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I’ve been around since dial up Internet and chat rooms... but I was super young and more interested in making a cool AOL profile than anything else lol.

But for real, the old sites smiley face things are super 90s. Lol.

AOL, those were the good ol days! My Tandy 1200 baud modem took forever to connect, LOL I was dialing up before there was graphics or even color! It was all text.
AOL, those were the good ol days! My Tandy 1200 baud modem took forever to connect, LOL I was dialing up before there was graphics or even color! It was all text.

a/s/l Lmao. I’ve been on the Internet for most of my life. I firmly stand by my opinion that the 90s smiley faces gots to go
Lol noooo let’s join 2018 and use modern emojis

Lol! I have to admit, I've never gotten used to the emoji thing. I think most the people that use them don't understand the different faces. I'll be texting with someone about something really serious and all for a sudden they send a "laughing with tears" face and I'm thinking, "are they laughing at me or do they think that is a crying face?" And I'm always afraid to ask... o_O
Lol! I have to admit, I've never gotten used to the emoji thing. I think most the people that use them don't understand the different faces. I'll be texting with someone about something really serious and all for a sudden they send a "laughing with tears" face and I'm thinking, "are they laughing at me or do they think that is a crying face?" And I'm always afraid to ask... o_O

In my experience, many people (especially In the generations above me) think the face is a crying face, but it’s really supposed to be a “laughing so hard I’m crying” face.

Anyway, I would love for WS to move towards emojis and get rid of the outdated smilies. I see a LOT of very intelligent and savvy true crime lovers on other forums, but they are turned off by the older feel of WS... the main gripe I read about is the smiley faces and signatures lol. I love it here but understand their opinions.
In my experience, many people (especially In the generations above me) think the face is a crying face, but it’s really supposed to be a “laughing so hard I’m crying” face.

Anyway, I would love for WS to move towards emojis and get rid of the outdated smilies. I see a LOT of very intelligent and savvy true crime lovers on other forums, but they are turned off by the older feel of WS... the main gripe I read about is the smiley faces and signatures lol. I love it here but understand their opinions.

Seriously? I'd say about 70% of the time emoji's don't convey enough information for me to "get" the person's meaning. Smileys seems to have such a broader range of subtly and are more fun, IMO.

Probably a generational difference. This is me when it comes to emojis:
Seriously? I'd say about 70% of the time emoji's don't convey enough information for me to "get" the person's meaning. Smileys seems to have such a broader range of subtly and are more fun, IMO.

Probably a generational difference. This is me when it comes to emojis:

Yes, I think it’s a generational thing. I wouldn’t even know how to go about using the smiley you posted. but my girlfriends and I can send each other a single emoji and it says it all.

ETA - regarding people being turned off by the old school format of smilies here. I get it. It isn’t as welcoming to younger users. And a lot of younger people are excellent at sleuthing, just given our experience with the Internet. That’s not to say other generations aren’t great at sleuthing, I just personally think and gather from things I’ve read on other forums, that maybe things such as those smilies and long signatures are a little off putting to the younger crowd... a crowd that has a lot to offer in terms of sleuthing. For instance, the younger crowd had a lot to do with helping resolve the Lyle Stevik case imo.
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Not sure if it works like this for everyone, but the only time I now need to click on the tiny dot to go to my first unread post is if it was a thread I was watching on the old site and I hadn't looked at it on the new site.

Once I've looked at the thread fully on the new site, I only have to click on the thread title and it takes me to the first unread.
I only use history. If one of my threads in history has the thread title in bold, I automatically know it has new posts for reading, then I click on that title to read them.
Hi all - sorry for the long post, but haven't read here since yesterday!

Steleheart said:
I miss showing 100 posts per page.

You & me both!! I look at how many pages there are on a thread and go YIKES!! Forgetting that it is only 20 posts per page and not my usual 100!! :)

@Tricia - anyway you or probably Dave can make it that when you "hover" over the page # - it shows you "what number" the posts are on that page?? TIA!

Also... :) Can we not have back where it shows "who" is on that thread you are reading? You can't really tell. After posting on a particular thread I'll get an Alert that someone just posted on that one that I had just posted on....

Tortoise said:
Clicking on the little blue dot at the left of the thread title then takes you to the first unread post.

I'm not seeing this "blue dot". Is it really light blue or dark blue?

Wire154a said:
My popcorn's popped and I'm ready for the next invasion. What'll it be tonight? Logogram spam?

Personally I haven't seen any Chinese, Thai or Korean posts....

bears10 said:
a/s/l Lmao. I’ve been on the Internet for most of my life. I firmly stand by my opinion that the 90s smiley faces gots to go

Okay - "old" person here! :) What do the smiley faces of the 21st century look like? I'm curious. Can you post a few? TIA!

bears10 said:
Anyway, I would love for WS to move towards emojis and get rid of the outdated smilies. I see a LOT of very intelligent and savvy true crime lovers on other forums, but they are turned off by the older feel of WS...BB the main gripe I read about is the smiley faces and signatures lol. I love it here but understand their opinions.

Oops! I'm one of those people that like to use as many smiley faces as I can.... and re signature, we could only have one smiley face on that!

Shiressleuth said:
I only use history. If one of my threads in history has the thread title in bold, I automatically know it has new posts for reading, then I click on that title to read them.

And does that take you to the first unread post? When you click on the title? TIA!
I'd go in fear of Mark Forums Read; all it did for me was wipe out all my Watched Threads. (I now have to re-watch them, and waste another click on that.) Otherwise it seems to have accomplished nothing.

Otherwise, I am still baffled as to why New Posts does not actually show all new threads and posts.

For me it does show new threads when I click on new posts.

Eg. Heather Barboza, no replies:

Then what is the point of alerts if I have to take other steps to see updates on threads I follow? Idk, I consider myself pretty tech savvy and I am not finding my experience to be user friendly.
Well I guess it's a matter of finding out which features you like or prefer to use.

I turned off alerts to new posts and likes for instance but kept the alerts for posts replying to my posts, so that I don't have to trawl through hundreds of alerts.

If I can give an example - if I am following one very busy thread and I know that when I log in the next day there will be at least 10 new pages of posts (I don't know currently how many posts there are per page but say there is 10 so that's 100 new posts) I would prefer not to have 100 alerts, but to be able to go to one tab, my watched threads tab, and see the one thread there showing that there are posts I haven't read yet. Then I can hit on the blue button or the thread title which takes me to my first unread post on say page 80 of the now 90 pages, read say 2 pages and if I don't have time to read all 10 pages the next time I come back to it it remembers and takes me to page 82 etc. where I left off viewing. So my watched threads tab is better for me than hundreds or thousands of alerts. I suppose on a slow case that only has one new post every month an alert would be more instant, so I know there is a new reply as soon as it is made, if I am busy on a different case, without having to check my watched threads tab. So if I'm not following any busy cases I might turn that alert feature back on temporarily.
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I'm not seeing this "blue dot". Is it really light blue or dark blue?
Neither, it's mid blue :D

But not every one has it apparently, just as some people can't see post numbers on a phone unless they turn it sideways, I suppose it depends on the device or something. Clicking on the thread title works the same.
Neither, it's mid blue :D

But not every one has it apparently, just as some people can't see post numbers on a phone unless they turn it sideways, I suppose it depends on the device or something. Clicking on the thread title works the same.

My mistake. I thought that blue dot was on the actual thread, but I see on my "Watched Threads" the blue dot! And it works! LOL!
In my experience, many people (especially In the generations above me) think the face is a crying face, but it’s really supposed to be a “laughing so hard I’m crying” face.

Anyway, I would love for WS to move towards emojis and get rid of the outdated smilies. I see a LOT of very intelligent and savvy true crime lovers on other forums, but they are turned off by the older feel of WS... the main gripe I read about is the smiley faces and signatures lol. I love it here but understand their opinions.
Tell me about it. My daughter called me from overseas on my son's phone yesterday and I couldn't even work out how to hold the darn thing to hear her or to speak, whether to look at it or hold it to my ear or to shout at it LOL. (LOL is another one that makes them crease up, I see them lowering their eyes and exchanging sideways glances and grins at each other, apparently it's not hip to use LOL anymore) Anyways my son told me I was holding the phone upside down and I lost my patience and flounced off shouting "don't call me on this thing, call me on the land line!" They all thought that was very funny so I said just you wait, one day... when you have kids!
I dunno. I think it does - just try it. I miss moo cow .
Hi all - sorry for the long post, but haven't read here since yesterday!

You & me both!! I look at how many pages there are on a thread and go YIKES!! Forgetting that it is only 20 posts per page and not my usual 100!! :)

@Tricia - anyway you or probably Dave can make it that when you "hover" over the page # - it shows you "what number" the posts are on that page?? TIA!

Also... :) Can we not have back where it shows "who" is on that thread you are reading? You can't really tell. After posting on a particular thread I'll get an Alert that someone just posted on that one that I had just posted on....

I'm not seeing this "blue dot". Is it really light blue or dark blue?

Personally I haven't seen any Chinese, Thai or Korean posts....

Okay - "old" person here! :) What do the smiley faces of the 21st century look like? I'm curious. Can you post a few? TIA!

Oops! I'm one of those people that like to use as many smiley faces as I can.... and re signature, we could only have one smiley face on that!

And does that take you to the first unread post? When you click on the title? TIA!
Still unclear on why not all new posts appear in New Posts.

Also, those tiny spectacles that indicate one has seen a thread? They appear seemingly at random on titles of threads I have never clicked on.

Odd. The real problem, though, is New Posts.
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