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JUST A THOUGHT when thinking about this case. You had a NJ governor that threw it all away because he was in love with another man. Go across the river and you have another governor that does an encore performance. When looking at SC cases and if you only believe HALF of what I told you then ask yourself WHAT made these people do what they did.
THE STRANGE CASE OF LT. FITZPATRICK. Please keep in mind the following is in my opinion based on my experience in a major police department, news accounts, and other information accumulated over the years.
Lt. Fitzpatrick, 39 years with the SCPD. He is what I would expect to be the commanding officer of the homicide squad.
He happened to be the C.O. the night a Hispanic man named Lucero was killed in Patchogue. His detectives were called as prescribed by protocols set in place for an after-hours murder – no one answered their phones. It is clear this happened because the PD took away a 2 hour OT bonus to detectives on call to pick up the phone. Lt.Fitzpatrick is left out to dry by his detectives as he is the one that can be held responsible for their disregard for what is decent.
PC Dormer transfers Fitzpatrick out of Homicide and replaces him with a Lt. Pelkovsky. It is Lt. Pelkofsky that will be on board when the Gilgo Beach murders come to the forefront.

FYI - THIS WEEK is the anniversary of finding the bodies and Newsday doesn't have a peep about it. I think they would rather discuss rescues of squirrels etc
In trying to figure out the Gilgo case I have to suggest an important approach you should take to begin to understand what happened. It is really simple: The people charged with the investigation are ******* criminals, themselves. Everything they do is conflicted with their own crimes so much so they never know when the conflicts are going to jump up and bite them in the *advertiser censored*.
I think some of you folks are too quick to throw words around, e.g., serial killer, etc., While it sure looks like the work of a serial killer as we understand what is a serial killer it can be a distraction. For example: The DA and the PC couldn't agree if this was the work of one or more killers.

If I ever spoke what I really thought you might send the men with the white coats to come and get me.

It has always pretty much been my opinion is the people concerned, or at least the people that should be concerned know or have a pretty good idea how this happened. The idea they may not know is what scares the hell out of them because they don't know where it is going to lead. Enter Tom Spota. Get rid of Brewer and Bisset. Information leads me to believe they both have connections to another JB. If things weren't complicated enough for the DA a guy named Gary gets himself shot at the Oheka Castle. It is a good thing it happened after Christmas because JB wouldn't have his Christmas Party there and tell fellow cops how he beat the hell out of Chris Loeb for stealing his *advertiser censored* collection. Tom Spota jumped head first into that one by shutting everything down that he could possibly shut down.
I believe we must first trace back Jim Burke to the time the little fish swam up to the egg. Find out who he really is. This mutt seems to enjoy destroying families. There are gals like Heather, Susan, Courtney, and Tracey, to mention a few. One of the husbands of one of the gals put Jimmy on center stage to meet all the Swells. Can't say if Jim moved in on the wife while her husband was alive, but he sure was neck deep after the husband died. Now I am told that was funny. Love was in the air until the Lowrita story broke out and the new gal was ridiculed by her closest friends. We are talking about BIG money polo ponies set.
Newsday, LI's newspaper did a story about the life and times of Tom Spota. The reporter did a very good job writing what he could in a responsible manner. Yours truly jumped right in with the Comment Section. The policy seems to be the paper will keep Comments up for 48hrs. This didn't even make 24 hours.

Reporter wrote an excellent story within the bounds of being responsible - no fault there.
One issue I have with the paper is they should have used Spota's Mug Shot for the story. He is charged with obstructing justice for Burke. Burke is already in jail for obstruction to which he plead guilty.

Remember these same criminals are/were in charge of the Gilgo murders and the shooting of the owner of Oheka Castle.
Suffolk County Executive Bellone summed it all up several months ago when he said Spota is running a 'criminal enterprise'. !!! I guess one could say in this instance: It takes one to know one. BIG checkmark in my Bellone box for that one.

Remember when I first started posting I always inserted my son in law's case to try to show you folks what really happens in Suffolk County. Understand that and you can understand most anything. And I will still include the story until I have convinced you get it.

I told you folks for a few years, and others for at least a decade that the Suffolk DA and his Boy Wonder Burke are a crime gang. About a year ago SC Exec.Bellone went on the steps of the DA office and demanded Spota resign. Bellone said, and even I was shocked the DA office is a 'Criminal Enterprise.'

We now know Burke is sitting in prison, and we know Spota and his corruption fighting ADA McPartland have been indicted for obstruction of justice ( lying ) for covering up for Burke, who has already admitted to the essential crime of getting at least 10 subordinates to lie for him concerning the beating of prisoner Loeb.

Far as I am concerned Burke got off lucky because everyone knows that the crime he went to jail is the very least of his crimes.

Also, remember these two jokers pretending to be lawmen had been running the Gilgo Beach investigation.

My information is the FEDS are looking into Gilgo while they are rounding up the usual suspects in the other cases. Will the Fed succeed? Who knows because no one ever said it would be easy.

The indictment of Suffolk DA Tom Spota is a VERY BIG DEAL. How many prosecutors have we seen being arrested over the last decade in the entire USA? Yes, Virginia, it is a very big deal.

Since Spota's arrest and resignation our major LI newspaper, and the minor papers have almost forgotten about it.

The other day Newsday covered the 'legacy' of Spota in a front page Web edition. It was quickly moved to the bottom of the pages, and now it is gone and can only be found with a search.

The story did attracted several pages in the print edition. It was a fine article but not nearly as strong as it could have been. The reporter tried his best trying to be responsible.

Back to the Internet story. Comments usually have a 48 hour window. Of course, I commented at will. The Comment section was gone in less than 24 hours.

Bottom line is you ain't getting the whole news without the Internet and blogs like WS.
IMHO, The most notable UNSUNG HERO in the demise of Tom Spota and James Burke, and many more to follow is the former Newsday reporter TANIA LOPEZ.

It was Ms.Lopez that wrote the initial story describing the theft from Burke's SCPD car. The story was written two months after the theft. I read it because it was about Burke. Reading it I knew there was much more to the story, a story she wasn't allowed to write anymore than she had.

I am sure Ms.Lopez had already been contacted by inside sources that had had enough and wanted to bring what is now known a "Criminal Enterprise' down. The article, IMHO only encouraged other sources to supply Ms. Lopez with more information about Burke and the criminal enterprise.

Writing such stories is always a monumental task when a newspaper really want to write the whole truth until such time they can't ignore them..

So a tip of the hat to Ms.Lopez because, IMO, it was her story and others that brought down the Evil Empire.
I think there is no better example of why the Internet is important than the election of Donald Trump. Trump understood it better than no one else. MSM helped the cause by a constant non-stop bashing of Trump. I held my nose and voted for Trump because the alternative was disgusting.

Short story: The Donald TWEETED himself into the Oval Office.
Well said hawk.. I did the same with trump. Like you said before.. sometimes its not so much about who youre voting for than what youre voting against... Its terrible that investigative reporters/journalists get shut down and herded these days. A free press is so crucial to getting to the bottom of these dark truths. Reminds me of some old wise quotes..

Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, AN ENSLAVED PRESS and a disarmed populace.

It would be nice to see some newsday reporters go rogue and shine a spotlight on whoever is influencing their narrative and silencing comments over there. As fas as im concerned, they are complicit in this criminal enterprise and chain of tyrannical corruption by staying silent for a paycheck.
Truth is many of the people I speak to place a lot of the blame for the corruption on Newsday. Wild, isn't it? How do you NOT follow up on a story when the district attorney is arrested for obstruction of justice? Where are the stable of experts that are called upon to offer their expertise on such matters.

Who do they go to? They go to a guy in the system that has a very close relative up to her neck with gangsters and murderers. A person that has a close connection to Jim Burke.
Truth is many of the people I speak to place a lot of the blame for the corruption on Newsday. Wild, isn't it? How do you NOT follow up on a story when the district attorney is arrested for obstruction of justice? Where are the stable of experts that are called upon to offer their expertise on such matters.

Who do they go to? They go to a guy in the system that has a very close relative up to her neck with gangsters and murderers. A person that has a close connection to Jim Burke.

Hawk is there anything new or anything else you’d like to share? I look forward to your posts dude. Cheers

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Thanks for asking. You must realize this stuff I have been giving you comes over a period of 12+ years...... a little here, a little there. Then there is the life and professional experiences spanning many decades being in the "game" and who is to say I am right in many matters.

You should also know the government pretty much shuts down from Mid-December to some time in the next year depending on the individuals involved. Priorities change like the wind when the situation dictates it. The Criminal Enterprise knows this better than most. This is why I often heard Spota counseling Burke to keep a low profile and it will all go away.......it DIDN'T! Trust me when I tell what we have seen so far is only the tip of a very ugly iceberg.

I did hear from a pretty good source that investigators are roaming around certain town offices about certain allegations and the questions they are asking is not really so much about the allegations, but about the personal habits of the target and his friends, i.e. , prostitutes, wild sex parties, etc., etc, etc.

Best I can tell you it is NOT OVER by a longshot. The EDNY now has a new US attorney in the wings.

What troubles me more than anything else is to open up the newspapers and see Chuckie Schumer administering the Oath of Office to our new district attorney.

I take you back to the words of the late federal judge David Trager after concluding the NYS SIC investigation into corruption and misconduct in Suffolk County DA and Police. He said that unless things are fixed fast in SC the entire criminal justice system is at risk of being infected. Sorry, Judge, you were a buck short and an hour too late....... the patient was already dead.
I guess by now (above) what the heck is he talking about? What I am suggesting is the moron Spota had all of this and MORE sitting right out in front of him and was only concerned about framing an innocent man to make his little Boy Toy happy. My deep intelligence source passed some of the information to the FBI and even they were shocked.

The above link is the beginning of a monster story of corruption that spreads throughout the United States.

Spota had Joe Careccia sitting in a Long Island hotel(s) for a year and all he got from him was lies about my former son in law. The people Careccia was directly connected to are the same people connected to the people in the link above. I assure you that Careccia was a mere pissant character used to steal money for them in the several mortgage and real estate companies set up for him by these people and organized crime.

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