weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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One thing about the camera in the washing machine that still makes me think she may have just threw it in there by accident is that everyone knew she was the shutter bug. So, you would think she would have just taken it and thrown it away with the gun and knife.

The camera in the washing machine is one of those strange Jodi things I suppose. Really crazy.

I agree, I think it she scooped it up by accident when she was picking up the bed clothes and didnt realise until she got to wherever she disposed of the gun and knife.

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Also, the smuggled magazine messages...I think it was established (here anyway) that they were intended for MM because he had given his statement or deposition, and that statement was in direct conflict with the story JA had been spewing.

I need to know more about these, JM just seemed to drop the subject.

Theres no way the DT could have argued that they are inadmissible

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Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 46 Complete HD ( 4.12.13) - YouTube

Transcription from JSS ordering ALV to be back on Tuesday. It begins at 2:50:200 in the above YouTube:

ALV: "Your Honor"

JSS: "Sit right there"

Jury exits...

JSS: "Ms. LV, we will need you to return on Tuesday to complete your testimony, unless I release you from your subpoena prior to that time. There is "ANOTHER ISSUE" that the...I think you are aware of the "ADDITIONAL" issue, so we will need you to be back here on Tuesday with regard to the time, I know that you have some other issues, but this is a priority, so because you cannot be here on Monday, you will need to be here on Tuesday, so it's either Monday or Tuesday. I'll allow you to decide which one.. date you prefer to come back."

Here is my take on ALV being called back. The judge clearly states it's to complete her testimony, so I don't believe it's the "Sam thing".

Over and over again, Juan has asked the judge if he can ask the "question" of ALV. He has done this numerous times which has always resulted in sidebars . On Friday, he again asked the judge if he could ask "the question." Before the jury questions, ALV kept maintaining her stance and denied any bias against men. The juror questions were very specific and at the end of the day, from her testimony, we find out she has never, ever, testified for a male in a criminal court, although her CV states otherwise.

I believe the juror questions and her answers have opened the door to specific questions regarding her bias towards men. I believe Juan has had the above articles/writings, in ALV own words all along. I think he has wanted to reference them in front of the jury, to show ALV's inability to view a male as the VICTIM of DV. I think Juan was restricted in asking about her writings, but now that the cat's out of the bag, he wants to impeach her entire testimony!!! He wants to go there and put it on record, the judge has said yes...finally.

From the beginning of ALV's testimony, Juan has continually asked about the "apology", magazines, "liking" JA. He does not ask questions without a purpose!

So, I think Juan is going to impeach her further. IMO - she is being called back to have those "questions" he has been begging the judge to ask of ALV. I think it's about her not having the ability to view a man as a victim.

JA was not the victim of DV! Had ALV been an "expert" with a non-bias opinion, like the other 6 people who turned down this case for the defense, she would have seen that Travis was the victim of JA.

JMO - for now. :facepalm:

Link to google book - page 155 is the page to view. http://books.google.ca/books?id=DkPFL6XcKeQC&q=battered+husband#v=snippet&q=battered husband&f=false

First time multi-quoting. I hope I did it right and this makes sense. Everyone had such good posts and articles referenced, in regards to her stance on male DV. Thank you. :blushing:

Apparently ALV did not research cases for her book. She certainly was not aware of Sutorius Murder Case in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was 6'4" and she around 5' 2" (ish). She kept that man in constant fear. Though he found no help. He expressed his fear and knew she could kill him. Yet no help from any one. Utterly and devastatingly sad!!

For those not aware of the case, Dante (Della is her rename) found out he was going to divorce her (Her 5th marriage), well she was not going to have that so she shot him in their down stair family room. She terrorized former husbands - one of the husbands was set one on fire. He lived taking months to recover from his burns.


So "Batter Husband Syndrome" yes it is there. May not be as prevalent or common as Batter Wife Syndrome. However, it is there. It isn't about "muscles" to physical control the spouse. It is how cunning and devious the spouse can create the atmosphere of continuous acts of potential threats of violence to get desire affect that the other is afraid of them. CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL.

One thing about the camera in the washing machine that still makes me think she may have just threw it in there by accident is that everyone knew she was the shutter bug. So, you would think she would have just taken it and thrown it away with the gun and knife.

The camera in the washing machine is one of those strange Jodi things I suppose. Really crazy.

the defense will say this is a perfect example of the "fog" that rolled in on her as a result of the " attack" (pre-meditated murder IMO)
If that were the case, why have the knife handy?

she may have had to go get it cause the pea shooter failed and that is how he made it out of the shower and to the hall before she could get to him and finish the job.

Also regarding MiMi, I think Travis told Jodi that she was the one so as to either:

1. let her know this fling was over, or;

2. mess with her as he seemed to do things like that, or;

3. anger her so she would leave him alone, or;

4. he may have hoped this would be an easy way to get her to forget him and save face so to speak.

She needed to get in that house and remove any incriminating articles like journals or other evidence so that is why she couldn't just do a drive -by. Does anyone know
if Juan asked Alyce what her opinion of the gas cans were and the silent cell phone at the California border? this IMO proves pre meditation w/o a doubt.
Good Morning,

Reading away here, missed alot yesterday.
Interesting ALV wasn't too upset about a laptop being stolen from her. Especially since it was not for the sole purpose of Jodi's case. An ALV laptop would have had other of her work related info. Maybe another book she was working on?

Even if she does not use the internet or social media (which I don't believe for a single second), It is a portable file cabinet and word processor for her to type and organize her cases, books and speeches.
Don't know if anyone has ever pontificated this, but I'm wondering about something. What if... Jodi was going to make it look like Travis committed suicide?

Travis was shot near the temple... usually when people kill themselves with a gun it's either in the mouth or on the temple. In the mouth may have been too difficult, but maybe she tried the temple thinking that would kill him immediately. Then she could perhaps stage the scene, put the gun in his hand, whatever else people do to stage that type of stuff.

respectfully snipped for space

I don't think this is likely since the gun she shot him with came from her grandfather's house.
Off topic.
I'm so excited. Tax season is almost over! I will be able to watch this trial without the "help" of JVM and NG.
Speaking of ALV, since I had all this time on my hands while I sat in the corner, I watched a video from the day Gus Searcy testified (which was before I was following the trial), and at one point Juan is asking him about speaking at a PPL convention and Gus says, "I wasn't the main speaker, I was a breakout speaker.

So apparently breakout speaker=charlatan purveyor of snake oil and magic beans

Kinda OT, but I just saw your posting numbers since you joined in February. Holy smokes!!!! You've got a lot to say. :)
Enrique said Monday evening was the first time he smelled anything. That was the same night the body was discovered.

"Travis’ Roommates on June 4-9:

"Zachary Billing lived with Travis since Jan 2008 (Girlfriend Amanda) -Spent most of his time at Amanda’s, house-sitting her parents house while they were away. They would go home to Travis house late, watch movies and fall asleep until next morning. The rest of the time they would run errands and was not around much. He knew Travis was planning a trip and assumed he was already gone. Him and Travis did not hang out much as he spent most of his time while living there hanging out with his girlfriend Amanda

"Enrique Cortez only lived there for 2 weeks (Girlfriend Kim) – Was at work most of the time, usually gets home at 6-6:30. Girlfriend was feeding Napoleon thinking Travis was gone to Cancun already but thought it was unusual that the dog was gated from going upstairs as he had full access to the house. When Enrique was home spent most of his time playing video games and watching movies. Travis bedroom and office doors were locked. He first noticed unusual smell on Monday night when he got home from a Church activity but never asked about it. Later that night Travis was discovered by Zach"



Wow! Jodi actually locked up Travis's part of the house. I read up thread that the she didn't want him found til after Cancun.
Did ALV really put down Republicans? In addition to rendering opinions on Travis without any basis she also deems herself so important that she shares her political opinions in a death penalty trial?
I just watched the Travis Alexander Memorial Video on uTube. Someone asked if this could be shown in the States closing argument. I don't know legally if it's allowed but if it could be, I beg Juan to play it. In death Travis continues to be loved by his family, his friends, (and Travis had so so many friends), and by all of us who've never met him but wished we could have. I'm going to go hug my daughter now and cry for something I never had.I can't believe our luck has gotten this bad. Rest in peace Travis, no one can hurt you now.

More likely in penalty phase and/or parole hearings if AZ allows victim impact testimony.
Interesting ALV wasn't too upset about a laptop being stolen from her. Especially since it was not for the sole purpose of Jodi's case. An ALV laptop would have had other of her work related info. Maybe another book she was working on?

Even if she does not use the internet or social media (which I don't believe for a single second), It is a portable file cabinet and word processor for her to type and organize her cases, books and speeches.

IIRC, it was not ALV's laptop that was stolen--It was Dr. Demarte's (expert witness for the Pro's)
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