested in trying to understand the minds and motives of killers - so this book sounds great and it had some wonderful reviews on Amazon.
OK - I found this through some Internet research and it might help explain where ALV is coming from:

There is something called the Violence Against Women Act Violence Against Women Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If you scroll down to the section "Debate and Legal Standing" one of the paragraphs says "Some activists oppose the bill. A spokeswoman for Concerned Women for America called the Act a "boondoggle" which "creates an ideology that all men are guilty and all women are victims." Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly denounced VAWA as a tool to "fill feminist coffers" and argued that the Act promoted "divorce, breakup of marriage and hatred of men." Sounds just like our ALV, doesn't it?

If you are interested in a little more "explanation" of ALV's dogmatism (or perhaps fogmatism), there was an interesting article in Pyschology Today that led me to the Act above - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-bullying/201304/the-mobbing-alyce-laviolette://. It was in the comments that I learned about the Act and its background ideology which totally explains ALV's behavior. If you go there, look particularly at the comments titled "Not Surprised" and "Innocent Men Are Destroyed". If this doesn't fit ALV to a tee, you can put me on time out! LOL

I can not access the link! The Psychology one. TIA!
Geraldo thinks the jury will convict Jodi of manslaughter. Mark Geragos thinks she won't get the death penalty-- that she will be convicted of a lesser charge. One of them said that, before this last witness or two, Jodi was probably going to be acquitted. I think she will be convicted of first-degree murder, but I don't think she'll get the death penalty, although that's what she deserves.

At the start I predicted LWOP.... Now... Needle, I believe that 100%

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Geraldo thinks the jury will convict Jodi of manslaughter. Mark Geragos thinks she won't get the death penalty-- that she will be convicted of a lesser charge. One of them said that, before this last witness or two, Jodi was probably going to be acquitted. I think she will be convicted of first-degree murder, but I don't think she'll get the death penalty, although that's what she deserves.


Geraldo - Al Capone's Vault :floorlaugh:

Geragos - Peterson's on death row :floorlaugh:
Geraldo thinks the jury will convict Jodi of manslaughter. Mark Geragos thinks she won't get the death penalty-- that she will be convicted of a lesser charge. One of them said that, before this last witness or two, Jodi was probably going to be acquitted. I think she will be convicted of first-degree murder, but I don't think she'll get the death penalty, although that's what she deserves.

Arizona is one of those few places that actually uses the death penalty instead of just talking about it. I lost respect for both of those attorneys when they talked about the murder of Anna Nicole Smith and then the Casey Anthony case. My 8 ball is right more than they are.:great:
I believe it was first day cross examination iirc. Not positive though! Witnessed stated .... She didn't believe the apple story!

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Thank you, and thank you to the others who I see have answered my question also. I'm going to find it now. :)
She started the same PATTERN going after Mormons Travis knew. Abe & the guy she dry humped!

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It's classic, set both up in competition with each other and neither one has a clear head as to what he is really fighting for, she can play the role of 'prize' in the battle of two duelling men who may not even care for the prize they are competing for, but are simply fighting save face and come out as triumphant.

Works better in younger age groups than older ones though doesn't it.
At the start I predicted LWOP.... Now... Needle, I believe that 100%

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Equal rights don't seem to have really hit in the punishment world yet. Very few women on death row are actually executed. She's one of the worst cases I've ever seen as far as being cold. The only one worse was Casey Anthony and I'm still ticked over that verdict:banghead:
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