Welcome To Websleuths # 2

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I agree wholeheartedly that the list above needs thinned, consolidated, and made less anecdotal in its accounting (but I did want to capture the frustration many posters have felt when they initially posted their issues).

Also, and again: are any of the issues raised, resolved? Especially need to hear from those who posted the problem(s) initially. My main issue - problems with thread titles (see above and anon) - has not been as yet.

Please understand we are doing the best we can. We had several very big issues we needed to take care of and now we are trying to tackle your issues as fast and as best we can.
We will be removing all video ads until we can figure out a way the ads will not drain your batteries or cause problems with your ability to post.

The removal of the ads will take place by the end of the day.
If you are having issues with Websleuths timing out here is what we need from you:

*A screenshot of what your screen shows when you are timed out

*As close as possible to the exact time the timeout happened

Thank you,
I'm going to my Samsung again to see if any of these kinds of ads show up.
Those ads should not be showing up on Websleuths.

Could you please take a screenshot of the ad Ranch and say where the ad is appearing? In what thread and where in the thread? If not in a specific thread then where on the forum?

Thank you,
Dear Everyone,

Please know that we are working daily on Websleuths along with any issues that may be coming up.

I came to Los Angeles for Websleuths business and was out of contact for several days. I'm now finally catching up on everything.

We ask for your patience. There are many things going on behind the scenes that take up our time. Things that have to do with keeping Websleuths running. We are not a big corporate company with a huge paid staff.

While your criticisms sting, they have the truth. I wish we could get to all your complaints in a much quicker manner.
I will do my best to come on this thread at least once a day to post an update. If I miss a day please know it's not because I am out partying. It's because something else on Websleuths needed to be taken care of right then and there.

Thank you for sticking with us.

Those ads should not be showing up on Websleuths.

Could you please take a screenshot of the ad Ranch and say where the ad is appearing? In what thread and where in the thread? If not in a specific thread then where on the forum?

Thank you,
Grrr, I have been since 6:30 am trying to get a page to come up on here - load! My patience are wearing thin in trying to use this new site.

Why can I take not be fixed???? Why can I not have control of my ipad' , If I hit backspace, it takes lines out.then it die, one mistake and it takes forever to correct it.

I am just about ready to leave, I spend more time making corrections where the system does its own thing, the web page has to reload and I loose my post, waiting for the page to scroll, etc. The problems are not improving!

Keep in mind it may be something on your iPad and therefore something we cannot fix. It seems that this is mostly happening on iPads which I just do not understand.

If you could please write down what thread you are trying to post on and what time this happens. That way we can cross check and see if there are issues with ads on that page. Please post the info here when you can.

I was participating in a thread in regard to the missing / now found girl in KC, MO. Then today I got a redirect to Error: you do not have permission to view this thread. Is that because of a post that someone didn't like or against rules. If it is shouldn't someone say what it was? I don't understand.

Also what are trophy points? Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

As far as the thread there is a good chance it was pulled since the girl in question was a minor. We pull all missing person's threads if the person is found alive and a minor. This is to protect their privacy when they try and look for work or apply to a school. The last thing they want to pop up in a Google search is the time they went missing for whatever reason.
I’m also getting the dating sites for foreign ladies. I definitely haven’t been browsing dating sites. It’s quite embarrassing if someone happens to glance at my phone just as the scantily clad lady ad appears.

This should not be. Can you tell me how long ago this happened? If it happened a while ago then the problem has been fixed. If it happened yesterday then we need to look into it again
Okay, help me out, here, peeps - my copy-and-paste Issues List is more or less up to date as of yesterday in terms of issues raised, BUT some of these may have been corrected somewhere down the line. Which (if any)?

Also, I selected for inclusion only issues which affect all posters, and thus didn't record the frequently raised Tapa Talk item (although it is very real).

Feel free to use the list in any constructive way. Abridge it to meet your needs. I am reassured that if the issues raised are correctable, they will be corrected.

The feature to track your "place" on the various threads is so inconsistent.

Nothing now can be deleted entirely.

If I add someone to my ignore list they still remain in my "followers" list. Is there anyway to stop someone you have "ignored" from being able to follow you?

My biggest issue is that the search bar still doesn't bring up new threads.

Swiping text up or down does not work once the post has a certain length (on the iPhone). I cannot select text at the end of the post and swipe up to get to the toolbar and select a function (i.e. to add a link or quote).

Is there a way of seeing who is on a particular thread? I miss knowing who I'm prattling on to, makes it feel a little less interactive.

Are we no longer able to tell who we are posting with in real time? (There used to be monikers at the bottom of each page.)

Contrary to previous hopes, the new site is not friendly to the browser on my phone. I have a lot of trouble with it freezing, dragging on forever, posts appearing out of order, text/screen hopping around, hard to see/click on links, kicking me out of other apps, etc.

Would it be posible to add an EDIT and DELETE button in the Conversations area? Especially the EDIT!

Thread titles still looking raggedy. Need fix for caps/lower case dilemma.

Our "likes" are calculated for all to see? For some that may be great, but to see in black and white (ok black and tan) that you're low man on the totem pole and everyone knows it, it's just embarrassing. Honestly, it makes me feel like maybe what I contribute here isn't deemed helpful or something.

My ‘recent threads’ and ‘latest replies’ lists are identical. Is that correct and if so is there any need for both? Or am I missing something?

"New Posts" seems not inclusive of every "new post."

I’m logged in and all the posts previous to the change to the new forum have all those symbols for apostrophes and quotation marks. Drives me batty reading old threads.

One can't edit titles after posting threads, and therefore take care with your titles.

When posting threads, your title may suffer fallen capital letters if you punctuate it.

Another needs fixing issue concerns listing the location of your thread, state- or country-wise.

For example, instead of appearing in caps, the t in a Connecticut abbreviation appears as Ct instead of capitalized.

Successive capitalizations appear with their second and following caps lower-cased (i.e. LE for law enforcement appears as Le).

These thread title issues pock the site with unsightly errata, and therefore mar the ultimate seriousness of WS.

They need to turn down the anti-caps lock filter. You should be able to type at least three or four caps in a row.

Sometimes I get alerts about new posts in threads I’m watching, and sometimes I don’t.

New Posts doesn't even show me the threads I've posted.

Another thing of note for me is the "like" vs "thanks for your post". Many posts are for links or comments to horrific things. I feel uncomfortable about "liking" them, and would rather have stuck with thank you for your contribution to the thread.

It'd be nice to see who is viewing a thread.

With the previous format, you were able to go to your subscriptions page and create folders. This was easier to organize all the threads that you were following instead of having one folder with 150+ pages of subscribed (or watched) threads.

How is it that I registered almost 13,000 posts over eight years but only have one like (my ego took over here).

Depending upon the forum I am in, I am now getting a "Not secure" warning or icon (depending on browser) in the web address -- related to "unsecure content". Is it the ads on those particular pages? I just noticed same warning now as I try to post.

THE SERIOUS ISSUES are these: members' phones or laptops getting hot;
Members' phones using an inordinate amount of memory while on WS;

Ads interfering with the most essential asset a WS member enjoys: the ability to post freely and easily.

I have seen several mention it, but I absolutely hate that big ad that pops up before the thread. Because it takes a few seconds to fully load and when I scroll, it happens to touch a spot it is loading in and now it thinks I have some random disease that I keep getting more ads for. And the video autoplay ads.... just no. Please. My typing right now is about 30 characters behind because the video playing is messing it up.

Everything seemed normal for the first week or so, but now, we are back to ads that mess with function. Sorry, but its annoying and off putting.

I went way over my gigabyte download allowance this month I just found out and BT want to charge me extra - it has to be these videos constantly playing. I also have to have the volume turned down constantly because of it. Plus the slowness. I am going to alert on my post. I recommend others check their download limits and charges.

It’s funny you should say this as I’ve just discovered I used far more data last month. I have 25gb a month so luckily didn’t go over. I usually use no more than 2gb a month. I’ve used 4.9. I haven’t done anything differently. It didn’t occur to me it could be the ads.

Oh ok. I will honestly keep the top ad if I could get the videos to stop. I can barely type and my phone is burning hot.

I started having problems with new site after the ads showed up . Freezes screen continuusly while trying to read threads. So very hard to compose & post. I can only visit in short spurts because it gets worse & then my Samsung device begins to get very hot. I have to turn my phone off after visiting here. No problems at any other websites.

When that "sound" symbol shows up in the top of my screen, that means a video ad is playing. My entire phone lags or freezes and gets BURNING hot. I mean burning. Like I am worried it's going to combust kind of hot. I don't care about necessarily using tapatalk, but sadly, the lag, freeze the screen and burn the phone will make coming here impossible. Please fix it!

And I have to agree on my laptop getting HOT!! I just had it cleaned so that is NOT the problem - I'm thinking it's those ads!! Had a ton of problems yesterday in trying to post and scroll even! Frustrating to say the least....

I agree with those complaining about the ads and the videos playing at the bottom. Too busy and site too slow now. (Fecking dating ad just jumped up the screen while I am typing this asking me if I am male or female)

Very spotty today also, across the board. Has anyone heard anything recently from Admin about the progress of tweaking?

I'm not here much either. I'm having issues posting on my computer.

I totally agree with everyone. Im a long time lurker and lagging, videos playing in the background, battery drain and hot phone is making me so frustrated to the point, i havent been coming on here much apart from this thread to see if its been fixed yet. excuse any typing mistakes my phone is glitching as i reply.

grrrr.... frustrated with lag and freezing up.

It does not matter which browser I use. I clean out cookies/cache regularly -- just did, made no difference.

I really love being a member of WS and am just disappointed that my time spent here is now more frustration and waiting than actual discussing/sleu
thing. :(


Thank you for compiling this list. It is very helpful. I really appreciate your patience and your willingness to go the extra mile.

The big problem is not everyone is having a problem. Where one member says they are leaving because it is so bad another member says they are having no problem at all.

Here are a few things I can answer for you on your list:

*I totally agree with everyone. Im a long time lurker and lagging, videos playing in the background, battery drain and hot phone is making me so frustrated to the point, i havent been coming on here much apart from this thread to see if its been fixed yet. excuse any typing mistakes my phone is glitching as i reply.

When we remove the video ads I think you are going to see several problems disappear. I would venture to guess the lag time issue, the freezing up issue and maybe even the timing out issue might all go away when the video ads are removed.

*Nothing now can be deleted entirely.
You should be able to delete your post within one hour (maybe two) of the creation of your post. I know you can edit in that time frame. Let me double check on this and make sure of the setting

*Another thing of note for me is the "like" vs "thanks for your post". Many posts are for links or comments to horrific things. I feel uncomfortable about "liking"
them, and would rather have stuck with thank you for your contribution to the thread.

Unfortunately, this is a Xen Foro issue. The only thing they offer is "like". I agree with what you are saying. I wish we could go back to "Thank You" but there is no option available.

To all of you who have been helping other members figure out their issues thank you very much. It is a great help to those of us working behind the scenes to know you all are helping each other.
Take Care,
As far as the thread there is a good chance it was pulled since the girl in question was a minor. We pull all missing person's threads if the person is found alive and a minor. This is to protect their privacy when they try and look for work or apply to a school. The last thing they want to pop up in a Google search is the time they went missing for whatever reason.
I understand. The thing about this particular case is that the male suspect is still MIA. I believe it was found that the girl went willingly. Mostly the fact that her Grandfather was shot and left after they took off. I believe there should be follow up on this one in that this is not just a foolish thing a kid did with an older guy and goes away with the juvie records. Grandpa nearly died.

I understand. The thing about this particular case is that the male suspect is still MIA. I believe it was found that the girl went willingly. Mostly the fact that her Grandfather was shot and left after they took off. I believe there should be follow up on this one in that this is not just a foolish thing a kid did with an older guy and goes away with the juvie records. Grandpa nearly died.


I didn't even realize that thread had been pulled already. Good news, is the suspect was arrested: Man charged after Amber Alert issued for missing 15-year-old Kansas City girl
But now there is no thread to post this update on.
I am still having issues with the font and vision trouble. Is there a way to allow a setting to be changed by each member so we can set our "default" font to our own choice? I'd like to have this reply box come up automatically using a larger size font instead of having to find the tiny icon for size-settings, but see nowhere to do that. (Always on an ipad here)

Thank you.

Can't you double tap to Zoom?
For the last week or so, and CONSTANTLY today, I’m getting “This webpage was reloaded because a problem occurred.” (iPhone on Safari) I went through and wiped my cache and cookies and it’s still happening. I’ll report back later when the ads come down to see if that fixes it.
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