Weekend Discussion thread 04/21-24/2012

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fully agree (said interesting read) and miss that cow too. JMO

Oh, I know. Just something I have felt like saying for a while now, bounced it off your post :)

(and while I miss the cow, I do NOT miss that rocking-face-hands-emoticon-thing... that drove me crazy!)
Perhaps not in trial - but I read about such back when the story first broke and his ex's were coming forward to the news(papers). For one example, see my post #69, in this thread, with a quote and link to an article that is still online. I recall having read others on this board, back then too.

They were not asked probably because the crown could not ask....?

I agree Alison and girlfriday. I find it hard to believe that not one, I repeat NOT ONE female that was brought into court said anything about MR and his sexual preferences. I wasn't in court and I don't know what all the legal arguments were about, but I'd bet dollars to donuts this precise topic and how it might affect the jury's perception of MR's character was why the Crown didn't ask and why not one witness said anything.

A date at Tim Horton's? What sort of future was he offering? Mickie Dees? It takes a desperate woman to accept that coffee at Tim Hortons or sex with a movie menu is a date.

What sort of coincidence are you seeing ... all their names appear to be Scottish, with the "Mc" and "Mac", but is there another coincidence?

haha, I have a friend and the fellow from POF after previously meeting her; the next meet or "date" was at McDonalds. I have been out of the dating circuit for decades however I think that I would not be so impressed with the coffee or mcdonald's date; no...it would say it all to me and I wouldn't go on the date. JMO I think if a fellow was truly interested in you he would go to much more effort than that for a date. JMO

A first date: For the young ladies if a guy is REALLY serious about you, still involves IMO
a. a reason to get dressed up
b. likely vegetables lol because you would be going to a nice restaurant!
c. car door opening
d. making sure you are warm and protected from the rain
e. the cell phones are off
f. the car is clean
g. you don't need your purse but if it matches your outfit go ahead and bring it ;)
h. a kiss on the cheek and maybe an embrace
i. heck you might even get some pretty flowers if he REALLY likes you ;)


Is ready for the clobbering lol JMO
haha, I have a friend and the fellow from POF after previously meeting her; the next meet or "date" was at McDonalds. I have been out of the dating circuit for decades however I think that I would not be so impressed with the coffee or mcdonald's date; no...it would say it all to me and I wouldn't go on the date. JMO I think if a fellow was truly interested in you he would go to much more effort than that for a date. JMO

A first date: For the young ladies if a guy is REALLY serious about you, still involves IMO
a. a reason to get dressed up
b. likely vegetables lol because you would be going to a nice restaurant!
c. car door opening
d. making sure you are warm and protected from the rain
e. the cell phones are off
f. the car is clean
g. you don't need your purse but if it matches your outfit go ahead and bring it ;)
h. a kiss on the cheek and maybe an embrace
i. heck you might even get some pretty flowers if he REALLY likes you ;)


Is ready for the clobbering lol JMO

No purse? Where would I put my cell, my wallet and makeup and the pepper spray? LOL

I don't see going to Timmie's or McDonald's for a first encounter as being bad especially if you met the guy on some dating site and it's your first face to face meeting. It's probably the safest place, imo. If things work out then perhaps a second more appropriate place like a nice restaurant would be the way to go. If he takes you to Timmie's for soup and sandwich or McD's for the happy meal on a second date....ummmm....he probably has no money or very limited money and he's either married or a loser. LOL

Was he trying to scrape the paint off of his car? The rear end of the car's paint (darker paint) looks like it was being removed. Also, he bought his car at Sun Auto in Toronto, based on his license plate cover. JMO


Interesting, but a very important quote in the article: "Hare argues that the test should only be considered valid if administered by a suitably qualified and experienced clinician under controlled and licensed conditions."

The same can be said about all psychiatric evaluation. When one is not qualified to make the assessment, it is not valid. One may form an opinion, make assumptions, but without being a qualified psychiatrist/psychologist, it is not fact.
Many psychological problems share traits/symptoms. Without the necessary qualifications, and a proper evaluation (which one would need to spend time with the 'patient'), it is dangerous and slanderous to label somebody as a psychopath, sociopath, or anything.
I'm not saying that the convicted and the accused are not psychopaths or sociopaths. They may very well be such. But we do not know for sure. And we never will know due to patient/doctor confidentiality. There are plenty of other conditions that either of the two may suffer.

Respectfully snipped for space :)

It is like some people with Autism are misdiagnosed with schizophrenia because they have many similarities. It is hard to diagnose mental illness in people with developmental disabilities( not saying either MR or TLM have one it is just an example of how hard it is to be diagnosed appropriatly).So I agree BQ no one should be using checklists to armchair diagnose others. MOO
Just because the crown hasn't asked these women about his sexual appetite it doesn't mean that he doesn't have some weird twisted sexual fantasy that's moo. Also the reason that he probably had to take money out of the ATM was because taking tori was a dare and I guess he really didn't think she would do it but was glad she did and he carried on with his life like nothing happened. He is far from innocent. Nothing can explain his actions. There are no such things as coincidences in a crime and this case has more than enough so called coincidences to lock him upand throw away the key.
Was he trying to scrape the paint off of his car? The rear end of the car's paint (darker paint) looks like it was being removed. Also, he bought his car at Sun Auto in Toronto, based on his license plate cover. JMO



What boggles my mind is that as far as we know not one person has come forward who was travelling on the 401 or anywhere else in Guelph to identify that car. How could you miss it? I'm pretty sure if I saw that heap on the road during an hour long run on the highway I'd remember it if it was three different colours. But not so much if it was all black.

High powered power washers, such as the type that are used in car washes, would likely strip the paint right off some areas of the car, especially the bumpers which are not metal. Even the purple colour didn't stay on those.

I believe it was Wendell who mentioned on the board that the car did have that dark purple paint about half way down the car when she saw it before the crime. But not the black.

But if you look at the two different angles from the Esso surveillance video you cannot see any of the blue or purple paint. I know it's grainy but you would be able to see some of it I would think.



This is pure speculation on my part, but I have been wondering lately if he specifically targeted TLM. Perhaps the meeting at the pizza shop was not by accident. Perhaps he had heard word within his circle about this crazy b**** who had been to jail, and was quite violent. Since his fishing expedition on POF was not turning out any kidnapping partner prospects maybe he went out of his way to track down TLM. MOO just theory.
I would also like to state that I do not think TLM is a victim or was manipulated by MR. I believe she was a willing participant in all events.
I so can not wait for the defence to start. Im ready to hear his side of the story and hopefully come up with a more complete picture of what happened that dreaded day. Why a little girl had to loose her life that day.
MR certainly doesn't fit the profile of an oxycontin addict.

The first noticeable thing about addicts is their appearance.

As an addict, their life is consumed with the search for drugs or the money to buy drugs.

Their appearance no longer is a priority for them.

Their personal hygiene becomes noticeably lacking.

Their teeth rot out and they scratch all the time.

Even Christie Blatchford commented on MR's conventional good looks and appearance.

I think MR is either an addict of some other substance.........or he isn't an addict at all and his drug use has been blown out of proportions.

If he kidnapped and sexually assaulted VS........it wasn't drugs that made him do it.

TLM.............is a whole different story............JMO......

I know many people who are addicted to oxy, and I disagree about the rotting of teeth and scratching. That is a sign of meth use not oxy use. All the people I know still continue to take care of the their personal hygiene and looks. The only physcial difference I ever noted with the abuse of oxy/percs was weight loss.
With these words below coming right from TLM's mouth, doesn't it sound like she was trying to convince MR that he has nothing to loose so let's do it sorta speak? Meaning it was TLM idea. However never the less to me it doesn't matter who 's idea this was. IMO.

"To Rafferty, however, McClintic made a vow if suspicion should settle on the couple. “I said that I would take the fall for everything, that I would say it was all me. He had more to lose than I did. He had a life, a job, things going for him and I had nothing.”

Rafferty purportedly pointed out the consequences of making such a claim. “You know that it would be first-degree murder, right?”

McClintic responded: “Yeah, but you’ve got more to lose than me. I’m just an 18-year-old junkie anyway so I’ll just take the fall for everything.”

I so can not wait for the defence to start. Im ready to hear his side of the story and hopefully come up with a more complete picture of what happened that dreaded day. Why a little girl had to loose her life that day.

I don't think we'll hear his side of the story nor will we see a complete picture. Whatever the defense will put on will be fabricated, a fairy tale if they decide to tell the accused murderer's side which I truly doubt. Look at what happened with TLM's cross? He admitted his client was at the scene. Ha! Good luck with back peddling on that one Mr. D. I honestly don't think the accused killer will take the stand.

The only defense that may work will be to find holes in the Crown's evidence. Example the blood evidence or the cell phone pings, etc.
What boggles my mind is that as far as we know not one person has come forward who was travelling on the 401 or anywhere else in Guelph to identify that car. How could you miss it? I'm pretty sure if I saw that heap on the road during an hour long run on the highway I'd remember it if it was three different colours. But not so much if it was all black.

High powered power washers, such as the type that are used in car washes, would likely strip the paint right off some areas of the car, especially the bumpers which are not metal. Even the purple colour didn't stay on those.

I believe it was Wendell who mentioned on the board that the car did have that dark purple paint about half way down the car when she saw it before the crime. But not the black.

But if you look at the two different angles from the Esso surveillance video you cannot see any of the blue or purple paint. I know it's grainy but you would be able to see some of it I would think.




What i don't understand is the window looks rolled down and his arm laying on the rim of the window frame. Who would have the window down when kidnapping a child?
What boggles my mind is that as far as we know not one person has come forward who was travelling on the 401 or anywhere else in Guelph to identify that car. How could you miss it? I'm pretty sure if I saw that heap on the road during an hour long run on the highway I'd remember it if it was three different colours. But not so much if it was all black.

High powered power washers, such as the type that are used in car washes, would likely strip the paint right off some areas of the car, especially the bumpers which are not metal. Even the purple colour didn't stay on those.

I believe it was Wendell who mentioned on the board that the car did have that dark purple paint about half way down the car when she saw it before the crime. But not the black.

But if you look at the two different angles from the Esso surveillance video you cannot see any of the blue or purple paint. I know it's grainy but you would be able to see some of it I would think.




Maybe MR watched "The Jackal" and figured he would paint the car before the crime, then wash off the paint....
What i don't understand is the window looks rolled down and his arm laying on the rim of the window frame. Who would have the window down when kidnapping a child?

I think he was on the way to pick up TLM and TS when these images were captured...The time stamp on the video was an hour ahead.
I wonder who the person was driving passed MR car as it leaves ESSO and if they saw Tori in the back?
I think he was on the way to pick up TLM and TS when these images were captured...The time stamp on the video was an hour ahead.

There was a video showing MR car going passed Tori school when TLM was walking and then MR car turned the corner. Is that the way to the ESSO?
Yes, you could get to the Esso station where this video was captured by driving past the school and then turning right onto Cedar st if you were going northbound on Fyfe by Oliver Stephens school, or if going southbound on Fyfe you would turn left onto Parkinson Road, the Esso is less than 2 minutes from the school....
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