weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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I don't believe for one minute that Travis gave her "cleaning chores". She testified that sometimes she had to clean the baseboards, and one time he had her dust all of the shelves. She also said that one time she went to his house and she usually just hung out on the couch downstairs but that Travis had evidently cleaned all of the floors and had the couch covered up with chairs. Travis texted her one time telling her that she couldn't take her lazy self to even take the time to read 15 minutes of something he sent her. I believe she was lazy and I highly doubt she did any "cleaning chores" in Travis' house. Just another story to match the crime. MOO

I also question this "story" of cleaning his house. I know her mother said JA cleaned for Travis in the interro., but could be just a "story" she told her?????:liar:
Is there any proof-- roommates stating that she did?
Geragos grandstanded Scott P's trial and ultimately lost. Geraldo opened Al Capone's vault and found nothing. Why should either of them be taken seriously now?

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:seeya: thefragile! Good point! Geraldo & Geragos are taking the position that the jury won't send JA to death row, and may not even convict her of Murder 1 because they've spent all these months getting to know her... she is "Jodi" to them now. (How sweet :puke:)

But isn't it also possible that the more the jurors get to know her, the more they realize what a danger to society she is, and that her personality disorder is too severe to be treatable? Do they seriously think the jury will so readily let JA back out on the streets, like EVER? I was yelling at the TV when I heard Geraldo call what Jodi did to Travis "a run-of-the-mill DV homicide". Un-freakin'-believable!!! :furious:
My understanding is that they had noticed an odor but blamed it on the dog (poor Napoleon!)

Another reason could be.

I don't have a link but iirc it was here I read that there is 2 air conditioning units that control the home. If that is the case then it's also possible that the roomies didn't share the same unit as Travis's bedrrom area did. idk jmo

Also, the smuggled magazine messages...I think it was established (here anyway) that they were intended for MM because he had given his statement or deposition, and that statement was in direct conflict with the story JA had been spewing.

I found it hilarious that one of the jurors asked ALV if the messages in the magazines she gave Arias were intended to reach her? Hinting of dishonest conduct much??
Your post reminded me of an evil smile Jodi did right when ALV was asked about the alleged child picture that Travis was supposedly viewing and masturbating to. The camera just happened to be looking right at Jodi when this question was asked to ALV and Jodi let an evil smirk appear. It was like she knew this was all a huge lie she concocted and she was proud of how so much time and effort has been made about this lie.

This happened either Thursday or Friday. Cant remember exactly what day.

And that ALV is even considered an "expert" is laughable IMO, all she has done is bend over backwards to try and make everything concerning this case fit into her "JA is a victim of DV" theory and opinion. No matter what she is asked she twists it and turns it to fit. It's ok and means nothing in her opinion that JA was violent toward her own mother, yet every little word uttered by Travis that can slightly be construed as negative is a sign that he was a perpetrator of DV. This woman makes me sick, she's as evil as JA, two peas in a pod, imo. :devil: :devil:

Another thing, that JA has fooled both of the DT's experts, that they have bought into her lies and are trashing Travis' memory, lends even more support to her disillusioned narcissistic belief that she is smarter than anyone, as intelligent than Einstein. JA, ALV, RS and this defense team are all effing pathetic, imo.
Kscornfed, there is no yes or no answer to whether I listened to her. I'm confused about what you mean by 'at all' because I don't know whether you're asking to what degree I listened or if I half listened or if you're implying I didn't listen. I know that I have research on how often people fail to listen because they can't hear and they can't hear because of an awful wax build-up but again, I'm not sure if you're asking about making a choice to listen or an inability to listen because of a buildup of wax. I see no end to the possibilities of how the question can be interpreted but I actually left the research in my bag over there and I can get it if you really need the wax buildup answer. In the meantime, I'm also perplexed about whether you may be implying *I* have a buildup of wax and if that somehow impacted my relationship with Alyce and now that I think of it you're mis-characterizing my contact with Alyce, which doesn't rise to the level of a "relationship" much less an intimate one. You're asking me very incomplete questions that don't get at what I'm equipped to explain. So if you could just clarify for me what you mean by the word "intimacy" I can determine if I am applying the same definition and interpretation that you're applying. Now would be a great time to explain to you how *I* define* wax buildup and the effect of that on intimacy and listening as opposed to the way Webster approaches those definitions. We could add these words to my continuum but you had a little episode last time I suggested looking at the continuum and that quite frankly gave me the impression you weren't listening so if you don't want to listen and I don't understand what you're getting at, you'll agree that this simply cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no" ... did you know there is blood coming from your ears, kscornfed?

Originally Posted by lisasalinger View Post
Don't know if anyone has ever pontificated this, but I'm wondering about something. What if... Jodi was going to make it look like Travis committed suicide?

She knew he wanted her out of his life, and he wanted to get back on the straight and narrow in his life. But the sex was his downfall.

She taped the phone sex, egged him on so much in conversations to make him say over the top emotional stuff, went there all shaved and ready for sex... they have sex and take all sorts of naughty pics... now she has what she needs. She could take those pics back home with her and have them ready to go.

Travis was shot near the temple... usually when people kill themselves with a gun it's either in the mouth or on the temple. In the mouth may have been too difficult, but maybe she tried the temple thinking that would kill him immediately. Then she could perhaps stage the scene, put the gun in his hand, whatever else people do to stage that type of stuff.

When the cops would start digging in to his life, they would find all the kinky sex stuff and perhaps she would plant other things, to lead everybody to the assumption that he just couldn't live as a "fraud" anymore. (for the record, I don't think he was a fraud... just using JA thought process).

Abandoning the ME testimony for just a second here... the shot came first, tried to make it look like a suicide shot to temple... he didn't die and fought back, hence the defensive wounds. Turned in to a blood bath with a knife. Now there is no way she can make it look like suicide, that's why she erases the pics. Doesn't need them anymore and certainly doesn't want there to be evidence.

IDK... this thought literally just occured to me tonight. What do you guys think?

I think that is a really good thought. If so, I am glad it did not work. It could have been convincing.
“Every day that they don’t find something is good for me.“ Billie Dunn

The problem with a suicide would be the gun could be traced back to Jodi's grandfather so the gun could not be left at the crime scene.
So staging a suicide wouldn't have worked.

Honestly, in the beginning when things started to unfold I actually thought the she possibly wanted to make this look like a suicide.

And you are right, she could have planned it that way. But JA is too impulsive to be able to plan things and do them. Honestly, the whole driving the coast of California and 'seeing' friends etc is a bit of hogwash to me. She was killing time. She thought she had it all worked out, see a couple friends, hit AZ and still be in SLC in time before anyone even knew about it.

I guess since I don't actually think she spent the night 'with' TA, she randomly showed up. There was testimony that TA spoke to the roommate at 11 am that morning but JA in testimony said they didn't awake before 1. Then they did the pictures and the sex and then the showers. No one saw her car, but she says it was parked there. Its not a huge driveway, a white car sitting there someone would notice. To further that, how many of their friends that come over have a white vehicle to attach a person to. None of the roommates saw a car in the driveway or a person in the house. That is why I think the DT is really putting the pressure on the witnesses over the secrecy of their relationship. Its different imho to be able to say she was there they had this great time and it all went bad and she defended herself instead of she showed up, came in the house (personally I am inclined to believe she came in as Zack was leaving and that is why the dog barking didn't alert TA)

But, yes, I do think in the beginning that suicide could have been the plan and then so many things went wrong. If TA wanted JA in AZ you can bet she would have taken the fast train to Mesa. Even when she was moving to Yreka she was finding ways to stay and be with him. There is no way in my mind she would have drove around the coast. Every stop she made was because she still hadn't convinced TA to let her come to Mesa and see him.

Again, IMHO.

Well, the body had been decomposing for 5 days - do we know for sure. I read the ME's transcript and report. it mentions the depth of the knife wounds but not the angle of them or which way the blade was facing. This would have been valuable information to know to help recreate the scene. Jodi is a leftie and a bunch of those wounds are slanted and a few others are straight up and down. looks to me like he wasn't fighting back much (or at all) when he received all of those stab wounds to the back.

Travis was a big strong guy. Even though he was crouched down in the shower and wet he would have defended himself more than he did if he was not shot. The look on his face in the 5:29:20 pic looks like he realizes that it's all over.

If he was stabbed near the heart already as maybe the first stab he wouldn't have been able to fight back much no matter how big and strong he was.
Try and imagine the pain of a large bladed knife going into your chest deep enough to cut heart sack and a major vein that returns blood to your heart.
It's easy for us to sit in a chair and think this or that, but to be the one stabbed and going through the shock and pain is another thing.
Lots of people have died from a single stab to a vital area and none of us know the exact sequence of the stabs so being a big strong guy doesn't matter much if your Incapacitated by one stab already.
:seeya: thefragile! Good point! Geraldo & Geragos are taking the position that the jury won't send JA to death row, and may not even convict her of Murder 1 because they've spent all these months getting to know her... she is "Jodi" to them now. (How sweet :puke:)

But isn't it also possible that the more the jurors get to know her, the more they realize what a danger to society she is, and that her personality disorder is too severe to be treatable? Do they seriously think the jury will so readily let JA back out on the streets, like EVER? I was yelling at the TV when I heard Geraldo call what Jodi did to Travis "a run-of-the-mill DV homicide". Un-freakin'-believable!!! :furious:

Yeah, when I heareople say that I wonder how much of this trial they've actually watched. She spent how many days on the stand? I can't think of one observable redeeming or like able quality displayed in all that time. If anything, the more she talked the clearer it was that the defects in her personality are immutable.

IF she does skate on the DP, it won't be because the jury feels a bond with Jodi.
Did a juror ask ALV how many times she testified in criminal court on behalf of men or was it how many times she testified in criminal court, period? I think it was the latter but JM said it was the former. Did he make a mistake?

Asked her how many time she testified for a man in criminal court.

She said two when asked by the jury

Truth courtesy of Juan - ZERO

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I thought these were interesting. Who likes braids? and Doesn't it look like JA is smoking pot in this pic with the white tank and BJ is in profile?

It does! This was obviously taken BEFORE the "$300.00" boob job. Jodi had to have been jealous, because Bobby is much prettier than than she is :giggle:

Do you guys think Bobby supplied these pictures to HLN? How else would they have gotten them? Notice the braids and superman shirt.
I found it hilarious that one of the jurors asked ALV if the messages in the magazines she gave Arias were intended to reach her? Hinting of dishonest conduct much??

Honestly that was one of the best questions for me. I hadn't even put two and two together around those magazines.

Someone on that jury is really a logical and precise thinker if you ask me!

Originally Posted by InALandFarFarAway
That's how most of us were staring at our monitors when we weren't screeching.

I still find it astounding that for a person who thinks she's as smart as Einstein and with 2 years in jail to think of nothing but every single second of that day, this story is the best she could do. :facepalm:

Or does she simply think everyone else is dumber than a bag of hair?

OMG.. never heard that before and LOVE it...
If he was stabbed near the heart already as maybe the first stab he wouldn't have been able to fight back much no matter how big and strong he was.
Try and imagine the pain of a large bladed knife going into your chest deep enough to cut heart sack and a major vein that returns blood to your heart.
It's easy for us to sit in a chair and think this or that, but to be the one stabbed and going through the shock and pain is another thing.
Lots of people have died from a single stab to a vital area and none of us know the exact sequence of the stabs so being a big strong guy doesn't matter much if your Incapacitated by one stab already.

Which makes me think it was a suprise attack, he didn't even know it was coming and there was 'flight or fight' on TA's part.

But you are right, it is hard to know.

Originally Posted by InALandFarFarAway
That's how most of us were staring at our monitors when we weren't screeching.

I still find it astounding that for a person who thinks she's as smart as Einstein and with 2 years in jail to think of nothing but every single second of that day, this story is the best she could do. :facepalm:

Or does she simply think everyone else is dumber than a bag of hair?

OMG.. never heard that before and LOVE it...

I can't wait for rebuttal and JM pulling all the pieces together.

Really I can't wait...

It does! This was obviously taken BEFORE the "$300.00" boob job. Jodi had to have been jealous, because Bobby is much prettier than than she is :giggle:

Do you guys think Bobby supplied these pictures to HLN? How else would they have gotten them? Notice the braids and superman shirt.

From the person that was holding the camera, maybe idk
But I do agree that there is something amiss in what I see in the male figure in the photo.
The question I was not comfortable with was " would a women kill to stop the abuse?" Am I reading to much into this?

Unless I am mistaken, didnt a juror ask Alice the question above. This question made me feel uncomfottable.
I'm sorry, I don't where to find it. However, she said that TA was a Republican, seemingly out of no where. Considering she took every question as an opportunity to talk disparagingly about Travis it would seem it was a put down.

I wonder if it was said to tie in to the video of TA shooting a gun in the desert, that may appear in court. Trying to paint him as some cartoon-like stereotypical gun touting, Republican. I'm surprised she didn't say her impression was that he was homophobic as well.

IMO she never missed and even created scenarios just for the chance to put down men ... The Pope...Bill Clinton

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She seems to have met MM through Bobby...And MM and DB seem to have known each other as well. Strange that.

One of my wild guesses.. JA's first female attorney got out of representing her due to a potential conflict (she had represented MM in something). Maybe MM and DB knew each other from something around that issue.. court, jail..something
Yeah, when I heareople say that I wonder how much of this trial they've actually watched. She spent how many days on the stand? I can't think of one observable redeeming or like able quality displayed in all that time. If anything, the more she talked the clearer it was that the defects in her personality are immutable.

IF she does skate on the DP, it won't be because the jury feels a bond with Jodi.

Yes! And when the mom's interrogation video came out and she was talking about how Jodi wouldn't even let her mom come to where she and DB lived (sorry, I can't remember the city, you need to be a geography teacher to keep it all together) because she was afraid her mom would snoop thru her stuff....can you say PARANOID.

Just makes me more sure that she projects herself onto others. I dont think the password sharing even occured between TA/JA. She was a snooper. And she was paranoid. What a great combo...(sarcasm)

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