weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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What about the voicemail that she left Travis 6 hours after she had killed him? Didn't she say that she was looking forward to him coming up to yreka and that she was sorry she didn't get to see him? I don't think he knew she was coming, and she made sure no-one else knew either.
ITA. The reason it was in that washing machine might have also been to bleach out any of JA's own blood if she cut herself while slashing TA. Which is also why I think she dragged him back to the shower.

Another point that does not seem to have occurred to JW is that perhaps the sloppiness of the cleanup (after a certain point) is not due to a lack of executive brain functions (or whatever) and just a simple matter of TIME. I think at a certain point she was feeling hurried and wanted to get out of there before roommates or neighbors returned from work. I really don't think she had planned for a bloodbath frankly.

And I disagree with people who think there was no rope. I think we never found it because, like the gun, she brought it with her and only took away those things she brought. I pay a lot of attention to her stupid little unnecessarily detailed stories because, like CA and other liars, they are often twisted versions of what actually happened. My theory is her original intention was to tie him up to the bed (promising kinky sex) and then shoot him and leave him. In out, no muss no fuss. Maybe she hoped his Cancun "girlfriend" would find him naked tied to the bed or something and think he had called a hooker. I think he refused (since he had already called JA a sociopath) and she had to say "hey, I'll go first", hoping he would after she did but it didn't happen. I think that ridiculous story about cutting the rope is true, only she was the one in the bathroom cutting it. And she sure made sure it wasn't too tight so that she could get out easily (a fact she repeated often). If they did have actual sex after that (and I know that's up for grabs regardless of the photos) I think she had to wait until his inevitable shower for Plan B. Which means she may have already stayed way longer than intended for her alibi.

After the fact, she was most interested in cleaning up anything that could indicate her presence - the gun and rope most particularly - in addition to any photos. I agree that taking the camera might have been too obvious, after all, it was allegedly new and she had a reputation for sneaking in - she might have thought that would finger her if nothing else was missing (little did she realize that she would have been everyone's immediate suspect regardless). So the act of washing the camera might have been more calculated than is given credit.

A lot of crime scene evidence looks like a deliberate cover up to me, and is of course the farthest thing from "fognesia" imaginable. But a job done in haste, as if the clock was running out. Maybe she had not planned it to be so bloody or to even need to wash down evidence. She had to know that if she was too late for her scheduled make-out session it would raise red flags. Not to mention somebody might see her upside-down plate car parked down the block after people got home from work. So some decisions were made in haste, imo. Not fog or even as a result of her less-than-stellar IQ.

If Travis wanted to measure and cut a rope, I think he'd have the common sense to measure it in the bedroom with the bed as a guide, not from the bathroom and then cut it.

Jodi's needs the knife in the bathroom within reach and not in the bedroom. She told ALV that Travis cut the rope "nooses" off her arms and laid it on the nightstand. If that's the case then Jodi not only went for the gun, she also went back for the knife in a fight for her life.
Good night folks!

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I think the questions might be related why didn't she take the camera instead of running it through the wash with bleach.

There is no gun or knife.

Why did she leave the camera?
Is Jodi that stupid? Or did she leave it there on purpose to expose Travis?

When taken together, they sound like trick questions. I can't explain why, but they bug me.
It's really upsetting to me that between her diet, lack of access to a shower and lack of sleep she looks like carp! People may mistake that for anxiety..fear...worry...

I say feed her, let her rest and hand her some make-up! Then everyone would see the same Jodi as on 48 hours, Inside Edition etc...

She may even be suffering from food fatigue. It's not right. I have no problem with the DP.., but even caged rabid dogs should be fed and allowed to rest.

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she also looks like lack of vitamin d. no sun exposure. :moo:
JW was almost as bad here as she was with dear Janeen. I watched this not that long ago.

She tries to make being shot in the head sound like no big deal. TRULY! Compares it to people who walk in the ER with an arrow in their head and are fine and talking.

The good doctor gives her a nice lesson about the gases, the velocity, etc. which make it quite a different proposition.

Jenny's not too bright.

Omg, I hadn't watched her cross the Dr. before, JW acts like she knows more than a M.D. who has done more than 6000 autopsies. She's embarrassing. JM never acts like he knows more than the expert, he self-depreciates his knowledge to the witness, but Juan knows the answer. Jenny doesn't do that and she doesn't know the answer, attempts to manipulate the answer her way.
My computer runs those videos sluggish at times and their faces freezing were hilarious. JW is her own worst enemy at times, I cannot believe she teaches other lawyers...the students of hers should watch these videos and do the opposite, better yet--watch Juan! (JW's attempt at that isn't working for her either.) Even with the good doctor giving Jenny glares, he's a nice looking man.
I think this is a GREAT idea and I hope the moderators/site owners take a look at it. We already have people who could be "on air" personalities: Tricia, KCL, Katie - Dr. Drew's Juror. Beth Karas could have her own show. The station could re-broadcast old episodes of 48 Hrs., Dateline, 20/20, ID Discovery. JM could have some role. There is a base here who would be loyal to it. Seriously.

You left out the money part.
Regarding the whole psychological aspect of this case, I'd just like to say that I wish the experts in this "community" could get their chite together. They're obviously so far lost up their azzez that they cannot come to agreement on any assessments they make. There are counters to everything they ascertain. Score cards and silly charts abound. And none of them stick to any protocol. If I were a juror here, I would write them all off. I am a non expert. I am NOT an expert. I have no educational background or experience (apart from a personal one) to speak of...And I know that there is something seriously wrong with JA. My googling about Sociopaths leaves me with a certainty that she is one beyond what any "expert" on the stand is able to convince me as otherwise. They can stick any number of alphabetic descriptors to her but she's a psycho to the rest of us (normal but not necessary expert folk)!


Another poster in the earlier thread today posted that JA's score for psychopath deviate was (paraphrasing) off the charts. If that score sheet is evidence the jurors will see it up close.
That's the problem, thinking that it's "stupid" as opposed to something that requires higher brain function (thus refuting the fight or flight nonsense). The defense team is hoping the jury finds this action regarding the camera so stupid that it must have been done while in a fog. That's the point Willmot was trying to make during her cross-examine of Demarte.

I think the person asking the question thought trying to destroy the pics the way JA did was stupid and was trying to get a feel for if other people think it was stupid too.

Consciously deleting selected photos from the camera takes a lot more organized thought than throwing a camera in a washing machine so I would think if the questioner doubted the fog they would have asked about that instead.

Notice that the jurors really didn't ask any substantial questions about the amnesia or the abuse which suggests to me they know where they stand on these issues.

just so you know, the q's are posted on the fb page, if you want to look @ them.
My heart sunk when I first heard that question on Thursday. Very snarky and stupid. It was like an attack on Demarte's intelligence. She handled it well though. Probably pissed him off.

I still don't like the camera questions. They leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Yes, agreed, the camera questions bother me MORE. I posted on this earlier, so sorry to repeat but I'll say it again...does someone really think there was NO PLANNING/ORGANIZATION involved concerning the camera? The defense has brought up the camera in the washer so many times that maybe it's sticking with one juror. But I just don't get it. If Jodi/Wilmott are trying to say she wasn't planning her "escape," then why wouldn't Jodi just have left the camera out in the open or on the nightstand...so what was the point of putting it in the washer? I hope Juan really hones in on exactly what steps were involved in the cover-up...i.e. solution for not tracking blood through the house, getting rid of evidence, sheets and camera in washer, pictures deleted, having all her clothes/belongings (if she really brought anything in) already out in her car, etc. etc..
I don't think he actually has 16 people on the rebuttal list. The docket said a "State's sixteenth supplemental list of witnesses". I don't think that means he has 16 people listed... just that it's been changed for the sixteenth time.

I've only heard of the following people being on the list for sure:

Dr. D
Computer Guy
Dr. Horn (Possibly)
Tesoro Employee
Walmart Employee
The Mifford's (TA's friends - I might be spelling the name wrong)

Oh and I read somewhere, I think it was on the Justice for Travis facebook page, that JM estimated his rebuttal case would take about 5 days.

Anyone know of anyone I'm missing?

Det. Flores was subject to recall
ITA with everything you wrote here.

If there is anyone there who doesn't believe this is murder one after the stalking, the gas cans, the cell phone turned off, the car rental from Redding, the hair dying, the upside down license plate, the theft of the gun w/ the caliber matching the bullet taken from TA's head, the 29 stab wounds, the near decapitation, the shot to the head, the change of weapons, the defendant's hand print in a mixture of her blood and the blood of TA, the hair stuck in blood, the efforts to clean the crime scene, the photos she deleted from the camera that was thrown in the washer, the removal of the weapons from the scene, hooking up with RB after the murder....

Sending a dead man an email, a text, a phone call, sending TA's grandmother 20 irises, lying to the police and a 1000 other things, if after ALL that, a juror doesn't get it? Nothing will help.

If there is actually someone in that group who could be that unintelligent, oblivious and COMPLETELY void of ANY measure of common sense, there is no recourse on earth to obtain justice for anyone. Ever.

I believe there is at least one person on the jury who is that stupid. Someone who says to himself, "it's all just circumstantial, nananana"!. I'm just hoping he gets cut.
ALV just kind of disappeared from the testifying radar. What happened? I'm glad we don't have to hear from her anymore, but she was never excused by either side was she? Did the Judge intercede?
The VERY important thing to remember about Arias and her handling of the crime scene is this: while she may be intelligent (or even very intelligent), she's not necessarily criminally sophisticated. Being intelligent does not mean one's infallible in their conduct. People -- including very smart people -- make mistakes.

There's a video of an ex FBI profiler (I believe) who brought that into the discussion, and I think it's worth remembering. He had also mentioned how unusual Arias' words to Detective Flores were about the murder-- "If I was going to kill him, I'd have used gloves". The profiler had mentioned that's very suspect-- it means she had thought about it. Very telling.

Anywho, I had to bring this up in relation to the camera stuff. Arias is a smart girl, but despite her best efforts, she's not a slick criminal.
Another poster in the earlier thread today posted that JA's score for psychopath deviate was (paraphrasing) off the charts. If that score sheet is evidence the jurors will see it up close.

Do jurors get to review documents during deliberations?
I don't think he actually has 16 people on the rebuttal list. The docket said a "State's sixteenth supplemental list of witnesses". I don't think that means he has 16 people listed... just that it's been changed for the sixteenth time.

I've only heard of the following people being on the list for sure:

Dr. D
Computer Guy
Dr. Horn (Possibly)
Tesoro Employee
Walmart Employee
The Mifford's (TA's friends - I might be spelling the name wrong)

Oh and I read somewhere, I think it was on the Justice for Travis facebook page, that JM estimated his rebuttal case would take about 5 days.

Anyone know of anyone I'm missing?

She must've made money on the side somehow. Growing pot back in Yreka.

Wasn't she an associate at PPL? Did she quit PPL when she moved back to Yreka?


Now that would explain her relative ease with flying here, there and everywhere, driving tens of thousands of miles on a whim (one time with premeditated murder planned), renting cars, etc. Have often wondered, how on earth did she afford all of that working part time minimum wage??
I believe there is at least one person on the jury who is that stupid. Someone who says to himself, "it's all just circumstantial, nananana"!. I'm just hoping he gets cut.

Interesting you have used "he." Suspect the language is more indicative of a man, rather than a woman? Interesting.

If you are correct and there is a rogue juror who is dumb as a post and willing to let a cold blooded murderer go free, then a hung jury is a legitimate risk. The emptiest cans tend to rattle the loudest.

If this person is lying in wait on the jury, I pray then that your last sentence comes to fruition.
I believe there is at least one person on the jury who is that stupid. Someone who says to himself, "it's all just circumstantial, nananana"!. I'm just hoping he gets cut.

Is it really a he? It could be a she, no?

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