weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Kinda OT, but I just saw your posting numbers since you joined in February. Holy smokes!!!! You've got a lot to say. :)

Imagine what they'd be if I didn't spend half my days in time out! :floorlaugh:
Did a juror ask ALV how many times she testified in criminal court on behalf of men or was it how many times she testified in criminal court, period? I think it was the latter but JM said it was the former. Did he make a mistake?
Did a juror ask ALV how many times she testified in criminal court on behalf of men or was it how many times she testified in criminal court, period? I think it was the latter but JM said it was the former. Did he make a mistake?

It was definitely how many times for a man.
Did a juror ask ALV how many times she testified in criminal court on behalf of men or was it how many times she testified in criminal court, period? I think it was the latter but JM said it was the former. Did he make a mistake?

i thought they asked how many times she had testified on behalf of a man but i could be wrong
Interesting minutes from Friday's court

9:00 a.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant, Alyce
LaViolette and Mitigation Specialist present.
Discussion is held.
Don't know if anyone has ever pontificated this, but I'm wondering about something. What if... Jodi was going to make it look like Travis committed suicide?

She knew he wanted her out of his life, and he wanted to get back on the straight and narrow in his life. But the sex was his downfall.

She taped the phone sex, egged him on so much in conversations to make him say over the top emotional stuff, went there all shaved and ready for sex... they have sex and take all sorts of naughty pics... now she has what she needs. She could take those pics back home with her and have them ready to go.

Travis was shot near the temple... usually when people kill themselves with a gun it's either in the mouth or on the temple. In the mouth may have been too difficult, but maybe she tried the temple thinking that would kill him immediately. Then she could perhaps stage the scene, put the gun in his hand, whatever else people do to stage that type of stuff.

When the cops would start digging in to his life, they would find all the kinky sex stuff and perhaps she would plant other things, to lead everybody to the assumption that he just couldn't live as a "fraud" anymore. (for the record, I don't think he was a fraud... just using JA thought process).

Abandoning the ME testimony for just a second here... the shot came first, tried to make it look like a suicide shot to temple... he didn't die and fought back, hence the defensive wounds. Turned in to a blood bath with a knife. Now there is no way she can make it look like suicide, that's why she erases the pics. Doesn't need them anymore and certainly doesn't want there to be evidence.

IDK... this thought literally just occured to me tonight. What do you guys think?

I've pondered this a few times. Cue Wild Assed Guessing/Speculation:

She's certainly arrogant enough to think she could get away with faking a suicide. She was arrogant enough to think she could deceive a detective with 25 years experience even after she botched whatever she did plan and left a huge messy crime scene with evidence that pointed straight at her, so to me it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

Her reasons remain the same - because they are what they are. She's obsessed with him, tried every trick in the book to hold onto him/get him back and knows it's the end of the line. Furthermore, he's told her he's going to expose her. She can't have him doing anything that would cut of the supply of Mor-Men in the close knit communities she had infiltrated in CA and Utah.

Nothing would have to be different about the pre-meditation we have seen and the crime scene would still be neatly contained by a fake suicide, single shot to the head. (just as I think most people think she fully intended/planned for it to be). Taking the photos in the shower remains the perfect way to get close enough, as well as ensuring her DNA was all off him, and assuming she had some of her wits about her, simply take the camera memory card and/or replace it with an empty one.

She must have anticipated that if Travis was 'simply' found murdered, that she would be a suspect, at least as far as his friends were concerned, (and boy, that was one thing she DID get right), but with a suicide she had a chance to back-craft the story, and much of it could have been rooted in the sexual relationship, as you suggest.

But the same arrogance that would have led her to think she could pull this suicide caper off in the first place, would have led to her over-egging the pudding. I can imagine the most absurd hyperbole in any 'suicide note' written by Arias in this scenario - see the letter pretty much everyone believes she wrote to Lisa A for an idea - and she might well have trapped herself that way. However, without the physical evidence she actually did leave, it would have been a much more difficult case to prove, imo.
Interesting minutes from Friday's court

9:00 a.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant, Alyce
LaViolette and Mitigation Specialist present.
Discussion is held.

I am hoping that on Tuesday the issue will be about ALV interacting with Sam on the day that she was leaving court.

The judge seemed none too happy with ALV when ALV was saying she may have tests or something to do, and the judge said Tues Ms. LV. The judge even mentioned not wanting to know her personal issues. So, that is what I am hoping for.

Did ALV really put down Republicans? In addition to rendering opinions on Travis without any basis she also deems herself so important that she shares her political opinions in a death penalty trial?

What? Really? Do you know where I can find that? txs
The question I was not comfortable with was " would a women kill to stop the abuse?" Am I reading to much into this?
The question I was not comfortable with was " would a women kill to stop the abuse?" Am I reading to much into this?

No, I don't think you were.

Remember, ALV is trying to help JA not get the DP, not necessarily get her off since she admitted she killed. How is not in question, but the motive behind it. JM and Co definitely think its a Capital 1 and deserves the DP.

Any witness we have seen so far hasn't really done much more than try to give JA an 'excuse' for the murder so that she doesn't get the DP.


What? Really? Do you know where I can find that? txs

I'm sorry, I don't where to find it. However, she said that TA was a Republican, seemingly out of no where. Considering she took every question as an opportunity to talk disparagingly about Travis it would seem it was a put down.

I wonder if it was said to tie in to the video of TA shooting a gun in the desert, that may appear in court. Trying to paint him as some cartoon-like stereotypical gun touting, Republican. I'm surprised she didn't say her impression was that he was homophobic as well.
The news report was only back in February of this year so I would hope JM would have a copy by that point.

Yes, I am thinking they would have taken precautions. Anything could have happened with laptop so with that type of important and personal information I am hoping that she has it backed up.

I just can't imagine that she doesn't. If she doesn't, I won't feel really good about Dr. Demarte...it would seem like a rookie mistake if that makes sense.

The question I was not comfortable with was " would a women kill to stop the abuse?" Am I reading to much into this?

There were a couple with that tone and no, I don't think you're reading too much into it, the implied assumption is that Jodi was a victim of abuse. Still, a juror can have a dozen different "maybe" scenarios in their head that they plan to sort through during deliberations. Just because the question was there doesn't mean the person who asked it is married to the idea of Jodi as DV victim.
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