weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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That bothers me too. Who would grab a gun unless they knew for sure it was loaded? Let me see if I get this. So she grabs a gun not knowing if it's loaded and points it at him. If it's his gun, he knows it's loaded cause he loaded it. He would have stopped I'm sure. And if the gun was empty, any attacker would be really ticked that you're pointing an empty gun at him and really whale on you. This whole idea makes no sense to me. That was not his gun.

In addition to Travis not having a gun, there was never a fight inside the closet either.

Photos taken by LE confirm that. Nothing was out of place in that closet.

She seems to have met MM through Bobby...And MM and DB seem to have known each other as well. Strange that.


Yes, wasn't MM BJ's housemate? Nice, way to make a move on the mates. Driving a wedge much?
I have lost all sympathy for ALV .. any that was left has been eroded by watching and re-watching her answer juror questions that contradict her answers from mere seconds before, and ignore rational thinking for the sake of attempting to prop up a failing defence case that never had a chance to work in the first place because it was based on a ton of bald faced lies by the accused.

This may have been posted already, but it's the best article I've seen yet: http://eggtreenews.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/alyces-mad-hatter-kool-aid-party/

And you know what, there really was a case here for the defence team if they had managed to get jodi in front of a truly insightful psychologist / expert witness .. someone who could have discussed the REAL issues of this case. How a girl with a shaky past, who ceased being parented at a very young age developed a personality disorder which was never addressed and lurched from one failed relationship to the next then met a man she thought she loved who just wanted to have sex with her and discard her if someone he thought 'worthy' came along, only to pick up with her and discard her again for the next 'worthy' candidate. How that would effect someone with a severe personality disorder and perhaps why things ended up the way they did. I mean at least we'd be hearing an argument based on the truth of things, as opposed to the insulting and ridiculous defence put on.

No wonder the juror questions are harsh, they may as well have asked ALV if she thinks they are idiots, as that was pretty much the underlying message in all of them. No wonder Nurmi's gunning for a mistrial, the whole things a disaster, and you have to wonder at a defence team that didn't see this coming a mile off.

Note for next time Nurmi: Once you get your strategy together shell out for a focus group so you can get a little feedback on how things are going to go down, since clearly you have a hard time reading the writing on the wall yourself. Because you may not be able to get yourself out of this now, and it's not your head on the chopping block, it's your clients, and every future client is going to know about it.

Best analysis of JA , and her defense, that I've read here.
The Ambidextrous Genius! :floorlaugh:

She's ambidextrous alright. She colors with her right hand and slides something under the armrest of JW's chair with the left hand. Such a talent!
Oh crap. I knew I'd leave something out.

Who has a ferrel cat as a pet?

Jodi... They're pets ...that act ferrel ...when you keep em locked in a closet;)

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In addition to Travis not having a gun, there was never a fight inside the closet either.

Photos taken by LE confirm that. Nothing was out of place in that closet.


And there was a big bench thing right in the middle that was not disturbed or moved at all :lol:
Omg! Thank you for posting that link!


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Egg Tree News is DA BOMB! Was genius during the CA trial, and retains it's genius level .. I wonder if it's the work of a MSM journalist, wish we knew who!
So, let me see if I can get this straight -

The various versions of finger injury:

1. Ninja lady cut it while murdering Travis

2. Cut it on a broken glass at Travis' house on June 4

3. Travis kicked it and broke it on Jan 22, 2008

4. Cut it at nonexistent job at nonexistent Margaritaville

5. Cut it on a metal jamb at Casa Ramos -- took a picture, did/didn't report it for worker's comp

6. Cut it slicing apples

Is that it?

Also, I missed when Alyce testified about cutting her finger slicing apples. When did she tell Alice she cut it? And she also told Alyce she broke her jacked finger when Travis kicked her - so what is the purpose of telling Alyce she cut her finger slicing apples?

Oh dear, no. Alyce remembered she made a mistake. JA did not tell her this, she read about the apple from another report.
I posted the links to "eggtree" earlier and one was a very funny explanation about her "cut" finger. Hilarious!!
Yes, wasn't MM BJ's housemate? Nice, way to make a move on the mates. Driving a wedge much?

She started the same PATTERN going after Mormons Travis knew. Abe & the guy she dry humped!

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Oh dear, no. Alyce remembered she made a mistake. JA did not tell her this, she read about the apple from another report.

Do you remember which day in the trial this was talked about? I totally missed it.
You can say that again....she SO stole that gun from her grandparents' house.

Plus, Travis's closet was immaculate...not a shoe out of place.

I read somewhere that he took a lot of pride in his closet and what he owned, and that's normal when you're raised with almost nothing. As an old broad, I know my guns are loaded because I loaded them (no kids in the house). The cops found no cleaning kits or ammo with that gun or near it. Who owns a gun they can't clean or load? Guns suck as a bookends.
Egg Tree News it DA BOMB! Was genius during the CA trial, and retains it's genius level .. I wonder if it's the work of a MSM journalist, wish we knew who!

If you read her bio, I think she's a stay at home, tattoo loving comedian!
OK - I found this through some Internet research and it might help explain where ALV is coming from:

There is something called the Violence Against Women Act Violence Against Women Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If you scroll down to the section "Debate and Legal Standing" one of the paragraphs says "Some activists oppose the bill. A spokeswoman for Concerned Women for America called the Act a "boondoggle" which "creates an ideology that all men are guilty and all women are victims." Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly denounced VAWA as a tool to "fill feminist coffers" and argued that the Act promoted "divorce, breakup of marriage and hatred of men." Sounds just like our ALV, doesn't it?

If you are interested in a little more "explanation" of ALV's dogmatism (or perhaps fogmatism), there was an interesting article in Pyschology Today that led me to the Act above - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-bullying/201304/the-mobbing-alyce-laviolette://. It was in the comments that I learned about the Act and its background ideology which totally explains ALV's behavior. If you go there, look particularly at the comments titled "Not Surprised" and "Innocent Men Are Destroyed". If this doesn't fit ALV to a tee, you can put me on time out! LOL

This was again recently signed again! Men groups tried to have it bechanged for both sexes but that was laughed at:furious::furious:IMO This is one of the reasons all the child we read about being abused and abused to death is in part because of this way of thinking!ALV also works within the family courts and she is well received by her peers,so what does that say about their way of thinking!!!!:furious: If all men are batters and abusers in the courts mind then maybe that is why children who should be taken from the home aren't because they would go to the fathers!They keep kids with mothers no matter what these days and we read about all the failures!!!!!:furious: My dislike began with victimizing the victim Travis now as I think about the kids.She and her ilk have no place in ANY of our court systems!:furious:
Well Alice likes the spotlight.I think the complaining is an act.I think she has troubles for another reason.And the beat goes on.:guitar:
The articles I've read said she got a lot of phone calls at her office, and angry emails, which I presume someone else told her about. In fact, I would assume a lot of what she learned she heard from someone else. That talk that she cancelled on April 6, I think she actually cancelled that herself. So she must have been hearing it from somewhere.

I'm convinced she never thought it would turn out like this. Why she thought that, I have no idea. But I will say this, I'm going to look at my circle of friends pretty carefully and make sure they understand that if I were about to get myself into this situation, they should tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts.
Do you remember which day in the trial this was talked about? I totally missed it.

It was toward the end of last week I believe...possibly Wednesday? But I have had a really stressful week so I am sorry I cant be sure...

I do remember laughing out loud when I heard it....
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