weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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Jodi's biggest defenders seem to be men. Same was true with Amanda Knox, but at least she was innocent.

The snarky tiger/bear question sounds like something a man would write -- a man who thinks he's smarter than he really is.


I would think the opposite would be true. Scorned woman bearing a grudge against some guy who used her and threw her over. Men are the biggest supporters? I'm trying to come up with a reason why...

I swear this trial has robbed me of some necessary brain cells. :facepalm:
The bear/tiger question bugs the chit out of me. The person who posed it either has an inflated ego or is dumb as chite can be. What was the point? What were they trying to understand? HINKY METRE (Pinellas effect_ for me. Bleh.

I hope that I am wrong or that the person gets eliminated.

For or against the State, there is something not quite right with that question.


I'm right there with you ..in the process of seeking a hand-wringing smiley ;)
It's a he. I'm sure of it. From what I've seen and read over the years, men are more dismissive of circumstantial evidence.

Or it could be the mother who knows nothing about cameras and believes Arias was used and abused by Travis. :gag:

I don't believe it though... I think this jury is on the prosecutors side.

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i have been curious about this - 1. was she hiding behind or sleeping under the Christmas tree 2. did other people that were staying at the house think that she had left 3. did TA think she had left 4.who discovered her sleeping or hiding behind the tree?

thanks to anyone that can help with my questions.

Wasn't this when Travis held an event at his house, with about 30 people staying there, Jodi was not invited. She showed anyway, announced to everyone that she was his GF...no, Travis said she is not. He said she had to leave because there was no room. People were sleeping in his room.
Jodi said on the stand, if I remember correctly that one slept on the couch and the other on the floor, holding hands all night.
Travis slept in his locked office and Jodi under the Christmas tree. He probably couldn't get her to leave. No way with 30 people everywhere in the house, did it happen like Jodi said. She's was covering her rear again with lies....stalker.
I'm about 24 hours behind in these threads, but who is the new guy sitting next to JA's Mom? What happened to JA's jail friend? TIA
I think the defense could not wait to get rid of her. She testified, Jodi said the knife was on the nightstand. Jodi said she shot Travis in the coset. Afterwards she said she misspoke. REALLY?

And don't forget the best part----she said she had testified on behalf of 2 men in criminal cases in response to a juror question and then had to admit on cross from JM that she had NEVER testified in a criminal case for a man. That was bad. Bad bad bad.

I would think the opposite would be true. Scorned woman bearing a grudge against some guy who used her and threw her over. Men are the biggest supporters? I'm trying to come up with a reason why...

I swear this trial has robbed me of some necessary brain cells. :facepalm:

I'm going by youtube/HLN comments mainly. They're usually men and they're the worst. They express nothing but hate for Travis -- they appear to fancy themselves as "knights in shining armor" (one even claimed that he was pin pals with Jodi and wanted to marry her). The female defenders are far more restrained. They'll often say that "he didn't deserve to die but", whereas the men are just wicked. One of these male defenders was seen posting on Jodi's facebook page. He's a nasty creature who detailed a sick fantasy of what he would like to do to Travis (gutting him with a knife) in a HLN comment.
I'm about 24 hours behind in these threads, but who is the new guy sitting JA's Mom? What happened to JA's jail friend? TIA

Donovan wasn't there Wed or Thur (I think)

Don't know who the man was.
Family/ friend maybe?
They seemed to be sitting
"close" when I saw them.

I don't mean to imply anything other than I don't think he as a stranger.
Maybe Donovan's dad?? :dunno:
Interesting article from the Washington Times:

Female killers Jodi Arias and Susan Smith: The "Scale of Evil"

What's quite alarming is this:

The Census Bureau reports as of 2009, there are 155.6 million females and 151.4 million males in the United States of America. This means there are about 2, 945,000 female and 11, 567,000 male psychopaths walking among us.


Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes....ias-and-susan-smith-scale-evil/#ixzz2QxsZaXmG

Thank u so much for sharing. This was such an interesting article & good read!
Perhaps, but I tend to think she invented the rope story to explain how she had such convenient access to a knife. No more, no less. And what gave her the idea were the rope-like fragments from the tassels on the pillows by his bed that are in evidence. Even there she couldn't keep her story straight. He left it in the bathroom; he left it on the nightstand; she doesn't remember where it was. :cow:

If he'd used a rope before, he'd already have it cut to the appropriate length and handy, inside a bedroom drawer. JA wouldn't have had to bring it/buy it. I call B.S.

I thought we had already come to the consensus that there was no rope involved...This was simply JA's excuse for having the knife "handy"...Like all her other lies about other sexual fantasies that SHE had...JMO
Many people have destroyed their cell phones by dropping them in the toilet so it seems to me that a lot of people would believe that running a digital camera thru a w/m would completely destroy it.

DIDNT JW:seeya: try to infer that JA being a photographer wouldn't make that kind of mistake.?
She found things she wasn't allowed to testify about because she started to mention detachment disorder and was stopped. I heard it. I think she could have said more than she did.

She could have testified about any diagnosis she found as long as it was disclosed to the defense in advance.
*coff coff*

First rule of ban(d) camp:

We don't talk about ban(d) camp.

Just wanted to say thanks for your humour and kind "iron fist". I went to an all girls high school run by nuns and I have to say , thanks to your pic, you remind me of the reformist, folksie nuns who taught us how to be activists-with-a-heart while learning advanced math and the the ukelele :giggle: your kind "admonitions " are enough to make us behave :)
Before this trial, I would have thought that deleting pics from a memory card would get rid of them completely. I would not have known they could be recovered, especially after going through a wash cycle.
She could have testified about any diagnosis she found as long as it was disclosed to the defense in advance.

Then Juan should have brought up the Psychopathic Deviate scale and how Jodi scored so high on it. It just sounds bad.
O M GOODNESS Mods and Administrators !!!!!

I'm in :anguish::gasp: Please forgive me :crossfingers: I just realized my :nono: Now I'm in :panic::panic: and :tears:

I've been here for quite awhile and joined a short time ago. That's my excuse for having clicked on the 'ALERT' triangle outlined in red several times one day. At least I hope it was only one day. I had no clue what that button was for until just now reading this 'Mod" note. I am so worried now that I may have caused any problems for anyone. Please if I clicked it one too many, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the posters that were affected know that I was just an uninformed newby who didn't know what I was doing. I am so ashamed because I do remember clicking that button triangle to see if it did anything. Now I'm going to see if I can find the head hanging down in shame smilie. I couldn't find a shame smilie so I used any that could pertain to my dilemma.

For Future Reference: On any well designed Web site (not just WS), if you run your cursor over any picture and/or icon a description will appear.
After testifying that Travis didn't want to be alone with JA on a trip to the Grand Canyon, this former roommate of Travis' said JA is taller than Travis was. Start about 35:25


I have wondered if she might be...
most pics she does look shorter, but in a few....
She looks taller. (maybe she is standing on something...
Her "inseam" is much higher than his... and her arms are sooo long!
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